We Fit Together Like Ying And...

By JustYouWaitAndSee

45.4K 689 95

To the human population Savanna's parents died of an unknown cause, but her and her brothers know the truth... More

Our New Home
The Day We Met
Getting Closer To Jacob
Beach Time
There's a fire starting in my heart
The Kiss
The Suppose Date
The Transformation
The After Effect
Getting Away
It Was Only Just A Dream
Her Fault
Micheal and Leah's Plan
Micheal and Leah's Plan Part 2
Just A Kiss
My Best Friend James Levar
The Threat
Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid
I Miss You

The Untold Story Of Pain

2K 40 3
By JustYouWaitAndSee

::Jacobs POV::

My mind was racing a mile a minute. What did she mean it was too dangerous for us to be together. Just that thought made my heart clench. I sat at the table with Tyler and the rest of the pack at Sam and Emily's house. Everyone was talking happily, choosing to ignore my heartbroken self. I just can't believe that she denied me. My own imprint denied me.

Growling I stand up and walk out of the house. Embry and Quil calling after me. I just ignored them, letting my legs take me to my car. Getting in my truck I start it and speed down the street. My head felt clouded. I didn't know what I was doing. I just knew that I had to get my mind of off Savanna. Savanna. She looked so beautiful today. It made my heart hurt to not be close to her. To not be able to wrap my arms around her and never let go.

Shaking my head I pulled in front of the familiar white house. Bella's truck was in the driveway. Hopping out of the car I walk up to the door and knock. Bella opened the door and a bright smile shown on her face.

"Jacob!" She yelled hugging me. I wrapped my arms around her small body and buried my face in her hair. It didn't feel right though. Bella pulled away, still smiling. It didn't compare to Savanna's smile. Stop it! You came here to stop thinking about her! Sighing I smiled.

"You gonna let me in bells." She giggled, making me smile more. I always did like Bella. Maybe just maybe, I can forget about Savanna and be with Bella.

::Savanna's POV::

I had gotten to the house, by myself might I add, in less than 30 minutes. My brother, Micheal, car was there too. Not something I was expecting. Walking into the house I walked into the living room where I heard the noise coming from. Micheal looked up at me as I walked in.

"Hey Vanna. Where'd you guys go?" He asked me, noticing my shorts and tank top.

"We went to the beach with some friends. You should try cliff diving." I told him with a small smile on my face. He chuckled.

"Yeah I think i'll pass. Maybe another time." I nodded. Sitting on the couch beside him I sighed.

"Whats wrong Vanna?" He asked. I looked down and fiddled with my fingers.

"Come on Vanna. Tell me." Biting my lip I nodded.

"Jacob. He... He called me beautiful and said he couldn't stay away from me."

"What's so wrong with that?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Everything is wrong with that statement! You know just as well as I do that i'll never have a chance at a real relationship! You know how dangerous it would be for him." Micheal sighed and took my hand.

"Look sis I know you think it's too dangerous, but maybe your wrong. There haven't been any signs of the person that killed mom and dad. Your save." Shaking my head I stood up.


"Save it Micheal." Walking away from him I walk up the stairs and into my room. Throwing my beach bag on the ground I lay on my bed. Sighing I feel suddenly very tired.

::The Dream::

2 weeks ago

"Mom! Dad! Micheal! Tyler! I found one!" They were beside me in a matter of minutes. Dad smiled at me happily.

"Good job Vanna." I nodded.

"What is it?" Micheal asked. Dad sighed.

"Its another tracker site." Mom gasped.

"But I thought there weren't any here." Dad sighed.

"We were wrong." Mom looked at dad, a frightened look on her face.

"Raphael what are we going to do? What if they find us?" He shook his head and growled.

"They wont find us. I promise you that."

"Dad. Are we going to practice today?" I asked, giddy to get to practice my powers again. They were just now starting to develop. They were suppose to develop when I turned 7 or 8 but they hadn't. Mom worried that I didn't have one but dad reassured her that I was just a late bloomer. Now that my powers were showing up I was happy. I wouldn't be the outcast in the family anymore.

He looked at me and shook his head.

"Not today Vanna. We have to find a new place to live." Tyler groaned.

"Im tired of moving dad! Why not just kill them!"

"Tyler!" Mom said, appalled.

"What mom. You know that it was be better to just kill them and get it over with! Then we wouldn't be running away anymore." I nodded. I was one hundred percent on Tyler's side. Dad thought otherwise though.

"No. We will not stoop to their level. Now Miranda and I will go back to the house and pack all of the stuff. You three go and find somewhere to hide. Me and you mother will find you when we have all of the bags." We nodded.

"Be careful." Mom whispered, hugging us. Dad came and hugged us after her. After that they took off running, away from us. Looking at Tyler and Micheal I waited.

"Lets go this way." Micheal said, pointing west. Nodding we ran beside him. I was suddenly glad for inhuman speed. Sounds of footsteps came behind us. They were running fast, but not as fast as us. Running faster we dodged trees and jumped over bushes.

I had been running so fast I didn't notice the when somebody jumped out from behind the trees until he knocked me down. Screaming I pushed against him, trying but failing to get him off of me.

"Tyler! Micheal! Help!" I kept thrashing against the mans hold. We had been wrestling each other for a few second until he was pushed off of me.

"Micheal!" I yelled as he fought the man. Since he wasn't on top of me anymore I had a better view of his face. Pink skin, brown hair and a scar on the side of his face. Micheal was putting up a good fight but I could tell he was starting to get tired. The man grabbed something from out of his back pocket. Gasping I looked at the dagger in his hand.

I had seen pictures of that dagger. That dagger was used to kill demons. Demons like me, Micheal and Tyler. Micheal's eyes widened. I watched in horror as the mans hand came down. Just as it was about to stab him in the chest, something happened. Everything happened so fast. One minute Micheal's about to be stabbed and the next the man is coughing and choking. Blood oozed out of his mouth and he dropped to his knees.

Blinking I noticed I wasn't in the same spot as before. Somehow I had moved behind him.

"S-Savanna?" Blinking I looked up at Micheal. He had a worried look in his eyes.

"What happened?" I whispered. I knew he had heard me though. He slowly walked around the, now dead, man and grabbed my shoulders.

"You killed him Vanna. Stabbed him right in the back with your hand." My eyes widened. Shakily I looked down at my right hand and saw the blood. Blood covered my whole hand. My nails had grown longer than normal.

"H-How?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Uh guys I think we should get outta hear." Tyler said looking behind us. Nodding we took off running again. We ran for a few minutes until we didn't hear the footsteps anymore. Panting we sat down by one of the tree trunks. Checking my watch I saw that it was now 10:30.

"Guys. We've been out here for 2 hours. Mom and dad haven't come back yet. Should we go looking for them?" Micheal looked at Tyler and they both nodded. Standing up again, I wiped my still bloody hand against my pants, smearing some of the blood on my pants. Cringing I took off running behind Micheal, Tyler beside me.

It didn't take long to get to our house. Running inside I smelled the blood before I saw it. Gagging I looked away. Covering my mouth I felt the tears streaming down my face. Blood was spattered everywhere. Our bags were by the door. Our mom and dad laid on the ground, in a pool of their blood. Sobbing I got down on my knees

"MOM!! DAD!!" Sobs racked through my body. Clutching my hair I sobbed louder. Feeling arms around me I turned and cried into their shoulder. Closing my eyes I clutched his shirt.

"Shh. Its okay Savanna." I shook my head furiously.

"No! Its not! Their dead Tyler! Mom and dad are gone!!" Tyler rubbed my back and whispered soothing words into my ear. They did nothing to calm me down. No, instead they had the opposite affect. Anger bubbled up inside of me. Pulling away from Tyler I glared at the floor. Something was happening inside of me but it didn't scare me. I encouraged it, embraced it. The house suddenly started shaking, thunder crackled outside. My eye sight became more pronounced and my hear sharpened.

My canine teeth grew longer and sharper, along with my fingernails. My hair felt like their was electricity in it. I could practically hear it crackling. Growling I narrowed my eyes.

"S-Savanna?" Turning around so fast I should of had whip blast I glared at Tyler. He gasped and scrambled back. Did I really look that bad? Looking from Tyler to Micheal I saw the look of fear in their eyes. Looking between them I ran out of the door and into the woods. Thunder and lightning lightened up the sky. Ran suddenly started to pour down from the sky, drenching me in a matter of minutes. I barley registered the fact that I was running faster then normal.

I didn't know where I was going. I just knew that I had to get away from there. From the sight of my parents, in their own pool of blood, dead, broken. Never to hug me again. Stopping I sat on the ground, my back against a tree. Pulling my knees to my chest I cried into them. Heart broken sobs echoed through the woods.

"Look what I have here." Looking up I see a man. Dirty blonde hair, brown eyes and stubble on his chin. He smirked. Scrambling up I leaned against the tree and narrowed my eyes at him. My canine teeth were still long so I knew whatever transformation I had went through hadn't went away...yet.

"Who are you?" He smirk grew wider.

"Im the person whose going to kill you." My eyes widened. Turning around I took off running in the direction I had came from. He chased behind me easily.

"Tyler! Micheal!" Yelling their names I dodged trees and ran around them, trying to get away. He was coming up behind me fast. I had to lose him. Jumping I grabbed a tree limb and pulled myself up. Jumping from limb to limb I put more distance between us. After awhile I looked behind me to to see if he was following. When I didn't see him I smiled. Yes, I lost him! Turning back to the front I gasped. There he was standing on a tree limb in front of, a big smile on his face.

Jumping down I back away. He jumped down too and stood a few feet in front of me. I knew I wouldn't be able to get away from him so I did the only thing I could think of. Narrowing my eyes I went into a low crouch and growled. He chuckled.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk. Such a shame to have to kill a pretty girl like you." I glared.

"The only one whose going to die is you!" He smirked and disappeared. Blinking I looked around me. Where the hell did he go?

"Looking for me?" A voice whispered in my ear. Jumping away from him I spun around just in time to see the dagger from before. It scrapped against my arm. Hissing I grabbed my arm. He chuckled, licking the dagger and smirked. I glared.

"Sicko." He smiled and disappeared again. I took that as my chance. Running as fast as I could I finally made it out of the woods and into the house. Micheal and Tyler where still there. They hadn't moved an inch since I left.

"Guys! Come on we have to go!" They looked up at me, startled.

"Savanna! You came back!" I sighed.

"Of course I came back! Now hurry! Before he shows up!" Grabbing two of the bags I ran outside and to the car that was parked out front. Opening the back door I threw the bags in the back. Running back inside I grabbed the last bag.

"Guys! We have to go! Like now!" The urgency in my voice must have snapped them out of their shocked state. Running out of our house behind me. Throwing the last bag in the back seat I hopped in the car. Tyler got in the passenger seat and Micheal got in the drivers side.

"Shit! I forgot the keys!"

"I got it!" Hurrying out of the car I ran back into the house. Grabbing the key's off of the counter I looked around the house again. Looking past the blood stains and my dead parents on the ground, I was really going to miss this place. Sighing I pushed the tears back. This was not a time to be crying. We had to get out of here.

Running out of the house I stopped in my tracks. The guy was back. He stood in front of the car. Glaring at him I hissed. He smiled at me.

"You think I was going to let you get away." I growled. Running at him at full speed I saw him brace himself for the impact. Smirking just when I was about to hit him I turned to the left and ran to the back door. Opening it I hopped in and locked the door. Handing Micheal the keys I yelled at him.

"Come on hurry!" The man turned around and watched us with a fascinated look on his face. He smirked and walked closer to the car. Micheal finally started the car and backed it up. Turning around in my seat I watched him. His mouth started moving and I could hear what he was saying very clearly.

"You can't hide from me. I'll find you and when I do im going to kill you."

::End Dream::

Gasping my eyes snapped open. Sitting up I took deep breaths to slow my heart down. Sweat dripped from my body making my clothes and my hair stick to my face. Gasping I finally managed to get my heart to stop beating so fast. Getting up I walk into the bathroom, turn on the hot water and strip. Stepping inside the shower I let the hot water calm my muscles. Once I was done with my shower I stepped out and dried myself off. Looking in the mirror I put my hair into a long side ponytail.

Putting on my clothes I walk out of the bathroom and lay on the bed. It was dark in my room which really didn't help my mood. Picking up my Mp3 player off of the dresser beside my bed I turn it on. Putting my head phones in my ear I put if on my 90's album. N Sync's Girlfriend started playing. Images of Jacob popped into my mind. I sighed and rolled onto my side, Pulling the cover over me. Closing my eyes I went into a perfect dream of me and Jacob.

::Jacob's POV::

I layed on my bed, under the cover. My arms behind my head and a soft smile on my face. I had spent the whole day with Bella and not once, except for when I first got there, was Savanna on my mind. Thinking back on it I had spent the whole day thinking of me and Bella. How perfect we were for each other. Fine if Savanna didn't want to be with me then I had Bella. Smiling brighter I closed my eyes, expecting to see Bella in my mind but no. Instead I see Savanna. Her beautiful blue eyes. Her long, beautiful hair.

Sighing I pinched the bridge of my nose. Images of Savanna swarmed my mind. Her beauty made my heart clench, the need to have her in my arms was unbearable. I needed her like I needed air. I needed her like I needed air. I knew that nothing could change the way I feel about her. Im just going to have to put a lot of effort on making Bella my only focus.

My eyes opened only to droop close as my dream was filled with Savanna.


:D  How was it? I hope it wasnt too cheesy or anything! Comments are greatly appreciated! Come on people! Comment! Dont be silent readers :)

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