Healed (Harry Fanfic)

By NooOneeKnowss

5.5K 164 68

When Isabella loses her closest friend, everything in her life changes. She becomes distant. Her old friends... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 13

216 6 9
By NooOneeKnowss

The next day, while Harry and I were eating lunch at school, Niall came and sat with us. Honestly I was utterly surprised. He had been completely avoiding us and now he decides to sit with us? But I was taken from my thoughts when I saw his expression. He looked like he was going to kill someone's cat.

"Can we help you?" Harry said rudely, earning a smack on the arm from me.

Niall jumped, like he barely noticed we were here though he was the one who sat with us. He stayed silent, looking at us closely. He took a deep breath.

"I know I've been avoiding you guys, I have my reasons. But it's not anything you guys did, and, a-and you have to know I'm so sorry," Niall said, whispering at his last statement.

I furrowed my eyes, "It's okay, really," I assured him. He looked so beaten up and exhausted. What was going on with the poor kid?

"No, I'm really sorry," He said seriously, looking me in the eye. I sat back slightly. A feeling I did not like was forming in my stomach. Why was I getting the feeling he wasn't just apologizing for ignoring us?

Just then the bell rang and Niall shot out of his seat and out of the cafeteria. I watched after him, completely worried. Harry was watching too, and I wondered if he had the same feeling I did.

"Anyway," Harry said slowly, "I need to go, I'm leaving early. I want to go make sure my moms okay, she's been sick lately," Harry explained. I frowned, Anne had gotten a bug and we still had yet to figure out what bug. Harry was keeping a close eye on her and it warmed my heart to see the love he had for his mom.

I nodded, walking him to the school office so he could check out. He gave me a lingering kiss before ushering me to get to class. I laughed, walking to class. The rest of the day I noticed Niall wasn't there any longer. I only pushed him from my mind and concentrated on school.


I was freaking out completely. It was seven now, dark outside and I was worried. I'd been trying to get a hold of Harry since I got home but he wasn't answering. I had called Anne to ask if he was still home and nearly choked when she said he never came home. I quickly lied, telling her he just showed up on my doorstep as to not worry her.

Where could he have gone? Had he lied to me about going to his moms? No of course not, he wouldn't do that. But what if he did? What if he went to go sell drugs even though he told me he'd stopped? There were so many questions running through my head I didn't know what to think.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Niall's number and cursed under my breath when he didn't answer. Maybe he would have known where he was? Though I doubted it strongly it was worth a shot. But now I was even more worried. Niall had been acting strange all week, why wasn't he answering? Was he in trouble?

With my last shred of hope, I dialed Harry's number one last time. It rang two, three, four, times before a click was heard. But it wasn't a click that would send me to voice mail, it was a click that let me know he had picked up.

I took a deep breath, "Oh thank god, Harry I thought something had happ-," I began to say but was cut off. 

"Hello Isabella," Zachs deep and cold voice said over the phone. I could feel the blood drain from my face, a look of what I could only assume was horror over taking my facial features. 

"I told you this would happen Isabella, I warned you. We could have so easily solved everything, Harry wouldn't have needed to get hurt, if you had just came with me," He said. The whole time I was silent. I didn't know what to think or say. I was completely shocked, not expecting this at all, what so ever. 

"I'm going to give you one last chance, Isabella," He said calmly. I bit my lip, knowing Harry wouldn't want me to do this, but what else could I do? They were going to kill him. 

"What is it you want me to do?" I said, just loud enough for him to hear. 

"That's a good girl," He chuckled.

"Isabella, don't-" I hear Harry's voice begin to say something, but he was cut off by his own grunt of pain. My hands tightened into fists as I screamed into the phone not to hurt him.

"Then listen," Zach snapped, "There is a note on your kitchen counter with an address, go to it, and do not bring anyone, we'll know if you do," Zach said before hanging up. I brought my hand to my mouth in shock and began to pace. I felt like I was going to have a panic attack any second. I was hyperventilating like crazy. 

Not sparing a second longer I went to the kitchen and found the note. Quickly reading over the address, I dashed out of the house. But not before leaving my father and Jake a note. I didn't know what was going to come from this, but I did know it would be very bad. Jake and my father should be home in about half an hour and it should give me enough time. 

I left the house and made my way to the address. It was a small building all by itself. It was old and rundown, obviously abandoned or shut down. As I made my way inside quietly, making sure no one saw, I noticed it was an old boxing arena. Or something of the sorts. As I walked in, two people grabbed my arms and lifted my feet from the ground. I struggled against them but it was no use. I was taken to a room in the back of the place, where they threw me on the ground. 

I looked up and gasped. Harry was tied to a chair against the wall in the back of the room. Wide awake and watching me. He didn't look to bad but you could tell he had been hit here and there. I quickly made my way over to him, not saying a word as I caressed his face. Harry stayed silent, glaring at me, obviously upset I had come. I ignored his gaze and kissed his lips. I jumped away from him at the sound of a single clap.

"That is enough of that, it's time to get down to business," I turned to see Zach. It was the first time I had seen him in light. I would be lying if I said he wasn't handsome, but his personality and sick ways made him a lot uglier. 

"First things first, bring in the kid," Zach said to one of the large guys by the door. I furrowed my eyebrows, what kid? Who else had he taken? My jaw dropped when the large man walked in with Niall. He held his head down in shame, not meeting my eyes.

"Niall, I'll let you go, after you tell Isabella here what you did," Zach said. Niall slowly raised his head and I brought my hand to my mouth in shock. He was a million times worse than Harry. 

"I brought Harry here, to Zach," Niall said emotionlessly before hanging his head again. 

"W-what?" I asked, bewildered and confused.

"I'm sorry," Niall whispered, "They threatened my family Isabella," Niall spoke getting louder.

"Alright! That's enough, get him out of here," Zach said. Niall was quickly taken out of the room. I didn't know what to think. One part of me was so mad at Niall, but the other understood. He did what he had to do, Zach had threatened his family. I probably would have done the same in his situation. But there was still that seed of anger in the pit of my stomach.

"What do you want?" I snapped. Zach smiled and slowly walked toward me. With his every step forward I took one backward. My back hit the wall and I cursed. I tried to slip past him but he grabbed me and slammed me against the wall before I could.

"Don't fucking touch her," Harry yelled, making me jump. He struggled in his confines which only made Zach laugh, taking amusement in it. I so desperately wanted to go over and sooth Harry but I couldn't, Zach had me trapped. I wanted to know what he wanted already, I could give him money if that was what it was. But I had a feeling it wasn't going to be that easy. I discreetly checked the time on my phone to see that my family should be home right now. And at the last second I quickly remembered to turn the sound off. It was rather stupid of Zach to not think of taking my phone away in the first place, but I wasn't complaining. 

Zach turned to me and planted his hands on my waist. I put my hands on his chest and tried to push him away, but it didn't work. What the hell was he doing? If he was trying to get on Harry's nerves, he was doing it. I turned my head to the side to see him struggling against the ropes, probably burning his wrists in the process.

"You fucking bastard, get away from he-" But he was cut off from his rant when Zach pulled out a gun and pointed it at him.

"Don't!" I said, grabbing Zach's attention, "Please don't, he'll be quiet," I said, giving Harry a pointed look. Zach glared at Harry before turning back to me. 

"Now, to answer your question, you," Zach said, "What I want is you."

Why? What had I ever done to him? What was so important about me that made him want me? More importantly what did he want me for? What would he do to me? My stomach churned in disgust with all the possibilities. There was too much he could do. What would my family do? They would be devastated. 

I was ripped from my thoughts when lips were pressed against my neck. I gasped, struggling against Zach, trying to push him back with all my might. Tears welled in my eyes as his tongue trailed a disgusting line up my neck to my jaw. There he started to suck and I let out a yelp of pain as he grazed his teeth against my skin harshly. The clanking of Harry's chair was heard as he continued to struggle. 

"P-please," I whimpered so only Zach could hear. He chuckled but pulled back none the less. 

"I can give you money, just let us go," I begged. Zach threw his head back and let out a bark of laughter.

"I don't want your money!" He said, tightening his grip on my waist painfully, "I want you, and I shall have you. You humiliated me that night, but I was intrigued. And then I saw you and how in love you were with Harry, and I knew I had to have you. Besides, Harry owes me some serious debt and this is the perfect way to pay for it," He explained, crushing his body against mine. I groaned in pain as he held my hips with his. I knew trying to change his mind would be useless.

"You'll let him go?" I whispered. Where the hell was my family with the police? Had they really chosen today to come home late out of all days? I swear they had the worst timing.

"Isabella," Harry said softly, obviously not expecting this. And by the look on Zach's face, he didn't either. But a smile quickly spread over his face. A triumphant one that made me want to gag. I was beginning to come to the terms that he may actually take me if my family and the police didn't get here soon. 

"And I'll never touch him again," Zach said. But just as the words left his mouth, police sirens were heard from down the street. I took in a deep breath, hoping they would get here in time. Zach was stunned slightly, just enough to let me get out of his grip and next to Harry. 

"You little bitch!" Zach said after coming out of shock. I didn't think he was going to do anything, so I gasped in complete fear when he pulled out his gun and pointed it at me. Was he really going to kill me? I honestly wouldn't be surprised. 

But before I could finish blinking, the gun was pointed at Harry.

I could have sworn my heart stopped.

"I warned you," Zach said. 

And at the last second, just as he pulled the trigger and the gun shot was heard;

I took a step to my left. 

"Isabella!" I heard Harry cry.

Pain was all I felt as I slowly brought my hand to my upper stomach. I pulled my hand away to see blood covering my white skin. I didn't notice the police barging into the room or hear the sound of glass shattering. I didn't notice Harry walk in front of me until we were outside as he carried me towards what I could guess was an ambulance. But I couldn't hear or feel or see anything more as I was consumed in darkness.



It was all I could feel.

Pain and nothing else.

It was in my stomach and it hurt to just breath. I groaned, lifting my hand and placing it on the pained area. When I tried to lift the other hand it was restricted by something holding it down. I could hear people talking quietly close by. Had they seriously not heard me yet?

I lifted my head as much as I could without causing myself pain. I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face as I saw the familiar curls on the back of Harry's head. Realizing he was the one holding my hand, I tugged on it. Harry's head whipped around and stood up, knocking his chair out from underneath him. 

"Isabella," He whispered, and before I could answer him, he had smashed his lips against mine. His hand slipped under my head and supported it as he continued to try and squeeze our lips together. It was almost as if he was trying to make them one. I chuckled into the kiss and turned my head to get him to stop. But all he did was trail the kisses down my neck.

"Harry," I giggled hoarsely, which soon turned into a cough that caused slight pain. Harry pulled back, eyebrows furrowed in concern. I merely rested my hand on his cheek and asked for water, which he greatly gave. Then the doctor came in and checked over me, informing that I'd been asleep three days, and would need to stay in the hospital another week. Then my family came in and it got very emotional. I wasn't too happy about staying in the hospital another week, but it wasn't what I was worried about. I wanted to know what happened to Zach.

"Harry, what happened to him? Is he in custody?" I asked after the doctor left. Harry's face fell and he looked down at his lap. I frowned as well, worry consuming me. He had to have been taken into custody. What else could they have done to him?

But Harry's words, were not what I was expecting. 

"Zach..." Harry paused, "Isabella, he got away."


Quick A/N!

To the very few who actually read this story, I would really appreciate if you did a favor for me! I just made a tumblr and I'd love it if you went and followed me! It'd mean a lot. And thank you so much for reading my story! Please vote and comment on how you guys think it is or what you want to happen. I'd love to hear it. Thank you so much.

This is my blog http://haaaaaarrystyles.tumblr.com/ !(:

Alicia. xx

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