Freak Me Out

By Cheshiresmiless

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Growing up as Liam Payne's little sister wasn't as cracked up as everyone thought. Ask Illianna Payne. Everyo... More

Chapter 1: Normal Routine.
Chapter 2: Fake It.
Chapter 3: Who Cares.
Chapter 4: Adorkableness.
Chapter 5: Who Would've Known?
Chapter 6: The Unexpected.
Chapter 7: My 'Demons'
Chapter 8: My Angel
Chapter 10: Roadtrip
Chapter 11: Warming Up
Chapter 12: Hotel Rooms and Identities
Chapter 13: Long Drives, Greasy Foods, & Plane Rides
Chapter 14: Home? More Like A Prison
Chapter 15: The Surprise Visitor
Chapter 16: Overwhelmed
Chapter 17: Frustrations and the Truth
Chapter 18: More of the Truth
Chapter 19: Over Thinking and Long Walks
Chapter 20: The Pier and Tea
Chapter 21: Down Under, Where It's Wetter
Chapter 22: Waking Up in a Hospital Bed.
Chapter 23: Bed Rest and Chick Flicks
Chapter 24: Unexpected Love for Burgers

Chapter 9: Not Just An Angel, But My Guardian Angel

61 2 0
By Cheshiresmiless


I'll be there watching from way up high
The shadow you can't see when the suns in the sky
Wondering eyes have no disguise
It's obvious that this love never dies
Never dies...
I'll be your guardian angel,
Your sweet company,
No matter where I go,
I'll make sure you're all I see
I'll be your guardian angel (guardian angel)
Guardian angel (guardian angel)
Watching over you (watching over you)

Castiel's POV

I finally found her. Three weeks was all it took. Such a long time for a human, nothing for an angel. I knew that if she wasn't anywhere the cops looked in Europe she was somewhere else. I was right. They took her to a deserted kingdom's dungeon in Ireland. Never would've guessed that, being human, they wouldn't have. When I got there, the poor girl was fragile and sick looking. She seemed to have been crying before I got there. I made a quiet entrance, but she somehow heard me. When she looked right at me, I felt surprised. Only Dean would ever notice my quiet entrances. I stepped out of the light, towards her. She looked scared. I told her I was a good guy, I wouldn't hurt her. As I was about to get her free, I heard the demons return. I instantly disappeared so they wouldn't see me. "Keep quiet. I'm here to save you, but they can't know I'm here. I'm still here, you just can't see me." I told her this, so she wouldn't be afraid or think I abandonded her. She relaxed a little. I snuck up, towards the noise of the tomb door and demons. It was Meg, just like Dean thought. I would've sent her to Hell myself if I didn't need to stay hidden. I stayed by the entrance, waiting for Sam and Dean to get there. I pulled open the door, making it scrape loud enough for the others to hear. I vanished and reappeared in front of Illianna as the boys ambushed Meg and her little friend. She started to protest, but she passed out before she could finish her sentence. I caught her and looked for any sign of Dean or Sam. I heard shouting and lots of crashing towards the entrance. I vanished and reappeared at the Impala, placing her in the back. I took of, back to the tomb to help the boys, but when I got there seemed to have finished the job without me. Dean had Sam leaning on him, as the emerged from the entrance.
"Sam. Is he okay?" Bobby had jumped out of the car and ran over to us.
"Yeah, he just got a knocked around by that Damon guy a little." Dean grumbled.
I walked over to them, and lightly touched Sam's forehead. He seemed to visibly relax and sighed in relief. I looked over to see Bobby opening the passenger door to the car for Sam as Dean and I dragged him over to the car. Once he was in, Dean turned to me.
"How was she? Was she injured?"
"She seemed fine. Sick and sad. But not very beat up."
He nodded a little, as if to say that he could understand that. We all glanced to the backseat, looking at the girl who everyone was looking for. It took three week to find her. Now, she was found. And not even in her own country, but close to it. Dean sighed, I turned towards him.
"What now?"
"We take her back to England, to her brother and friends I guess."
"But, what about-"
"No Bobby. We can't ruin her life. She was fine until we showed up. The truth would ruin it all." Dean gravelly said.
"There's more to it than you both know about her... But she doesn't need to know that either. Keeping her in the dark is the best thing for her." I solomnly spoke.
They all three turned their heads toward me. Curiousity running through their eyes. This poor girl had so many things kept from her. If she knew it all, it would crush her and change her life. Possibly ruin life itself.
"Keeping her in the dark is what is best. Now, lets get back to England.

Liam's POV 

I was curled up in bed, too depressed to do anything these past three weeks. I didn't have the energy or motivation to even try. Not anymore. What was the point? I lost my entire family. First my parents, then my baby sister. I was silently crying, staring at the family portrait of us all when the boys burst into my room.
"Go away." I mumbled.
"Liam! We can't, get up now! We have good news!" Louis was shouting happily.
"I said go away. I don't care."
"But you will, mate. They found her." Niall had spoke, sitting down, my back facing him.
I stiffened, trying to process his words. Illianna? She was found? Not missing anymore? What?
"Illianna.. She was found?" I whispered. The tears starting fall again.
"Yes. She was found, Li. Now, come on and get up." Nial whispered, pulling the duvet off of me.
He helped me up and told me to shower and pull myself together. I walked to the bathroom, showering quickly as I still cried. She was back. My baby sister was back. For the first time in weeks, I smiled.

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