A Mindless Twin!!

By C_Perry16

63.7K 596 78


A Mindless Twin!!
Finally Together
The Sleep Over!
Once Again:/
The tour.
We Going To The Mall.....
One down...Two to go
Gummy Worms
Cyra...and the boys
The date!!!
I dont know what to believe anymore...
so sad
We miss Them
The airport
meeting again
Not A Morning Person
At the Park
I like fried chicken;)
This Nigga again...
Sorry I haven't wrote in a while
Hate On Cyra Day
I done got shot
come one Cyra..wake the hell up
Jake and Bella
second play date
Jake comes home.
Baby Moments
You are so dead!!!!
unexpected arrival
Update!! Castig Call!

meeting for the first time:)

1.7K 23 1
By C_Perry16

here you go the first real chapter of A Mindless Twin!!



When we pulled up to the place we were gonna have dinner me and mom got out and walked to the front doors. i knew we had to wait for Mb so i asked my mom for the car keys so i could get my art book.

When i grabbed it, i looked up to the sky, and started talking to god(lol)

"Lord thank you, i knew that i was missing a part of me in my life. And thankz to you i get to meet that missing part. Love you Lord!!" 

After i was done, i shut the doors and locked it. i walked back to the front doors, and walked in. i asked the lady up front where my mom went, she asked for the name then took me to her, she was on the phone with someone.

I sat down next to her and took out my art book, and started drawing her while she was still talking.

When she was about to hang up the phone, i stopped her just in time. "No mom, dont move!!"

She slowly placed the phone back to her ear, as i smiled at her. "Cyra did you really have to draw me?" she said as i went back to drawing.

"Yes. you were the only thing in the room that was intersting me at the time." i said focusing on my art.

i continued drawing, blocking everything out. I came back, when i saw my mom get up from her pose."What are you doing!! I wasn't dont!" i shouted at her, but not to loud.

she looked at me giving me the look again, then looked towards the door. i followed her eyes to find The MB Team walking over to our table. I quickly stood up to stand by my mom. My eyes searched the group till i found him...

my twin, Prodigy


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