A Mindless Twin!!

By C_Perry16

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A Mindless Twin!!
meeting for the first time:)
Finally Together
The Sleep Over!
Once Again:/
We Going To The Mall.....
One down...Two to go
Gummy Worms
Cyra...and the boys
The date!!!
I dont know what to believe anymore...
so sad
We miss Them
The airport
meeting again
Not A Morning Person
At the Park
I like fried chicken;)
This Nigga again...
Sorry I haven't wrote in a while
Hate On Cyra Day
I done got shot
come one Cyra..wake the hell up
Jake and Bella
second play date
Jake comes home.
Baby Moments
You are so dead!!!!
unexpected arrival
Update!! Castig Call!

The tour.

1.6K 24 0
By C_Perry16

heres the last one for tonight.




"Whats going on in here?" princeton asked when him and Celeste walked into the living room with our muffins and coffee. No one moved, just sat there starring at the tv. 

I heard Princeton cll all our names again, then when no one said anything he walked over to e and poppedd me on the back of the head...-_________-

I snapped out of it and rubbed the back of my head. Everyone was laughing at me, while i returned Prince with a slap on the cheek. This time i was the one laughing. 


After Roc and Princeton finished messing around, we all ignored the news we just saw, and went to the kitchen and eat our muffins. "so about our tour?" Ray asked throwing his food away.I almost forgot all about that.

"well is everyone done?" all the boys shook their heads, hopping up and throwing away their trash. Casey shook her head watching the boys. "your giving them a tour of your house?"

"yea, i said i would last night." I found Celeste starring at Princeton who was talking with the boys." i remember when that was us...SMH" i laughed when she said that.

"So are you guys gonna come with?" i gave them puppy eyes. i really didnt want to be alone with them anymore. "sure" they both said getting up from their chairs.

"LEGOO boys!!!"

Me and the girls walked infront of the boys heading down to the basement, that had the game room and kids area. The boys looked around with their mouths open. me and the girls had to dang them out of the basment and to the second floor, there we showed them the movie room, candy shop, dance studio, and at the end of the hall the instrument room.  One the third floor their was just more rooms, including moms. on the top floor was my room, my art studio which i didnt show them, and a door that leads to the roof. 

"I love your house!!! so where is the pool?" Ray asked me when we were making our way back down to the first floor. "out back, which is where were heading now."

I lead them to the back yard. when you first when through the screen doors. their was a wooden deck, that had our outdoor table, a lond grill, and swig. at the end of the deck, where 6 stairs that lead to the sidewake by the pool. towards the fence was the rock waterfall that had a slide coming down the side into the pool.

I watched as the boys took everything in. The had their eyes wide and mouth hanging open. Casey walked over to Ray, "close your mouth before you caugh some flies" she said while closing his mouth. All the guys turned to me and smiled all big, "LOVE IT!!!!!!!"

"Well if you guys want you can go to any room in the house and spent time in there." they all looked at eachother then took off running pulling a girl with them. Casey went with Ray; Celeste with Princeton; and Prodigy and Roc both grabbed my arms and glared at eachother when they saw they both had ahold of me.

Oh shit...

"ok guys how about us three go hang out together?" i said trying to lighten up the tension between the two. they both nodded still looking at eachother. i ranked my arms away from them and started walking to the door.

"LETS GO BOYS!!" i called out to the boys.


At first everyone was walking around together, then me and the girls went to sit in my room while the boys walked around talking. 

"So why are Prodigy adn Roc fighting with eachothe?" Celeste asked looking through my art book laying upside down off the bed. "idk. i guess Prodigy is jealous that Roc is trying to get my attention." i said shaking my head.


Celeste sat up,still looking at my book. "how come your not a famouse artist, Cyra. Look at this picture of the boys" she said showing Casey, how what messing with my ipad 2. "damn this is good." she said grabbing the book looking closer to it."you even got Rays scar on his forehead, aww, and look at princeton and his puff(shows it to Cel)."

"Idk i dont even show anyone execpt you guys my art." i answered Celestes question. Casey looked up at me with a serious face, "well you should. You got talent chicka!"

"well you have the talent of writing and Celeste designing clothes but you guys dont share it with the world." they all looked away letting e know that i was right.

I had heard the boys walk by, as we were talking.

"well yea we have those talents, but Cyra your work is beautiful, and you know it." Celeste said messin with her hands.

"DAMMNN" i heard Roc yell from down the hall.

WAIT, the only other room up here was my art room....


i got up from the bed, jumped off the blatform my bed is on, not even bothering with teh steps, and was out the door. I took off to the room at the end of the hall. when i got there, the door was already pushed open relieving the boys in MY ART ROOM, amirring my art on the wall, and floor.

I pushed myself in the room, walking infront of the boys pushing them towards the door. "You guys cant be in here!" i shouted, pushing them with all my streghnth. they were moving.

"Is this your art room?" Ray asked moving away from my hand looking at one painting on the wall. It was the beach with the purple, yellow, and orange sky.

I walked over to him when i heard two more pair of feet enter the room. 

"yea. I remember when i painted this picture. I had just had a fight with mom, and i wanted to get away.(i heard the others walk over to me and ray) i spent the whole day at the beach. i knew that if i waited for the right time then i would have the perfect setting for this painting. It only took about a hour till it was done. RIght on time too.

when i was down i studied my art, realized it was beast. That also was the day i realized i was a true artist." i said then got quiet.

Ray turned to me, looking at my face. He pulled my face to him making me look in his eyes. "Looks like i got a art buddy," he said smiling at me then letting go of me. 

Everyone walked around,looking at my other paintings. I stood there looking at that one painting, smiling thinking back to that day. I ran my fingers over to sun setting in the background on the painting.......

maybe letting people see my art wasnt such a bad idea after all.


I Loved the last part of this chapter. 

I wish i really could draw......


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