Chapter 25

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Here’s another quick update again to apologize for taking so long the last time…comment and vote if you liking it so far…it’s almost over I’m sorry to say maybe five or six more updates but there will be a sequel hopefully in the future it’ll just take me a while to figure something out :)

Harry’s P.O.V

I knew she wasn’t ok after our talk even if she said she was, I could see it in her eyes, I could hear it in her voice, she was scared maybe even a little angry. My worst fear had become a reality. Her short outburst confirmed it and my heart sank when she snatched her hand away from my gentle grip

I watched her turn her back on me, did she want to leave? I don’t want her to, please don’t leave me Chase, I need you. I’m devastated at the thought of her wanting to leave me. My feelings for her have increased over this short period of time it’s unexplainable. I’ve fallen for this girl, maybe a little bit in love with her, I don’t know. But how can I tell her this if she wants to leave. Leave me.

“Chase” Steph’s tone was warning “Don’t be rude, it’s not Harry’s fault”

Chase turned to face me, her expression soften from her earlier dark expression. Which, to be honest, was a little un-nerving.

“I know, Harry I’m sorry, it’s just a lot to process” she said softly, reaching her hand out slowly for mine. I took it gently, cautiously, in fear of her snatching it away again

Our eyes met, her stare was warm and apologetic. She gave me a small smile which made the tightening in my chest and the lump in my throat cease for the time being. Funny how a small smile from her puts my worries on hold for just a moment in time and I feel ok

She leant forward to kiss my cheek, now I know things are going to be ok. She’s staying and we will work through this together, as a couple. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close taking in everything about her. She closed the gap within seconds so we were in a tight embrace, I could stay like this forever, in her arms is my favourite place

“Well, well, looks like the party is in the driveway now” I heard Louis say from the door

“Louis!” Chase yelled

I looked up to see him smiling with his arms wide open as she ran straight into them. I laughed quietly to myself and motioned for Steph to follow me. As Louis let go of Chase I quickly gave him a short one armed hug then he pulled Steph into a tight hug aswell

“How are you girls, we’ve missed you” Louis asked them

“We’re fine Louis, thankyou” Chase smiled

“Yeah we’re great, even better now. We missed you all to” Steph said with a grin

“Well come on then let’s go in, everyone’s been dying to see the both of you” he said linking arms with both Steph and Chase and led them inside. I trailed behind as a small smile spread across my face

Everyone was waiting for us in the living area. Zayn was on the one seater with Perrie on his lap, he had his arms around her waist, they both looked up and smiled. Liam was on the sofa with Sophia next to him, she had her legs over his knees and he had his arm around her shoulder. Niall was sitting next to him with his leg rested on the coffee table and his knee in a brace, good Louis listened to me then. Eleanor was on the arm rest next to Niall, she looked over with a big smile.

“Girls” Louis announced “This is Chase and Steph, Harry’s and Niall’s girlfriends” they both smiled shyly “Chase, Steph, That’s Eleanor, Sophia and Perrie” he pointed to everyone

Chase and Steph waved slightly at everyone and both said a shy hello

Chase looked over at me a little nervous so I made my way over to her and slid my arm around her waist and pulled her close

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