Chapter 4

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Aww my Niall feels lol

Chapter 4 – Chase’s P.O.V

So it was official. This wasn’t a dream. Steph actually got a DM from Niall, The Niall, Niall bloody Horan.

It took me a long time to calm her down because of it, she got herself in a bit of a state that ended up in using cold water, a lot of hugging and a paper bag. Jeez thanks Horan must remember to tell you that if I ever get the chance.

I’ve only just got home from Steph’s place, which was practically my second home. I walked into my room and smiled, this is where it all started.

I toed off my shoes and shrugged out of my jacket and hopped into bed, I grabbed my laptop and fired it up. I’ll admit it, I did feel a bit down after I left Steph’s, I am super happy for her about the DM because I know how much she loves Niall but I couldn’t help but wonder about myself and why I hadn’t got anything.

Was it because I didn’t speak enough in the video we made? Did I not send enough messages to the boys? Or did I say the wrong things in the messages I did send? All these questions started running through my head and I just burst into tears. I cried and cried until the tears stopped coming, I don’t even know why I started crying in the first place

Stop being silly Chase. I wiped my face and calmed myself down so I could focus, might as well have the same attitude as Steph did before she nearly gave up. I reluctantly logged on to Twitter and opened up a new message

@ChasengHazza: @Harry_Styles I know u probably wont see this but its worth a shot I really admire u an the boys thanks 4 the follow and the mention u made my day

@ChasengHazza: @Harry_Styles it still feels like a dream. I just wanted u to know that I think your amazing send something back if u can Love Chase x

I hit send and prayed to the heavens above that he reads it.

Harry’s P.O.V

It’s been over a week now since we followed the girls and Niall is feeling about the same way as I do, a little bit obsessed with trying to figure out the right way to tell them we want to get to know them. I’ve been reading Chase’s tweets and looking at her pictures, I couldn’t help myself, I was mesmerised by this girl, it’s like she had some sort of hold over me that I couldn’t explain.

Yesterday I got a DM from her, I hadn’t replied because I didn’t know what to say. I felt bad though, really bad, because I know how much the follow means to her and how much she does love us. I want to reply back and tell her everything I’m feeling but I don’t know how to say it.

I’ve never felt this way before, especially not about a fan, but there was something about Chase that made me want to get to know her.

I went to find Louis and talk to him about my feelings because I don’t know what to do. I found him out on the balcony chatting away with Liam, I stood it the doorway and leant against the frame.

“Hey Lou” I called out, he jumped and spun around to look at me, his facial expression softened when he saw the look on mine

“Yeah what’s up Haz?” He asked softly

“C-can I talk to you for a minute?” I replied. Liam looked at me then at Louis then back to me. Oh. “No Li, nothing’s wrong I’m just confused about a few things but I’m ok” I quickly explained

He nodded “Ok Harry, just as long as you’re sure” he smiled gently

“Yeah mate, everything is fine” I reassured him

Louis brushed passed me, tugging on my arm gently he led me down the hallway towards his bedroom. We sat down at the end of his bed and he turned to face me “What’s wrong Hazzy Bear?” I shrugged my shoulders. I honestly didn’t know what was going on with me

“Chase?” he asked, already knowing the answer. I nodded

Louis sighed “You really like this girl huh?”

“Yeah I really think I do and I don’t know what to do about it” I said quietly

“How much has she messaged you” he asked me

“It’s only been twice” Louis looked surprised, I even surprised myself when I said it. Usually fans I follow send close to about a hundred messages a day, I think that’s another reason why I like Chase so much, she hasn’t gone crazy with the follow “And the last one was a bit of a tear jerker” I finished

He put his arm around my shoulders and gave me a little squeeze “What did she say?” I gave him a small smile and told him what she said and how I felt. He stroked his chin, deep in thought until he said “So, game plan. What are we going to do about it?”

“I don’t know Lou, I’m so confused, Help me” I whispered

“Well lucky for you I’ve thought of something, it’s quite good,“ he grinned “You know Zayn’s away until tomorrow night with Perrie right?” I nodded as he continued “So the day after I’ll arrange for us to meet the girls, telling they won a meet and greet, that way you get a chance to meet her and get to know her and maybe work a little bit of your magic” he nudged me in my side wiggling his eyebrows. I gave him a playful punch and smiled

“Lou, you’re a genius! Niall will love it too, he’s been dying to find a way to meet Steph as well” I beamed

“Exactly, leave it to me Haz. I’ll sort everything, don’t you worry your pretty little head” he reassured me and ruffled my curls. I gave him a big hug and skipped out of his room back into mine, I flopped down on to my bed with the biggest smile.

This is it. Good old Louis, always knew how to cheer me up. I was finally going to meet the girl I can’t get out of my head.

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