Buddyfight Triple D: Journey...

By SkylaRocket

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✨Book 3✨ Takes place after my Going Beyond the Limits story! Oka returns in this new book! And she has more a... More

Chapter 1 Together Again
Chapter 2 Jack an Impact Monster!!
Chapter 3 Kyoya VS Gaito
Chapter 4 The Lovely Blazer Frill
Chapter 5 Love is eternal
Chapter 6 A day together
Chapter 7 Family Surprise
Chapter 8 Gaito VS Gao and Oka VS Kyoya
Chapter 9 Tasuku VS Dai and Oka VS Inari
Chapter 10 A new addition to the family
Chapter 11 Dreams and Memories
Chapter 12 Emiko Hayashi
Chapter 13 Happy Birthday
Chapter 14 The Japan Tournament Begins!!
Chapter 15 Fear and Weakness
Chapter 16 Ageha VS Tasuku and Oka VS Tasuku
Chapter 17 The end of the Japan Tournament
Chapter 18 The World Championship
Chapter 19 Jack Arrested?!
Chapter 20 Having Fun in America
Chapter 22 J Genesis VS Tasuku
Chapter 23 Gao VS J Genesis Part 1
Chapter 24 Gao VS J Genesis Part 2
Chapter 25 Gao VS Kyoya Part 1
Chapter 26 Gao VS Kyoya Part 2
Chapter 27 Back to Japan
Chapter 28 Tasuku VS Gaito
Chapter 29 Tasuku VS Gara
Chapter 30 Tasuku, Oka, and Gaito VS Kyoya
Chapter 31 Gao VS Kyoya Round 2 Part 1
Chapter 32 Gao VS Kyoya Round 2 Part 2
Chapter 33 Journeying Beyond the Stars Together

Chapter 21 Gaito VS J Genesis and Oka VS Kohri Shimo

566 16 6
By SkylaRocket

/At the hotel/:
Abygale came up to us..... "You're asking us.." Tasuku said "To tell you how we awakened the Dragon Force?" Gao said continuing off of what Tasuku said... "Gaito showed signs of awakening the Dragon Force. But he wasn't able to fully awaken it the way you two did." "And his anguish over this is destroying his soul." Abygale said
Now I'm worried about him-... heck I've been worried about him ever since his fight on Cho-Taiyou-.... but now it's getting worse.... "But why.?" I asked Abygale said it's because he wants to get stronger and that he also wants to help Abygale surpass his father..... 'His father..?' Abygale realized what he had said.... "I shouldn't have said that." he said Gao and Tasuku soon smiled "Sure.! I don't know if I can explain it well but I'll do my best.!" Gao said I smiled slightly... "What's going on here." I looked to see Gaito walking up to us... "I have no intention of accepting anyone's help." Gaito said 'Gaito-...' Gaito looked at Abygale... "Don't ever meddle like that again." he said "You don't have to be so mean about it!" Gao said upset slightly "Silence." Gaito said "Abygale was doing it for you-" Gaito cut him off "Silence." he said again Bal soon came running up to Gao soon dragging him away... "I'm not finished!" Gaito said following after them...

I followed Bal.... I looked around.. "What is this place?" I said "Probably an indoor water park..." Abygale said I looked around to see everyone having fun and enjoying themselves.... "What's wrong Gaito? Could it be? Are you interested in this place?" Abygale asked I stayed quiet soon answering... "We're going back to our room." I said walking away..

/The next day/:
Abygale and I continued walking... "Where are you taking us.?" I said "I've found a good training ground to prepare us for tomorrow's match." he said going ahead of me.... I continued to follow to see our destination...

/At the indoor pool/:
The indoor pool..? I looked at Abygale... "What is the meaning of this Abygale?" I asked "Your obsession with the Dragon Force is getting in the way of your Buddyfights." he said to me... I looked at him then back at the pool.... I soon heard a voice.. "Gaito.!" I looked to see Oka..! 'Crud.! What do I do now.! I know I said I wouldn't try to take her from Tasuku but ever since then my feelings for her have only grown stronger...' 'And she's in a swimsuit.! She looks so cute!' she smiled at me.... "Well are you coming in or do I have to pull you in.." she said smiling 'How is she always so happy..'

I watched Gaito head to the diving board-.... 'Is he going to be okay..' I watched in awe as Gaito dived perfectly into the pool soon resurfacing...!! I swam over to him he looked at me... "Whoa.! I didn't know you can dive like that.!!" I said he didn't say anything.... "There are a lot of things you don't know about me...." he said I was about say something.... "Gaito this is more terrifying than I thought.!" Abygale said sliding down the slide into the water... I started laughing.... Gaito smiled slightly... I looked at him smiling...."Now let's have some fun..!" I said smiling happily he nodded... we chased after Abygale who was surprisingly fast in the water-.... I continuously splashed Gaito-.... it was so much fun... I felt I saw I totally different Gaito-... and it felt great.!

We sat down at the edge of the pool... Gaito sighed quietly smiling.... looking relaxed and calm making me smile... "It's been a long time since I last felt like this." he said 'Really-....? I wonder how long it's been-..' it soon became quiet... but the silence wasn't awkward... "Oka-.." Gaito said I looked at him... "Yeah.... what is it." I said he looked away from me... "N-never mind-... it's nothing-.." he said now I was curious... "Come on Gaito. You can tell me-..." I said he sighed... he mumbled under his breath... "What.? Speak up I couldn't hear you.." I said he spoke a little louder but not enough to let me hear him... "I still can't-" he cut me off holding my hands... "I like you-......" he said not looking at me-.... 'Wait does he mean-......... No he can't he-.... Aww man I don't what to do-..!' Gaito soon spoke again... "I know your with Tasuku, and I'm not trying to take you away from him or anything like that... but-... I just had to tell you cause I've felt this way for awhile now..." he said letting go of my hands... he sighed again soon smiling again... I didn't know what to say... "Oka...." he said "Y-yeah-..." I said "Why are you always so happy-..." he said I soon remembered what happened the night before between Tasuku and I-.... I held my arm looking away... "I-I'm not always happy." I said Gaito and Abygale were soon talking but I wasn't focused at all on what they were talking about...

/time skip/:

/At the fight stage/:
I watched Gaito and J Genesis buddyfight... "Final Phase!" Genesis 'What-.!!' He transformed into an Impact Monster..?!! "I only use Impact Monsters. But in exchange, as I can Impact Call as many times as I like during my turn. I call it.... Hard Impact Tactics." Genesis said 'That's crazy-..?! How-..?!!' "So strong... terrifyingly strong..." Tasuku said I looked at Tasuku.... 'He's right. It is..' Genesis soon Impact called again using his buddy turning it into Bal.?!!! "This is Gemclone's ability, which will revolutionize Buddyfight!" Genesis said the clone of Bal used Bal Burst Smasher destroying Gaito only on the first round!!!! 'Gaito-..!' "Your fight is next..." Tasuku said to me.... "But-" he cut me off... "I know your worried about Gaito-... but you have to focus on your fight." he said I nodded slowly... I headed to the fight stage-....

/On the fight stage/:
I inhaled and exhaled slowly clearing my head... I still feel guilty for lying to Tasuku and for the mistakes I've made-.... my opponent's name was Kohri Shimo... "It's good to see you again Oka Hayashi....." she said 'Again.?' "Who are you-...?" I said she removed her hood.... "Let's have our buddyfight and you might remember.." she said I nodded we began to luminize... "So cold and distant, you'll freeze to death.! Frosty Galaxy!" she said "Stars shine forth! Starry Dreams holding close to your heart! Luminize, Celestial Dreams!" I said
"Frozen Zestiria World!" she said "Celestial Dragon World!" I said
It was her turn.... "Charge and draw.! I equip Yetsa's Ice bow!" she said she pulled her arrow back shooting at me hitting my arm-... my left arm was frozen..! "W-what-..! T-t-this is a surprise Oka's arm is frozen-..!" Paruko said "That's the ability of Yeta's Ice bow once my target is hit by the arrow a part of their body limb becomes frozen ice.!" she said I was still able to buddyfight but my arm was frozen..! She looked at me-... "Do you feel it Oka.? The freezing cold pain inside of you." she said.... I did. My eyes widened-... "Y-your the one who-..." she grinned "Yup-..!" she said it was my turn now-.... "K-Kaiser-... a-ttack the fighter.! Celestial Rose Dragon attack a-as well..!" I said she was dropped to 8 life while I had 7 life... I felt scared it was the same fear I felt when she first attacked me... I felt everything coming back to me.... it was now her turn... "Mighty Frost.! Link attack with me..!" she said aiming her arrow... she released it hitting my chest-... I was thrown back slightly... and Mighty Frost attacked me as well bringing me to 4 life.! I felt so scared.... I could feel my body shaking-... I couldn't stop the fear and guilt I was feeling inside... it hurt... I fell to my knees feeling tears fill my eyes-..
'What happened-.... I've felt scared before but I feel terrified for some reason...' I felt weak and scared-... I lied down slowly curling into a ball... I let my tears fall-..

I watched not knowing what to say-.... I clenched my fists tightly-.... I wanted run up to her and hold her telling her to not cry... but I couldn't. I looked over to her opponent-.... she looked just as worried as me-.... I stayed quiet not taking my eyes off Oka-..... 'Oka-....'

/Within the depths of Oka's heart/:
"Come on.!! Stand up, fight back..!" I said the my lighter counterpart... "I-... I can't I'm not-... strong-" I cut her off slapping her across her face-... she looked at me-...  "Your going to let him down.! Just get them all out of your head just go have fun.! That's what Buddyfight is...! Remember why you Buddyfight!!" I said I looked at her... "Well-..!" I said I-.. I want to protect T-Tasuku-.. I want to make him happy-... I regret lying to him and everything I did-" she said quietly... I sat beside her....
"You mean everything we did..." I said as we held hands ... "I-.. I can't fight on my own-.." she said I looked at her... she looked at me holding my hand tighter... "I need your help-... maybe..- we- can work together..." she said to me... my eyes began to water-... tears fell from my eyes but I smiled... "Yes... that's all I want. We'll fight for him together..." I said she smiled hugging me-.... I hugged her back smiling.

I slowly opened my eyes.... I sat up trying to adjust my sight-... Paruko came down... "Are you alright.? Can you continue the fight. It's your turn." she said I nodded... "Y-yeah I can." I said Paruko went back to commenting... "Okay.!! Sorry for the delay but we're back.!" she said I stood up-... I looked to see my left arm was still frozen and my chest-... I looked to see my core deck glowing... it was a very bright light-... I picked up the card-... I could feel power surging through me-... coursing through my veins... I soon heard my counterparts voice-.... "A honest heart fulfilling her destiny... a power inside finally released.!" she said I smiled-.... "Dragon Force.! Release.!!" I said

"I cast Celestial Orbit-..! I pay 1 gauge and become a stronger version of myself.!" I said "W-what-.! What could possibly be stronger than Dragon Force.!" Kohri said in surprise "A power of my own.! Celestial Force.!! Release!" I said

"But it's my turn now-" I cut her off "Nope.! My turn hasn't ended yet-.!" I said attacking her "And with Celestial Force I have Triple Attack, and it gives me two gauge.!" I said bringing her life to 3.! "Final Phase!" Kaiser and I said "I pay 3 gauge transforming Kaiser into an... Impact Monster!" I said "Celestial Final Judgement!!!" Kaiser said attacking Kohri destroying her flag.!

I landed... I felt a little dizzy cause that took a lot out of me... I sighed but smiled-... "Oka Hayashi.! Heads to second round.!" Paruko said I walked up to my opponent-.... "Thank you, Oka." she said with a smile soon hugging me... "I'm so sorry for what I did... I never wanted to hurt you but-.... Kyoya made me-...." she said "What was your life like before doing all this..." I said she let go of me... "I-... I can't remember... I can't remember what I did before all this-..." she said 'She can't remember...' I felt bad for her-... "Then-... about we become friends." I said smiling holding out my hand...

I looked at her-.... 'Why is she being so nice to me after what I did-...' I was hesitant... but she continued to smile at me... I smiled shaking her hand. "I hope we buddyfight again. But next time I'll win." I said she smiled nodding...

-time skip.!-

I was heading to Gaito's room to talk to him-... but Gao beat me to him-... I looked to see Gao and Tasuku... I walked up to them... "What's going on.." I said they looked at me-... "If your going to Gaito's room, I advise against it." Jack said "But-... why.?" I said "Right now, he won't listen to a word we say." Tasuku said Gao nodded walking away along with Bal-.... "Let's get to-" I cut him off... "I want to talk to Gaito." I said he looked at me.. "I told you he won't listen to anyone.." Tasuku said "But-.. I want to at least try-..." I said Tasuku sighed... "Fine. But when you come out I'll be waiting..." he said I nodded gently heading to Gaito's room.

I was in front of Gaito's room-.... I was about to knock when I heard a sound-... it sounds like Gaito was throwing things out of anger and frustration-... 'Gaito-...' I gently knocked on the door-.... no answer... I turned the doorknob slowly opening the door quietly heading inside closing it gently behind me-.... Gaito's room was a mess-... scattered feathers from pillows, flipped over tables-... and knocked over chairs. Gaito looked at me-.... "What. What do you want." he said "I wanted to talk to you. I want to know your so upset..." I said "I lost in the first round!! Me!! I lost..!!" he said upset and angry-.... "Gaito calm down-" he cut me off "Silence.! I don't want to here that from you.!" he said "But why do you even need the Dragon Force-..." I said "Silence.!! You shouldn't be even saying that.! First you gain your Dragon Force but now-... you have something that surpasses that!!!" he said yelling at me-... "Gaito I-" he threw something at me-.... but luckily I dodged in time-... "Gaito.! That doesn't matter.!-" he cut me off... "SHUT UP!! You shouldn't be saying that when you already have it.!" he said angry.... I stood still... "What happened-.... what happened to the Gaito I saw earlier-.. we had fun you actually seemed happy-...! But now-... it's like that side of you never existed..." I said his hair shadowed his eyes-... "Get out." he said "Gaito-.." I said "I said get out! Leave!!" he said I headed out the door to see Tasuku waiting by it.

He looked at me.... I stayed quiet-... he held my hand bringing me to our room...

/In ⭐️🌸 room/:
I had showered and changed clothes-... I lied down on the bed-.... Tasuku lied down beside me... "I heard everything..." he said I nodded... "I-... I just want to help him... I'm worried about him." I said Tasuku stroked my hair gently... "I know... we just have to keep a close eye on him and Abygale-..." he said "Okay-..." I said he hugged me-... "Your amazing, you know that-.." he said "I am...?" I said "Yes.. you are... you were amazing in that fight today... I've never seen such a powerful side to you. It was almost overwhelming..." he said chuckling lightly... I blushed slightly-... he looked at me... he smiled-... "I'm proud of you... and I think you figured out what Dynamis meant." he said "Really." I said he nodded smiling "Yeah... a stronger version of yourself like Jack said.. that must be the Celestial Force. The Celestial Princess of the Stars... the Celestial Force must've been it." he said 'He makes a good point...' "Yeah. I think your right-.." I said beginning to feel sleepy-... I rested my head against his chest listening to his heartbeat... he held me close-... "I love you so much-..." I said dozing off slightly... he smiled.. "I love you more." he said "No way-... I... love you more than-... anything..." I said falling asleep...

I smiled... "I love you the most..." I said holding her... I felt happy as if I had beat her in a game-... I sighed quietly.... I whispered in her ear-.... "Goodnight  my Princess..." I watched as she smiled in her sleep-... I smiled soon closing my eyes falling asleep... holding her close.
And that's the 21st chapter! Hope you enjoyed it!!😄

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