DARK LOVE ( Obsession) [Editi...

By AimanIshteyaque

662K 36.7K 2.4K

Highest ranked #3 "Kiss me..." "What...no" 'I will repeat once more...kiss me." "In your dreams..." "Okay...d... More

一 One (Ichi)
二 Two (Ni)
三 Three (Saan)
四 Four (Shi)
五 Five (Go)
六 Six (Roku)
七 Seven (Sichi)
八 Eight (Hachi)
九 Nine (Kyu)
十 Ten (Ju)
十一 Eleven (Ju ichi)
十二 Twelve (Ju ni)
十三 Thirteen (Ju Saan)
十四 Fourteen (Ju Yon)
十五 Fifteen ( Ju Go)
十七 Seventeen ( Ju Nana )
十八 Eighteen ( Ju Hachi )
十九 Nineteen ( Ju Kyu)
二十 Twenty ( Ni Ju)
二十一 Twenty one ( Ni Ju Ichi )
二十二 Twenty two ( Ni Ju Ni )
二十三 Twenty Three ( Ni Ju Saan )
二十四 Twenty Four ( Ni Ju Yon)
二十五 Twenty Five ( Ni Ju Go )
二十六 Twenty Six ( Ni Ju Roku )
二十七 Twenty Seven ( Ni Ju Shichi )
二十八 Twenty Eight ( Ni Ju Hachi )
二十九 Twenty Nine ( Ni Ju Kyu )
三十 Thirty ( Saan Ju )
三十一 Thirty One ( Saan Ju Ichi )
三十二 Thirty Two ( Saan Ju Ni )
三十三 Thirty Three ( Saan Ju Saan )
三十四 Thrirty Four ( Saan Ju Yon )
三十五 Thirty Five ( Saan Ju Go )
三十六 Thirty six ( Saan Ju Roku )
三十七 Thirty Seven ( Saan Ju Shichi )
三十八 Thirty Eight ( Saan Ju Hatchi ) [Finale]
:( :( :(
Bonus chapter

十六 Sixteen ( Ju Roku )

14K 878 51
By AimanIshteyaque

Who ever loved that loved not at first sight ?



Please leave your reviews.


The annoying sound of the alarm clock filled my ears bringing me back to the cruelty of the world.

I tried to move my body but I couldn't... I felt someone was hugging me and I felt someone's weight over my body.

I quickly opened my eyes...but I couldn't see brightness....

That's when reality hit me...I was snuggled into monster chest while his arms were wrapped around my waist and his one leg was resting over mine.

How did he landed here...wasn't he on the floor....??

I tried to get out of his grip...but instead me pulled me more closer his breath hitting my neck....

I was not myself....my heart started racing...him being so close to me...never ever I had felt this way...I wasn't liking it but I was liking it too...for some reason I felt same in his embrace...the warm and that cozyness was I think of.

Nandu...focus...this isn't right.

I tried to speak but my voice come out as muffle.

I pushed him off using my all strength..."yah!! Get of!"

The next thing I witnessed him falling down on the floor....he woke up liking lost.

"Why did you push me off?"....he asked me with his morning voice and trust me that was most sexy thing I had witnessed in my entire life.

I watched him with my wide mouth ... While got up and later down again in the bed curling into a ball...and dragging me too with him.

"Let me go"....I yanked his arm away and got out of the bed...and rushed to the washroom.

I locked myself inside and placed NY hand over my heart... Dubbb dubb dubbb...what's wrong with me...."what's this feeling is?"



walked into the hallway...still recalling the scene from morning.

I checked my heart beat now....it was normal now...I think I got serious problem... What should I do...should I tell Navya??...No..she will make fun...and tease me too...I have figure it by myself....yes I can do it.


I sat on usual desk watching through the window....when my eyes caught sight which made focus my all attention there.

I saw monster with an unknown... But still she seems to be familiar...I mean like I haven't seen her in the school but I have seen her some where else....but where....I tried to remember...

Yes...I have seen her in the cafe...she is the girl who was with monster with too much makeup.

Wait...that means that's monster girlfriend... My heart sank...I felt low and uneasy... But why...


I focused my attention back to them....I saw monster moving away from her...but her expression was stern and serious.

But why do I care...its none of my concern.

I know I am lying to myself.

After some time...monster walked in his expression wasn't pleasing at all...he sat beside me...but didn't uttered a word...usually he would say unpleasant words to me like.. " commoner you look ugly today"..."don't you get bore of yourself" and so on.

I think I know why he was quiet today.

It was bothering me...but my mind said to keep it out of this... But my heart was pushing me to ask...what's wrong.

Okay... This time I will go with my mind... I stayed quiet the while period.. Neither he said nor did I.


It was time to go home...
Yay...and guess what...tomorrow is weekend so no school....I swirled around in excitement and keep moving towards the exit.

When I reached the gate...I saw monster...he was leaning go the gate maybe waiting for someone... And kept walking with my pace...and walked past him without giving him glance.

"Yah .. Commoner".... I heard him shouting.

Was he waiting for me.

I acted like I didn't listened to him and kept walking.

"Yah..stop"....he said between his breath.

"What do you want now?" .. I asked annoyingly.

Actually I wasn't over if the fact that he have a girlfriend... I don't know why...but I was acting like I am mad at him... Although I have no right to do that.

"Be by girlfriend"....he said looking straight into my eyes maybe into my soul.

Blood rushed to my cheeks ... I could feel my cheeks turning crimson but this time not because of the anger but cause of the blush.

It was the second time he asked me about this.....the first time he did during the first day of my school...the words were same ..even told by the same person but feeling was different this time...I was flustered... My heart was jumping...and squealing inside.... While I tried to gain my senses and act like real me.


Thankyou for your votes and comments...I really like reading your comments and it make me smile wide.

I love you all.... Keep reading .




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