Chapter 9

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Don’t really know what to say except I wish this was real! Parts of this chapter are pretty much the same as the last chapter but in Niall’s P.O.V due to a request I had

Chapter 9 – Niall’s P.O.V

I couldn’t believe my eyes, and my luck. It’s like everything around me went dull and the light shone on this girl who stood only a few meters away from me. All this waiting, excitement and anticipation had all paid off, she was beautiful. My jaw dropped and I froze.

I faintly heard Harry thank the driver but I really wasn’t paying any attention. Liam nudged me in my side to get my attention “Kiss her she’s Irish” he laughed, referring to the hand-made shirt she was wearing. I like it, and I’d like nothing more than to give her a kiss but I couldn’t even move

Thankfully Liam helped me out, he held out his hand for her to shake “Hey I’m Liam, and this strapping young lad over here is Niall” he pulled her over to me

“Hey Niall, I’m Steph” she smiled. Oh wow

I snapped out of my daze and held my arms out for a hug, why not, and she closed the gap within seconds

I pulled away and gave her a smile back “Heya, how you doing?”

“I’m ok, really excited and nervous to be here” she blushed. She’s adorable

“Don’t be nervous” I told her “We’re just five normal lads hanging out with a couple of girls”

I heard Liam clearing his throat. No Liam don’t I want to look at her pretty face forever.

“So girls, would you like to join us upstairs, get to know each other a little better?” he asked them

The girls looked at each other and nodded their heads

“Well come on then, let’s go. Then after we would like to take you girls out for dinner somewhere special to say thanks for being the best fans” Zayn said

Yes, upstairs and out of this awkward lobby situation. I felt uncomfortable with people walking by staring at us

Louis led us to the elevator and we all piled in, he hit the number of our floor and the doors closed. I heard the girls giggling behind me, I wondered why. We reached our floor and headed towards Harry’s room as he unlocked the door for us

“Take a seat girls, make your selves at home” Harry told them. Chase and Steph took a seat on the sofa, Harry took the space next to Chase and before I knew what I was doing I ran to claim the space next to Steph, embarrassing but oh well, I wanted that spot. I could smell her perfume so I inhaled the scent, she was wearing our perfume, nice.

“How are you girls feeling?” Louis asked them

They both looked at each other then back to Louis who had sat right in front of them, what a way to scare them Lou, they’re probably nervous enough as it. I smiled

“Um we’re good, a little nervous to be here coz you know, we’re huge fans” Chase said quietly

“Yeah, we never thought this would ever happen. Though here we are, sitting in a hotel room with our idols” Steph said from beside me. Her voice was amazing, I could listen to her talk all day

“That’s cool, we’re happy to be here. Niall and Harry especially” Louis said as he winked at us, chuckling to himself. Liam and Zayn were laughing to. Harry and I blushed, good one guys way to go making me feel totally awkward.

The silence was unbearable, thankfully Liam broke it. Cheers mate

“We thought we would just hang out here for a bit and get to know you guys better then go out for dinner, unless you girls want to go now” he said with a smile

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