Chapter 26

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Sorry for the wait again...It's almost over though :(

Chase’s P.O.V

The start of last night was hell for me, so bad I was contemplating leaving everything behind, including Harry, to run away and hide from it all. Such a cowardly thing to do I know, but I’m still here with every intention of staying and seeing this through. We can get through this right? After all he loves me

He said he loves me

Harry loves me

And I love him

Our small but meaningful breakthrough last night put everything in perspective for me. I don’t want to be apart from him, ever. Sudden realisation of our feelings for each other – now out in the open – confirmed how much I need him, how much I want him, how much I can’t be without him. I’m happy knowing he feels the same about me

I enjoyed the rest of the night with the boys and their girlfriends. I really had the best time. Even Niall managed to have a smile on his face through the whole night, considering how much pain he was in, I don’t know how Steph did it but she’s a genius. Those two looked adorable, snuggled up on the sofa together chatting away.

It was about 1am before everyone decided to turn in. We went around saying goodnight to everyone before following our boys to their rooms. I felt happy, relaxed even, at how easy it was to have had such a good night with everyone. Even after the horrible day we just had, it really was the perfect night

I woke up this morning curled up underneath Harry’s arm. I smiled as I snuggled in closer to him, remembering every word spoken, every touch, every kiss that was shared, it was amazing and every minute of last night was perfect with him

I rolled over gently, careful not to wake him so I could gaze at the beautiful sight that is Harry Styles. I softly ran my fingers along his cheek, he stirred a little then his eyes fluttered open

“Morning beautiful” he croaked, in his oh so sexy morning voice

“Back at you” I smiled, reaching forward to trail soft kisses along his jaw

“How are you feeling” he said, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close

As I was I was about to answer how amazing last night was, my phone started to ring

“Hold that thought” I said placing my index finger across his lips. I reached out to grab my phone from my purse and answer it

“Hello” I answered

“Hello, Miss Kennedy?” A voice asked

“Yes this is she” I replied

“Miss Kennedy, this is Cathy Bridgestone, owner of the establishment you have just been employed in” she said formerly

“Oh, um, hello there, is everything alright?” I asked

“I wish I could say yes Miss Kennedy but under recent circumstances I’m afraid we cannot have you on staff” she told me

Oh shit I knew something like this would happen

“I’m sorry, I don’t understand. You’re firing me because?” I said, Harry’s eyes shot wide open when I said this

“Miss Kennedy I wish I didn’t have to do this, I was quite looking forward to this establishment experiencing your expertise. But there has been quite a bit of bad publicity outside our hotel to do with you and your boyfriend and this company will not tolerate it” she explained

“I’m sorry you feel that way” I said “We had no control over the media and their lies I hope you know that Mrs Bridgestone”

I was angry now that they would jump to a conclusion without an explanation

“I am aware of that Miss Kennedy, still rules are rules. Please be out of the apartment by 2pm this afternoon” she said sternly, then the line went dead

I can’t believe this has happened, and without even giving me the chance to explain. I only just got here and now I have to leave. Harry and I just worked things out and I have to leave. I don’t want to leave

A single tear slid down my cheek, which Harry caught with his thumb before resting his hand on my face

“I got fired” I whimpered

“I figured as much from the words you said” he said softly

“I don’t understand though, it wasn’t our fault and they were so quick to judge without even letting me explain” I cried

Harry pulled me close and ran his fingers through my hair as I sobbed into his bare chest

“Shh, hey, it’s going to be ok” he said

I looked up at him and sniffed “How? I don’t have a job I won’t be able to survive, I have to go home Harry”

“You just got here though, do you really think I’m going to let you go” he smiled “Stay here, with me, at least until we figure something out”

I shook my head “Harry, I can’t ask that of you”

“You didn’t ask, I offered, so say yes” he said, smiling a toothy grin trying to turn on the charm

Oh how can I say no to him, he’s just too cute, and if I’m being honest I don’t want to leave him, not yet anyway I’ve missed him to much

“Fine” I smiled “But only till I get back on my feet”

He beamed and planted a long wet kiss on my cheek before leaping out of bed and heading for his door

“Um Harry” I giggled

“Going to make some tea” he said, flashing me a smile

“Well before you open that door, you might want to think about some pants, or a robe maybe” I giggled some more

I watched his cheeks flush before he grabbed his robe on the back of his door and wrapped it around himself

“Good idea” he winked before disappearing out the door

I slowly got up and found a shirt and some sweat pants in his drawers, I quickly pulled them on an decided to head towards the kitchen to join my man

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