Devotion [Donati Clan #2]

Autorstwa ruyawrites

64.2K 2.2K 180

MAFIA ROMANCE Zack Donati's life was surrounded by dangerous people. Never had he wanted to look at a girl in... Więcej

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
4. Hidden Opportunities
5. Wrath and Chaos
6. Built. Destroy. Rebuild.
7. A Light to Call Home
8. Young at Heart
9. Scars and Promises
10. The Call
11. Scream and Breathe
12. Wicked Games
13. Hurts Like Hell
14. Aftermath

Chapter 1

6.2K 215 4
Autorstwa ruyawrites



"Don't get into trouble.", said my brother.

I looked at him with a confused look, I was about to ask what he meant when the doors opened and we were greeted by a well-dressed butler with a vibrant smile. Instantly, I nodded at him and looked at the room present in front of me.

My brother said before he left, "I will be right back"

I looked in his direction until he became a blur. I searched for a dark corner, where I could blend easily, so no one could see me. People chatted all around me, something that I was used to it, but I didn't like to be around these people. They were just fake.

I found a perfect corner and I swiftly hid from everyone. I looked at the room in detail. The room was dark but bright. Giving an essence that two different souls blended together. A contemporary vibe was all around with Montgomery shine and star lights around it. People kept mingling, some men in black suits and woman in long dresses.

How did I get here? How did my life end up again here? I was supposed to break free, but I was pulled back.

Just remembering how I came back, made me nervous and angry.



Drinking my coffee and looking at the figures was my job. Part-time jobs were needed for a better job, truth to be told I didn't want to do accounting or needed money. I had enough as my Father made sure of it.

My dream was to explore the world and take photographs, but my dreams were shattered when my Mother died and later knew the truth. That was 13 years ago. Right after my brother's birthday, my mother died from a car crash and my Father never changed. I always wondered why my father never loved me... and I asked him once. What he said to me, still echoes in my ears.

"You are a disgrace. A girl. I never wanted a daughter. That is why you mean nothing to me."

That was Silas Moretti, my father. Thinking about those words squeezed my damaged heart. Didn't I mean anything to him? But still, I wanted his love, I wanted his affection, just something that he can call me his own. I looked how he looked at my brother, full of pride and adoration. Like he was a precious piece of art that couldn't be damaged, but I never once envied my younger brother.

My thoughts broke when I heard a ring. I looked at it and my Father was ringing. Never once he indulged in a conversation with me, then why now? I quickly picked up without missing a heartbeat. I said quietly, "Hello."

He just said, "Come home."

Those words were the least that I expected, but it was laced with another meaning. My heart started aching like something bad had happened or was about to happen, "Why?"

"Your brother."

After that, I couldn't hear anything as the only sound I could hear was a lone buzz. I was brought back to the present and I said in a rush, "I am coming."

I stood up and ran to the nearest airport without thinking if the cars would hit me. When I entered the airport, I bought a ticket to North Carolina. I got on the plane and waited till I reached there.

While waiting, the only images that kept appearing on my head were about my Mother. Thinking of all our memories and promises. I still remember the promise to protect my brother. I never understood why she asked me that, but they were her last words to me.

Thinking of her beautiful face, my tears wanted to spill and flood the whole plane, but I couldn't be weak.

After my Mother died, things drastically changed. It was like a curtain was lifted and truth could be seen. I wasn't able to stay ignorant. My heart was always empty and I couldn't seem to fill it. Everything surely evaporated over time.

I witnessed the truth 3 feet away. I went downstairs to get some food when I heard crying. I walked closer to what was happening and I saw a man on his knees crying. My Father had a gun pointing at the man and Mario next to him. Seconds passed and he shot the man. The body dropped and blood scattered all around. I froze. Everything changed. My Father came closer to me, and Mario was nowhere around. I looked up and saw his black eyes. He screamed why I was there and he slapped me with so much force that I fell. That slap still stings to this day. Sobbing on the ground, my Father's harsh words rang in my ears...

"Crying won't solve anything, Theodora. I may not want you but you are a Moretti and you have my blood. Feelings make you weak. From today, I don't want you to cry or sob, I don't want anyone to call this family weak, even if you are a girl. If I find you crying, then..."

Those words can never be forgotten. I used to hide and let my tears free, but he always caught me somehow. He used to drag me to the bedroom and slap me till he was content. He used to blackmail that if I told anything to anyone then he would beat Mario. I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't do anything.

I was lost.

A year passed with this agony. When I was 7, I started school but even there I didn't have luck. I blended in the background, which caused me not to have friends. Eventually, his lesson to be cold caught up to me. The beatings stopped because I forgot how to smile and crying or show any true emotion. I was his personal puppet. Even his cruel words stopped over time. I was just ignored, which I was glad because his cruel words were worst than his beatings. At 12, I was sent to London and my other life began there. I may have new friends, but I never let them see my soul because I forgot how to live my life. I graduated from university and majored in accounting and I got a job. During those years, I kept in contact with Mario, he sounded happy. That's all I wanted for my brother.

When I asked about his dreams, what he answer made me fear everything. He wanted to follow in our Father's footsteps... That would mean obsessive power and deaths. I tried to convince him, but it was all a vain. Eventually, he convinced me that he would work to be the best and take care of himself.

How could I protect him?


I reached North Carolina the next day and took a taxi. Eventually, after many bumps, I reached my so-called home. I ran inside, ignoring a large number of guards. I ran and ran until I reached my Father's office.

I opened the door from his office and the whole air had evaporated.

There comes a time that you forget to breathe. I had forgotten then, but he snapped me from the fantasy and I was drifted to the present. I stared at my brother in a corner and ran to hug him. I embraced him with all my strength and let my tears fall. I forgot everything, my tears were genuine and my intentions were true. These emotions had been invoked after a long time. I felt his hands on my shoulders pushing away. I stared at him with my teary face and smiled. I said out loud the only thing that was around my mind, "You are okay."

My brother's expression was confused and he asked, "What happen?"

"Father ha--"

"One word." I was interrupted by a deep voice. I looked for the source and stared at my Father sitting behind his desk with several papers scattered around it. He continued, "Only one word was needed and you came running and you started crying. Do you need another lesson?"

The word "lesson" made me flinch and that made me remember all those times. I didn't dare to say anything, he continued with a sinful smile, "You are weak."

I squeezed my eyes tight and tried to ignore his words. The next time I opened my eyes, I was numb just like he wanted. I wiped my tears and looked at him. He gestured me to sit and I grabbed a chair in front of him. When I looked back at him, he returned with his dangerous gaze. I didn't waver our staring until I saw a cynical smile on his lips. He started, "Crying is a weakness."

I gather all my courage and answered him, "I am sorry."

He sat back comfortably on his chair, while I was tense sitting in front of him. I asked, "If Mario is alright, then why am I here?"

He shrugged his shoulders and said, "You are going to attend a wedding reception and your brother is going with you."


His expression changed to irritation, a sight that I am familiar with. He answered, "Don't forget who I am! You follow my orders, full stop."

I knew that he wouldn't give a straight answer, but still, I took the chance. I looked at Mario and he looked like I was made of porcelain. I knew that my Father loved Mario, but I couldn't take any chance. What if he did something to him? Much, much worse...

"When am I leaving?"

He put his thumb on his chin and said, "Tomorrow."

I nodded and started to walk away from the room, when his words echoed, "You are still weak, Theodora."

I turned around and once again I nodded, too scared of Mario's future. It was my job to protect him from that monster, even if that meant sacrifice.

I turned around and started to go to my childhood bedroom, but before I heard a burst of laughter from that man that called himself my Father.


The next day, I went downstairs fully fresh to find the house empty. Just like I left, quiet and empty. Nothing had changed over the years. I looked around, not even one guard or maid was visible, but I knew that someone was always around.

I went to the kitchen and cooked eggs benedict. I heard a ding that the coffee was done, that's when my brother walked in. I smiled at him and said, "Good morning."

He looked at me like I had grown three heads. I started pouring coffee for my brother and I continued, "What happen?"

He went and sat on the stool in front of the island. He stared at me for few seconds and I continued moving around the kitchen cooking his favourite. He said, "You didn't change."

I looked at him and returned a forced smile. I decided to ignore his statement and continued, "I am doing pancakes. I know you love it."

"Are you even hearing me?"

I looked at his eyes and saw a glimpse of sorrow before it changed to indifference, credits to my Father. I continued wiping the dishes and answered him, "Of course I am, Mario. I could never ignore you."

"You should."

I stopped doing everything and stared deep into his eyes, "And why is that?"

He looked down and put his hands over his head. He said, "You are not supposed to be here. I sent you to London, so you don't need to see him."

"What do you mean you sent me?"

He looked at me, realising what he just said. I shouted, "Mario, answer the question."

He took a deep breath and answered, "On my 9th birthday, I asked him to sent you to London." He whispered the next sentence, "I thought London would warm you."

I asked, shocked, "Why?"

He shouted, "Why?" Then he cleared his throat and spoke calmly, "I was not blind, Thea. I don't know how you took all that. I don't even know why he never did anything to me."

I don't want him to be worried about me, that was my job. Not his.

I interrupted him and looked into his eyes, warning him, "If Father catches you talking to me, something bad will happen. I will send your breakfast to your bedroom."

He said with irritation, "Are you kicking me out?"

"I am saving you."

"What does that mean?"

I didn't answer him, I turned around and poured the mix into the machine. He continued with a strain on his voice, "Thea, what does that mean? Saving me?" Then, he sounded like he realised, "Was he blackmailing you?"

I sighed and turned around again and looked into his eyes. I told him, "Don't, Mario. Leave it alone. Don't get involved in something that is between Father and me. Never forget that I am older than you, three years. I am supposed to protect you, not vice versa."

I whispered the next part, "Mario, I will always save you."

He tried hopefully, "I already told you that I can take care of myself."

I finally said, "I can never run from this life. I knew that Father would call me one day."

Actually, I didn't... I thought that he had forgotten me, but I was not about to tell him my worries. He said quietly like he was trying to convince himself, "But you were not supposed to come."

I stood next to him and hugged my younger brother, "I am here, Mario. Remember one thing, I will always protect you. Always. There is nothing you can say or do to push me away."

He hugged me tighter, neither of us wanted to break the hug, nor this bond. I said after few heartbeats, "Never do that again."

Still not breaking the embrace, he asked, "Do what?"

"Never let him know your weaknesses. He will use it against you."

He lifted his head and said, "I know that he is... But he would never do anything to us."

He still in the dark of how our Father really is. He is a monster in disguise.

"Just trust me."

He started, "But--"

"But nothing." I walked around the counter and took the homemade pancake from the machine and put honey syrup on top. I handed it to him and said my final words, "Eat, Mario."

I exited the kitchen, leaving him with his thoughts and my words.


The afternoon came sooner than expected. I walked downstairs and looked at the four individuals talking to each other near the entrance, my brother, father and two more guards. I alerted them when I reached my last step. I announced, "When do we leave?"

Mario answered, "In ten minutes."

I nodded and was about to look at my phone when my Father wanted attention. He said, "I expect you on your best behaviour."

I pulled a stiff smile and said, "Always, Father."

He nodded and walked away. I felt a tug on my hand, I looked over and saw Mario pulling my hand. We got outside and I saw one black car. We sat on the leather seats of the car and the driver started the engine.

I started looking at my side mirror, ignoring the fact that I was surrounded by 3 men. I heard someone clearing his voice and spoke, "Are you okay, Thea?"

I turned my head to the left and nodded with a smile. I looked at the side mirror again. Thinking about my life so far. I just wanted to sit somewhere quiet and let my emotion out. I wish that I could cry, shout and tear everything around me. Does that make me sound a monster like my father...? Or weak?

But I learnt to accept that I won't have my father's love, affection and kind words. I accepted that my mother won't return. I accepted that my family is part of something beyond imagination.

Even at 19, I feel aged.

I asked Mario, "Where are we going?"

He didn't look into my eyes, when he answered, "To New York City."

"Who is getting married?"

Mario glanced in my direction, but looking outside of the scenery outside, "Matteo Donati."

I asked curiously, "Donati? Who are they?"

He gazed at my eyes, concerned, "Stay away from Donatis. They are dangerous."


"They are part of my world."

I nodded and shifted my gaze at the side window. I had lost any interest in this conversation. I loved my brother and trusted him, but I still feared for his future.

How can I keep him safe if he constantly in danger? The answer is I can't.



I was brought back to the present when I heard the claps all around and their eyes addressing in one direction. I followed their gazes to one woman wearing a simple yet elegant white dress and a man beside her in a black suit-and-tie. They looked happy, as true happiness. Making me envy what they have and making me wonder if I ever will.

The DJ spoke from the dancefloor, "It is time for the groom and the bride to have their first dance."

The claps quickly followed and the couple stood in the middle. The music was soft and slow that it felt like they were flying on the dancefloor. I could see the way that they looked at each other, their gazes locked and glittering. They seemed like they were in a trance somewhere magical. She put her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. They looked more than hap--

"May I have this dance with you?"

I looked in the voice's direction. In front of me was a man full of mystery, but also brightness. He wore a black suit like the groom. He was handsome with black hair and green eyes. I could see the reflection in his eyes, dazzling so brightly that I could see my incomplete soul.

He looked familiar...

I shook my head from those lucid thoughts and repeated, "Sorry, what did you say?"

He repeated, "May have this dance?"

I nodded like a robot and he held my hand, sending me small shocks into my fingers. I quickly looked into his eyes and he smiled. He pushed me into the dancefloor and brought my body closer to his. The heat surrounding us seemed startling. This made me feel something like I never felt before. I couldn't even look into his eyes.

He brought his mouth closer to my ear and said, "What is your name?"

I said quickly, "Thea."

The music had changed to something romantic and melodic. The silence between us was deafening. Suddenly, my gaze went to my right, there were the groom and the bride. From this distance, it felt that their love was radiating all around. Their haze was so mesmerising that I didn't even care about the surroundings.

A deep voice spoke, "They are inseparable."

I looked in that direction, staring at this man that was dancing with me. Somehow, it felt good to be in his arms. He continued, "They are amazing. Their love is addicting. Sometimes, it feels that their love is too good to be true."

I looked at the couple again and agreed, "They are..." I looked back at him, finding that he was staring at me. Our eyes and arms locked. I continued, "There isn't a word to describe it."

"No, there isn't."

I asked after few seconds, surrendering my thoughts and unable to know why I felt like I could ask him anything, "How does anyone know that they are in love?"

He looked deep into my eyes like he was searching for an answer. Suddenly, something touched my head. I looked up and saw little flower petals scattered all around the dance floor, everyone cheering, and making me happy. My eyes moved back to look at him and he was looking at me with an intensity that anyone would squirm, but I felt comfortable. He made me forget my life, the people and everything. Just me and him...

How can I feel this strong connection with this stranger?

He started moving his head down and I could feel his breath near. I tighten the hold on his shoulders and I felt his lips touching mine. It wasn't a kiss, but something that felt more than the words could describe. He answers my question while swaying, "You just know."

He was making me feel emotions that I had forgotten. He made me forget everything bad happening in my life. Just for today, I wanted to feel, tomorrow I was back to being Moretti.

I asked full of curiosity, "So have you been in love?"

He hugged me tighter and my head fell into his chest. I could hear his heartbeat and I closed my eyes. I waited for his answer, but it never came.

I asked him quietly, "How did they know?"

I felt his body shaking with laughter and that brought a smile to my face. It wasn't strained or forced. It was normal... He said, "It was love at first sight."

I asked, wanting to know more about this stranger, "How do you know?"

"Matteo is my brother."

I became tense and lifted my head from his chest. I pushed him back and asked, "What is your name?"

He smiled like it was easy to do, "Zack Donati."

Donati? That meant that they were involved with Mafia. What if he was the same as my Father? All of them are the same, ruthless and cold. I knew Mario had a dark side, but he avoided showing it to me, but I was glad that I was ignorant about that. I looked back to the bride and groom, they still were so in love and happy?! How can she look happy if she is married a monster?

In the corner of my eye, I spotted my brother calling me and taping on this watch. I pushed Zack further until he wasn't touching me. I announced, "I have to go."

He started, "Wait---"

But I didn't let him finish, I ran till I was on the deep corridors. I saw a straight passage, trying to find a dark corner where I could hide from him.

I had a feeling that if I didn't do this, then he would never let me go.



New character alert! What did you think of Theodora?


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