Knock, Knock (Lenny Pearce/Ju...

By InsanelyJ

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Percussive Maintenance. It is the act of whacking, banging, knocking on an electronic device to get it to wor... More

Chapter 2: Magic Mike
Chapter 3: Breakfast, A Bad Word?
Chapter 4: Lovesick Puppies
Chapter 5: For Special Effects
Chapter 6: Bunny Power, Hurrah!
Chapter 7: Half Sweet, Half Nuts
Chapter 8: I Found Him
Chapter 9: Believe Me
Chapter 10: Say What?
Chapter 11: Decisions, Decisions
Chapter 12: A Complete Mistake
Chapter 13: Screw You.
Chapter 14: Man-To-Man Talk
Chapter 15: You're Only Mine
Chapter 16: The Innocent Child
Chapter 17: No Secrets In The Family
Chapter 18: She's Mine
Chapter 19: Celebrating Love
Chapter 20: You're My Future
Chapter 21: Hide And Seek
Chapter 22: The Birth Of The Gummy Bear

Chapter 1: 11:11

1.3K 31 32
By InsanelyJ

* Ava’s POV *

If you know who I was, you’d know that I’ve planned out my week, exactly the same. Mondays through Fridays, I’d focus solely on work, Friday nights to Saturday nights would be spent with friends, and Sundays would be either spent with family, or alone, catching up on things I’d miss.

That’s the schedule I’ve been following since I started working. Of course, it doesn’t mean that I do the same things every week, well except for work, but that’s how I plan my time. Everything should be in accordance with the schedule, or I’ll mess up my head, which would end up having a bad day.

Which explains the reason why I’m out tonight or you could say hanging out with my friends at Will’s apartment, and it isn’t even Friday yet, more like Thursday night, but at least we’re getting there. It was a surprise to my friends I actually showed up, but I needed a break after those strenuous meetings with clients I’ve had all day.

Orders here and there were a good thing, but the deadlines are driving me mad. Some people have this imaginary timeline they wanted to achieve, and yet, order the items a week before they needed the stuff. It would be fine it it’s just one person, and I’ll probably have the stocks, but no, there were like three of them. If I find out they are friends, I’ll knock them all out.

“… been having a bad sprain.” Clarisse complained, showing her wrist to our other friends. “I think I should have it checked.”

“Or you can knock on it and see if it works.” Jade chuckled as Clarisse glared at her.

“That’s kind of true though. It’s called Percussive Maintenance, but it only applies to electronic devices.” Will shared. “It’s on the Internet.”

“Yeah, one time I whacked my remote and it worked.” Joey brought up, remembering that time he didn’t have an extra battery and he needed the remote control so badly. I don’t understand why he wouldn’t just stand up and move the controls on the television itself. Lazy ass.

“Why don’t you hit your head for a change then, mate?” Will scoffed as Joey clasped both his hands together, feigning hurt.

The room welcomed the comfortable silence as the two boys bickered like there’s no tomorrow, fighting off with each other. I’m not even sure if they’re still talking about the Joey’s head or have gone to another topic. The girls simply didn’t care as they were always like that every time we all hang out. Nothing is new.

“Do you think if I knocked on my heart it will work again and I could finally find love?” I blurted out in the middle of our session, gaining laughter from all my friends, as if telling me I am a lost cause.

“You’re kidding, right?” Will snickered. “You have high standards on guys. How can you even find love?”

“Agreed! Will even tried to pursue you, but you pushed him on friend zone once you found out!” Joey commented as tables have turned. Now it was Will’s time to launch himself on Joey for that unnecessary remark reminding him of his previous goals, thinking that he was a level ahead because we were best friends.

But I don’t date best friends.

As if Clarisse knew what was on my mind, she voiced out her opinion. “You don’t date anyone. Period.” Okay, that excuse didn’t work out.

“That’s because all these times, she wanted that boy in her past.” Jade explained. “The only reason stopping her from dating any guy, thinking he’d magically pop up anytime.”

 “I’m willing to try and date someone.” I uttered, smiling.

However, my friends were still not convinced I’d finally let go of my standards and enjoy myself hanging out with potential boyfriends.

Jade laughed. “You mentioned that when Mason asked you out, and what happened? Do you want me to remind you?”

“Hey, that’s not fair! The guy’s a creep.  Which grown up man collects Care Bears and sleeps with them?”

“You’re just jealous that he sleeps with his Care Bears more than he does with you!” Joey chuckled.

I nodded, not because I agreed on what he said, but I gave a look towards Will that he could kill Joey any second, and he did tackle him afterwards.

“I got permission from Ava.” He uttered and started fighting with Joey using inflatable swords. Soon, they have managed to run after Jade and Clarisse, cornering them and entering a tickle fight.

Yep, these are my friends. And before they could come to me, I excused myself and went to Will’s deck to take a breather.

It was still early – 11:08 on my watch, and we’re already sporting a hangover. Looking up into the night sky, stars were already visible, keeping me company on a chilly night.

Three minutes left before I can make my wish.

* Lenny’s POV *

“So that’s number 364 for you, Len?” Lukas mocked. Obviously, they were all exaggerating when I told them Jen called things off earlier today – the main reason I was having a bad day. I’m not even sure how much girls I’ve tried to ask out because all of them ended up in failed relationships.

“Maybe you should start knocking on your head; perhaps it will work how you converse with the girls.” John gave me an advice.

“Or perhaps you should stop giving them red gummy bears every single day. How do you even come up with a bag full of red ones?”

“I have connections.” I proudly said. I’ve been getting them since I was a kid, and since the store knew about it, they have given me special packs which only had red ones.


Easter came in a little early this year as cousins and other relatives came over just a day before the actual holiday. We all wanted to play outside. Boys versus girls like how it always was.

“Okay, so what now?” Brian asked as we all rounded up, figuring what game we should all play.

“Hide and seek!” One of my cousins suggested, and we all agreed.

Heading to the local park, we all divided into groups and hide away. But I wanted the guys to win so I went out to look for other places I could stay at while the unlucky person tries to find us.

Strolling around the park, I found the perfect hideaway. There was a small wooden cabin on the deeper part of the park. You can even disguise it as a huge dollhouse, complete with the tiny windows on both top corners.

Opening the door, I went inside only to find empty boxes stacked up together. Until, I heard an angel spoke up in a singsong voice.

“What are you doing here?” She asked as I looked around to find her. She was sitting on the ground, hugging up her knees tightly, scribbling something on her notebook, and not even looking up to meet my gaze.

“I was playing hide and seek with my friends and I wanted a place to hide so they would have a hard time looking for me, and found this place.” I explained as I sat right in front of her, fascinated on her work of art, peeking at her notebook.

But she realized I was looking, so then, she closed her book and set it aside. “Oh.”

“Aren’t you going to tell me what are you doing here?” I inquired as silence greeted me.

It took a whole minute before she could answer me but it was fine with me. “This place is my comfort zone. People at home always fight and it was tearing up my eardrums.” She explained, frowning and perhaps, almost in tears.

 “Do you like some gummy bears?” I asked, getting a pack out from my pocket. I know it was so random, but I couldn’t help it. Maybe this was what puppy love was – I’m now turning into a cute puppy, fluttering my eyebrows, winking at her.

She didn’t even acknowledge my cuteness, instead, focused on the gummy bears resting on top of my palm. “Are they the red ones?”

“No, different colors, but there’s some red.” I uttered, pushing the bag to her side.

“I only like the red ones.”

“What do you do with the other colors?”

“I don’t know. My parents just buy me the red ones.”

“But you can’t buy just the red ones; unless you’re rich and have someone removed the other colors when you buy them.”

“I don’t know.” She uttered, about to cry and all I wanted was to make her happy.  

“Okay, okay don’t cry. Here, you can pick all the red ones.”

*End Of Flashback*

“You actually think you can find the girl again by giving each girls you’ve dated red gummy bears, most especially when they’re about to cry?” Solo uttered as the other guys agreed that it was a lame idea.

I’m sorry, but I wasn’t able to get her name then. She was already munching on the gummy bears, and the next thing I knew, we were already out of the cabin after her dad had found her and took her home. Thinking she’d be back the next day, I waited for her outside of the cabin, but didn’t come back. All those times, I’d run to the park just to check if she was there, but she never came back.

It took me two months to realize that it was impossible to see her again, which left me heartbroken. My parents even thought there was something wrong with me, but when they brought me to the doctor to have a check up, nothing was found. I was okay, just heartbroken over a girl who I didn’t even know the name.

 “You know Lenny, getting the name is one of the most important things when meeting up a girl.” Eman stated as I nodded, knowing it was actually important, especially when you’re a kid and kids grow up, some even turning from an ugly duckling to a hot mama. Not that my girl was ugly or anything, but I guess you know the drill.

“So the reason you’ve been messing up your relationships because she’s not the girl?” Samson piped in asking the question. It’s not that she’s not the girl, but I don’t know, they just couldn’t take how random I was and I feel very uncomfortable with them feeling weird towards me.

“Girls like it when you console them when they’re not feeling well.” Paulie added. “Giving those candies and the like would only help in some instances, but not all the time.”

They kept on lecturing me the whole night, getting me more annoyed that I’m lonely again and they’re not even helping. The alcohol wasn’t either so I decided to go out and take a breather.

“You’re leaving now?” Lukas asked, raising his brow, perhaps because it was still too early for me to leave.

I shook my head and pointed out the deck. “Just getting some peace of mind.” I uttered, leaving them all laughing at something I didn’t quite catch.

Checking my watch, it was already 11:10 and I wanted to make a wish on 11:11, trying if it could work my way this time. Looking up the sky, I watched the stars twinkle, lighting the night away.

The minute has passed by and I whispered my wish while looking at a star. “Please help me find my soul mate…” I uttered the first part of what I wanted, but got distracted when I heard another voice.

Taking my gaze away from the sky, I followed the voice and found her on the next deck beside Lukas’ house. Her eyes were fixated on the stars in the sky, perhaps also wishing about something. But all I had in my mind was “Thank you for the fast response.” I haven’t even talked to her, but I’m already hooked. She was just so beautiful and I couldn’t take my eyes off from her.

“Umm, are you alright there, mister?” She asked as I realized she has been waving her hand in front of my face, getting my attention.

I nodded. “Yeah, I was just wandering around.” I reasoned out, hoping she’d buy it.

“Okay then.” She uttered, probably weirded out seeing me.

How do I ask for her name? Oh god, did I lose my tongue or something?

 Yet again, I failed getting her name. “Hey, I should be going in. See ya.”

“Really Len?” Lukas surprised me as he suddenly appeared uninvited. “You couldn’t ask her name?”

“What?! I panicked!” I retorted as I sent them laughing, rolling on the floor of how stupid that was. I completely embarrassed myself.

“It’s a good thing I know her.” John commented. “She’s Ava Wright. She has a store downtown. I’ve seen her a couple of times, clubbing with her friends at Scape.”

“How do you know her?” I was curious to know, and also, annoyed that he hadn’t introduced her to me. John always introduces people to me, except her.

“Noah, Connor, Jordan, Aiden, Liam have asked her out, but was unsuccessful.” Samson joined in, listing out all the guys who have asked her out. John nodded. “She doesn’t date.”

“From what I’ve heard she has set up high standards on guys. But no one knows what those standards are.” Eman stated as a matter of fact.

“I know one of her best friends. Jade.” Lukas uttered. “She’s my cousin.”

“Have you ever asked her why Ava doesn’t date?” Solo inquired and he nodded.

“Yep, something about her past – I’m not sure what exactly it is.” Lukas responded. “But Jade said, Ava assumes that the right guy would know what she wants, which means that she hasn’t found him. You can try though.”

Great, now I don’t know if I feel lucky that the guys know her or feel scared that I won’t even get a chance to prove myself to her.

“Perhaps you have a chance if you actually let go of the gummy bears and show her real feelings.” John snickered as I rolled my eyes.

“Fine then. I’ll try not to mess it up with the gummies this time.” 

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