Whilst the boyfriends away

By kaylsxo

11.6M 127K 8.1K

Here, there and everywhere with work my boyfriend Charlie is rather quick to make me his last priority, and a... More

Whilst the boyfriends away


104K 1.3K 83
By kaylsxo

Everyone now in bed I'm still laying wide awake at two o'clock in the morning, I never had chance to talk to Aston after that kiss and ended up following Charlie to the bedroom to keep the peace. My mind far is too busy to sleep.

Turning over to check on Charlie I slowly got climbed out of bed and left him in his usual deep sleep, there could be a party next door and he wouldn't know. Shutting the bedroom door behind me I tiptoed across to the lounge and tucked myself up at one corner of the couch for some warmth. I thought I could cope with the situation, but trying to catch Charlie out is a lot harder than I thought, I keep doubting whether there is something wrong with him after all, even if it's not his heart. He's playing this game too well.

Sitting quietly I suddenly heard a noise.

"Charlie?" I whispered looking to my bedroom. I then looked to Aston's and realised its in fact his room the noise is coming from.

Standing up I walked over to his door and listened closer, tapping it quietly and easing it open. I'm thinking and hoping he's awake.

"Aston?" I spoke.

"Hmm," he groaned.

"Oh sorry, have I woke you?"

"No," he yawned.

"I'll come back in the morning, I'm sorry."

"Wait, are you alright?"

"I couldn't sleep that's all."

"Come in, come and lay with me," he insisted.

I walked over and climbed in the bed as he made room and pulled back the duvet, the heat from where he had laid automatically warming me up.

"I haven't stopped thinking about you," I murmured.

"I've been thinking about you too babe."

"This is so hard Aston."

"It will be over soon."

"Are you serious about us?" I asked.

"Yeah, I want us to be together."

"Me too."

"Once everything is sorted and Charlie is out of the picture we can buy our own place, I'm back at work properly now so we don't have to settle for a two bed flat in north London. It will be a house with a garden," he smiled.

"It will be lovely."

"I've been thinking about going up to the hospital," he said.

"Oh yeah?"

"I know its private and confidential but we might be able to find out something even if its whether or not he's on the records."

"Maybe. Do you want me to go?"

"If its possible to get out of the house, it depends what Charlie's doing doesn't it?"

"Hmm, I think he's going out at some point," I said.

"Well see what happens in the morning hun."


"Are you staying in here tonight?" Aston asked.

"I wish I could, but Charlie might wake up before me and wonder where I am."

"Yeah, alright."

"I better go back, I've kept you up long enough."

"Lets have a kiss before you go then."

Sitting up I pressed my lips against his softly.

"Night," I smiled.

"Is that all?" he teased.

Giggling I kissed him again but with a little more tongue action and a lot more passion.

"Night babe," he said now happy enough.

Shutting each door behind me as I wandered back to my bedroom I climbed in the bed with Charlie as if I'd never left, his body sprawled out in the exact place.

The following morning after managing a couple of hours sleep I sat alone at the dining table eating my breakfast, Aston has popped out but Charlie is still locked in the bathroom showering. I thought showers were supposed to be quick and convenient?

"I thought you said that shower was broken?" Charlie said finally making an appearance another ten minutes later.

"I thought it was."

"It's working like a dream for me."

"Oh right."

"What are you doing today?" he asked.

"I don't know yet, why?"

"I was thinking about inviting Dave round for some FIFA."

"I'll go into town then and do a bit of shopping."


After clearing the worktop in the kitchen I made a start on getting ready in my bedroom, showering and quickly blowdrying my hair before doing my make up. Dressed casually I briefly texted Aston to tell him my plans before he got home in front of Charlie, I'm hoping he can meet me later to go to the hospital.

"I'm going now before Dave gets here, there's a few sales," I said picking up my bag and car keys.


"I'll see you later then."

Making my way downstairs to the car I read Aston's reply to my text after putting my bag in the passenger seat.

'Ok babe, text me a time and I'll be there :) xx'

I don't plan on spending too much time shopping as I'd rather concentrate on getting to the hospital with Aston before Charlie susses that shopping is not my only purpose of this trip.

I started in topshop and had a quick look at the jumpers hanging on the right hand side wall, the weathers drastically changing now winter is on the way so it's about time I changed my wardrobe. Choosing two, pink and a grey one, I paid and moved onto miss selfridge. After two hours or so of walking in and out of shops I decided to head back to the car with arm fulls of bags, I dread to think how much I've spent.

It's now two o'clock and I'm sitting in my car with a mcdonalds waiting for Aston to meet me. In a world of my own I jumped at the sound of knocking on the window.

"Aston!" I squealed as he jumped inside laughing.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't resist."

"I thought you'd changed your mind."

"Nah there was a lot of traffic coming from Mum's that's all."

"Do you want a chip?" I asked.

"Mm, cheers," he said taking a few in his fingers. "Did you buy much shopping then?"

"Yeah, probably too much," I grinned.

"What did you get?"

"Just some clothes for winter, some shoes and a new dress."

"If that's your idea of a small shopping trip I dread to think what you would buy in Westfield."

I giggled throwing my rubbish bag in the foot well until later.

"Are we doing this then?" I asked.

"Yeah, come on."

Popping a bit of chewing gum in my mouth I got out of the car and followed Aston up the road to the hospitals main entrance.

"Right, I'm Charlie's brother and your his other half."


"I thought we could ask about changing an appointment and see what happens from there."

"Yeah that could work."

Heading straight to the main reception desk I met the same lady as I did when Charlie was here last.

"Hello, can I help?" she smiled.

"Hiya, I was wondering if you could help me by changing an appointment we have booked in," I asked.

"Is the appointment for you Miss?"

"It's not, it's for my partner."

"For you Sir?"

"No," he spoke.

"My partner couldn't come himself, he's picked up a sickness bug and is at home in bed."

"Oh okay, well I'll see what I can do. What's the name please?"

"Charlie Evans."

"Okay, bare with me please."

I nodded as she looked on the system taking a lot longer than you would expect.

"Did you say Mr. Evans?" she asked.

"That's right."

"And when should he have an appointment?"

"I think it's sometime this week, he's waiting on some results."

"Right okay."

"Is there a problem?" I asked.

"I'm afraid I can't find your partner on the system, the last appointment Mr. Evans had was with Dr. Melborn."

"Yeah he was here for some tests."

"No I'm afraid Dr. Melborn is a consultant."


"What is the problem here?" Aston asked.

"I don't have any appointments booked for Mr. Evans, I suggest he speaks to his doctor and they can arrange something."

"That's what they have done though, he's been seeing a heart specialist."

"There isn't any notes on the system but even if there was I'm afraid I can't discuss them with you without Mr. Evans. I'm sorry but all I can suggest is returning when he's feeling better and we can sort the problem."

"I'm sorry," Aston stepped in. "But could the reason for Charlie not being on the system be that there is no appointments?" he asked.

"I can't discuss that with you Mr.."


"I do apologise Mr. Merrygold but all I can say is I have no information in front of me."

"Right, okay. Thank you."

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" she asked.

"No that's all. Thank you for your help," I smiled.

Stepping away with Aston I frowned waiting for him to speak.

"So that's it then yeah, that's all we need?" he shrugged.

"Do you think?" I asked.

"If there's no doctor there's no heart problems, right?"

Is that really the solid proof we need?


Vote to find out more :)

Ps. Obviously it's christmas very soon so I'm not sure when the next post will be but if I don't post before then, merry christmas to you all! 🎅

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