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Jackson POV  

My whole body stood frozen, along with Ethan, as we stared at Sadie. Blood covered the floor around her as it continued to drip from her arms. I wasn't sure why I hadn't noticed her immediately, most likely because I was too consumed with the amount of silver in the room. Her arms were ripped apart, looking like she was attacked by some wild animal. There was so much blood that I couldn't tell where, or how big her cuts were.  

My breathing caught in my throat and I swear my heart stopped beating at the sight of her. My brain stopped working, it was almost like my whole body had shut down. I couldn't handle seeing her like that. I began having a total Romeo and Juliet moment, thinking that if she died, I would be right behind her. I couldn't even bare to think about how I would live with her not breathing right beside me.  

The longer I stared, the more I felt paralyzed. It wasn't until Ethan shifted his stance, catching my attention, that I finally broke out of my shock and began to think. I ran over to the table and gently grabbed onto her face, "Sadie baby, can you hear me?" I begged. Her eyes moved behind her eyelids as if she were trying to open them, but they never did. At least I knew she was alive. At that thought my heart began to beat normal again and I found it easier to breathe.  

I looked her over quickly, noticing that she had skin hanging off her arms and that she was strapped down, way more tightly than necessary. I pulled on the thick strap that was holding her wrist but I couldn't get it to budge. 

"Ethan! I need a knife," I called out frantically.  

"They're all silver," he replied quickly.  

I turned away from Sadie and looked at the wall. Everything was pure silver as I had already noticed, the blades had no hilts on them, there was no handle or anything that would protect us from the damage silver would cause. "Take your shirt off and wrap it around your hand, and then grab some damn knives," I ordered, pulling my shirt over my head. 

By the time I had my own shirt wrapped around my hand Ethan was beside me, holding out a knife. I could tell he was nervous to be holding the poisonous weapon by his rapid breathing and the way he couldn't stand still. I knew that's how he was feeling because that's how I was feeling. I already had a burn on my hand from the damn door handle, I wouldn't be of much help if I were to get burnt again.  

I grabbed ahold of the knife with my wrapped hand, "Get her ankle and wrist on that side, I'll get this side. After she is free, wrap her arm in your shirt. She can't lose any more blood," I ordered out quickly. This would be the only time that Ethan's wolf would allow me to call the shots. When it came to mates, it was best to just let them handle things. I was sure my wolf would have gone crazy if Ethan tried to be in control. Sadie was mine and mine only, I would be the one to decide how things about her should be handled.  

I quickly began to cut through the thick strap that held Sadie's wrist down, burning her skin in the process and causing her to whimper. I cringed every time she made a sound and so did Ethan, but there was no avoiding it. Once her wrist was released I let out a gasp, the skin underneath it had been rubbed away, leaving bloody raw flesh in its place. She must have been trying so hard to get free.  

"Damn Jackson, this is bad," Ethan said from the end of the table.  

I looked over to see that he had freed both her ankles, and they looked just as bad, if not worse than her wrists. "She's fine, we'll fix it when we get back," I growled out. My wolf wanted revenge. He was clawing at my skin, seething like a rabid beast, demanding the heads of any hunter within a 50 mile radius. "How much time do we have?" 

Ethan looked down at the sleek black watch that he wore on his wrist and let out a frustrated sigh. He ran his hands through his messed up hair, "It's already six, our pack has probably already retreated, so we need to move faster." 

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