Chapter 16

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(Another short one I’m sorry, just really busy with family and stuff coz of new year..hope you like it.. Happy New Year everyone!!)

Harry’s P.O.V

“All right that was good lads, let’s take a break” I faintly heard Louis say

To be honest I wasn’t really paying much attention to any of the guys, my mind was elsewhere. We were in the middle of rehearsals for our upcoming tour. I was excited don’t get me wrong, being on stage with the boys again, seeing all our dedicated fans, I couldn’t wait. But I missed her, I missed my girlfriend.

“Harry, what’s up? You’ve been in a daze all afternoon” Louis said. I didn’t even notice him approach me

“Yeah Lou I’m fine. I’m sorry just missing Chase a bit that’s all” I sighed

“Well give her a call then” he smiled “We’re all taking a break now anyway so just be back here in twenty” he said giving me a playful shove

“Thanks Lou” I smiled

I got up and headed towards the back rooms where it was quiet and took a seat on the sofa. I pulled out my phone and unlocked the screen. I smiled at my background photo, it was of Chase and I, we had taken it the day Niall and I left. I scrolled through my contacts to find her name and pressed call, she answered straight away and it made me smile

“Hey Harry” she said, I could hear her smile even if I couldn’t see it

“Hey beautiful, how are you?” I asked her

“I’m really good, had some awesome news. I was just about to call you but you beat me to it” she giggled “How’s rehearsals?”

“Oh you know, tiring but still fun. I miss you” I told her

“I miss you too” she said “But not for much longer”

“Why, what do you mean? Wait, this news, what is it?” I asked a little curious now

“Guess who got her dream job in the heart of London” she squealed through the phone

“You got it? Babe that’s awesome I’m so happy for you. When do you get here?” I said, this has just made my day

“I’m leaving next week. I can’t believe how well things have turned out, I have my job and I finally get to see you, I can’t wait” she said

“I can’t wait to see you too” I told her “Does that mean Steph will be joining you aswell?”

“Um, that’s a tricky question to answer. I did ask her if she wanted to, because of Niall you know, and because I’m allowed to have someone stay with me, but she went quiet” she said

“Oh, is everything ok with her and Niall?” I asked. It made me wonder, Steph and Niall were so close when we were in New Zealand, what changed

“Yeah, don’t worry too much Harry everything will be fine, she will come around hopefully” she told me

“You’re sure?” I asked “Nothing that I need to know?”

“No, everything will be fine. She just gets nervous sometimes. Don’t mention anything to Niall though because I want it to be a surprise” she said, though she didn’t sound convincing

“Ok then, not to worry, it’s a secret. I really am happy for you Chase” I said

“Thankyou Harry, I can’t wait to see you” she said

“I can’t wait to see you too, I’ll be there waiting at the airport when you land” I told her

“Good because you’re the first person I want to see when I get there” she said

“Well that will definitely be me” I smiled at the thought

“Harry, as much as I would love to keep talking to you, it’s getting late, like really late and I have a million things to sort out tomorrow, but I promise I will call you the second I’m done with it all” she said

No I didn’t want her to go, I wanted to talk to her for the rest of the afternoon, but there was the time difference and it was probably really late and not to mention that I had rehearsals to get back to

“Ok I hope you have sweet dreams Chase” I said softly

“I will because they will be of you Harry” she said, again I could hear the smile

“Goodnight Chase” I said

“Goodnight Harry” she said quietly as I heard her yawn then the line went dead

I sat there for a bit just staring at my phone, thinking. The way Chase sounded when she was talking about Steph made me feel uneasy, even if she did say everything was ok. Did Steph do something to upset Niall or did Niall to something to upset her or was she having second thoughts about him. All these things were running through my mind and I didn’t understand why

Stop Harry, I thought to myself, you need to focus on the positive

Yes the positive, my girl is moving over here. I’ll be able to see her more often, spend more time with her, get to know her even more, hold her, hug her and kiss her. I couldn’t wait

“Harry what the hell man” I heard Niall say from a distance

I whipped my head around to find him standing in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest and he was tapping his feat impatiently

“Niall, I’m sorry I lost track of time I was talking to Chase” I said and held up my phone

“How is she, how’s Steph?” he asked

“Why, have you not spoken to her at all” I asked curiously

“Yeah I have but not as much as I hoped” he said with a sigh

“Hey mate, don’t worry maybe she’s just upset because we’re halfway around the word” I said in an attempt to cheer him up

“Yeah I suppose, let’s get back to it ae, Louis is waiting for us” he said with a small smile

“Sure Ni, let’s go” I replied

I hope Chase does get Steph on board, I know it will mean the world to Niall to be able to see her and not be so far away from each other. That’s what I’m looking forward to the most, being closer. It’ll be easier on all of us if we’re to give these relationships a chance

I tried to push these thoughts out of my mind as we got straight back in to rehearsals. I’ll leave them all for later when I’m alone

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