My Southern Gentleman

By InTheLifeOfKatherine

105K 3K 181

17 year-old Katie-Anne Elizabeth Parker runs away from her home to find a new beginning in life. What she fin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 17

3.5K 137 6
By InTheLifeOfKatherine

Chapter 17!!!!!

*Will’s POV*

WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!??! Now all I’m going to be able to think about for the rest of the day is going home to Katie-Anne!!!!!! Why does she have to be so distracting?

“Treat her right, Tucker. Or I’m going in for the steal!” one of my co-workers said.

I shot him a glare. “Stay away from her.”

“Okay, okay! Sorry, man! I’m just sayin’ she’s HOT!”

I had to smirk at that. “Yeah, I know she is.”

“Damn, Will! But where is she from? I know everybody in this town, but I don’t know her.”

I thought about my answer. I really didn’t know where she was from.

“Earth to Will!!!!!” 

I snapped out of my thoughts.

“You got it bad! If you can’t even hold a simple conversation without thinking about her than you’re hooked!”

“Shut up, Travis!”” I chuckled.

I went back to work, counting down the minutes until I could see her again.


*Katie-Anne’s POV*

Will should be home in about an hour. Dinner was almost ready, and I needed to shower.

“Hey, Ma?” I called.

“Yeah?” she called back from the laundry room.

“I’m going to take a shower. Can you keep an eye on dinner for me?”


I walked into my bedroom. I grabbed some jeans and a soft blue sweater. Then, it hit me.


I smiled, my plan unfolding in my mind.

Now, I just need to ask Will if his band will help me....

I thought back to the moment I found out about Will’s band.


“Katie? I’m gonna go hang out with Jack for a few hours. I’ll be home at about 11.”

“Okay, Will! I’m gonna have Molly over. Have fun, but not too much!” I smiled.

He leaned in for a quick peck on the cheek. I watched him as he left the house.

Time to call Molly.

I quickly dialed the all too familiar number.

“Molly’s Dream Shop! How can I make your dreams come true today?”

I burst out laughing “What the hell, Molly?”

She joined in on the laughter. “I couldn’t help it! I wanted to hear your reaction!”

I chuckled again. “Hey, you wanna hang out? Will and Jack went for a day with the guys.”

“Actually, I was gonna drop in to kidnap you away for a girl’s day, so I’ll be there in 3.........2..........1.....”


I laughed as I heard Molly’s car horn. I threw open the door and was abruptly greeted by a crushing hug.

“Oh my goodness, Katie-Anne!!!!! We haven’t talked in sooooooooooo long! I’ve missed you!!!!!!!”

I giggled “Smartass.”

“Yup,” she said, popping the p, “now get your smartass ready! We’re going to my favorite hangout!”

“Alright! Give me a few.”

I went to my room, grabbing a pair of jean shorts and a black tank top with one pair of red rhinestone lip prints on it. I grabbed my red converse, and grabbed my bag.

“Ready!” I called.

“Okie dokie! Let’s rock!”

We drove into town, and stopped along the street.

“The bakery is your favorite place to hang?” I asked, unimpressed.

“No, silly! We have to walk the rest of the way!” Molly bubbled with excitement.

I smiled “Well, let’s get hiking!”

We walked between the bakery and the library, and headed up a small path that ran over a hill. When we reached the top, I saw a building in a small valley. But I heard something coming from the building.

“Does anyone else know about this place?” I asked.

“I didn’t think anyone did...” Molly frowned slightly.

“Let’s check it out!!!!” I exclaimed, feeling adventurous.

Molly nodded and we crept closer to the building.

“Someone’s playing music.” I whispered, pinpointing what the noise was.

It was a male’s voice, accompanied by two guitars, a keyboard, drums, and two harmonizing voices. 

Wow! They are REALLY good!

“Wait a second.....I LOVE this song!” I whispered.

I peeked through the crack in the door as a female voice sang the familiar chorus.

“It’s a quarter after one, I’m all alone and I need you now...”

Molly and I smiled at each other. I looked back into the building right as a beautiful male voice took over.

“....and I said I wouldn’t call, but I’m a little drunk and I need you now...”

My jaw dropped. Standing there, singing and playing the guitar, was Will. My heart melted.

He can SING too?!?!?!? Ugh.....and I thought he couldn’t get anymore perfect!

Molly beamed, trying desperately to not squeal in delight.

“Look who is playing the other guitar!” She whispered, excitement oozing through her voice.

It was Jack. I smiled, genuinely happy for Molly.

The song ended, and the band slapped each other high fives.

“Hey. Let’s do the other one.” The girl said, excited.

“But you said you don’t know the other one.” Will said.

“So? I just sing the harmony. You do the melody. I’ll pick it up eventually.” The girl said.

“What ever you say, Casey.”

They started playing another song, one I LOVED to sing! It was one of my most favorite duets.

“I really hate to let this moment go; touching your skin and your hair falling slow. When a goodbye kiss, feels like this...” Will’s beautiful voice sang.

Before I knew it, I was standing in the doorway, singing the harmony with my boyfriend.

“Don’t you wanna stay here a little while? Don’t you wanna hold each other tight? Don’t you wanna fall asleep with me tonight? Don’t you wanna stay here a little while? We can make forever feel this way. Don’t you wanna stay?”

All eyes were on me. I blushed so deeply, realizing that I had ruined the moment, but the girl ,named Casey, smiled at me.

“Keep going. Y’all sound perfect together!” she said.

I looked at Will, his surprised look slowly turning into a smile. He nodded, encouraging me. I took a deep breath, and began to sing again.

“Let's take it slow, I don't wanna move too fast. I don't wanna just make love, I wanna make love last When you're on this high, it's a sad goodbye .” 

Will and I sang the whole song through, and I couldn’t take my eyes off of him.

Good God! Your life is turning into a Lifetime original movie!

The song ended, and everything was silent.

Will finally broke the silence “Wow.”

I blushed and looked down. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt I-I’ll go now.”

“No. Stay.” Casey and Will said at the same time.

Will set his guitar down, and walked towards me, his eyes holding a mix of wonder and disbelief.

He placed his hands on either side of my face, and gently kissed my lips.

“Hi.” he whispered.

“Hey.” I whispered back.

“Why didn’t you tell me you could sing like that?” he said quietly.

“It never came up.” I shrugged, blushing.

“That is the DUMBEST reason not to tell someone you can sing like that!” Jack blurted.

“Shut up, dumbass!” Casey elbowed Jack.

I blushed even deeper.

“Hey. Weren’t you supposed to be hanging out with Molly today?” Will asked.

“She is.” Molly said, strolling through the door. “And I’m kind of upset that my best friend didn’t tell me she has the voice of a country goddess!”

“I do not!” I exclaimed. “Y’all are just overreacting!” 

Will laughed. “I must be affecting your speech, baby. You just said ‘y’all.’”

I playfully shoved him. “Oh, hush!”

“Hey!” Casey yelled, smiling. “I’d like to formally meet this girl, William! You never shut up about how wonderful she is, and now you won’t even introduce me?! That’s NOT okay!!!!!”

I laughed and Will rolled his eyes.

“Casey Jackson, Katie-Anne Parker. Katie-Anne, this is my cousin Casey. THERE! Happy?” Will laughed.

“Very.” Casey replied.

I went to shake her hand, but Casey pulled me into a big hug.

“I don’t do handshakes with family.” She smiled.

I smiled back. I could tell that Casey and I were going to get along as well.

“Hey, Parker, I’m Skylar! Do you know ‘Because of You’ by Kelly Clarkson and Reba McEntire?”  the boy on drums called to me.

“Of course! Who doesn’t?” I called back.

“Let’s sing it!” Casey exclaimed. “Molly, you and Katie-Anne take the melody, I’ll chime in on the chorus with the harmony!”

The afternoon went on like that. Laughing, singing, and making even more friends. I’ll always remember that day for the rest of my life.

~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~

I got out of the shower,  pumped up for my mom’s birthday.

Glancing at the clock, I started to get nervous.

Will is going to be here in about a half hour....GREAAAAAAAAAT

I quickly chose a white, sleeveless dress that came down to my mid-thigh, and paired it with a thin black belt and a cropped jean jacket. I slipped my white flip flops on, and quickly dried my hair, letting its natural wave form. I decided to skip makeup because my parents would tease me about “their little girl growing up so fast.”

I walked back to the kitchen to let Mom know that she could take her shower now. She scurried of into her shower, and I began to set the table. Unfortunately, that only took about 10 minutes, so I had the remaining 20 to pace and worry.

I heard the truck pull up, and my heart went into overdrive.

Oh no.....oh God.....oh no....oh God

I went to the front door, and saw Will getting out, dirty and sweaty from a hard day at work, but I couldn’t help but let a small smile appear on my face.

I didn’t hear my mom walk up behind me.

“You really, really like him don’t you?” Mom said in my ear.

I jumped.

“Oh, sorry honey! I didn’t mean to scare you!” Mom chuckled.

“It’s okay. And yeah, I do really like him.” I breathed.

“I can tell. You were smiling while watching him, and you didn’t even know it.”

I blushed, and walked to the kitchen, starting to do the dishes.

“Oh, honey, don’t be ashamed! He’s such a cutie!” Mom gushed.

I smiled and rolled my eyes as the door opened.

Well, I guess it’s now or never.

I walked to the front door, where Will stood.

“Hey, Katie-Anne.” he said, giving me a quick peck.

“Hey.” I smiled.

I could practically feel her excitement bubbling over, so i turned to her and said

“Mom, this is William Tucker. Will, this is my mom.”

Will smiled. “It’s nice to meet you, Ma’am. I’d shake your hand, but I’m not in any condition to be meeting the parents right now. Would you please excuse me while I clean up?”

“Oh my! You are so polite! Of course, but just know that your greeting hug is waiting for you after your shower.” Mom smiled warmly.

“Thank you, Ma’am.” Will said, turning to go to the shower.

She waited until he was out of earshot, but then burst with excitement.

“Oh my goodness!!! He is such a cutie, Katie-Anne! And so polite!”

I laughed. “Chill, Mom! You’re gonna scare him away!”

“I don’t think it’s me you have to worry about scaring him away.” Mom warned.


My dad still hadn’t met my boyfriend.

Mom gave me a reassuring hug.

“I’ll make sure to let your father know that I approve of Will.”

I felt slightly relieved. If Dad knew that Mom had met him and liked him, then he wouldn’t be so determined to scare the hell out of Will.

Mom went to go warn Dad, and I went to the kitchen to start putting the food on the table.

I hummed to myself quietly, praying that my dad would like Will.

A pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me against a perfectly sculpted chest.

“I now see where you get your charm and kindness, babe.”

“You scared me, WIll!” I breathed, smiling.

“I’m sorry. Forgive me?” he teased.

I turned around to look at his stunning smile.

“I’ll think about it.” I said, kissing his cheek. “You wait here. I’m going to get the others for dinner.”

He gave me a small salute, causing me to giggle and walk away.

“Dinner is served.” I announced to the people in the family room.

I turned back to the kitchen, silently praying that my dad would be nice.

Will saw my dad and immediately extended his hand.

“Mr. Parker, I’m Will Tucker. I’m dating your daughter.”

I held my breath, and looked for my dad’s reaction. 

To my absolute horror, my dad crossed his arms, and narrowed his eyes at Will.

Oh no....

**End Of Chapter**

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