All The Secrets and Lies (Des...

By sonadora8

48.5K 1.9K 1.2K

//Destiel, Sabriel, and Michifer High School AU// Little bit of Adamandriel First fanfic don't judge me Oh a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
New Story!!!
Chapter 29

Chapter 24

1K 45 8
By sonadora8

Michael's POV
"Lucifer," I say and my heart shatters. He pulls back from the boy he is kissing and looks at me and I start crying. I run outside to his car because he gave me the keys since he didn't have pockets.

"Wait Mikey!" He yells and I drive away quickly. I see him fall to his knees in the rear view mirror and I cry harder because it hurts me to see him so sad. How could he have done this to me? To us? I thought he loved me? Who was that guy? I barely make it home as my eyes blur with tears. I slam the car door shut and run inside. I run up the stairs with tears streaming uncontrollably down my face.

I run to the end of the hall where my room is and slam the door behind me. I collapse on my bed in tears. I hear hard banging on my door. I stop sobbing and gather myself together as I open the door. I see a very worried looking Dean in his boxers and Cas in the same attire behind him. "Michael what's wrong?! We came as soon as we heard you run to your room," he says. I ignore the fact that they were probably just having sex.

I fall into Dean's arms and cry my heart out. He holds me tightly and Cas rubs my back soothingly. As my last tears fall and I have nothing left, I pull away. I lead them into my room and sit down on the bed. Dean and Cas sit on either side of me. I try to keep my breathing normal as I tell them what happened. By the end I'm sobbing again but no tears fall. They hold me and tell me everything's alright. They cover me up and I fall asleep.
Lucifer's POV
"Meg I screwed it up I screwed it all up," I say through my tears. She brought me up to her room so no one would see me like this, all broken.

"No Luc you didn't that guy down there did, you didn't kiss him back right?"

"Yeah you're right I didn't do anything wrong it was all him, god I fricking hate that guy! How does he even have the nerve to show his face to me again! And to kiss me while I'm with Michael, oh he is so going to get it!" I say. My tears have dried and anger replaces my sadness. I stomp out of her room and downstairs. I see him talking to some guy by the drink table. I turn him around and punch him in the face. He falls to the ground.

"Luc what the hell?!" Nick yells as he spits out blood.

"What the hell to you! How could you do that to me?! First you break my heart years ago and ruin my life and then you ruin the best thing to ever happen to me! You Jerk!" I scream and punch him again. My body is seething with anger.

"What do you mean? I thought you loved me?!" He screamed back. I start laughing harshly.

"That's right I loved you, that was like 3 years ago and you never loved me back!" I scream. A small crowd had gathered around us. "What are you looking at?!" I snarl and the crowd scrambles over one another to get away. I grab Nick's arm tightly and yank him up to Meg's room. She locks the door behind us.

"I lied," Nick says quietly when I release my iron grasp on his forearm.


"I lied ok! I did love you but the whole freaking town was religious and this is what I got from my father when I told my parents I loved you," he says and lifts up his shirt to show a scar over his ribs. "So I told you I hated you because if I didn't cut you out of my life I would have loved you and everything would end badly for you and me," he says. "I turned eighteen a month ago and finally moved away, I found out where you went and I came. I didn't know you would be at this party but when I saw you I couldn't control myself. I'm still in love with you Luc."

I clench my fists. I did love him but I don't anymore. I hate to break his heart but I'm madly in love with Michael. I calm myself down. "Look Nick I appreciate you coming all this way but-"

"Luc I love you can't you just give me a chance?" He cuts me off.

"No I'm sorry but I've moved on. You meant a lot to me and I don't want you to get hurt but I love Michael. He is everything to me and I haven't loved anyone since you. You broke my heart and Michael put me back together again," I say. Nick looks sad and defeated but nods.

"I didn't know you had already found someone new," Nick says. "I'm sorry Lucifer I hope it works out, goodbye." Meg lets him out of the room and I sigh. I sit on her bed and run my hand through my hair. My spiked hair has fallen into its usual messy look and my black lipstick is everywhere on my face and Michael's. My eye liner streaks down my face from all my tears. I wash off the makeup in Meg's bathroom and get the gel out of my hair.

"Let's go get my Mikey back," I say to Meg with determination in my eyes. She smirks.

"Ok big boy what's the plan?" I take a minute to think.

"The window, he always loved it when I would climb up to his window to get inside. He will come, I'm sure of it because he was always afraid I'd fall balancing on the roof like that." Meg drives me over to his house and parks a little bit away so no one will know I'm coming. I take a deep breath and walk over to his house. I climb up the roof on the latter and grab the window seal as the only thing holding me up is a sliver of roof. I knock on the window and a lump on the bed stirs and gets up. Mikey must have been sleeping.

"Lucifer?" Michael says his voice thick with sleep. As soon as he says my name his eyes open so wide it looks like they will pop out of his head. It is as if he hadn't realized the recent events happened until now. Emotions flow crazily on his face and suddenly set on one. He furrows his eyebrows and twists his face into a grimace. "What the hell do you want?" He spats. I worry he won't let me in but he yanks me inside. I stumble and fall on the floor. I quickly get up. Michael clenches and unclenches his jaw and his hands are balled into fists.

"Baby please let me explain," I plead. He slams his fist in my face harder than anyone's ever punched me. I fall to the ground and ignore the bloody taste in my mouth. Tears stream down his face wildly. And his anger is replaced with sadness and grief.

"Don't you ever use that name! Not when you don't mean it!" He yells through his tears. Michael's fists are still clenched and his body shakes.

"But I do mean it! I never wanted to hurt you, he kissed me!" I shout. Michael looks at me curiously as if considering the possibility.

"But you didn't push him away," Michael whispers.

"I didn't know what was happening he just kissed me and said who he was and kissed me again hard," I say.

"Who was he?" I bite my lip.

"My ex, Nick, he was the reason I have trouble loving. The reason I was a player for so long until I met you," I say. Michael looks away. I get up and lay my hand on his shoulder. "Baby I will tell you everything. I will tell you all about Nick and what happened exactly at the party," I say and hug him. He cries over my shoulder and nods against me. I sit him down on the bed and tell him the whole story. Michael understood now I think.

"I'm so sorry Luc I had no idea. I should have asked you what was going on...not run. I didn't even consider the possibility that this was a misunderstanding," Michael says with guilt written on his face.

"Hey shh you have no reason to apologize this wasn't your fault or anyone's fault for that matter. You jumped to conclusions, I had no idea what was going on, and Nick was a boy clouded with lust who didn't stop to ask about my current love life." Michael nods but still looks guilty. I kiss him gently on the lips and make a trail along his jaw and down his neck. "I love you Mikey, you are everything to me," I say with a smile.

"I love you too Luc, forever and always," Michael says and smiles back.

"Oh god Deeeeeeaaaan," we hear Cas moan from the room next door. Michael and I start laughing.

"They had already gone at it once tonight," Michael says quietly.

"Wow you take Cas's virginity away and he will have sex with you as many times as you want," I say with a chuckle.

"Don't stop, faster," Cas moans.

"Yeah Dean work him real good!" I shout and I can tell they can hear through the thin walls. Suddenly it goes quiet.

"Will do Luc take Michael to your house though! This is our place for tonight!" Dean shouts back. I start cracking up along with Michael. I hold my hand out to him and he takes it. I lead him out to Meg's car. We crawl in the backseat together.

"So you made up?" I nod and kiss Michael's cheek and he blushes. "Well that's just swell now can I get back to my damn party?" I chuckle.

"Sure but drop us off at my house will ya," I say. She smirks and drives us to my house.

"Later asshats!" She yells out the window as she drives away. I pull Michael inside and to the basement. I start kissing him breathless. He brushes his hands up my shirt. He runs them along my stomach and up my chest.

"Oh baby I love you," I whisper. He makes a sound of agreement as he kisses my neck. I pull lightly on the ends of his hair and a moan erupts on my neck. I smile, I could stay like this forever.

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