The Outsiders: Dally's little...

Galing kay Pony_babe

1M 18.5K 63.1K

Dallas Winston knew he had a younger sister up in New York with his parents, but when his parents die, and So... Higit pa

From New York to Oklahoma?
If he never killed a soc
A good gang of greasers
Sodapop's secret
What Dallas did...
Kick em' where it hurts!
Near death experiences
Point of view.
Outta there
The doctor, the date, and the drive-in.
Who ya callin' greaser?
We thought it was a good idea
Ridin' dirty
Going steady
~The Fair~
The New Girl
Real quick A/N
Try Outs
A Romantic
Cold As Ice
Out With A Bang
Merry And Bright
The night before Christmas-pt. 1
The night before Christmas-pt. 2
Christmas Kisses
The Framed Girl
In The Cooler
Nothing Gold Can Stay
Walking On Thin Ice
Saying Goodbye
The End.

Violence Is The Answer

18.8K 397 1.1K
Galing kay Pony_babe


I opened the door expecting it to be Two-Bit or something. Instead, it was the last person I wanted to see. The guy who wanted to take Sophie away from me. "What the hell are you doing here?" I yelled.

He looked nice. Not in like dressy clothes or anything, just like he had taken a long bath, and re-did his hair. He smelled nice too. I puckered my lips in anger. "I'm here to see Sophie tough guy, she asked me over." He walked in, keeping eye contact with me.

I pushed him back outside. "If she wants to see you, she'll come out and see you, but you sure as hell ain't coming in this house." He made a mad face, then took a step back.

Then, Sophie came around the corner. "Oh hey George, I forgot you were coming." She smiled at him which made me mad.

I hadn't yet told her about what George said to me when he gave me a ride to school. I wanted it all just to blow over and him go back to New York, but I'm beginning to think that I need to tell her. I know that she would never leave me for him, but I still don't want him flirting with her while he's here. "You still wanna hang out?" He asked her from outside the front door.

I looked to her and she gave me a sympathetic look. She actually wanted to hang out with him?! She looked back at George. "Can I have a minute to talk to Johnny please?" She asked. 

George nodded and took a seat on the front porch. I followed Sophie into the kitchen. Darry and Sodapop sat there, pretending they hadn't just heard everything that just happened. We went into the hallway and she looked at me a little confused. "What's your beef with George?" She hissed. 

I nodded my head back and forth. I don't know if I really thought me doing that would avoid the question, but it didn't. Sophie raised her eyebrows, waiting for an answer. "You really wanna know why I'm not too hot about him?" I asked, lowering my voice to a more serious tone.

Her facial expression changed and she looked more concerned than anything else now. "What happened Johnny?" She looked a little worried, adding to her concerned expression.


Johnny has looked unsettled for the past day and I'm pretty sure it has something to do with George coming to town. He looked upset, and that made me a little distressed. I didn't like seeing Johnny upset. "He gave me a ride to school today.." His voice faded a little and he looked down ward. 

I scrunched my eyebrows "What does that have to do with anything?" I asked slowly. 

He sighed short and softly. "Listen, he said that he likes you, like a lot." 

"Well of course he likes me, he came all the way down here to see me."

"No, no I mean like, more than just a friend." 

When I first came here, Johnny was just a shy kid who wouldn't hurt a fly. Now, over time I've seen him become more out there, and less shy. Yet in that moment, he looked like he had when I first got here. He looked shy and broken and sad. I touched the side of his face. "I don't care Johnnycakes. I've never thought of George as anything but a friend, and I'd never leave you."

He pulled me into a hug. "It's not you I'm worried about." He whispered in my ear. "I just don't want him being a flirt with you, is all."

I giggled a little. "If he gets to be too much, I'll put an end to it, savvy?" 

He nodded and smiled softly. I held his hand as we walked back into the living room. I thought to myself as we walked. Johnny still is that same boy I met when I first arrived. He's still shy and he's still scared and broken and lost, but I just love him so much I don't see it anymore. I also thought how if Dally heard any of this, he'd flip. He does like Johnny a whole lot, and says he's happy that we're together, but I know it's just a front. He hates that I'm with any boy, even if it is Johnny. In his eyes, I still am the ten year old he left in New York four years ago. My fifteenth birthday is in December next month, but I still feel like Dally thinks I'm a little kid. 

Interrupting my thoughts, George started yelling and pounding on the door. "Let me in! Let me in now!" I looked at Johnny quickly, then ran to the door. I could hear Darry and Soda getting up from the table in the kitchen. I opened the door and George ran in, breathing heavily. "Who are they?" He managed to get out. 

I looked back out the door, to see three or four hollering, obviously drunk socs throwing beer bottles towards us. One was coming towards the door. I slamed it shut and listened as the bottle hit the door and shattered into tiny pieces. "What are they doing on this side of town?" Soda asked quickly. 

No one spoke for a moment as more shattering bottles hit the door and the walls surrounding it. We could hear them yelling something , but I couldn't make out what it was exactly. I rushed over to the window and peered out. I couldn't really get a good look at they until one stepped into the light. "Those aren't socs." I said with fear pinging in my voice. 

"Who is it then?" Darry asked. 

"It's Mason and some of his gang." 

I then realized what they were saying. They were calling my name. I backed away from the window. "What are they doing here?" Soda asked. 

No one answered once again. "He's mad at me." I said quietly. I think only Johnny heard me. 

"What?" Soda asked with panic beginning to show in his voice. 

"I said there hear because Masons mad at me for leaving him for Johnny."

The room fell silent. A large shatter made us all jump the window behind me cracked, from the impact of the bottle. "Damn fool broke the window!" Darry said firmly. 

I bit my lip and thought, but I wasn't thinking straight. "I'll talk to them." I blurted, and before anyone could stop me, or before I could realized how much of a bad idea it was, I was out the door, and shut it behind me. 

They saw me even before I could focus on them. They all changed their tones of yelling when they saw me come out. The other four guys Mason was with quieted down, while Mason began to speak. "Hey-a Sophie.." He slurred, having a hard time speaking while he was this drunk. "Fancy seeing you here." He took another gulp on one of the bottles he was holding.

"Drunk on a Tuesday night, those are healthy drinking habits if I ever saw them." I laid the sarcasm on thick so they would get the message even while boozed up. I heard the door open behind me. I turned around quickly and saw Johnny and Darry coming out. "No," I hissed. "I don't want a rumble, you guys come out here, that's what it'll turn into." 

Darry sighed and I could tell he knew I was right. "She's right Dar'," Soda came up behind him. "There so drunk, if there's a rumble, they'll pull blades on us."

He clenched his jaw. "If things get outta hand, I'm coming straight out, and if there's a rumble, there's a rumble."

I nodded quickly. Johnny gave me a look obviously saying he wasn't going inside without a fight. "Go Johnny, please." 

He looked at me debating to himself, then glanced at the dead drunk greasers in the front yard. He looked at me again, then walked inside. When I heard the door shut, I looked back at them. "Just go home Mason." I called from the safety of the porch. 

"You left me," He hiccuped. "For a low ranked, greasy street rat like," He swallowed hard, proably keeping himself from throwing up on the lawn. "Like Johnny Cade."

I stepped foward in rage, but contained myself. "Johnny's ten times the man you'll ever be." I snapped, pinching myself for sounding so cliche--but they were too drunk to take note of it. 

One of them, threw his bottle straight at me. I stepped away just in time, and it shattered behind me. I winced at a pain in my cheek. The door behind me swung open and I didn't even turn to them.  "I'm fine," I said below my breath so whoever was at the door could hear me, but not them. The door shut quietly. I could feel eyes on my back watching from the window behind me. "Go home!" I yelled to them. "Leave us alone!" 

I didn't mean to sound desperate, or scared, but in reality, I was scared to death. Mason had killed Daisy while completely sober, I couldn't imagine what they were capable of drunk. I didn't want to be out on the porch alone. I wanted the Johnny and Darry and Soda by my side, even George being out here would make me feel safer. Though, I knew that if they were to come out, there would be fighting. So I held my ground. I could hear all of them swear to each other and to themselves, which was a bad sign. You know someone's definitely over-the-top drunk when they swear way more than usual, and start talking to themselves. Or maybe, he had just gone crazy. Both were petrifying. I could barely see them. It was dark out, and my eyes weren't adjusting right because of the porch light.  The moon made him visible sometimes when he paced around like a crazy person. The street light lit up the rest of his gang, but him, I couldn't really get a good look at. 

"What do you want?!" I yelled to them, once again capturing their attention. 

"I want you Sophie Winston." He said slowly. "We could have been a dynamic duo! The tuffest couple around! The talk of the town!" He coughed and wiped his brow. "But-but you gave it all up, you-you threw it all away for-for what? For Johnny Cade?" 

"I'm not gonna ask you again Mason, get outta here! Scram!" 

He went silent. "You really don't want to be with me?" 


"Then I guess I'll just have to take you." 

He ran up to the porch faster than anyone could even get out the door, and from what I could imagine, when everyone inside saw comprehended what was happening, they all went to the door at the same time, causing a back up, and no one could get out. But right before Mason reached me, a yell came out from the other side of the porch. We both turned our heads to see Dally climb over the side of the porch fence and look Mason straight in the eye.

Even from across the porch that was only lit up from the porch light, I could see the fury and deadly look in Dally's eyes. "You get away from my lil' sister right now ya damn hood!"

 Dally came running over with rage and speed. I heard Mason mumble under his breath. "Oh shit." 

Mason stumbled back, trying to run away, but Dally caught him by the shirt collar and lifted against one of the porch columns. I took a half a step back, kind of in shock. I listened as Dal' called Mason every single nasty name I've ever heard. As he cussed under his breath, I saw Two-Bit, Steve, and Ponyboy run down the street to see the scene unfolding. They didn't really know what was going on until one of Mason's friends punched Steve right in the jaw. Then, they didn't need to know what was going on, they instinctively fought. Eventually, they saw Dally holding Mason and caught on, though.

Finally, Darry, Soda, Johnny, and George busted out the door and all came to me. "You okay?" They all asked at different times, kind of disorienting me. 

"I'm fine guys, I'm fine."  They all calmed.

I looked over to the front lawn to see Steve and one guy were going at it, Two-Bit was taking on two at a time, and losing, and Pony was on the ground, getting punched. I started to run over to Pony when Darry caught me by the arm.  "We'll take care of them."

I stopped and watched as Darry and Soda ran over to Pony. Johnny went over to one of the guys who was fighting Two-Bit and went at it with him. George was always good in a gang fight up in New York, so I knew he'd be fine. George went to go and help Steve, who really needed to help. Steve wasn't really losing, but his face was all bloody, and he looked like he was losing his fight a little. 

I turned my attention back to Dally who still Mason up on the wall by the shirt. Dally started punching him real hard. My feet felt glued to the ground. I saw something that sent a pang of pain through my body. Mason, was crying. My mouth fell open a little. This big, tuff greaser who was known for his tough reputation and demeanor was crying. My mouth went dry as I watched him. I really didn't know what to do. I had seen plenty of gang fights, a thousand one on one fights, and more rumbles than you can count, not once have I seen a guy cry while fighting. 

"Dal'." I spoke softly. My voice was coarse and didn't sound right when I spoke. With the sound of all the grunting and yelling, Dally probably didn't hear me. "Dal'." I spoke a little louder. I knew he could hear me, but he chose to not listen. "Dally." I said, very loud and strong. I glanced over to the lawn, where Mason's friends had run away, and the bleeding, injured gang watched us. I looked back to Dally who was still punching the crying Mason. "Dallas!" I yelled. He didn't stop. He barely even acknowledged me. I got mad now, and I felt my eyes water up a little. I didn't want to cry, and I didn't even think I should have been crying, he deserved everything he gets, but yet, I couldn't stop myself from stopping him. "Dallas Winston!" I yelled, running up to him and grabbing onto his arm. I clung to him tightly, preventing him from throwing another punch. "Dallas!" I yelled again. 

Dally kept his eyes dead on Mason, who was now bleeding from his nose and several gashes on his face. Mason obviously had a broken nose, two black eyes, and I wouldn't be surprised if his whole face ended up bruised. "What?" He hissed, keeping eye contact with Mason.

"Dallas, he's drunk can't you see?" I said loudly, over Mason's quiet sobs. Dally clenched his fist again, as if about to punch him again. "He's dead drunk! You've done worse when you were drunk!" 

Dally glanced at me, then, keeping his angry and red hot look, he dropped Mason onto his feet. Mason's legs gave and he stumbled. Mason bent over and spit out blood he coughed, then looked back up. He wiped his tears, and the blood from his nose that was now trickling down his lips and chin. Dally pushed Mason back up against the wall, but didn't lift him up. I was off of Dally by now, but I was debating on grabbing back onto his arm. 

Dally sweared under his breath at him, which made Mason wince like he was being slapped with hard words. "If you ever come near my little sister, or any of us for that matter, you're dead. I don't even wanna see your ugly face, or hear your ugly name, or-" He stopped and swallowed hard. "You better just get outta town, for your own health." Suddenly, Dally flipped out his switchblade and held it to Mason's neck. 

"Dal'-!" I hissed. 

Dally just held the blade to his neck, taunting him. "Don't you ever come back to these parts." 

Dally let him go, and Mason ran off the porch. He stumbled while running past the gang who were still on the lawn, still as statues. I watched as Mason stumbled, drunk and beat up. I watched him until he was out of view. Dally slowly walked over to me. "You okay?" He asked with sympathy and concern in his voice and eyes. 

"Yeah Dal', thanks for saving me." I looked up into his eyes. 

He pulled me into a hug. "I'll save you anytime." He kissed me on the forehead, then looked me up and down. A scowl went across his face. "Soph," He said abruptly. "Soph, you're cut." 

"I am?"

Dally gingerly touched a place on my face and I winced at the pain I felt from it. He pulled back his finger that was now reddened with blood. I touched my cheek, and again felt the little pain. I remembered when they threw beer bottle at the wall behind me and it shattered. "Damn." I said under my breath. 

The rest of the guys walked up to us. Johnny was the first one to see the cut. "Those sons a bitches cut you!" He said with anger in his eyes. 

"I'm fine Johnny." I mumbled. 

"Let's get that fixed up." Pony said, patting my shoulder, and lead me back inside.

But before we reached the house, George came up to me and Pony. "I'm leaving Sophie." He glanced over at Johnny who was standing on my other side. 

"Why?" I asked still a little dazed. 

"I don't belong 'round places like this. It was tough back in New York, but this is different. This is violence for violence, for no reason! At least if you get jumped in New York it'll be 'cause you owe them money or something. Not here though. Here Violence is the answer for you guys." He looked down at his shoes and I remembered all the good times we had back in New York. 

He was probably the only reason I was still alive. I leaned over, escaping the firm hand Pony had placed on my back. I kissed George on the cheek. "Thanks for being there all those times. You're a good friend."

His cheeks turned bright red, and I saw something I can only describe as confidence sweep over his face. "Come back to New York with me. We can be together just like before. We could be the hottest couple around."

I raised my eyebrows at the word "couple". I opened my mouth to tell him I just wanted to be friends, when he stepped to me, and kissed me right on the lips. I stepped back, but he followed me, our lips still touching. I backed up right into Pony. My eyes were open, so I watched as Johnny pushed George off of me, and punched him square in the jaw.

George was bent over and I had my hands cupped over my lips. George stood up, his face still in a wincing position. He adjusted his jaw and looked at me. He started to nod. "Welp, I better be going." He said as if nothing had happened. He walked off the porch, and down the street. He turned back, though and waved to me. "See ya later Sophie Winston."

I felt like there was now a hole in my heart. A convenient slot where George used to be. Now it was just gone. "Let's go inside and I can fix up that cut." Pony whispered in my ear. 

I nodded keeping, my eyes on George, until we walked in the house.

I sat on the couch awaiting Pony with the first aid kit. Steve, and Two-Bit left-I don't know where to. Johnny went home after sitting and talking with me a while and making sure I was okay. Darry went to bed and Soda was in the bathroom brushing his teeth, while Pony rummaged through the cabinets for the kit. I sat with Dally next to me. We talked a little bit, but it was mostly silence. It wasn't awkward, though, it never is with Dally. I remember before he left, we would just sit in the small living room we had and just do nothing. We didn't talk the whole time and it was never awkward or unnerving. We only spoke when there was something that needed to be said. And when we did speak, we spoke a lot. For people who didn't talk a lot to each other, we loved talking to each other when we did. I always felt close to Dally, and I always loved him more than my parents; and I'm pretty sure vice versa. 

I held a towel to my cheek bone and laid down on Dally's lap. He stroked my hair. I thought to myself a lot when we were together and didn't talk. Now I was thinking about how much Dally had changed in the time I've been here. He was hard and cold and mean and tuff to everyone and everything. He hated the world and everyone in it who crossed him. Now, he's still tuff, and badass, and sometimes a little mean, but he has a certain softness to him. His eyes are less cold and his voice has less hatred and constant anger. He understands things and cares for people and things, and I don't think he was like that before. 

Pony finally came out and cleaned up the cut. He put a bandage on it, kissed his finger, then put his finger to the bandage. "All better." He said happy and high pitched. 

"Thanks Pone." I said, laying back down on Dally's lap.

Pony walked out of the room, and eventually I heard him go upstairs. I nodded off slowly, but then was awoken by Dally. "Sophie, I have to go." He whispered as he shook me. 

I was tired and still half asleep, I did not want to get up at the time. "No...." My voice faded. 

"Soph, c'mon."  He whined. 

"Carry me." I challenged, not actually meaning it. 

"Okay." Before I could protest, or tell him I was kidding, he picked me up in his arms and carried me up the stairs. I nestled into his warm chest and was at ease. "Don't get too comfy there, hun." He whispered as he pushed my bedroom door open with his foot. 

He gently laid me down on the bed. "Good night Dallas." I mumbled.

"Goodnight Sophie."

He got to the threshold of the room and started shutting the door. "Love you Dal'." I said, still half asleep.

He paused for a moment, like he didn't know what to say. "I love you too Sophie." He said softly, then shut the door. 

I listened to him walk down the stairs and out the door, the whole time hoping that he would change his mind, and spend the night here. I don't know why, but tonight I wanted to be close with Dally. I smiled into my pillow as I fell asleep.

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