From Sea To Shining Sea (Edmu...

By vivienne_lochran

59.1K 1.3K 421

Ophelia Stinger knew her life could have been a lot better. Her father died in Afghanistan and her mother was... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31

Chapter 30

1.2K 31 0
By vivienne_lochran

Chapter 30


"Forever is composed of nows." -Emily Dickinson


There was never a dull moment once Reep arrived. My family did the things that normal families usually did. I also got to know some of the neighbors as well. I do believe Mr. Tumnus was by far the most interesting. I made many friends around town, and Reepicheep did too. After I stopped aging when I turned eighteen, the days bled into weeks bled into months bled into years. I had absolutely no idea how long I had been in Aslan's Country, and, after a while, I didn't care. Even still, the Pevensies possessed my thoughts throughout every day I was there.

Reep and I had already met Caspian IX and Lilliandil when she arrived, and before I knew it, someone else close to me had joined the population of Aslan's Country. Reep and I were walking on the beach near the wave while Reep told me stories about his previous adventures (some seemed made up, but he claimed they were all 100% true). That's when we saw him. An older man being washed up onto the beach.

"Reep, look," I pointed at the man, who was not yet conscious.

"We should go investigate," Reep stated, and he ran off towards the man with me close behind him.

I ran unbalanced in the sand trying to keep up with Reep. Once we arrived at the man's side, he looked extremely familiar. It barely even took me a second to figure out who it was. His hair had gone grey, and his skin had taken on a similar color, but I recognised him nonetheless.

"Caspian," I breathed. Reep and I tried to shake him awake as gently as possible. It took a moment, but his eyes fluttered open.

"Ophelia? Reepicheep?" His voice was raspy and shaky. Tears welled in his brown eyes, and all I could do was nod as my eyes soon did the same. "You look so much older than I remember. How is that possible?"

"Aslan told me that anything was possible, so I stopped my aging when I turned eighteen. I have no idea how old I am now, though."

"It's not just age, my dear. You look wiser, more sure. Your age is reflected in your eyes, Oph, not in your face." Caspian leaned in to gently clasp my face between his hands, and I placed my hands over his and closed my eyes right as a tear escaped. I felt the skin on his hands tighten and condense, and when I opened my eyes again, he was the Caspian that I remembered. In that moment, I saw what he had explained earlier. His eyes looked much older than the rest of him.

"Caspian," I sniffled, "you're home." All he could do in response was smile and kiss my forehead.

"Are my father and wife here?"

"Yes," Reep replied. "We can show you the way to them." I nodded quickly in agreement.

Reep and I lead Caspian through the city, and to the houses occupied by his wife and father.

"Here we are," I sighed. "It's about ten in the morning, so they're probably at your father's house having tea, as usual."

We approached the house, and Caspian knocked on the door. A few seconds later, Caspian's father appeared at the door. He saw Caspian, and surprise covered his full face.

"S-son?" He stuttered. "Is it really you?"

"Father," Caspian breathed, then took the man into a rough hug. "It's been so long."

"Too long," his father agreed.

"Who is at the door?" A sweet, womanly voice asked from inside the house.

"Come and see, Lilliandil. I do believe you will be pleased." A moment later, Lilliandil appeared next to Caspian IX, and gasped when she beheld her husband before her.

She slowly took his face between her hands, and kissed him gently. "I have missed you more then the moon misses the stars when the sun comes up."

"Now you have no need to miss me anymore, for I am here with you again," Caspian X smiled at her.

"Awwwww," I sighed. "Reep, we should give this reunion some privacy."

"Agreed. Let's be off then," I lifted Reep onto my shoulder, waved goodbye, and we left the family to themselves.  

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