Love The Hurt Away

Por LourDarden

554K 29.6K 9.2K

After two years from when Dessiah and her daughter Delaney were thrown out of her home in the rain by her tri... Más

Love The Hurt Away
When Opportunity knocks
Crossroads (Let Go Let God)
To Follow A Dream or Not To Follow A Dream?
Late Nights, Last Night (Part 1)
Temporary Goodbyes (Part 2)
Hello,Tokyo (Part 3)
Take My Breath Away (Part4)
So.....Who you with?
More Than A Conquer
Scattered Ideas
Game Changer
If Only You Knew
Are You Paris?
Get It Together (Late Night Dinners)
Breaking Point
Live Your Truth
Double Team
Are You Awake
Here With You
Protected By Him
Go Back
Fatal Warnings (Part 1)
Go Hard Or Go Home
Whose Up
"Lord Keep Me Near The Cross"
Dessiah POV
Party Pooper
Set The Record Straight
I love you
Too Much Too Soon (Official Chapter)
Cherry Blossoms (Official Chapter)
His Quality Time (Official Chapter)
To Tell him or not to tell is the question (Official Chapter Part 2)
Fix It Jesus! (Official Chapter Part 2)
One Man, Several Problems (Official Chapter"
"I cant Believe I'm Here" (Official Chapter)
Did You
Paris Dreams (official Chapter part 2)
Until You Come Back to me Decision
Final Product
Official Chapter "Altered Plans"
Official Chapter "Unknown Messenger"
Worth More
Farther Along The Journey (Chapter)
Did you?
NOLA Baby (part1)
No Harm No Known Foul
The Big Payback
One Loss, One Unexpected Surprise(Chapter)
Be Careful What You Pray For
Everything Comes To The Light
Do You Still Love Her?
In Search Of His Heart
Don't Let Me Down
Have You Seen Her
Giving Up
Breaking, Broken, Risen
Give Me Whats Mine (Official Chapter) pt 1
"Past Demons Resurrected" Part 2
For My Love
Hanging On For Love (Official Chapter)
Shots Fired (Official Chapter)
Epilogue(Official Chapter)
New Story coming

Big Easy Ain't So Easy

3.6K 319 97
Por LourDarden

Hi Honeybees so I have some great stuff for you. As for the challenge of what is Dessiah's husbands name and where did you find it? Well it was really close and I appreciate all who participated. It was close by literally two minutes. Who submitted first and correct. The winner is Beautifuldezz. Congratulation Honeybee. This chapter is dedicated to you. You will also get the next chapter before anyone else. Once I complete it of Thank you for you submission. You are the Honeybee Baby In a NOLA accent. I will inbox you the chapter once completed. Don't be said guys there are more contests to come. Hope yall enjoy this chapter. comment and vote. We need 110 votes and 85 comments for the next chapter post. We can do it. Laytosha ain't playing. Enjoy

The Big Easy Ain't So Easy

Dessiah had been a nervous wreck ever since she made it to New Orleans. Maybe even before that since she couldn't bring herself to eat before or on the flight. Detrick had been so sweet and supportive. He and Delaney stayed up packing a bag of snacks for Dessiah for the trip. He even wrote little notes of encouragement for moments when she felt down while dealing with her grandmother's estate. He knew it was like picking at a deep wound and wanted to be there as much as possible or at least as much as she would allow.

"Okay Dessiah I have arranged for my sheriff buddy to go with us to the house to escort him out and serve him the divorce papers." Mr. Roberts explained. Dessiah was being prepped sitting across from his desk.


"Now I have to ask you do you want to be there when we serve him. You don't have to be I can bring you afterward since I'm going to have a locksmith there to change all of the locks immediately."

"Yes! Yes! I want to be there. I want to look him in the face and let him see he didn't break me."

"Alright." Mr. Roberts smiled proudly at Dessiah. He always felt that she never know her own strength but he always knew and her grandmother who was his dear friend knew also. Even as a child Dessiah had this unwavering courage that was inspiring to see. When she was scared there would be this look in her eyes of determination like God was present beside her. "I have all the papers ready just let me make a few phone calls to my buddy and we should go there first thing in the morning. I want to wake that punk out of his sleep." Dessiah smiled. Although Mr. Roberts was a family friend he always had this fatherly presence in her life. He was always protective. "You should go back to your hotel and get some rest. We have a big day tomorrow."

"Okay. At least I'll try to sleep."

"Everything will be fine trust me." Mr. Roberts stood and hugged Dessiah. She rested her head on his chest and just stood silent, comforted by his embrace.

"See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow. Be down stairs by 7:00 am." Dessiah looked at him in surprise. "That's early."

"Yea but I want to eat beforehand. Can't snatch up a chump on an empty stomach. Haha." He chuckled and so did she. They said their goodbyes and Dessiah headed back to her hotel. A big day was an understatement.

Dessiah climbed into bed fresh out of the shower. She sat in silence with only the sound of her inner thoughts as she lotioned her skin with shea butter. Oh my God! This is really almost over. Soon I will have my life back. Everything that was stolen from me I'm getting back. Thank you Jesus. I'm still here because of you. Dessiah laid back staring at the ceiling thinking of all the wonderful memories she was excited to make with Detrick and Delaney. Dessiah noticed that Delaney never really spoke about how all that they had been through affected her. She only hoped that Delaney wasn't traumatized or would later hate her for putting her father in jail. Dessiah looked at the time, being 8:55 pm she decided to call her loves to say goodnight.

"Hey Ms. Siah." Detrick answered.

"Hi baby. How are you?"

"Better now that I'm hearing your voice." Dessiah blushed.

"I miss you."

"I miss you too. We both miss you."

"How was your day?" Dessiah asked.

"It was good. I got a lot of work done. Well, as much as I could with having you on my mind."


"Because I'm just worried about you. You're my lady and I'm always worried about your well-being. You've been through so much I don't want you to take on any more than you have to."

"Detrick thank you for caring so much about me. I love you."

"I love you too."

"How's Delaney? She didn't give you any trouble did she?"

"She's great. She never gives me trouble she just speaks her mind like her mama that's all."


"She got an A on her spelling test today. We studied last night before she went to be so today I took her to sky zone. Now she's knocked out next to me. Do you want me to wake her so you can say hello?"

"No that's alright. I know she had a blast with you."

"Yep. She called me Daddy again today."

"Oh yea? When?"

"When I went to pick her up from school she introduced me to her friends as her Daddy."

"Haha ohh I bet you didn't know how to act."

"Naw I really didn't. I was going to take her to sky zone just for that but when she told me about her test then I had a valid reason."

"Hahaha Oh Lord I thought you spoiled her before, Lord Jesus this is about to go over the moon."

"Hahaha she deserves every good thing she gets. Besides she's not spoiled she's well taken care of, by her Daddy."

" Hahaha okay if you say so Daddy."

"Ohhweee now I got you calling me Daddy too? Oh shucks are you trying to make me blush?" Detrick chuckled."

"SSSSSzzz" Dessiah sucked her teeth smiling. "Boy Bye!"

"Boy whatever. Don't worry one day I'll have you screaming Daddy just watch."


"Oh I'll have you screaming that too."

"Where is this coming from?"

"Have you seen you? Do you know what it's like to be in your presence? I'm a patient man but I'd be lying if I told you I can't wait to unwrap you like a gift on Christmas morning." Dessiah cheesed hard like a chester cat. He was so mannish and she liked it. To say that she hadn't thought of being intimate with Detrick is a complete lie. However she is still a married woman and she wants to be completely unattached legally before she gives her body to someone else. She couldn't help that he already had her heart, her body was sure to be next.

"Well I can't wait to go to sleep and dream about that De."

"Soon you won't have to dream baby. Imma give you some serious déjà vu." "Hahahahahaha" They both laughed hard.

"I can't with you right now. Hahaaha. You gon make me feel like Beyonce."

"Better than that. Ain't no Lemonade over here babe!"

"Hahahahaha I'm so done with you. Look I gotta go to sleep De I have to wake up early tomorrow."

"Big day?"

"You can say that. Mr. Roberts is picking me up to go take back what's mine."

"Dessiah, please be careful baby. I stayed here to respect your space because I understand that there are somethings you have to do on your own for closure but that doesn't mean I'm willing to have you get hurt in the process. So just promise me you will be on high alert!"

"I'll be fine."

"Promise me!"

"I promise that I will be fine and on high alert."

"And promise me that you will call me if anything gets even a little bit out of hand."

"I promise Detrick ahaha now can I go to bed?"

"Siah I'm serious. I have a weird feeling and I just need to know that you're not going to play wonder woman and will call me." Dessiah could feel the sincerity in his tone. She only hoped his weird feeling was nervousness and nothing else. There was no room left for error.

"I promise baby. I love you so much. I should be home day after tomorrow."

'Okay. I love you get some rest and I'll have Delaney call you before she gets to school tomorrow."

"Okay babe. Night."

"Night. Make sure you don't let the Detrick bugs bite."

"Only if I want them to. Hahaha bye." Dessiah hung up the phone and just prayed for a peaceful day tomorrow. As peaceful as one could get after evicting someone and serving them with divorce papers.

Dessiah sat quietly in the passenger seat of Mr. Roberts's town car. She fidgeted with her fingers trying to distract her mind and soothe her stomach that felt full of fluttering butterflies. Nervous was an understatement to describe how she felt. To see her ex was terrifying and long overdue. It was time to face the big bad wolf. Darryl was once her lover and best friend and now he had been reduced to nothing more than a back stabbing fool. How would he react seeing her? Would he try to come after her? What about Delaney?

"You ready." Mr. Roberts pulled her from her thoughts.


"I just talked to my sheriff buddy and he's a block away from the house. We're a few minutes away. "Dessiah nodded. Soon they were alongside the sheriff's patrol car. He nodded in their direction, started his car and they followed behind him. Pulling up in front of her grandmother's house felt odd. It was like being home and feeling like a stranger all in one. The Sheriff parked on the side corner of the home and Mr. Roberts parked in the drive way. There was another Patrol car next to the Sheriff. He got out of the car and walked towards Mr. Roberts's window.

"Hey Willie."

"Hey Joe. Dessiah this is my buddy Sheriff Joe Baynes."

"Hello." Dessiah waved.

"Ma'am." He tipped his hat to greet her. He was of tall stature with beautiful Sunkist blonde hair and sea green eyes and pale white skin. He spoke with a thick New Orleans accent. "Alright here's how it's gonna go down. I have papers for him to vacate the premises and divorce papers to serve him with as well. My guys are parked over there waiting for my signal to take him into custody. I'm going to wait for him to come out of the home and then take him and his lady friend. I would recommend that you stay in the car ma'am because I don't want this to escalate to a dangerous situation." Dessiah nodded. Now do you know if he has any weapons in the home?"

"No sir. I 'm not sure if he does or not."

"Alright. Just hang tight." Sheriff Joe walked up the concrete pathway towards the porch. Dessiah took in the home that looked gloomy even though it was all white. When her grandmother was alive there was this glow about the home that made you feel love just standing in front of it. The top balcony on the second floor was cluttered with black garbage bags that must be clothes or garbage. She would assume clothes since there were sweaters hanging over the bags. The very couch swing that Dessiah grew up sitting on with her grandmother drinking lemonade on Sunday afternoons, was hanging on one chain from the ceiling. The grass was tall and unwatered giving it a harsh brown color. It was obvious there was no love in this house anymore. At least not the love it once possessed.

The Sheriff knocked on the door and patiently waited for someone to answer. He looked over his shoulder to give Dessiah a thumbs up once he heard someone making their way to the door. A medium built light skin woman appeared at the door. Her pajamas were nearly nonexistent under her open silk robe. Her Shoulder length curly hair was wet as if she had come out of the shower.

"Yes?" She asked.

'Good mornin' ma'am. My name is Sheriff Baynes is Darryl Hawkins here?"

"Yea he's here. What you need him for?"

"I'd like to speak with him. Can you get him for me?" She stared at him for a moment and looked behind him at the town car but wasn't able to make out the faces inside.

"Hold on for a minute." She let go of the screen door and closed the glass one behind it. Short moments later Darryl appeared remaining behind the screen door. Dessiah couldn't see his face fully but she did notice how the clouds were gathering out of nowhere. Cracking her window you could smell rain in the air.

"You Darryl Hawkins?"

"Yes sir."

"Can you step outside for me please?"

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Step outside please sir." Sheriff Joe requested. Darryl obliged while the woman remained behind the screen door. When Dessiah saw his face her heart dropped in her stomach. Flashes of their relationship flew past her, from loving to pain like none other. He looked different than before. Worse. Darryl was none for his beautiful mahogany skin that was always smooth as if he was birthed with shea butter in his DNA. His full lips were dry and his hair was unkempt yet his face was bare of any facial hair. His body was still muscular and seemed like his arms got bigger. Dessiah had a churning of hatred for him in the pit of her stomach but looking at him brought on pity. In all the mischief that he had done it wasn't like he was reaping anything because just by his appearance he looked like he was suffering. He went from a Morris Chestnut look alike to Chris Rock in the New Jack City days. Straight Pookie. Was he on that stuff?

"How can I help you Sheriff?" Darryl asked.

"You've confirmed that you are Darryl Hawkins so son you and your lady friend are to exit the premises within the next two minutes. Normally you would have time to grab your things and leave, but-.." Joe gestured to the officers from their car which they exited making their way to him. "... You both are under arrest for committing fraud and squatting at this here location."

"Wait what?!!?" Darryl was in shock. Dessiah looked on from the car while the woman came out from the house yelling in panic. The officers made their in front of them. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in the court of law. You are entitled to a lawyer. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights?"

"What a minute! What JUST A DAMN MINUTE!" The officers allowed him to speak with handcuffs in their hands for him. "What fraud? I didn't commit fraud! I'm not a squatter this is my home."

"This home belongs to a Dessiah Hawkins."

"She is my wife. Well was my wife. She inherited it from her grandmother and signed it over to me. I got the papers. Teresa baby go get the papers. She signed it over to me and then she died."

"Her grandmother died?" One of the officers inquired.

"No. Well yea but my wife died after she signed it over to me. Her and my daughter died in a car accident. Sir you're making a mistake." Darryl started to get emotional with tears in his eyes. Teresa nearly jumped from the porch with the papers in her hand racing to Darryl's defense. "See Sheriff here's her signature." Sheriff Joe took the papers from him and saw the signatures. Obvious that it had been forged because the signatures didn't match the divorce papers. "So when did you're wife die?"

"A couple years ago sir. Her and my daughter died in a car accident. I haven't committed a crime. I'm just a man who lost his family and is trying to move forward sir. Honest to God." Thunder sounded off in the now darkened skies. Darryl began to cover his face to hide his tears. Teresa played along, to soothe him she hugged his back tightly. The Sheriff bit down to not react to this charade. He looked over his shoulder and gestured for their company.

"When I think of what I lost it just kills me inside!" He wept into her shoulder covering his eyes.

"I know baby. I know. It's okay I'm here." Teresa soothed. They were so in character that they hadn't realized their surroundings.

"Hello Darryl." Dessiah said standing in front of them. She might as well have been dead because Darryl looked as if he had seen a ghost.

I hope You enjoyed that. It's about to get REAL, REAL FAST. MAKE SURE YOU COMMENT AND VOTE. WE ARE ALMOST DONE. OMG SO EXCITED. VOTE COMMENT .. See u soon Honeybees

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