Rescue Me (Currently Rewritin...

By mollysue

496K 10.4K 590

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. WARNING: I am currently in the process of rewriting this story. The chapters availabl... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

10.8K 302 3
By mollysue



I stood near the end of the bed as Olivia left the room, closing the door behind her. I bit my lip as the door clicked shut, sitting down on the edge of the bed. something else.

It's been so long since I've seen my sister or any of my family for that matter.

When Olivia and I were young our life was hard. Our parents were hard on us after we both turned around seven or eight. I couldn't take it for very long. Eventually...after one really bad night of our parents arguing...our father came into our room and beat me.

He was drunk and angry and I remember Olivia yelling at him to leave me alone, to hit her instead...

Even though she was younger than me by minutes she was always the one trying to protect me. She's always been the stronger of the two of us.

I laid back on the bed, my arms resting on my stomach as I stared at the blank ceiling.

After that beating, I couldn't handle it anymore. The next night I packed some clothes in my backpack, said goodbye to Olivia, and snuck out while our parents were asleep.

I wandered around town until I eventually found myself at Joe's, exhausted and starving. He found me like that and brought me to his trailer. He asked me what I was doing and where Olivia was.

I told him about the beatings and about how I couldn't do it anymore so...I ran away.

Joe, being the type of guy that he was, allowed me to stay with him.

I got into the junking business with him and he took care of me.

After he passed away, he gave the business to me since he had no family of his own.

And that's where I stayed, where I've always stayed

Olivia...she actually did it. She got out by herself. After...after I abandoned her, she got out and she has a family, a mate, a precious kid. She did it.

I thought back to when she entered my trailer, how angry she was at me before she started crying. Her anger was justified. I completely abandoned my twin.

I bit my lip and sighed, getting off the bed. I opened my suitcase, pulled out some clean pajamas, and threw them on the bed before heading to take a shower.

The bathroom was stocked with all the things I would need; toiletries, a towel, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, razors and shaving cream, and even a loofah. I smiled at the loofah, not seeing one of these things in years.

I hopped in the shower, the warm water feeling phenomenal as I washed my hair with some nice strawberry-smelling shampoo. I even used the loofah to wash my body.

It was nice to have some feminine-smelling body products after years of having to use the stuff that Joe had available. Joe didn't like to spend money on unnecessary things like perfume or super-smelly type things like that. So most of the time I just settled on his Suave shampoo and an Irish Hills bar of soap.

I got out of the shower, drying my hair before wrapping the towel around my body. I pulled the hairbrush through my hair slowly, my hair in tangled knots from the lack of cleaning it.

It took me at least fifteen minutes to get the brush through my hair and I frowned, looking at my reflection.

My hair was still pretty wavy, the same sort of texture as Olivia's. Instead of having the side bangs that she has, I had bangs that cut across my forehead, sitting just above my eyes.

My hair was no longer the beautiful red color it naturally is, but black. After a few years at Joe's, I couldn't continue hiding at the Junkyard, especially after Joe fell ill. So we bought some hair dye and dyed it and I've kept it black ever since.

But now...being around Olivia...I want my hair back.

I sighed and walked into the room, hanging my towel over the door. I slipped on my pajamas and was turning down the covers when a scent hit me, making me go ridged.

The scent floated into the room from the door as a set of feet walked past. I stood there, waiting as the person walked past the door again, sounding as if they were pacing.

My breath was stuck in my throat, a bit of fear entering me as fight or flight mode kicked in.

The scent...I don't recognize it.'s not really threatening. It's more...relaxing.

I took a step away from the door, wary.

The steps stopped outside the door and I held my breath, waiting to see what was going to happen.

Please...go away...

There was a long silence and time seemed to stand still for a long moment. I stood there, frozen as I waited for whoever it was to knock or bust down the door, depending on who it was.

The figure stood there for another moment before their feet began to walk away, the sound of their footfalls echoing as they got farther and farther away.

I relaxed, letting out the breath I was holding before shaking my head.

"Jeez Sam, relax. They aren't going to come here and get you. Besides...what would mother or father want with you anyway when the real threat is Olivia?"

I frowned when I spoke those words to myself.

The real threat is Olivia. My mind went back to what Olivia was saying before. About how Dakota won't allow Olivia to fight against our parents because she hasn't really mastered her abilities yet.

How is a pack of wolves supposed to survive against a foe such as our parents? It's not possible without at least one witch on their side.

Maybe...Olivia was right. Maybe with two witches, they'll have a better chance. Besides, our parents will probably be caught completely off guard if I were to show up. In all honesty...they probably think I'm dead.

I sighed, the thought of approaching my parents making my heart fall to my stomach.

Alright Sam, relax.

I frowned and opened the window, looking out it. The room that Olivia had put me in looked out into the backyard and had a small part of the roof before dropping off. I chewed on my lip before climbing out of the window. I crouched down and looked over the edge before...jumping.

I smiled when I found myself floating, my telekinesis just strong enough to hold myself up.

I wasn't very good at my telekinetic abilities, usually being able to hold up objects. Any time I would try to lift a person I could do it for a few seconds before dropping them.

For some reason though, I have no problems making myself float. I find it quite relaxing and do this to meditate or when I'm trying to seriously think about things.

I pulled my legs up, sitting criss-cross, and placed my hands on my knees, closing my eyes.

My mind went to Olivia and her family and I chewed on my lip. Fighting against our parents...what if she loses that? She's...she's happy. She's so happy and I can't even think of what would happen if she were to lose her new family.

I swallowed and looked at my own life. I...have no one like that. Olivia and I have been separated for so long...does she still consider me to be her family?

And then there's...Jake.

"He's a great guy Sam. If he's your mate...don't be afraid, okay?"

Olivia does know more than I do. Her words clarify everything that happened before we left home.

After we had exited the Junkyard, Olivia officially introduced Jake and me. The moment my hand slid into his, we both felt it. The warmth that had spread throughout my body and the want to jump his bones had immediately rushed through me in those mere seconds that our hands were touching.

I wasn't aware that Olivia and Sarah had left until a few moments later when I started to feel panic and fear at the fact that this random werewolf was probably my mate.

"I need time," is what I had whispered to him after pulling my hand from his. He had just nodded, his expression sad but...almost like he was expecting that answer.

I sighed, a scent entering my nose. I opened my eyes, surprised at how strong the scent was. Earlier it had been dull since it was farther away and through a door. This time though it was nearby, almost as if it were...


I jumped at the masculine voice that yelled from below, my concentration being pulled out from underneath me like a tablecloth on a table.

Before I could focus back on my telekinesis, I was already falling towards the ground below.

~ ~ ~


After Olivia led Sam up to her room I plopped down on the couch, running my hand through my hair.

Man, I'm such an idiot. Why didn't I say anything? Stupid, stupid, stupid!

You said it, my wolf mumbled.

I growled in frustration before looking up at Dakota who was standing there, observing me.

I frowned, embarrassed that I was having a meltdown and he chuckled.

"Jake, it's okay. You'll get another chance."

"Will I? The first words she said to me were 'I need time.' How am I supposed to do that? I've waited so long, and had two rejections already..."

Dakota sat next to me on the couch.

"I know Jake but listen...if you want this, you'll give her what she's asking for. If it's time she needs, then give it to her. In the grand scheme of things, the few days or weeks she needs to figure all this out will be nothing once the two of you start your life together. This is a lot for her to take in. She's moving to a new place, around people she doesn't know, has to make up the time lost with her twin, and now has a mate. Out of all of those things which do you think would be the easiest to put on the backburner for a bit?"

I thought about Dakota's question, his thoughts putting everything into perspective. She can't not think about the move and being around us. She's here now. It's going to be an adjustment for her. And...I'd rather her work on her relationship with Olivia right now. They have so much time they lost to make up's not fair of me to push that aside. It's not just important to Sam, but it's important to Olivia too.

"You're right Koda. It sucks but you're right. Sam and Olivia haven't seen each other in years and it would be selfish of me to put my wants before Sam's."

Dakota smiled.

"There you go. But that doesn't mean you should ignore her either. Just...remind her every once and a while that you exist. Let her know that even though she wants time and space that you're here waiting for her when she's ready, and that if she ever needs someone to talk to, that she can confide in you."

I nodded, absorbing all of Koda's advice.

"Is this how it was with Olivia?"

His face became flush at my question and he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Ah...not really, no. We were both pretty open with each other from the jump but she was very cautious when it came to touching. That and I was the last person she actually talked to."

I nodded, chewing on my lip.

"Alright. Well...I'm gonna go shower and then go to sleep. Is it okay if I crash in the spare?"

He nodded and I stood up.

"Thanks, Koda. Night."

He nodded and I headed upstairs. I walked past the room Olivia put Sam in, hearing the two of them talking. I sighed, walking past the room and Sarah's before entering my room.

Alpha and Mrs. Fisher have a lot of spare rooms in the packhouse, for guests and other people who need a place to stay. One of these rooms I've kind of taken as my own over time. I keep probably half of my clothes here, along with most of my belongings.

My parents don't mind considering they're my adoptive parents. I didn't even officially get adopted by them until last year, even though I turned eighteen this year. I was excited anyway to be a part of an official family though, regardless of my age.

I hopped in the shower, my muscles tense. I should go for a run soon. It's been a while since I've shifted.

I stretched under the water before turning it off, getting out. I dried myself off, shaking my wet hair out.

I really need to go for a run.

I dried my hair with my hair towel before slipping on a pair of boxers and a pair of joggers. I hung my towel up and decided to go back downstairs for a cup of hot chocolate and maybe a snack.

Dakota's advice ran through my head as I headed for the kitchen and began making my hot chocolate.

"Let her know that even though she wants time and space that you're here waiting for her when she's ready, and that if she ever needs someone to talk to, that she can confide in you."

How am I supposed to do that when I can't even talk to her...? Every time I'm around her I feel like a tongueless idiot.

While the water was boiling on the stove I headed upstairs, walking to her door. I bit my lip and stood there for a moment before walking away. I walked towards my room and then turned around, walking back.

I walked past her room and stopped at the top of the stairs, standing there for a moment. I took a deep breath and headed back for her room, stopping in front of her door again. I lifted my hand to knock when I smelt it.


My body tensed up at the scent of Sam being afraid until I realized...she's afraid of me right now.

My heart broke a bit at that thought, my hand falling to my side. I scurried away from the door, the sound of the teapot boiling pulling my thoughts away from Sam for a moment.

I focused on my mug as I poured the boiling water into it and added the hot chocolate mix. I stirred the two together until the mix was completely blended before putting it in the fridge to cool.

I leaned back against the counter as I waited, my mind wandering back to what just happened.

Is it always going to be this way...? Will Sam always be afraid of me? Was it this hard for Dakota? I feel so helpless.

I rubbed my hands over my face, feeling emotionally exhausted. My shoulder felt a bit sore, not completely healed from breaking it when Olivia's mother had attacked me and I began to rub at it.

After a few minutes, I took my hot chocolate out of the fridge, checking to make sure it was cool enough to drink. I added whipped cream to the top, making it perfect. I took my mug and headed out the back door, deciding that maybe sitting outside in the cool air would help me relax a bit.

I stepped onto the porch, taking a sip from my mug as I looked out into the backyard. I thought back to the training session we had this morning before school. Olivia had been practicing by herself this morning, trying to master her powers while Sarah and Dakota had sparred. Sarah has become such a good fighter over the years. Watching her grow, both as a person and as a fighter has been amazing.

My mind went to what Olivia had told me when we got home when Sarah had rushed inside.

Boy problems...and I can't help...what boy broke your heart, Sarah?

The thought of some guy screwing with Sarah's feelings angered me to my core. Sarah was like the little sister I never had. She knew all my secrets and I knew hers too. After I moved here and Dakota's pack accepted me, Sarah was the first friend I made, not Dakota.

We just clicked instantly. She me. And I understood her too. But there were never any mate vibes there, which I'm honestly thankful for. Dakota would've killed me if Sarah had been my mate, I'm sure.

I took another sip of my hot chocolate, confused as another scent entered my nostrils instead of the chocolaty goodness in my cup.

The scent earthy scent mixed with...strawberries...?

My brows furrowed, confused and I looked around before looking up. A rush of fear ran through my body and it felt like ice had been dumped into my veins.

Sam was sitting above me, floating in the mid-air.


She jumped at my voice, her sharp inhale meeting my ears and before I knew it, she was careening towards the ground.

~ ~ ~


"Um...Sam," a voice whispered.


"Sam...are you okay?"

No. No.

" your eyes," he whispered.

I took a deep breath. Well...I'm not dead.

" can trust me. I'm not going to hurt you. I just...want to make sure you're okay."

His words rang in my ears and I found myself opening my eyes against my brain's protest.

My eyes were met with a rock-solid, tan chest, my face burning in embarrassment.

I looked away from his naked chest, my lower region tingling at the fact that he was holding me, half-naked.

Dear God, stop thinking about it, stop thinking about it.

I bit my lip and chanced a glance at him, my face burning when I saw him staring down at me.

I looked away, instinctively hiding my face against his chest and his body went stiff at the contact.

The mating bond hummed through my body, making me feel things I...I've never felt before. It was like I was physically being pulled towards him by this invisible rope anchored inside of me.

I glanced up at him as he moved a few feet away from where he had caught me before setting me on my feet gently. He took a step back, giving me some space.

I bit my lip, fighting the urge to look up into his eyes.

"Um...are you okay?"

His voice was quiet as he asked that, concern present in his question. A shiver ran up my spine and I found myself looking up at him, our eyes meeting.

His question was completely forgotten as I found myself getting pulled in by his eyes. They were unlike any eyes I'd ever seen. They were...a beautiful light brown color, almost hazel, with flecks of red in them. Red...? I've never seen eyes with flecks of red in them. I wonder...what that means?


I jumped, his voice pulling me back down to Earth and I blinked a few times.

"Um...I'm-I'm okay. You just frightened me a bit, that's all."

He frowned.

"I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention. I just saw you floating and thought maybe you were in trouble. I...didn't want you to get hurt, that's all."

His words brought a warm, fuzzy feeling inside my chest and I chewed on my lip.

"It's okay. I...I do that when I'm thinking real hard about things. Like I said earlier...I can't lift people with my telekinesis, except for myself. So I practice lifting people while also using it as a form of...meditation I guess."

Jake nodded, his eyes watching me.

"What were you thinking about?"

A cute, mysterious werewolf boy, my wolf whispered.

I blushed.


He stared at me for a moment, the corners of his lips twitching into a smile or a smirk. I couldn't tell which one as he stopped his expression.

"Okay. Well...I'm sorry for scaring you."

He turned to walk away and I frowned, grabbing his hand. He froze and my face flamed.

Samantha, what the hell are you doing? You told him you needed time! Get a hold of yourself!

Jake stopped and turned towards me, an eyebrow raised.

"I uh...I didn't thank you."

"Thank me for what?"

That's a loaded question, my wolf mumbled.

"Well...where do I start? Thank you for catching me I guess would be a good start. But also thank you for defending my sister when she was fighting our parents. Thanks for...for risking your life to save her."

Now it was Jake's turn to be embarrassed. I watched as his tan face became pink, his hand rubbing the back of his neck as he looked away from me.

"Oh, that stuff? It was nothing. I would do it again."

I stared up at him, surprised and he sent me a small smile.

"Well yeah. I saved my best friend's mate, our future Alpha Female. Mikie's new mom and...your sister. If I hadn' wouldn't even be here."

I frowned.

"But if you hadn' guys wouldn't be dealing with our problem."

"Our problem," he emphasized.

My brow shot up at him and he gestured between the two of us.

"It's not just Olivia's problem, or yours, or any one person's. This is bigger than that. Your parents want to destroy our world as we know it. It's our job as Olivia's new family to help her stop them. It's not just any one person's problem. It's all of ours. Olivia is a part of this family and that means her problems are ours too."

I was surprised at Jake's words and he sent me a small smile

"You's interesting. I used to bully Olivia all the time. It was something all the kids did at school and so I would just join in to fit in. That's how Dakota and Olivia officially met - while she was being bullied by myself and some other people at school. After that chance encounter...Dakota started changing. Everyone could see it - he began to hang around Olivia, try to talk to her, find her after school, defend her and stop people from bullying her - all the things that no one else was doing. I didn't understand it at first because I honestly thought Olivia was my mate. But then at a pack meeting, Dakota announced to everyone that he was mates with Olivia. It was...really confusing at first and it hurt like hell. But I buried my feelings, or I tried to. Olivia figured it out before I was able to explain and then...she told us about you."

I frowned at Jake's story, feeling a bit angry at him. He would bully Olivia? Why especially when he thought she was his mate? It doesn't make any sense.

Olivia's words came back to me then:

"He hasn't...exactly found his mate yet. It's kind of complicated. But he's looking for her. He's ready. He's a nice guy, he just likes to joke and play around a lot. But he's a lot of fun."

"He's a great guy Sam. If he's your mate...don't be afraid, okay?"

How can Olivia...praise someone who used to bully her...?

I looked up at Jake and he was staring at me, his frown deep.

"I've upset you," he whispered.

"Well yeah, you used to bully my sister. Why, if you thought she was your mate? Why?"

He flinched when I snapped at him and I felt a bit guilty. He sighed before looking down at his feet.

"'s a hard story for me to explain."

I raised a brow at him and he took a step back.

"Before I came here...I lived a very different life, okay? I...I had a mate. But she chose someone else. After that...I came here and started over. I have no family, no roots anywhere so leaving honestly meant very little to me. I needed to get away. But as soon as I moved here, I ran into Olivia, and then I just...I couldn't handle the thought of being rejected a second time. I didn't even understand how I had a second mate. It doesn't make much sense to me. But regardless, I pushed her away. I avoided her as much as I possibly could. Then I became friends with Dakota's friends and that's what they would do. cover up my true feelings and continue to push her away, I followed everyone else. I regret all of it. Once Dakota announced they were mates two realizations came to me. One was that something was most definitely messed up in my life. I had one mate who chose someone else, then I met who I thought was my second mate, who turned out to be mates with my best friend. I couldn't understand where I had gone wrong in my life to make it so I would just...never have a mate. And realization number two? I had just spent a whole year torturing my best friend's mate and our soon-to-be Alpha Female. The amount of shame I felt..."

I watched Jake as he talked, his eyes staring at the ground. His face was a bit red and he rubbed it.

"After that pack meeting, Dakota felt that Olivia was seriously hurt. He took off, running in the direction of her scent, and without even thinking about it, myself and the rest of our friends took off after Dakota. I wanted to make up for everything, or at least start trying. I wasn't planning on jumping between Olivia and your mother mid-battle. I just saw Olivia surprised at our arrival and knew that if someone didn't jump in she was going to get hurt. My actions were pointless though cause Olivia got...she got really hurt. I wasn't conscious but the rest of the guys told me that Dakota was hysterical. He ran home with Olivia in his arms completely naked yelling at anyone and everyone to get the pack doctor. Olivia woke up after a couple of days. Her injuries had healed but the damage to her heart was so huge that it took Dakota...a long time to get her to trust him. And it's my fault. And everyone else at school. If we...if we hadn't been so cruel to her..."

I stood there and stared at Jake in shock now. This person was a completely different person from the one I had met earlier this evening. That Jake was...quiet and brooding almost while this one...he wore his heart on his sleeve.

The question is...which one is the real Jake...?

Jake sniffed, pulling me back to Earth and I looked at him as a tear fell from his face, hitting the ground. My stomach twisted in knots.

Oh, Sam look at what you've done. You made him cry.

"If you're going to reject me, can you do it soon please?" He whispered.

I was taken aback by his question.

"I'm sorry...?"

He sniffed, wiping at his face as he tried to hide the fact that he was crying.

"Please. I just...I just want to get it over with. Please."

My heart broke as his voice cracked on the word 'please.'

Holy shit. He's...

Before I even thought about it I stepped towards him, lifting his face. He stared at me, his eyes closing so he didn't have to look at me. Tears fell down his cheeks and I wiped them away with my thumbs.

"Jake...I'm sorry...but I'm not going to reject you."

He exhaled a breath before opening his eyes.

"Please don't mess -"

"I'm not messing with you. I...I came here and saw how happy my sister is. She has a family, a mate, a child. I've been alone for so long Jake and I don't want to be alone anymore," I whispered.

He stared at me, tears still falling down his face and I couldn't look away from him. There was a lot of emotional baggage to unpack here between the both of us.

I bit my lip.

"I think...the best plan is for us to take this slow, hm? You've been hurt enough and I...have trust issues so we shouldn't rush things. But just know that I'm not going anywhere, okay?"

We stared at each other for a long moment and he grabbed my waist, pulling me to his chest. My body froze up as he wrapped his arms around me and I held my breath.

Relax Sam...he's your mate. He won't hurt you...

Jake stood there for a long moment with his arms wrapped around me before he pulled away, taking a step back.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to touch you like that without warning you. I'm sorry if it frightened -"

I pressed my finger to his lips and he stared at me, surprised.

"Don't apologize, okay? I just...I just have to get used to it, that's all."

Jake looked down at my hand and I blushed, pulling my hand away from his face. He snatched it midair, holding my hand in his.

We both stared at each other and he sighed.

"It''s late...we should head to bed."

I stared at him for a moment before...taking a leap.

"Will you...will you come with me?"

He raised a brow at me and I blushed.

"N-Not like that. I mean...will you come upstairs and maybe...we can just talk and get to know each other a little better."

He chewed on his lip for a moment.

"You've had a long day. I don't want to intrude, especially if you're tired. Your sleep and health are important to me."

My heart melted a bit and I smiled.

"I'm fine. Come on."

Before he could say no, I grabbed his hand and began dragging him inside.

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