How I Ended Up In Middle Eart...

By MsElijahWood

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18 year old Alice Graham is an avid Lord of The Rings fan. She saw every midnight showing, ripped every artic... More

How I Ended Up In Middle Earth. (LOTR Fan Fic)
Chapter 2 HIEUIME (How I ended up in Middle Earth)
Chapter 3 HIUEIME
Chapter 4 HIEUIME
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 The Two Towers!
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
The Return of the King (Chapter 35)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49 (The Final Chapter
A Memoir

Chapter 12

1.3K 26 8
By MsElijahWood

 I knew that we would not have a time like this where we got to be with each other for a while, maybe when we get to the Fanghorn Forest. But who would I be split up with. Would I be with Frodo, Sam and Gollum, who would be on their way to Mordor, might I be with Gimli, Legolas, and Aragorn, traveling from one place to another ending up in Rohan and Helm's Deep, or would I get kidnapped by orcs and escape with Merry and Pippin? 

It was now nighttime. The time had passed out from underneath us. Both of us laid side by side, holding each other's hands. Once again we had made a good day turn into a wonderous night. Both of us turned on our sides. 

"Let's make a promise never to leave each other's side. Always be there for each other and our friends." Pippin said.

"And when in need..."

"We will come to aid." I sat up. A single tear dripped from my face. I quickly wiped it away. Pippin sat up also. He peeked his head alongside mine.

"Ali, are you...crying? What did I do? Did I say something bad?" He panicked. I looked up and even more tears came down.

"No, it's not you. I just never had this much commitment before. No one even cares for me this way. Sometimes my own parents seemed distant from me. I feel that I have been accepted into this world. Other than my other world, which made me seem different and un-normal. Maybe an outcast. I am determined to help get this damn ring to Mordor and find out who I am." I said with defiacny.

"And maybe start a family?" Pippin suggested. I looked at him. I studied his face.

"Yes! Just think, Pippin! Human/Hobbit kids! So cute! I hope they look like you." I became overly excited. Being raised with a loving mother and father, taught me that you can love anything and any one. As soon as I knew that I could have kids, I became overjoyed.

"You really want to have kids?!"

"Yes. Is that a problem. Don't you?" I was now confused.

"Oh yes! It's just that I thought that maybe after everything you might have seen and done, you may want to go back to your earth and leave me. I thought kids were out of the question."

"Pippin, know this: I am. Never. Going. Back. To. My own. World."

"Then we should celebrate!" Pippin said. I leaned in for another kiss. I held his face with one hand. his cheek felt so soft. His hair blew in my face. 

"Amin Mela lle." He said. I smiled.

"Amin Mela lle, Pippin. Peredhil." After that touching moment, both of us got really tired and just fell asleep like that. 

I never have weird dreams. But that night I had a couple odd dreams. I had a dream that I was sitting in a boat that was floating in the sky. Around me there were 2 ladies. Both of them seemed quite familiar. They also kind of looked like Arwen. I suddenly recognzied them as the daughters of Arwen. I tried to get out of the boat but was kind of locked in. Then my stomach started to have contractions. Looking down, there was a small baby girl. I went to the Fellowship and showed them the new child. As they were leaving, I began to follow, but they stopped me. I asked why, they said, that it was too rough for me and a child. Even as much as I tried they would not let me go. Pippin actually yelled at me. I soon began to cry and sob.

After the dream and was shocked awake. I sat up and looked around. I looked down at my stomach. No signs of carrying a child. Thank god, it was just a dream. I looked around. A new set of clothes had been laid out on the bed already. It was a brown dress just like the ones I had been wearing. I got up and put it on. Pippin was still asleep and snoring loudly. I decided to let him sleep in a while before waking him up. So I took my whip and shoes and left the room. I really didn't care where I went, I just wanted to go somewhere. I walked around Rivendell until I came down back to the garden. I was alone. Or that's what I thought. As I walked around the landscape, I looked at the stone statues that were scattered around the garden. I came upon two statues of women. They looked sad and stuck in stone. Their facial expression wanted to tell me that I needed to help them. So I walked up to the stone and read the caption underneath.

Iargristiel and Morlothwen Undomiel lived in Rivendell for the majority of their lives. When Morlothwen gave birth to a child, her and her husband were both extremely happy. But that happiness only lasted for one day. When Morlothwen found out that their child was a Prophecy Child, she went to  Sauruman to ask for help. When he found out that the child could control the future of another world, he wanted her for himself. Knowing that this would happen, Morlothwen's sister; Iargristiel helped take the child to the Grey Havens. While during this busy change, Morlothwen made her new daughter a weapon and hid it deep in the forests of Rivendell. When she hoped the child would return, she would find the weapon and take it.  Of course that was highly unpredictable. The child was supposed to save the Other World to an extent, then return for something bigger. Right before they sent the child away, Morlothwen's husband Celebrimbor made a gift for her child and the Other World. To ensure that the child would return and hopefully remember MIddle Earth, Celebrimbor made what the Other World called a Movie. Only Celebrimbor had gone to the Other World and back. So he made a movie that thier child would remember. Soon after, they let their precious child go. Now, years have passed and no one knows her real name or if she has come back. Some say that her name is Alice, because that was the name of her mother  in Elvish.SaurumanI stumbled back in shock. What I had just read didn't make sense. Could I be the Prophecy Child? Was I set to the Other World to save them and then return. But what was the "bigger thing"? I was also doubly shocked that Lord of The Rings movie wasn't even really made, it was just something for me to remember. I wasn't even a real human. I was part Elvish? 

"I need to tell Gandalf..." I whispered.

"Quite interesting what we learn about ourselves from a simple stone. Maybe it's not even true. Maybe your nothing." I turned to see who was talking to me. Boromir had been reading over my shoulder.

"Get away." I growled. So far, he had been really mean. I couldn't help but think that he was part evil. Although he came from Gondor, he was mortal.

"Maybe you are a Prophecy Child. Maybe not." He repeated.

"Excuse me, I need to see Gandalf. I think the Ring is effecting your thinking."  I calmy told him. My Whip was in one hand while in the other hand, I held my sword. If this got out of hand, I might have to attack Boromir.

"I can't let you go anywhere. You have ways to get the Ring and I want a way to get it. It's power is going unused. I'm not usually the bad guy, but I might have to tattle on you." He taunted me with the tattling scam.

"No. I need to go. You're not getting the Ring." I tried to leave, but his whole body blocked the enterance. Then he slowly pulled out his sword and advanced on me. I became scared. "Boromir, you don't have to act like this. Just forget everything and let's go. You can't kill me. I'm married and I have a life to live a possibly a prophecy to fill." I told him. He still kept on coming. Soon, I took out my whip. I cracked it once just to scare him. It echoed. He wasn't fazed. I actually ran toward me, sword front and center. Without hesitation, I cracked the whip again and flung it forward. I meant to use it to grab the sword from him, but I barely missed it. Instead, I caught his wrist and made it red. He became even more enraged and ran faster. So I booked it out of there and ran across the garden. I jumped the stone bench and then I ran for the purgola. That was the end. I could run no more. I looked all over for somewhere to go. I looked forward and saw Boromir rushing toward me. If he came any closer, I could be skewered. I stared up at the pergola. Maybe...I had seen Legolas jumped up on a horse like a ninja. If I was half elvish, maybe I could do that same thing. So I leaped up and grabbed the beams of the pergola I hung from it like they were monkey bars, then I hoisted myself up and onto the top, where I carefully balanced. Skill! I looked down where Boromir was looking up.

"Come down!" he yelled.

"NO!" I yelled back. Boromir came over and began to shake the pergola. It was weak and began to wobble under my feet. Soon, I fell down onto the ground. Boromir was standing over me. His sword up against my neck. It was cold. Soon I knew that my life would be cut short. I closed my eyes and waited for the painful cut. But there was none.I heard a creak of...something and opened my eyes. Boromir looked frightened and stood back, which revealed my rescuee'. To be honest I was shocked to see who it was. Legolas stood with his bow drawn. I got up and leaped away from Boromir immediately. Then Boromir himself, leapt up and ran. I watched him and laughed. 

"Thank you Legolas. But I don't see why-"

"Me either, but I sensed something was wrong. Which is odd, relying on the evidencce that I only realize someone is in trouble when they are either one of my relatives or they or a decendant of some sort." His eyes questioned me. 

"Well, if you want to, go read that stone over there." I showed him to the statues of Morlothwen and Iargristiel. I let him read it and after he was done, he looked stunned. 

"I remember that if it was yesterday. There has to be a way we can find out." Legolas became giddy. I was too. Learning that I could be part of Middle Earth would be phenomanol. I jumped up and down just thinking about the possibilites that could come to me. Then I left and ran back up to my room. 

When I entered the room, it smelled like the candles that had been lit last night. Pippin was getting dressed. I sat on the bed and waited for him to finish up. I pondered over the thought of being half elf. That would be kind of cool, knowing that I'm not just human and accidently fell into the loch. Of course the girl who Morlothwen gave up may not even be me. I sat and waited. When Pippin came out, his eye's lit up when he saw me. I got up and walked over to him. I gave him a hug and kissed his cheek. 

"Where did you go? I heard your whip." he asked. Once again, his eyes gleamed with wanting to know more.

"Yeah.  I was going to wake you up, but you looked...tired so I let you sleep in. So I went down to the garden and looked at a statue and read about the Daughter's of Arwen. I read it and it seems like Morlothwen's daughter is me. Of course I highly doubt that. If it is true, then I might be part elf. Of course that doesn't matter to me. I would rather be whole Hobbit than part elf. So after reading that, I encountered a little....problem." I didn't want to scare Pippin. I knew that he was already scared from the Nazgul that had hurt him and he had no clue what would happen to him in the future.

"A problem? What was it?" He asked again. This time he seemed worried.

"Just Boromir being Boromir. You know...." I said quietly. I put my head down, hoping that Pippin would stop asking questions.

"What do you mean? I heard your whip? What did he do to you?" He asked, firmly putting his hands on my shoulder.

"He might have cornered me, chased me and then put his sword up to my neck and almost slit it." I faced the window and looked out. Pippin followed me.

"He what?! I swear by Jesus! I'll have a go at him. Take him on." Pippin talked to himself. I turned and laughed.

"Pippin, really. It's been handled. Don't go to that point." I told him.

"I think I might have to of he doesn't start acting right." Pippin huffed and went to go get his scarf and sword. I already had everything with me, but this time, I took my brown cloak and swooped it on over me. It was long and reached the ground, the hood came slightly over my eyes when I wanted it to, today, I would go hood up. I adjusted to hood right above my eyes. I bent over to pick up my whip and my stomach lurched. I thought for a second that I could of been sick, but it passed. I stood back up and waited for Pippin, who was walking over to me.


"Ready. Why are you in your cloak?" He asked, trying to peer into my eyes. I pulled the hood back.

"I don't feel like looking at Boromir. Any sudden look would set him off." I told him and put my hood back up. Pippin pulled it back down and took my face in his hands.

"But you have a beautiful face and eyes. Don't hide them." He whined. I couldn't help but giggle a little, but again, I put the hood back up and turned. Pippin took my elbow and turned me around again. He pulled the hood off and gave me a gentle, easy kiss. It was slow and wonderful. When he pulled back, I kept the hood down. He smiled triumphantly.

"You always bring out the best in me. C'mon. We're going to be late." I told him. We walked out of our comfy, temporary room.

Pippin and I walked down the stairs to where the rest of the Fellowship was. Both of us grouped toward Sam, Frodo, and Merry.

"Hey Frodo." I said non-chalantly.

"Hello Alice. How are you." He said mono tone.

"Good. Yourself?

"I've been fine. I hope you liked your gift. I found it on the way here." He began to lighten up a little more.

"I did. It is very beautiful. So....what do you think about this trip?" I wanted to know his real input on this.

"I'm....not very frightened, but there is an amount of fear on doing what we are supposed to do. Just the thought is scary. But having your friends makes it better. Doesn't it?" Frodo sighed and smiled. 

"Yeah. I guess it does."  I agreed with him. Elrond and Arwen said goodbye to us and we were off. Frodo lead the way along with Gandalf. I was happy to be on this trip. It gave me think time. Which is what I needed right now. Think time about who I was. If Legolas could only remember what the baby looked like. I was dying to know. If I really was part of Middle Earth and not a poor girl from Scotland, I would be overly greatful. If I was half elf, then maybe, I have really good eyesight and can walk on top of snow. I will have the skills of a ninja. Boy, would my friends be jealous of me....wait? Did I even have friends? My memories were fading. Were they still even alive? I dismissed it as quickly as it came. I saw Sam drop back to speak to me. I didn't feel like listening to anything that Sam was going to dump on me. It would be something about me making Frodo feel bad. 

"Sam, I'm sorry if I have offended you in any way. Like I said back in the Shire, I'm just a normal girl who didn't mean to fall into the loch. So please deal. If I made Frodo mad or upset, I am sorry."

"Oh. Okay then. I wasn't going to tell you that. I just came by to ask about what Merry told me that he heard from Legolas was true? Is it?" Sam asked me. My face went red instantly. Sam let out a loud laugh.

"Your face says it all. Oh my! Hah hah! Sorry for my rudeness, but...hahahahha!! Oh wow. That's some funny stuff to hear." Sam took a breath in. My face was now even more hot. I felt pretty embarrased. "It's just good to see two people in love like that. It gives me a hope that I could find some one like you and Pippin." Sam sighed and stared off.

"Oh trust me, you will." I told him. I knew about his Rosie. On the contrary, I wasn't so happy about Pippin and my's little going on inspiring Sam. Then I decided to confide in Sam about my dream.

"Sam, what would happen to me if I had a child while on this trip? Where would I go?"

"A child? Hmmm. On this trip, maybe they would send you back to Rivendell. Just, try not to. Just saying." He told me. Then he looked back at me. "Are you exppecting?" He jumped to conclusions.

"OH no! I am not. I was just saying if..." I looked at Pippin who was enternaing his self and Merry by throwing rocks around. We would have....different kids.

"Oh, well, if you want to come and ask me again when you are, I would be glad." Then Sam ran back up to Frodo. I shuffled my feet. Who was I? That was the question I wanted an answer to.

"I was raised in Rivendell also." Aragorn came beside me and talked to me. Can I get no time with myself? 

"What do you mean, also?" If he still thought that I came from here, I wanted some hardcore evidence. 

"If you are Morlothwen's daughter, then yes, you would have been born here." He told me. 

"Okay? I really don't beleive that I am her daughter. Just because I can throw a whip around doesn't mean I'm some kind of Half elf. Besides, I'm already married to a Hobbit." I proved my point and then began to walk ahead. Sometimes I wished that time would speed up. Hey! Since Pippin is distracted with throwing rocks that means I can put my hood up. And I did, just in time as Boromir came up to my speed. I looked ahead through the cloak hood. I held my breath, hoping that he would pass by quickly. He did.

"Alice!" Pippin jumped up around me.

"Yes Pippin?" I smiled as his joyfulness.

"What's covering your face?" He joked. I rememberd the deal.

"Oh....I don't know. Hmm." I mocked forgetting.

"Really? I can make you remember?" He leaned and kissed my cheek, then pulled my hood off. "You know, I never noticed that your hair is so curly like ours." He examined my hair closely, tugging it. 

"Well, it is!" I said. As we walked along the path, I began to feel ill. My stomach churned and made me weak at the knees. I got down on my knees and took a few breathers.

"Ali, are you okay?" Merry came by me. Always caring for me.

"Phew.....huh....yeah. Yeah, I'm good." I was able to get back up on my feet. Freaky....

I could say the journey so far, was treacherous, but that would be lying. We hadn't encountered anything bad along the way. Of course, I was on edge with not being able to see the Crebain. So I constatly had to tap someone on the shoulder and ask them if they saw anything.

"You need to calm down. There are no Crebain here." Pippin consoled me.

"Okay....okay. Huhhh." I looked around the sky. When I did, there was a song that snapped into my head. I began to sing it slowly, "Home is behind, the world ahead. And there are many paths to tread. Through shadow, to the edge of night, Until the stars are all alight, mist and shadow, cloud and shade. All shall fade....All shall.........fade."  I remembered the song from Pippin in the last movie. If I was correct.

"Ah!, now we've got the human/hobbit singing songs. Never before have I witnessed such a person before!" Gimli commented.

"Alice, that was a beautiful song, wherever did you hear it?" Legolas asked. I looked at Pippin.

"Someone very close. Though, they don't know it." I told him. I guessed we were on speaking terms after he saved my life, "Oh, Legolas, I owe you one." I told him. Maybe I could turn out to save his life. I knew already, that I would be saving quite a couple lives during this journey. 

By the midday, we had reached a tall mountain that was covered with large rocks. It looked so familiar. 

"We shall stop and eat lunch here!" Gandalf told us. Sam became excited along with Merry and Pippin. Frodo did not look hungry. I did have to say, I was pretty hungry. But I was going to have to beat gimli to it if I wanted a lot of food. 

"I wonder who's going to get the better amount of food for the day?" I walked up to Gimli and teased him. 

"What? What? There is going to be food involved with this? Then I shall take all." He growled. We both rushed over to the food that Sam was cooking. I reached him first.

"Sam, try and give me the most food you can without giving me too much. I want to beat Gimli in this eating game." I whispered.

"And what do I get out of it?" He asked.

"Your future." I told him. He seemed intriuged.

"Okay." He shoveled some food onto my plate and tried his best not to look suspicous. I thanked him and walked past Gimli.

"How do you like that?" I asked him and showed him the plateful of food. He huffed.

"OH! Oh, we'll see." He told me and ran over to Sam. Oh the joy.... I sat down next to Frodo who was watching Merry and Pippin learn how to fight with Boromir. When I first saw this, I became alarmed. 

"Do not worry. He is only teaching them. Maybe you can have a go at him the next turn." Aragorn sat down next to me.

"Oh really." I watched all three of them fight. Then Pippin cried out, "Ahh!" I stood up. Boromir had nicked him with the blade. I jumped down from the rocks and watched the hobbits (who are still as tall as me) tackle Boromir. WHen they were done, I sauntered over and pulled out my sword. I put it up to his neck like he had me. He laughed.

"I doubt you know how to use that thing!" He called me out.

"I do. I will show you." I proved him wrong. If I had to, then I might have to wing it.

"Okay. Deal. Now get this sword off of my neck." He said. I quickly moved it away and back away. I held my sword in my right hand at an angle that felt comfortable.

"Look! You don't even know how to hold it right!" He laughed at me. Then he advanced toward me. I tried swinging and did pretty good. I almost sliced off his hair.

"Still not good enough." He told me. I became slightly angered, so I pulled out my whip. I took one lash and nearly got him. "Fine, fine." Then he backed away. On the other side of camp, Legolas had spotted something. 

"Crebain from Dundland!" He called out. I panicked. I couldn't see them. I looked all around hoping to see one. I could not spot a single bird.

"Alice! Come on!" Pippin called. I followed him to a rock that we hid behind. "Shhh. Stay still." He told me.  I became as quiet as possible. I could hear nothing. Pippin looked around. Finally he let me up. I brushed off my dress and came back out.

"We need to head for the mountain. Come on. Pack up!" Gandalf told us. Pippin and I rushed to help Sam pack up the food. Both of us loved food and did not want to see it wasted. When we finished, both of us got ready to go. The mountains looked snowy and cold. I got cold easily, which worried me. Even with the cloak it would be cold.

"Don't worry, the mountain's aren't that bad." Legolas said.

"Yeah, to you. You can walk over snow!" I complained.

"So could you." He gave me a hint and walked away. Damn! I was dying to know who I was. If I was A Daughter, I would take the powers of being a half elf pretty well.

"Come on! Let's get going!" Gandalf was ready to go and packed. Pippin and I stood near Merry, who was also ready.

"Look's cold." Pippin said.

"Yeah. It does. Don't worry. I'll try to keep you warm." I told him. Even if I couldn't keep my self warm, I could try to help Pippin and Merry. 

We took off shortly after that. The climb wasn't that bad until Frodo fell. I watched it go down. Frodo as fallen and did a backwards roll. Aragorn caught him and helped him up. I saw the Ring lying in the snow. Boromir walked up to it. I pulled out my whip and lashed out toward the Ring. The tip of the whip wrapped itself around the Ring and I brought it back. Boromir looked up to see who took it. When he saw I took it, his face reddened. I dropped the Ring in my hand and walked it to Frodo. 

"Thank you." He said. His blue eyes drove a hole into me. I turned away. There was still guilt that was left in me for leaving him. When I turned back, Merry was there.

"I know that look. Don't feel guilty. Frodo isn't mad at you." He told me what I needed to hear.

"I bet. I kind of left him." I confessed.

"He left you and you went after someone who fit you. Go to him." Merry pushed me towards Pippin was hiking up the mountain. He looked at me and smiled. He reached out his hand and I took it. We held hands walking up that mountain. 

It got really rough when we reached the top. Snow came down and it was deep. I was surprised when I walked on it and did not sink. Other times the snow collapsed under me. It was weird. I eventaully ended up cold and in the snow. It was mainly my face that was cold. I kept my hood down.

"You look cold!" Pippin told me.

"Ya think?" I asked him.

"Put your hood on." He yelled over the snow storm.

"I thought that you said-"

Don't listen to me! Put it on!" He raised his voice over the snow. I gratefully slipped the hood on over my face. Legolas pranced on in front of us. He listened to the wind.

"There is a fell voice on the air."

"It's Saruman!" Gandalf yelled.

"He's trying to bring down the mountain, we need to turn back!" Aragorn yelled.

"NO!" Gandalf replied. He stepped forward and began to cast a spell. I heard another voice. Soon the mountain crumbled. I looked up and saw a giant snow ball coming down near Pippin. I realized it was going to hit him and dashed over to him. I pushed him out of the way and we landed safely on the snow. I stared down at him. It brought back memories of Rivendell already....

"You are remembering the memories I am having?" He asked. I nodded and smiled. He laughed.

"Get up you two! Stop horsing around!" Gimli scolded us. Both of us stood up next to each other.

"What was that for again?" He asked.

"You were about to get pounded by a giant snowball." I told him as nonchalantly as I could. We were silent and then laughed super loud.

"Quiet!" Gimli roared. Pippin and I fell silent.

"We must get off the Moutain! Make for the Gap of Rohan and take the west road to my city!" Boromir called out.

"The Gap of Rohan takes us too close to isengard!" Aragorn rejected the idea.

"If we cannot pass over a mountain, let us go under it! Let us go through the mines of Moria." Gimli suggested. After that suggestion, everyone began to fight about the way we should go. It soon got on my nerves.

"Let Frodo choose!" I called out. Everyone turned to stare at me. I knew that somehow, Frodo was going to make the decison to go through the mines. He stared around at us, deciding the options. After that he made his choice.

"We will go through the mines." I don't know what drove him to make that choice, but it wasn't the best.

"Okay. Let it be." Gandalf said quietly. He knew something lurked in the mines. Something horrible. If only I could remember what..... 

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