Chapter 14

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Sorry the last chapter was short and crap I’ve confused myself a bit with the POV changes…I’m trying to figure things out, I’m going to stick to Harry and Chase’s P.O.Vs for now and just see how we go..still thanks for reading :)

Harry’s P.O.V

 I stepped back into my room to find Louis fast asleep again, poor guy, and Liam, Zayn and Niall were there as well. I don’t know how they managed to get in to my room while I was standing in the hallway, how did I not notice that. They were all sitting there smiling at me, obviously wanting to know what happened last night. Well I wasn’t going to tell them shit.

“So Harry tell us what happened” Zayn said with a grin

“Yeah Haz, tell us” Liam followed

“A gentleman never tells lads, my lips are sealed” I smirked at the guys

The boys all gasped and looked me shocked

“You didn’t? Did you?” Liam asked

What the fuck

“No Liam, I’m not like that I would never. I really like this girl and I want her to like me too” I shot back, a little annoyed that they jumped straight to that conclusion

“Harry I’m sorry, I-I didn’t mean it like that” Liam replied apologetically. My face softened and I smiled at him, I knew they didn’t mean anything by it

“It’s ok Li” I said

“I don’t think you need to worry about anything though Harry, you can tell she likes you” Niall said

“How can you tell?” I asked, honestly I couldn’t tell

“By the way she looks at you mate” Zayn said “I was watching you two last night before Liam and I left, you can see it in her eyes, the way she looks at you man, the way she smiled when you said her name, the way her cheeks flushed when you held her hand. She likes you Haz don’t worry”

They made all those observations last night. I didn’t even notice anything, I thought she was just being nice.

“You guys figured all that out last night?” I asked

“Yup” they all said in unison

I wanted to believe them I really did, but I couldn’t shake one word from the back of my head ‘Fan’. She hadn’t acted like a fan though, maybe a little in the beginning but that’s understandable, the thought was still there though. Through the night she was kind, sweet and made me feel good. I’m thinking that I should just give her the benefit of the doubt and give it a go because I do like her, I like everything about her.

Someone’s phone started ringing and pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked over at Louis who was still face down in the sofa moving his hands across the floor to find his phone. He picked it up and answered the call

“Hello” Louis croaked, still half asleep

There was a pause, then Louis eyes widened and he sat upright really fast

“What? How did that happen? Are you ok babe?” Louis asked sounding very worried

We were all looking at him with worried expressions wondering what was going on. Must be Eleanor since he addressed the person as ‘babe’ and the way he went from totally hungover to sitting up and worried in the matter of seconds

“What did they say” he asked panicking a little

There was a long pause as he listened to his distressed girlfriend on the other line

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