Getting Noticed

Por a_dolanlove

953 8 3


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
The End

Chapter 15

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Por a_dolanlove

(This ones only a short one sorry I just wanted to update something. Working on the next one now)

Chase’s P.O.V

I’m still trying to wrap my head around the chain of events that happened last night. It was amazing I couldn’t believe it, and then what happened earlier on this morning with Harry, my stomach did backflips just thinking about it. And now we get to spend another day with the boys, I couldn’t wait

We had been standing out in the hallway waiting for the guys for about five minutes and I felt a little stupid

“Steph why don’t we just go knock on Harry’s door, I feel like a dick standing in the hallway” I said, truth was I just wanted to be in his room with him again

She nodded “Hah brainwave, I was just going to say that”

Bet you weren’t thinking what I was just thinking, I giggled to myself

As we were walking to Harry’s room the door opened and Liam, Zayn and Louis walked out closing the door behind him. Louis looked like he was about to cry

“Hey Louis, are you ok” I called out to him

The three boys spun around, startled by my voice

“Hey Chase, yeah I’m ok. Listen we’ve got to fly home Eleanor is in the hospital, she broke her leg” he said trying to keep a brave face

“Aw Louis I’m sorry to hear that, I hope she will be ok” I said

He gave us a small smile “She should be fine, Sophia and Perrie are there with her now that’s why Liam and Zayn are coming with me”

Liam and Zayn nodded and smiled

“But don’t worry, Harry and Niall are staying so you guys enjoy the rest of your time with them” Liam said

“Yeah and we hope to see you both again soon” Zayn said

I looked at Steph who was smiling “We’d love that” she beamed

“Good that’s settled then” Louis said “But for now we must go, bye girls it was lovely to meet you”

“It was nice to meet you guys to” I said with a smile

The boys hugged us and set off towards the elevator with their luggage, they gave us one last wave before the doors closed and they were gone

“Oh my god, poor Louis” I said to Steph

“Yeah and poor Eleanor, I really do hope she’s ok” Steph said

“Me too” I replied as I lifted my hand to knock on Harry’s door

Just as I was about to knock the door opened to reveal a smiling Harry and Niall

“Well hello there” Harry smiled at me and pulled me in to a hug, Niall did the same with Steph. Awww

“Hey” I giggled as he let me go

I couldn’t help but stare at him, he was absolutely beautiful, why he was interested in me was beyond me but I like it. I kept imagining it though, me and Harry, Harry and me, this is my boyfriend Harry, Harry Styles. Shutup Chase you’re fucking dreaming

Niall pulled me out of my farfetched thoughts “So are you girls hungry” he said with a grin

“Starving” Steph and I said at the same time, I caught her eye and we started giggling

“Did we miss the joke?” Harry asked looking amused

It happens a lot, Steph and I think far too much alike, we will either have the same ideas or someone says what the other is thinking and say ‘brainwave’ or say the same thing at the same time. We think it’s funny but to others we look kinda stupid

“Aha inside jokes boys” Steph giggled

“I see” Harry said with a smile

Then Niall’s stomach let out a loud rumble

“Ok let’s go before Niall’s stomach sets off an alarm or something” Harry laughed

As we were walking to the elevator Louis crossed my mind

“Hey Harry, is Eleanor ok?” I asked him

“How did you know?” he replied, his eyes wide

“Oh uh we bumped in to the boys as we were coming to your room, Louis looked like he was going to cry so I asked him if he was ok and then they told us what happened” I explained

“Oh” he said “Well yeah I think she will be fine but we won’t know the full story till Louis calls us when he gets there”

We reached the ground floor and the elevator doors opened to let us out

“I hope she will be ok” Steph said

Niall took her hand “She will be fine” he said and let her towards the hotel restaurant

“You girls shouldn’t worry too much she’s in good hands” Harry said “So let’s just enjoy ourselves and only worry when we need to” he smiled and held out his hand to me, I intwined my fingers with his as we followed Niall and Steph to a table

Three Weeks Later

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think my life would turn out the way it has. You would think that I would be upset because the guys had gone home. Well I’m not, it was epic meeting them all and it was a dream come true. Now they are gone reality is setting in and we’re never going to see them again, but I’m not sad I couldn’t be in a better place

I passed my course that I have been taking with flying colours and graduated last week with a job offer overseas, London as a matter of fact. I had been sending my CV’s all over the place looking for a job before graduation and it finally paid off


* ”Oh my god Steph look” I said to my best friend as I pointed to my computer screen

“What, what is it?” she said moving in closer to have a look

“That job I applied for over in London two weeks ago, they’ve emailed me back” I said nervously

“Well what are you waiting for? Open it” she said with a grin “Oh and good luck” she added

I held my breath, crossed my fingers and opened the email

Chase Kennedy

We are pleased to inform you that after much consideration your application has been successful. We have followed up on some of your work and are very impressed, not to mention your references were outstanding. We look forward to having you on board

Details of job description, start date, flights and accommodation you will find in the attachment below

Kind Regards

Cathy Bridgestone’

I was gobsmacked. I couldn’t believe my luck, I had just gotten the job of my dreams and then some. The job was a chef in one of the top hotels in London and the hotel has paid for my flights and a room for me to live in while I am over there

I looked at Steph who was beaming at me

“Congrats babe, I’m so proud of you” she said and pulled me in to a hug

“Wow I can’t believe this is actually happening” I said with a smile. *

(End of flashback)

So yeah, I’m packing up and moving halfway across the world, which has put me in the best mood ever. Like I said before I’m not sad that the boys left or that we wouldn’t see them again, I couldn’t be in a better place and you want to know why? Because getting this job means that I’ll be able to be closer to my boyfriend, yes I said it ‘Boyfriend’

The day that Louis, Liam and Zayn left Harry and Niall behind ended up being the most amazing night and changed my life forever and it’s something I will never forget


“Harry why are you interested in me?” I said quietly “I mean you could have any girl in the world, but you’re here with me”

“That, right there, is why” he replied “You said I could have any girl, but I don’t want any girl Chase, I’m here with you because I want to be here with you”

“What is it about me though?” I asked with a small smile

“You want to know why?” he said and I nodded

“I find your lips so kissable” he said as he planted a small kiss on my lips. I wanted more and went to kiss him back but he shook his head and smiled

“And your kiss unmissable” he said as he brushed his finger over my cheek

“Your fingertips so touchable” he said as he lightly traced his fingertips over mine before we tangled our fingers together

“And your eyes irresistible” he finished locking his eyes with mine, they really are something to look at. His eyes I mean they are so beautiful

“Wow” I breathed

“I don’t know why you don’t see what I see Chase, I don’t know why you hide away. You are so beautiful” he said softly with his hand placed gently on both of my cheeks as he held my gaze, oh my.

“Chase” he asked me

“Mmm hmm” I said back

“I need to ask you something” he said quietly, like he was all of a sudden shy, that’s weird because he’s always so confident

“What’s wrong Harry?” I said

“I know it’s only early, but I can’t help the way I feel about you and the more time I spend with you the stronger they get” he said

“I know how you feel Harry” I said, it is the honest truth I like him so much I don’t want this to ever end

“Chase, I can’t leave, I can’t go home unless I know I’ll be able to see you again” he said

“Harry, I would never say no to seeing you, you don’t have to worry” I reassured him, I knew I may not ever see him again but I would never turn him away if he wanted to see me

“You don’t understand, I want this to be more, I want this to be forever, Chase I want you to be mine” he said as a small tear rolled down his cheek

Oh my god what!! Harry just asked me to be his. Yes yes oh my god yes!!

I moved in close to him and leant my head in to his neck as he wrapped his arms around me and pressed his lips against my forehead

“I want this forever to Harry, I want you to be mine” I whispered and felt him smile against my head

(End of flashback)

So there you have it. I have my best friend (who is also together with Niall, we all knew that was going to happen) I have my dream job, I have my dream boyfriend. Honestly my life is complete right now

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