Love Olympus

By egapgs

2.3M 26.8K 5.1K

As a child Venus had an Imaginary friend like any other kid. When she wakes up one morning to find him claimi... More

Love Olympus (1)
Love Olympus (2)
Love Olympus (3)
Love Olympus (4)
Love Olympus (5)
Love Olympus (6)
Love Olympus (7)
Love Olympus (8)
Love Olympus (9)
Love Olympus (10)
Love Olympus (11)
Love Olympus (12)
Love Olympus (13)
Love Olympus (15)
Love Olympus (16)
Love Olympus (17)
Love Olympus (18)
Love Olympus (19)
Love Olympus (20)

Love Olympus (14)

102K 1.1K 185
By egapgs

 [ Clark's POV ]

Before every game, each team got a chance to warm up in the training centre. We mostly stretched and worked out virtual strategies with our partners. We, however only do this when the game is something pretty physical.

Just by going to the training centre before the game spewed out suspicions. The last time we came in here was the very first love games. Venus and I weren't really on good terms.

Right now as much as it annoyed me that Venus wasn't my teammate anymore, something else replaced the agitation.

Caspian and Venus were stretching and talking much more then both Venus and I have spoken together all together. I tried to look away, but every time he touched her a part of me wanted to go over there and punch him in the face.

She was mine, yet he dared to so boldly touch her like that? He knows the fact she's my soulmate. Even though we aren't that close it doesn't matter.

Sooner or later the deed will be fullfilled and Venus will be mine. Just because it hasn't happened he thinks just because he's her partner he can touch her.

It straight off pissed me off.

I could feel the anger buzzing more and more inside me as Caspian's hands travelled on to her waist and other places....

As much as I tried to deny it. Something snapped inside of me.


[ Krystal's POV ]

Clark tightened his grip on my wrist.

"Ouch.." I hissed.

He let go suddenly and breathed in sharply. I bit the insides of my cheek, angry he wasn't looking at me. I mean, we were partners now and he couldn't even give me the decency of acknowledgment.

I was going crazy by the minute as regret filled in my mind. There was no point splitting the two of them if I knew this would happen. His liking for Venus only grew. That's the last thing I wanted to happen. The last thing I wanted him to feel.

I also couldn't help notice relief soothe over me. It was strange.

I shouldn't, but I was. I felt as if doing this basically slapped me in the face.

Truly showing me he doesn't want me.

Maybe I did need that slap as much as it hurt.

I needed it.

I licked my lips to only feel the burn of thirst tighten in my throat. I looked up find Clark still staring at Venus and Caspian. His eyebrows furrowing into a deeper glare. I looked away not wanting to get even more angrier then I was.

The past couple of days I made sure to avoid Clark since it felt like fire whenever I went near him. I've never seen Clark this angry before. I've seen anger, but not rage.

It scared me how inhuman he was when we talked officially after the splitting. I felt violated in a way. Re-evaluated almost when it hit me I made the wrong decision saying anything.

But I would never admit this to anyone. It pissed me off I did to myself right now, but it was true. What I felt, was what I felt. I couldn't help it. Acknowledging it would just calm me down something I was good at doing.

I had to keep telling myself this was for the best. I'm trying to survive myself. Why should I care?

When that dark spot in my mind answered the question in a such a way that took away my own breath.. I was numb.

You're human after all....

I snapped from the sudden words creaking in my brain and tilted my head to the side to see eyes staring at me. Malik.

Even though he couldn't speak his eyes did all the talking. A small smile creeped on the corners of his lips as his eyes twinkled like stars.

I blushed deeply from his virtual words swimming across the room temperature air and on to my neck. I itched my chin slightly and looked away.

The damn boy couldn't even speak yet he made me blush. I wiped my forehead from how it suddenly got hot and noticed Clark taking a step forward.

I grabbed his hand quickly and just as swiftly he smacked it away. I was shocked at how hard Clark hit my hand and watched as the drama unfolded.

He was staring at Venus the whole time so I looked towards that direction. Caspian's hands were wrapped on her waist as her body was in a position as if she almost fell.

I stepped into motion along with Clark who was more than a few steps in front of me. My eyes went wide as he clenched his fists and slammed it straight into Caspians jaw.

"Clark!" I shouted. I ran up behind him to only find his elbow meet my temple. I winced and fell to the ground to find my head shaking. Squinting I witnessed the guards doing nothing while the other teammates looked like they had no reason to get involved.

Which was smart of them.. The camera's started rolling and all you could hear apart from the screaming was the cameras in the corners zooming in.

Venus who was in the middle of this literal quarrel.

"You know for a fact she's mine," Clark spoke through clenched teeth.

"What the hell are you doing?" Venus glared at him.

"Calm down," Caspian smoothly spoke. His cheek began to swell as Clark pushed on. Caspian clenching his fists unarguably as Clark got closer. The only barrier in between this waring fight, Venus. I sat there winded slightly as I watched this whole fight from a third point of view.

Venus shoved Clark a few steps away, but he just coming closer. She pushed even further as he began to notice the person stopping him from getting his hands on Caspian.

"I'm your soulmate Venus.." Clark suppressed a glare towards Venus. "And you're letting him touch you like that?"

"I can't even.." Venus looked beyond perplexed as she tried to speak. "Clark.. Do you hear yourself?" She threw her arms out in exasperation.

"Do you hear what you're saying?" Clark spat. "I'm just trying to..." He huffed. "I'm just.." Clark now flustered couldn't even put a simple sentence together. His anger got a hold of him already. His fists were ready to do the talking. Clark's brain wasn't exactly up to par with putting them into words yet.

Caspian who was smirking, was enjoying this a little bit too much. I would love to say Venus didn't have a right to be mad at Clark who simply was too jealous.

But this was the love games. None of these dumbasses would admit that. I sat there trying to get up, but the hit from Clark still winded me more then I anticipated.

"At the end of the day you're mine Venus.." Clark shook his head. "This guy is trying to break that," he pointed at Caspian.

I even did a face palm at how stupid Clark sounded. I mean... Really? I wanted to laugh, but the pain coming from my temples distracted that thought.

"So you hit me?" Caspian creased his eyebrows. Clark clenched his fists further until his knuckles turned white.

"The fact you're labelling me as if I'm your possession just..." Venus smiled crudely. "Pisses me off Clark."

"Venus!" Clark snapped. "No matter how I say it, it's true."

"Smooth," Caspian chuckled.

It was like a runaway train at this point. Clark swung, but doesn't he know once you get a free hit the other one isn't just going to be handed to you? Caspian dodged the punch and landed an even sweeter one on Clark. Venus who was now in the midst of the fight ducked onto the floor with Caspian and Clark fighting a silent war with fists.

I got up running over and started kicking both of them. A shocked Venus watched as I started kicking without mercy.

"You guys think you're tough, huh?" I kicked with full force. Clark and Caspian immediately stopped fighting to notice the third party totally ruined what they had going.

I smiled wickedly as Caspian and Clark both got up huffing. I grabbed Clarks arm to only find him throwing my arm again. I grabbed his arm even harder and pushed him towards my face.

"Do you want me to buy a children's leash you freaking douchebag?" I glared him down. A silent, but still angry Clark stormed away towards a door that lead to the mens section of the training section.

I stood there breathless. I turned towards Venus standing there dumbfounded as Caspian silently walked towards the men section as well. He didn't seem like someone who wanted to finish a fight.

I still doubted..

I also couldn't believe how stupid these two were.

Hello, there was a game coming about in an hour and these two retards wanted to wear themselves out. I shook my head in disbelief and walked towards a seat by the wall. I sat beside Venus unknowingly.

Too tired to spark up some attitude I sat there slumping. Just by the way Venus was sitting I could tell she was also tired of all of this.

My lips were chapped. I didn't know where that came from, but they annoyed me at how chapped they were. I licked them again to only find them slowly getting chapped again.

"I hate this game.." Venus whispered.

I laughed.

I laughed even more.

Until I couldn't stop laughing.

Venus slowly joined in until we both had tears in our eyes. My stomach hurting from how much i laughed and soon I felt sick by the end of it. I began to breathe heavily as both of us resumed back to our normal state.

"You make it seem like we had a choice to participate in this game," I smiled sighing.

"The sad thing is we didn't," Venus murmured.

"I love the fact you're talking to me as if were friends," I smirked devilishly. "Oh the humor..." I crooned.

"I wish I cared Krystal," Venus yawned. "I'm just talking. The one freedom I have in this game."

"What makes you think that?" I snapped in that moment. "I have no choice.." I murmured.

"I know," Venus vaguely replied.

I couldn't really tell if she actually understood my position, but I made it seem like she did anyway.

"I have no choice..." I spoke the words again in a weaker tone.

"I know," Venus whispered. I crossed my arms to only clench them closer together. Even though I sat beside her in that moment. I could feel the thick brick wall in between us.


[ Venus's POV ]

The nervousness I usually felt entering the games wasn't there this particular game. The stadium was packed. Just what Bruno was looking for. The supporting popular colors split from black and red. People with signs disapproving with the split, but still... It brought in numbers nevertheless.

I surveyed the area where the game was being held, like the usual in the ring. There was sand in the middle with big black walls as if we had to climb them over.

Bruno entered the stadium with his usual eerie white clothing and smile. He was on his board as the crowd cheered enthusiastically. Unsaid words and ones I wished to say began to swarm in my mouth. I kept it shut as Bruno and his disturbed smiled stunned the audience into a ballistic cheer.

The Cameras began to roll as Bruno stepped down from his board.

"Welcome underworlders to another thrilling challenge of the love games!" Bruno shouted. The stadium roared as it lit up the high ceilings with fireworks. Each color representing each couple that was left.

I faced a smug Bruno who was enjoying the chants of his name.

"Now, now.." He chuckled. "Today is a very interesting game... Especially for the new split," he emphazied on the last word. "Couples.."

Some people cheered, others mildly booed. I impatiently balanced on one foot and the other as Bruno elaborated the games instructions today.

"This particular game has a particular name," Bruno smiled. "It's called the kissing game.. The reason why?" Bruno teased. "You'll soon find out."

I stopped bouncing as Bruno continued.

"There shall be four obstacles for you to go through. The first one where everyone will be chained by the wrist from the behind. Separately you shall have to kiss another teammate from the opposite gender."

I gulped.

"...When you kiss the right person whoever that may be your chain shall be unlocked and you'll be able to go through the first obstacle. The first one being able to jump over that wall. The hint in order to find your match will be from the taste. When you kiss you'll distinguish the taste from your mouth and the others. If you kiss a teammate that doesn't have the same as you, it's wrong. If your pecualiar sweet taste matches the other, your chain will then break. But as a twist you might have to kiss them more then once to finally get the taste right. Like a Rubik cube almost. We are not telling how many times you have to kiss one teammate to figure it out.."

I kept paling as Bruno kept talking.

"The other three obstacles shall be uncovered as you go keep proceeding. Once again those you die during the game shall be automatically eliminated and the remaining teams shall be safe."

I exhaled briskly and looked over to see Caspian not looking pleased also. He eyed me slightly and faced Bruno with a dark expression. I didn't even have the guts to look at Clark and faced Bruno as well.

This was going to be very awkward.

"When ready.." Bruno raised his hand.

My arms flung behind me out of nowhere as they were bounded tightly around my back. I winced from the strange position my hands were in. I kneeled down to get into a ready position as the heart stopping count down started.

I blinked slowly as the deep rumbling horn did the countdown.






Without even looking I went towards Caspian and we both kissed each other. It was nothing emotional. Just something in order to save our lives. That's where the line was drawn. Still..

I flushed a deep red as our lips touched. However I also Immediately noticed the taste in my mouth and the one from his.

Mine right away i distinguished tasted like milk chocolate while Caspian had this lemon taste. It was a weird mix, but we both let go of the kiss right away.

I ran over the next person I could get my hands on and it was Malik. He didn't hesitate to kiss me as the taste of dark chocolate collided with my milk chocolate.

As weird as it sounded. That's what his kiss tasted like. I walked away eager to find the match of milk chocolate when I went over to Ruby's partner, Josh. His kiss was deep and unnecessary. Not even meeting halfway with him I could smell the banana from his lips.

I shoved my way, away from Josh to only bump into Clark. His eyes swooped over me and grabbed my cheeks with his free hands. My eyes went wide as he kissed me. His kiss tasting like nothing.

I slammed my head into his, fuming.

"You don't have to kiss anyone if you're already loose," I spat.

"I know," he breathed. I blinked at Clark as he grinned and ran over to the first obstacle. Ruby along side him. They were the first to be loose.

It struck me in that moment when the familiar taste of dark chocolate hit my tongue. The dark chocolate balanced the taste in my mouth. My eyes went wide as I realized the hint.

I ran over to Malik who looked confused and kissed him out of nowhere. I held my lips against his to find the dark chocolate taste mix with my milk chocolate. I closed my eyes hard together and counted to ten.

The taste in my mouth soon started to evaporate as the tight chains around my wrist started to loosen. I opened my eyes wide to find the chains off. Malik and I both separated from the kiss to only blink then grin at each other breathlessly.

I threw the chains on the floor and ran over to the wall with Malik by my side. I touched the wall frantically to find little stubs I could place my hands and feet on. I quickly made up the wall to find the wall much easier then I anticipated. Krystal who was ahead of me a couple of feet threw her leg over to look down on me.

She sniffed and did something in that moment that second guessed everything I had exempt towards her. Krystal extended out her hand, but I didn't know who it was for. Malik was right beside me and huffed trying to catch his breath.

I looked up at Krystal whose eyes were arched. I stared at her hand, up at her and grabbed it with a second thought in mind. Krystal was strong as she catapulted me upwards. The stadium didn't know how to handle this as they watched on. Bruno who was on his usual chair with special spectators beside him, glared downwards.

I smiled proud we weren't doing what he wanted. Krystal then extended out her hand to help out Malik, but something in that moment changed the direction of our momentum. Malik who had a good hold on one of the steps suddenly slipped as it disappeared.

I was struck with suspicion when Krystal hung on with all her might to bring him up. However with no support coming from his part. Malik struggled to keep hold as Krystal as well. All of a sudden the ledge from the wall started to thin out making it even harder for both Krystal and I to sit on it.

I bent over to grab Malik's wrist, but it was to hard.

"What's going on?" Krystal screamed.

"I don't know!" I shouted. The wall suddenly became so thin I found myself automatically falling backwards along with Krystal. I fell on to the ground from a pretty good height. I landed on my back with my legs in the air.

Immediately winded.

I groaned trying to get up, but the pain was bare. It struck my spine with a jolt that fazed my vision. Krystal who was trying to climb up the wall again was hopeless. It was impossible to go over now.

I looked over to where Bruno was sitting even if he was pretty far away. I couldn't help notice the outline of his smug expression. The buzz of silence engulfing my surroundings disappeared as my next task came to view.

The wall, this time stopping me to go to the last task and be safe now had a door for each couple. I found Caspian already trying to find whatever it was.

I ran over to a post that had my name on it and picked up the white piece of paper. I read it to myself.

"A memorable object shall be the needed key for your next subject..."

I threw the paper to the side to hear a phone ringing. A cellphone. My heart dropped from the familiar tune killing me softly. I ran over to the sand and started digging. I instantly found a phone and noticed it was ringing.

I opened the phone and placed it on my ear. The line died. A follow up of what sounded like hundreds of ring tones coming from the sand started to go off. I kept finding one after another and kept answering.

The same dead tone from the other line kept meeting me halfway. I started to get desperate and tired as I got nowhere. My eyes getting teary as I realized, I hoped it wasn't what I thought I would hear.

After digging for many minutes I finally found the phone. The three second approach of a dead line not making me throw it away. I gasped trying to catch my breath as the sob pierced my ears.

"Why didn't you save me?" She cried.

I jerked the phone away from my ear to only find my heart hurting. I winced as I placed it on my chest and felt the numb pain all around my body just to be finally exposed. I got up with my knees shaking and found Caspian find whatever he needed just in time. I stared at the key in his hand.

A taxi drivers key.

I almost collapsed in that moment, but I had to go on. Caspian who noticed my expression grabbed my waist to support me up and walked me towards the door. I held in the tears as the realization struck me.

This part of the challenge had to do with who we picked for the bonus game.

As I picked Caspian, he picked me.

That means he knew...

We entered the door. A room appearing out of nowhere which was pitch black. I held my own as a spot light appeared in the middle.

A women crying while holding a little girl who was bleeding everywhere. She was sobbing as she looked straight at me. My heart stopped as she started screaming.

"It's your fault.." My mother sobbed. "It's your fault..." She cried holding my dead little sister.

My throat started to tighten as I took a step forward. The nightmare of my sister dying. The ball we were playing with that day bouncing up and down in another spotlight. A child replica of me standing in another corner crying.

"No..." My child self sobbed. "I didn't-"

"Purpose or by accident!" My mother snapped, dejavu slamming into me like a loaded truck. "She's gone either way..."

The word, gone echoing in the room.

I fell to my knees. Caspian to numb to do anything. I couldn't watch this. I couldn't...

That bastard Bruno did this by purpose just like he did that to Malik. This game wasn't a love game, no it was his. He wanted to break us down as much as he could. I let go the tears as the ringing sound replaced and echoed in the dark room.

My hand was still interlaced with Caspians. He held my hand tighter as Penelope's voice screamed for help.

"You promised.." Kept echoing. "Why-why-why didn't you come and save me?" Penelope whispered.

A vivid person that looked exactly like Penelope was suddenly laced with a spotlight in the dark room. She stood there with her arms out with tears going on her face.

"You promise," she whispered.

Caspian held onto my hand tighter cutting off circulation now. He bent down all of a sudden and picked me up. I breathed in shocked at how quickly he began to walk towards the door at the other end.

"Caspian.." I whispered.

"This is a mental game Venus," he murmured. "They just want to get into our heads. The more you become weak in front of them the more they win... You don't want them to win, right?" He faced me.

"I'm sorry," I breathed awkwardly. I managed to maintain my composure, but not my breathing. He put me down all of a sudden and took three steps forward.

"What happened, happened.." Caspian stared. "No matter how painful," he extended out his hand. I took it shyly only because we were in a room no one could see. I held onto him like a lifeline.

We walked towards the door. I swung it open to stop only stop right away. Rocks fell at the ledge that was presented right in front of us. I stared at the bottomless pit. I looked forward to find the winning circle a pretty good jump away and up to find Bruno and his special spectators closer now.

Bruno was wearing his bone chilling smile and danced his finger back and fourth along his chin. I stared straight into Bruno's eyes not withdrawing any mercy with my hate towards him.

He was the one orchestrating this game. The one plucking the players he wanted to make it to the end. I very much underestimated Bruno, which just made this realization even harder to digest.

"You ready?" Caspian suddenly asked.

I turned to face Caspian and his fearless expression. It ignited something lost inside me. Something I haven't yet discovered while I've been down here in the games.

Courage to go on.


[ Bruno's POV ]

Interesting.... They made it much further through the second obstacle....

Much more faster then I hoped.

It angered me, yet delighted me with curiosity.

I smiled at the defying expression Venus, my batch of gold pinned on to my forehead. I smiled deeper as it progressed into something more perplexed and loathsome.

I want it,

I whispered in my mind. Indulge me with your hate... I chucked in my head.

"A lot more reviews have been coming out." A particular voice I didn't enjoy suddenly spoke, and interrupted my thinking. I tilted my head to the side to find the empty seat beside me quickly filled up with Klone.

I smirked briskly as he placed his hands on his lap and stared down at the ring where the best seats of the stadium showed off the game.

"They aren't so positive might I conclude.." He murmured.

"Who cares!" I flicked a hand. "The more the better," I chuckled.

"People are finding your tactics of this mental torture..."

"Are you going to say inhuman?" I raised both my eyebrows. Klone glared at the ring instead towards me. I laughed out loud and started to become amused at his annoyance. It was like honey.

"We are somewhat sane and human ourselves Bruno," Klone coldly faced me. "Emotions run through us," he hissed while speaking through clenched teeth.

"If you disagree in what I'm doing," I spoke through a masked expression. "By all means do something about it?" I challenged.

Klone raised his in through his opposition, knowing clearly I ran the show. He got up swiftly and breathed in sharply.

"Do not play a game you can't handle," Klone murmured as he turned around.

"Do not play a game I created then," I sighed. Klone stopped in his tracks. I smiled mildly as he had no other choice, but to seethe in my finishing words. "I only know the outcome," I whispered.

"Only, I..."


[ Venus's POV ]

The leap of faith, that was what it was called, was much more scarier as both Caspian and I took several of steps back and run for a head start.

Lights were flashing everywhere as people took pictures. Bruno's face in my direct view as we headed forward into the air and down the finishing ring. The minute we landed on the floor, the second our red firework shot into the air.

Breathless I exhaled and let go of Caspian's hand which I was still holding onto. Everything went hazy as the stadium cheered.

We were the first to make it as no other team by the high ledge from the doors weren't present.

I tilted my head up. The back of my head touching my back and sweat dripping down my forehead. Bruno who metaphorically looked down on me, smiled.

It was weird. I didn't even notice in that riveting, aching second as I picked up my hand and placed a single thumb at the starting of my neck.

The smile on Bruno's face started to fade as my thumb went across my neck in a clear cut obvious motion. The obvious threat hanging in the air as rage replaced Bruno's expression.

The stadium murmured as they all witnessed my stand.

I smiled even though it wasn't such a smart decision. As much as Bruno decided this game, I decided my fate.

I... Decided...

To fight.

And that ladies and gentlemen, is my biggest weapon against him.


[ Krystal's POV ]

As we made it onto the finishing circle. The impact on my feet evident as it stung. I stood up straight to look up and see the black fireworks go off. The eager stadium cheering as we were the last to make it.

Clark turned around with no mercy in his tone. I held myself together as he screamed at me.

"You could've ruined this for us," he hissed. "What were you think Krystal?"

"Nothing.." I blinked several of times. "Nothing at all.."



[ Krystal's POV ]

I folded my clothing into a neat pile and placed it on my lap. The game we just did simply hours ago kept replaying in my head. My body kept flinching from the impact.

This game was different. It was a way for me to show through actions instead of words I did care. I wasn't good through speaking or expressions since I've been misunderstood my whole life.

Malik in some ways showed me that. The way his eyes did the talking even though he couldn't speak.

What I did was stupid and it almost both Clark and I over, and I'm really sorry for that. I can't however regret what I did. I can't...

Those eyes of his however. Malik's eyes. Will forever be burned in my mind as I ran away from him trying to save myself.

My mom always told me, your life before others... Yet, why?

I placed the folded shirt on my bed and took the knife beside me in one hand. I grabbed a chunk of my hair and started cutting.. Cutting... Cutting... Until I couldn't put my hair in a pony tail in anymore.

To others just cutting my hair might be just an appearance change. However, what i cut away was more then hair.

It was the true beginning for the battle ahead of me. Only four couples were left and that meant no mercy. As much as it pained me leaving a broken Malik and threatening my life, my position in the game... It showed I was still weak.

I cut the last pieces of my hair until they were above my ears. With my chin high I combed my hair with my fingers and sniffed.

I picked up the knife and used both my hands to cut away the last threatening piece of humanity left inside of me...

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