Where Do Broken Hearts Go (Ni...

By sarahkiley

14.2K 640 513

"These songs are deep." He spun me around once before bringing me close to his chest, our faces barley touch... More

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.fourty. (Part One)
.fourty. (Part two)
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Authors Note
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225 12 3
By sarahkiley

|Sarah's P.O.V|

"HELLO LONDON!" Harry screamed, making the whole crowd scream back at him. The cameras flashed between the boys, and every time the camera was set on Niall I mentally fangirled.

"So, tonight is going to be a great night. What do you think?" Harry talked into the microphone this time in his deep British accent. A mixture of screams and "yeahs" were thrown his way before some music started to play and Clouds was getting sung. Sitting in the back, I watched the TV as the boys started to jump around.

With little sleep, how do they have so much energy?

Taking my attention off of the TV and to my best friend who was on her phone, I knew I had to tell her about last night.

Last night was the greatest night I have had in a long time. Niall kept me alive and that's what I really needed, especially from him.

Sliding over so I was closer to Aspen, she slowly took her attention away from her phone and to me. The face she let off was a confused one. I pushed it aside and started to play with her hair.

"Hey," I said calmly, twisting her hair. "I need to tell you something." Once those words left my lips I had her full attention. Aspen positioned her body more towards me and rested her arm around the couch.

"Okay, tell me now."

Nobody around us was listening. Lou and Lottie were off in their own little makeup world and Aino and Caroline were with their Tour managers. It was just Aspen and I and I couldn't be more happier.

Taking a deep breathe, I tried to sort through all my thoughts. Finding a right place to start, I began to explain what happened.

"So, please don't freak out or get the wrong idea, okay?" I wasn't in the mood for Aspen thinking I was madly in love with Niall. At the time I had a huge crush on him, I think... I did last night at least.

Jesus Christ Sarah you are a women. Make up your damn mind, this isn't high school.

Aspen nodded, but at the same time she was smiling. It was like she knew something was coming that she would like.

Taking another deep breath, I noticed how nervous I was. This was only about Niall, silly ole Niall. Why should I get so worked up over this? I mean I get that I went on a date with him and told myself I liked him at the time. I know I  had a wonderful time with him and enjoyed every second of it. The date was amazing all around and Niall has definitely changed. He's all around perfect and as much as I would want to let him in for good, I just can't. I don't want to feel the pain he gave me before. That's the last pain I want to feel.

"The date with Niall was wonderful-"

"Oh my god!" Aspen squealed, but quickly covered her mouth for interrupting me. Surprisingly, I just laughed and rested a hand on her shoulder.

"Hunny calm down," I chuckled and she nodded while motioning with her hand for me to continue. "We went out to eat and he flattered me with compliments. The whole time we were basically flirting and it didn't bother me whatsoever. I actually enjoyed and craved his attention. We did some bad shit and got kicked out, but that wasn't the end of our amazing evening."

Catching my breath I noticed how wide I was smiling in the mirror behind Aspen. There was no way I could tell this story with a straight face.

"We found ourselves at the park where we held hands and walked around in the dark and talked about anything and everything. The only conversations that didn't come up where my sister and his and I's biggest event in our past. You should of see us Aspen, especially me... well I was really smashed, but it just seemed so natural,"

"I would do it all over in a heartbeat. Niall isn't who he used to be and gosh I'm so attracted to him. Don't say anything at all, but I did have a crush on him last night--"

"SARAH LYNN OH MY FUCK!" She screamed a little too loud making Lottie and Lou stare at us weirdly.

"What happened?" Lou asked casually. Lottie looked at us also as if she wanted to know too.

Maybe they should know?

"Sarah had a big fat crush on Niall last night." Aspen said very loudly making my face feel hot and a big grin crawl upon it. I instantly found both the girls staring at me in shock. Aspen sat their with a big smirk.

"Sarah! Oh my goodness! You guys would be so cute!" Lottie cued, walking over to us and taking a seat acrossed from me. Lou followed her lead and nodded her head, agreeing with Lottie. Aspen just sat there about to explode.

"Isn't this great? This is great. My best friend is going to have a boyfriend."

"Your best friend isn't going to have a boyfriend because she doesn't like Niall like that anymore." I spoke with a straight face, but my insides were going a little crazy. I knew this wasn't true, but somehow I had to stop myself from liking him.

The three of them all looked at me in shock again.

"Why not?" Lou asked.

I looked down at my hands which were fiddling around with each other. In my peripheral vision I noticed my feet moving back and forth, something that I've always done according to Niall.

He somehow knows more about me than I do.

"Because it will end up shity and I will hate myself."

"No it wouldn't." Lottie said nicely as if she knew everything would be alright.

"Sarah, shut the fuck up you hoe. Niall and you will fuck every single day for the rest of your lives if you start dating right now!" Aspen stated 100 percent serious. This statement made me chuckle while shaking my head.

"Niall, Niall would leave... he did once, why wouldn't he do it again?" Now I was in a more serious mood. Just thinking about dating Niall and then him leaving me, it just makes my heart sad. After all these years I would of never imagine me liking Niall once again. Another opportunity to get my heart broken once more?

"I know Niall, he's the sweetest most humble human being. Sarah, all he talks about is you. These past five years he's only talked about you. He's so in love with you that I don't even know how to explain it. " And that was enough for me to hear from Lou before I had tears in my eyes. In seconds all the girls noticed and had a comforting hand on me.

"Sarah, please don't cry." Aspen said sadly to me. Her hand ran up and down my arm. Her pleading eyes shown blurry in mine. The itch in my nose was about to make me start to ball.

"Yeah babe, we should be celebrating!" Lottie tried to say cheerfully. Her hand rested on my knee ever so gently. "This should be good news, not upsetting."

Lottie was right, but to me it was upsetting. Niall has wasted all this time on me, but never once did he think to come back and see me? He had two years to do so, but he never did. After that I left and the rest was history. He finally found me though, but if he supposedly loves me so much wouldn't he not of waited two years?

"I can't stress with this right now. We have a week and a half left of this tour and soon Aspen and I will be graduating. The last thing I need is a boyfriend, especially Niall to make me worry." More hot tears began to roll down my cheeks. This stupid crush I have on Niall will have to stop. I'll put it away, and burry it for the good.

"Well you do what's best for you. Even though this is temporary, Lottie and I will always be here for you too, hun." Lou always knew what to say.

Hearing Lou say this, my tears started to clear up. Slowly, a smile appeared on my face and I bent over to give Lou and Lottie a huge hug. They embraced me and we all started to giggle, expect Aspen who was groaning all alone.

"You guys suck. Eat my cock," She yelled, arms crossed. Lou, Lottie, and I all started laughing while Aspen tried to keep a straight face. That only lasted a couple seconds before she was laughing too. "Come by me losers! I can't move!"

We all shifted towards Aspen and piled on top of her. Everyone was giggle, including me.

If I would of never met these ladies, my life would be terrible.


As the concert came to an end, my heart began to race faster. I knew Niall would be coming back here any second and I wasn't ready to see him. What would happen if he was all over me? What would happen if he asked me to hangout tonight? What would happen if--

"Ladies!" Louis's voice echoed around the room, bouncing off every wall. Once it sunk in, my nerves really came into play and my stomach began to twist. Niall was basically here, and I knew I wasn't ready for what was to come.

Aspen still sat beside me, comforting me if I needed it. Boy, did I need it.

"Hey babe!" Aspen called out to her 'boyfriend'. I wanted to smile, only because my best friend was involved with her dream crush. But I kept myself from smiling because my eyes found a Niall and my stomach began to do flips.

Aspen must of noticed because her hand squeezed my wrist.

Looking down, away from anyone's eyes, I got out my phone.

"That was insane!" Niall yelled, and in the corner of my eye I could see him pouring water on his head.

"Very incredible. London never let's us down." Harry added, him walking in behind Niall. Some other body figure walked in behind him as well. Must be Liam, who else would it be?

Scrolling through Twitter, my whole feed was about One Direction and One Direction only. This included articles about Aspen and I, tonight's concert, and Niall and I's date last night. Let me just say, all these rumors are pathetic.

Going to my page, I clicked on the notebook thing and began to type a tweet.

You can't find love in the same place you lost it.

In seconds I started to get likes, retweets, and replies. I didn't bother to look because I noticed someone's phone went off in the room when I sent out the tweet. Looking up, the only person I saw on their phone was Niall... and his face wasn't happy.

Instantly I felt regret start to wash over me. What have I done? What if Niall thinks it's about him... well it is about him, but I was just trying to give hints out to the fans.

Fuck my life.

Throwing my head back, I threw my phone next to me and covered my face with my hands. All I wanted to do was go back to the hotel and take a long hot bath and relax. I needed to get away from everyone.

"Uh, Sarah can I talk to you for a second?" My hands didn't have to leave my face because I knew that voice. His voice could be heard in a crowded room with hundreds of people and I'd still be able to recognize it. Niall Horan's voice was so built into my brain that I would never be able to miss it.

But in this moment I wish I could of not heard what he said. I wish he wouldn't of said anything at all, but here we are... getting stared at by seven other people.

All the attention on us.

-Authors Note-

RIP Johannah 

Prayers and blessings to Louis's family ❤️


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