Chapter 23

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Harry’s P.O.V

I decided not to pull into the driveway at the hotel after the stunt pulled earlier on today, I did not want any more unnecessary drama to add to the already growing pile I needed to tell Chase about. Instead I pulled over against a kerb about half a block away from the hotel. I put my sunglasses on and pulled my hood right up over my head and kept my head down so no one would notice me.

I walked straight through the lobby to the elevators and waited patiently for the doors to open, once inside and the doors safely shut I took off my sunglasses and pulled my hood off. Reaching her floor I stepped out of the elevator and made my way through the hall to her apartment, and knocking lightly on the door

I felt like shit, I didn’t want to have to bring her in to something like this, not yet anyway

I heard noises coming from behind the door then within seconds the door swung open and Chase was smiling up at me, her big beautiful smile

“Harry!” she beamed

“Hello beautiful” I said pulling her into my arms and holding her close, all my worries seemed to have ceased for the moment. They would come back to haunt me soon no doubt

“How was the rest of your afternoon?” I asked smiling back at her

“It was going we just watched a movie, didn’t really do much we’re both still a bit jet lagged” she told me “Come in, don’t stand out there” I followed her in and flopped down on the couch beside her

“Where’s Steph” I asked her looking around

“Oh she’s just having a shower, I’m already done” she smiled and stood up twirling for me before she sat down beside me again

“I can see that” I said giving her a quick look up and down. She had shiny black tights on the showed off her curves in all the right places, she wore a long low cut lacy shirt that hugged her upper body perfectly and white converse on her feet. She looked stunning, as always.

“Chase I need to talk to you” I said, I can’t put this off any longer. Though I regretted saying anything the minute I saw her beautiful smile wipe off her face the minute I opened my mouth

“Oh ok” she whispered playing with her fingers, not looking at me

“This is something I didn’t want to have to discuss with you, not now, not this early, but it looks like I’m going to have to since it’ll all be in the news tomorrow” I sighed

She looked up at me confusion spread across her face “The news, what do you mean?”

“After I left today we kind of had an unexpected run in with the media outside your hotel. I don’t know how they knew we were here, but they found us and one of them knew about you and Steph. He got right under my skin and he tripped Niall, he fell and injured his knee then I punched him in the face. I didn’t want to bring you in to any of this, not yet anyway but they have pictures Chase, and I wanted you to find out from me before you saw it in any scummy tabloids” I tried to explain

The look on her face made my heart sink. She looked confused, disgusted and scared. She sat there not saying anything for a long time. I reached out to grab her hand and she flinched at my touch but reluctantly clasped mine with hers as tears welled in her eyes

“No, no, don’t cry babe” I said softly pulling her into my arms “It’ll be ok”

“Harry I don’t want my picture in the paper, not like this” she said quietly, silent tears streaming down her face. I carefully wiped them away

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