
By Nicole565

94.3K 5.8K 606

**** This is the follow up book to House Number 1402, i suggest reading it first, or else some of this wont m... More

Seeing Red
Good Time For A Run
Family Time
Breaking Point
If It Ain't One Thing...
Here We Go Again
Swimming In Crazy
Home Sweet Home
Into The Conference Room
Love, Lies, and Creepy Guys
The Note
Loose Ends
Mission One: Recovery
Waking Up
Personality Disorder?
Mission Two: Let It Blow
This Can't Be Happening
Evening Out
Far From Over

Waiting Game

2.8K 207 22
By Nicole565

Jackson POV 

I sat quietly as Steve quickly cleaned all Sadie's wounds. He moved extremely fast so that he could hook me up to her. Once her cuts were all wiped clean he inserted an IV into her that was connected to a bag of clear liquid and then did the same to me. Once we were both hooked up, he set up another tube and bag that was linked between the two of us, and soon enough my blood was running into her veins.  

"Hopefully your blood will help her heal faster," Steve said as he finished situating our tubes.  

"Yeah, hopefully," I replied. I was sitting on the couch that sat right next to the one that Sadie was on. I obviously had to be close for the blood transfusion, but even if I wasn't giving her my blood, I wouldn't have been able to leave her side.  

Steve didn't say anything more, he just went back to working on Sadie. If possible, her wounds looked worse once they were all cleaned up. The cuts were deep and jagged, they were beginning to bruise around the rims and looked very swollen.  

I couldn't watch Steve as he worked, every time he stuck the needle in her skin to close the wounds it pained me. I couldn't feel her pain, hell I didn't even think she could feel her pain, but I just couldn't handle seeing her so broken.  

I looked around the room and watched as the other wolves were being tended to. Thankfully, we didn't have too many wolves injured and there was only lost one in the fake attack. I sadly didn't even know the wolf who had died, but I still felt horrible. It was always painful to lose a pack member.  

As everyone worked they repeatedly glanced over at Sadie every few moments. Ethan stayed perched against the wall once he got checked over and cleared, he kept his eyes on everything happening in the house. I could feel his wolf on edge, not truly believing that we were safe. It was to be expected; he had just seen Sadie, his friend, brutally abused and had to allow his wolf to have full control to get us out. He probably wouldn't be back to normal for a few days. It was better that way though, the hunters were sure to retaliate, but we would hopefully have them blown into a million pieces before that happened.  

My front door being forced open and slamming against the wall caught everyone's attention.  

"Where is she?" Andy growled out, surveying the room.  

No one moved or spoke, we could all feel his wolf, which was totally on edge. Andy looked like he had been living under a bridge for months. His hair was messy and looked dirty, his cheeks were sunken in and his clothes were dirty. All in all he looked completely insane. "What are you doing?" I asked between clenched teeth. 

"I'm here because Sadie was taken and my pack wouldn't allow me to help. She is my friend and you bastards left me out!" He yelled.  

I took a few deep breaths, attempting to control myself. I couldn't get mad, I couldn't get into it with him, because I was hooked up to Sadie. All I needed to do was sit still.  

"You need to calm down," Ethan said, stepping over to him. "Now is not the time to act like this." 

"I'll act however I please," Andy growled out. "He shouldn't be allowed to have her!" he pointed his finger at me. "He can't even protect her." 

"Are you suggesting that I take away Jackson's mate?" The Alpha asked. I had no clue where he came from, he hadn't been in the room previously. I couldn't even see him from where I was sitting, but I could hear him and the authority and anger in his voice, even if he asked the question calmly, the man was pissed.  

"Yes," Andy replied calmly. 

"And then what? Give her to you, like she is nothing? Like she has no choice?" I growled.  

"If you gave her a choice, she would pick me." Andy stood taller, deviance written all over his face. He was being completely serious. I couldn't believe it.  

"You understand what you're saying right?" Ethan asked with a small smile on his face. "You're saying that you want to take another wolf's mate," he finished when Andy didn't reply. 

"Is that correct?" The Alpha asked. 

Andy only nodded, causing my whole body to stiffen in response. I was close to losing control, but kept reminding myself that I would hurt Sadie if I moved. I believed that he wanted Sadie, I knew that he wanted her, but hearing it and confirming what I already knew seemed to make it worse. With every move he made and every word he spoke, I grew more and more angry. 

As if sensing my dilemma, Elly crossed the room and stood behind me with a hand on my shoulder, "Just calm down, you won't do any good for Sadie if you react to this," she whispered in my ear. I allowed her words to swirl around in my head as I took several deep breaths.  

"Well then, I'm sorry to say this, but Andy Williams you are banned from my pack and have one hour to leave the territory before you are treated as a Rogue with intent to harm." The Alpha said.  

"You're joking," Andy snarled. 

"I assure you, he is not. If you refuse to leave, I will gladly remove you," Ethan answered. He still had a smile on his face and his arms were crossed over his chest, I got the feeling that somehow Ethan had been waiting for this exact moment. 

Andy made no move to leave, he just stood there like a statue, sending me a hatred filled glare. I returned his stare with my hand over my IV, ready to rip it out if absolutely necessary. I didn't want to do it, but I did want to kick the shit out of the guy. He had been pressing my buttons since the second I found out about his little crush and I knew eventually we would have to fight it out, it would be the only way his crazed wolf would back off.  

When Andy still made no move to leave, the Alpha spoke, "Cal, Darren, please remove this rogue from the house. Oh, and make sure he leaves the territory also." 

"With pleasure," Cal growled out. Andy had made himself public enemy number one. No wolf in our pack would look at him as a friend anymore. The second he defied the Alpha and admitted to wanting my mate, he became the enemy.  

Cal and Darren each grabbed ahold of Andy's arms, causing him to snap out of his staring contest with me and begin to thrash about. "This isn't over!" He yelled at me as the boys pulled his flailing body from the house.  

"Well that was foreboding," Steve spoke up. 

I turned my head to see that he hadn't stopped working on Sadie when Andy rushed in, nor did he stop when he spoke. Sadie's left arm was completely bandaged and he was beginning to bandage the right. Color had begun to return to her face, giving her cheeks a slight pink flush.  

"How is she?" I asked. 

"It's hard to tell right now, I had to up the dose of Morphine due to your blood burning it off, but she will live. I'm hoping these scars won't take as long to heal as her hands did." Steve spoke as he continued to wrap her arm.  

"When are you going to blow the base?" Elly asked. Her voice surprised me, she hadn't spoken since we brought Sadie in. In the time I had been away, they had become very close, Elly no longer wanted to be rid of her sister. It was strange to witness, but it was better than watching them fight constantly, although I would miss Sadie's crazy sister pranks.  

"Not until Sadie is healed." The Alpha replied, "I don't want to leave until she is doing better, also I was hoping they would call in reinforcements and we could kill even more of those crazy bastards. If we give them a few days that may happen." 

"I like the sound of that," Ethan agreed.  

"What about the other Alpha?" I asked, "Trent's parents." 

"They were both severely beaten," Dean spoke, "They were weak as hell because everything in their cell was silver. The only thing that wasn't was the floor, which was freezing cold stone." 

"So their alive?" I pressed.  

"Yeah, we got here about thirty minutes before you did and since their wounds were mostly superficial they were easily tended to. They are both resting at the pack house." The Alpha concluded.  

"Trent and Brinley seem to be getting along better too," Elly added, "I guess they just needed his parents back to help them cope." 

"Something like that," the Alpha replied, giving me a small smile.  

Steve had finished with Sadie's arms and then moved onto her legs. "I can honestly say I haven't seen wounds like this in a while, even though she didn't have her guts hanging out or anything like that, these will take a good while to heal. Every time she moves these damn things will split open." 

"So, pretty painful then?" I asked.  

"Very," Steve replied.  

"My poor baby," Kate sobbed, clutching onto the Alpha.  

"Don't worry Luna, they will pay," Ethan promised.  

Once Steve had finished with Sadie and the ladies of the pack had finished tending to the wounded, we all just sat around in the living room, keeping our eyes on Sadie. If she weren't human it wouldn't have been as scary. A wolf would have started healing everything the moment the silver was gone, but she was only half wolf, and never turned and that made her healing abilities closer to human. Human's died from wounds like hers and that was the worst part part.  

Every few hours Steve would replace the bags that were hooked to mine and Sadie's arms, giving me a few moments to get up and stretch and allow the Luna time to shove food into my mouth. I wasn't exactly weak from sharing my blood, my wolf made sure I was ok, but I was slightly light headed and definitely hungry.  

"I think we can unhook you Jack," Steve said calmly, "Her color has returned and all her vitals are normal, but don't go too far just in case she tanks after I stop the infusion. I want to be able to hook you back up quickly, if necessary." 

"I'm not going anywhere," I replied. I held my arm out for the Doc, more ready than ever to get the needle out of my skin. I wanted to be able to sit closer to Sadie, to watch her, and hold her hand. None of which I could do while I had the IV in.  

Steve began to remove the tape from my arm just as Sadie began to twitch, "Doc, I think she's waking up," Ethan said in an irregularly high voice.  

Both Steve and I froze, looking over to Sadie. Her fingers were moving and her feet were twitching. She let out a soft moan and my wolf rejoice at the sound. I kept my arm in place and moved my body into an awkward position so that I could see Sadie's face. Her eyes were moving around under her lids, she was definitely trying to wake up.  

We all stood still and silent, watching every move Sadie made. Soon her eyes began to flutter open and she blinked rapidly. Her eyes eventually stayed open and she looked down at her arms and immediately began to scream and thrash her body around.  

"Kate I need morphine!" Steve yelled out.  

"Get away from me!" Sadie yelled, "Somebody help me! Jackson!" She had tears running down her cheeks and her face was red. She was exerting way more energy than she should be.  

"Unhook me!" I yelled frantically. 

"I can't find it!" Kate yelled.  

"Calm her down!" Steve ordered before running out of the room.  

Sadie was still screaming and throwing her body around. I could feel the needle in my arm tugging painfully with every move of her body. I made the quick decision of ridding myself of the damn thing and ripped the needle out of my arm. I quickly and carefully jumped onto the couch, straddling Sadie's body with my own, making sure to put no weight one her or touch any of her injuries. 

"Get off me! Jackson help me! Someone help me!" She continued to scream.  

My heart was breaking at the sound of her terror. She didn't know where she was, she thought she was still being held by the hunters, and only she knows what she thought was happening. I grabbed ahold of her face and forced her to look at me, "Sadie I'm here, I got you." 

She stopped screaming and moving the moment I spoke. She opened her eyes up and stared at me. My breath caught in my throat at the sight of her eyes, her yellow eyes.  

"Move your arm," Steve ordered as he came back into the room. I sat up but didn't take my hands away from her face and held her gaze. Steve stuck a needle into her bicep and I watched as her eyes glazed over and she fell back into a drug induced sleep.  

"Her eyes, they were yellow," I whispered to Steve.  

"Don't get too excited boy, your blood is running with hers, it's probably why her eyes looked like that." He replied. "Then again, I guess we won't know until she wakes up, and is in her right mind. Now get off her, she split some of her wounds back open." 

I looked back at Sadie's face as I stood up, she no longer looked pained and I wiped away the tears that covered her cheeks.  

Looking around the room I took in everyone's faces, horror was written all over them. Elly and Kate were crying into their mate's chests, while all the boys just stared with sadness in their eyes. Ethan looked the worst though, I knew he saw Sadie as a sister, and this was killing him just as much as everyone else.  

I walked over to him, putting my hand on his shoulder, "Dude, go see Clair, I'll call you if anything changes." 

Ethan nodded his head, "Yeah, I probably should. I bet she's really worried." 

"You can bring her back here if you want," I added seeing his indecision. Of course he wanted to see his mate, but his Alpha half wanted to stay and make sure that Sadie would be alright.  

"Ok yeah," he said, perking up slightly, "I'll do that." 

I watched Ethan leave the house in a hurry and then turned and went back over to sit by Sadie. I grabbed ahold of her hand and rested my head against the couch. As I stared at her beautiful face, I couldn't help but hope that she may be turning.

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