How I Ended Up In Middle Eart...

By MsElijahWood

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18 year old Alice Graham is an avid Lord of The Rings fan. She saw every midnight showing, ripped every artic... More

How I Ended Up In Middle Earth. (LOTR Fan Fic)
Chapter 2 HIEUIME (How I ended up in Middle Earth)
Chapter 3 HIUEIME
Chapter 4 HIEUIME
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 The Two Towers!
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
The Return of the King (Chapter 35)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49 (The Final Chapter
A Memoir

Chapter 8

1.6K 35 7
By MsElijahWood

As the time went by, Merry began to drop back. Every often or so, he would look up at the sky, shake his head, looks straight ahead , and then look back up again. When he finally reached Sam, Pippin and I, I got the chance to ask him what he was doing.

"Merry, what in earth are you doing? What's in the sky?" I asked. 

"Shhh. They'll hear you..." He looked all around. I looked up at the trees. I saw nothing.

"Merry, are you okay? I don't see a thing." Then Sam and Pippin looked up. They were aghast with what they saw.

"You don't see those?" Pippin whispered. He moved closer to me.

"I don't see a thing. What is every one talking about!!" I yelled.

"Shh. They'll hear you-too late." Merry dropped off. 

"What is it!?" 

"The Crebain." Sam said. 


I knew what the Crebain were. They were crow like birds that were servants for Saruman. But why coudn't I see them?

"Run and hide!!! Where ever you can!" Merry cried out. Aragorn looked up and instantly let go of Bill. Sam cried out and grabbed Bill and hid him with Frodo.

"I can't see them! What am I supposed to do?" I turned in circles, helpless. Pippin took my hand.

"Come on, we have to run somewhere safe. The Crebain are very fast and will take no chances, and kill us." We ran to a small rock that was propped up only by large tree branches. It was a small space to fit in, but we managed. 

"How long do we have to wait?" I asked.

"Hopefully not long. Depends. But to pass the time....I found this, while shuffling around in the Prancing Pony Inn. I recognized it as a Shawl Of Lightness." Pippin pulled out a long blue shawl. It was fringed at the edges. I tried to remember what the Shawl of Lightness was. Didn't it bring light upon hard times? No.....maybe it was some kind of transforming cloak. I wondered. 

"Hopefully this wasn't a witches. There may be a curse on this." I thought out loud.

"Don't worry. I wore it. Nothing's wrong with me." He said as he pointed to himself. Then to carefully took the shawl and wrapped it around his own head. "See nothing wrong." He pointed out. I couldn't help but laugh. A lot. But there is a time to laugh a lot or not laugh at all. That was a do not laugh at all moment. Pippin reached over and quickly covered my mouth. He signalled for me to be quiet. Then he slowly let go of me. I scooted closer to look out of the rock. The black birds circled and stayed for a while. I turned to talk to Pippin his was also keeping a watchful eye over the birds. I looked at him, for we were very close. He stopped and looked at me. He smiled slightly, and that caused me to smile. I looked deeply into his eyes and saw his youth and innocence. I knew deep down that he missed the Shire. So did I. Even though I had not spent at least a weeks time in the Shire, it felt like home. A home that might be destroyed. I could changed that. But then, I came out of Pippin's eyes and I slowly leaned in towards him. I closed my eyes and.....

"Pip! Ali! Come on! The Crebain are gone." Merry kneeled down to the ground where we had been. My heart sank a little.

"Oh...okay." Pippin sighed also. I got on my hands and knees and struggled out. But my shawl got caught on a loose branch. Pippin noticed and helped me. When we crawled out, Aragorn was standing before us.

"What were those?" Aragorn asked. Then he turned to me and asked, "and why couldn't you see them? They were in plain sight the whole time." He wandered around me, circling me like a hawk.

"I-I-I don't know. How come you could see them?" That was my question. I was able to see the Crebain in the movie. But not in real life.

"Where did you say you were from again?" He asked me.  

"I'm from Scotland. Not from Middle Earth." Soon telling this story would get on my nerves.

"Maybe that is the reason. Because you are not of this land, you cannot see things that regular Middle Earth folk can. That just makes you all the more a target. You need to stay close to someone who will protect you and watch your back." He said. Pippin side stepped closer to me, whistling and looking around, as if he had been standing still the whole time. Frodo stepped forward. Jeez! Honestly! I do not need a.....never mind

"What do you mean that I am all more the target? How was I the target before? I am just an innocent bystander that fell off a cliff, almost drowned, but dropped into The Shire instead!" I expressed my words by enunciating certain words. 

"I...maybe it's because're....a....hmm how do I put this? You are a different...." Aragorn put great thought into what he was going to say. He better. Because if he says something sexist or something about my other worldy race, I will pound him into the ground.

"What? Is it because I'm a girl? Listen, I did not want or choose to come on this trip! Like I said, Fall, drown, drop! I don't want to be here! So you can take your sexist ideas and keep them locked up in your head." I scolded him. All of them stared at my out right rudeness. Pippin stepped away. I realized what I just said. I had offended PIppin, and possibly every one else. 

";Okay then. Let's move on! We have to reach the tower by nightfall. Merry, Pippin you take the back. Sam and Frodo....and Bill you can take middle while I walk in the front." Aragorn down right excluded me. I tried to redeem myself, but all that I could do was gawk open mouthed and stare. They all left me behind. Pippin wouldn't even look at me, when usually he is right by my side, telling jokes. So for the rest of the time, I stayed in the back and kept quiet. Even if I snagged my foot on a root and twisted it, I stayed quiet. Once I tried to talk to Pippin and Merry, but they walked ahead. Blank stares. Then I walked up toward Frodo and Sam. They treated me the same way. Lastly was Aragorn. Honestly, the only thing I could think to do instead of talk to him was poke constantly in the side. I did that for 5 minutes and did ot get a thing out of him. So, naturally, I gave up an retreated to the back.

While taking that horrible, long walk, I decided to wear that shawl that Pippin gave me.  Nothing really happened at first, but then I would see clearer at some times. Occasionally, I could hear even better. Then I felt myself feel lighter. Then Pippin turned around. He couldn't help look at me for a while. Merry nudged him and he snapped back. What was that for? What did I look like? I searched around for anything on my pockets to look into. I pulled out.....Frodo's engagement ring. IT's clear crystal shine on the afternoon sun. I looked deep into. Wow! I looked....radiant! My skin was glowing and I looked healthy and well kept. What tore me away from my reflection was the engagement ring. I stopped and let the rest of the group grow. I got down on my knees and dug a hole in the ground. There, I placed the ring and covered it up. As soon as I covered it up, a small crystal bush grew. I smiled at the small wonder and then left. 

Now I was fiancee' -less, ringless, loveless and friendless. What had I said? I really liked the Shire. I am glad that I almost died and came here. I would do anything to visit Middle Earth and here I am. I don't hate this place at all. So, I did what any other girl would do if they got rejected: I sulked and gave myself a pity party. Alone and sad, and maybe angry with myself. Well I guess the weather was mad at me too, because soon, the sky filled with dark clouds and it began to thunder. Not just bang, bang. It was loud. It sounded like a war was going on above us. The sound was deafanening. We did not stop. Which irritated me. Didn't Aragorn see the massive storm that was coming this way? Sometimes, he could be so strong headed. I glanced back up at the sky. It was black, then it began to pour. Rain came heavy upon us within ten seconds. I hoped that Aragorn would stop, so we could take cover and keep dry. But no. He kept on marching. I really wished that I had a giant stick right now, cause I would hit him over the head with it. Aragorn needed some sense knocked into him. As I thought that, I slipped in a puddle and fell. I made a grand spalsh and fool of myself. 'Fool of a Took!' Gandalf cried out when Pippin knocked over the skeleton. Now, I felt that the comment should be made toward me. I had been being selfish and mean. I sat up, covered in the muddy mixture. When I tried to get up, I was weak at the knees. Must be that I knocked them hard on something. So, when I tried again, My arms were weak and then became numb. Shocked, I let my arms dropped and I fell. Trying one last time, My legs had enough strength, but now, my mind was fuzzy. 

"What's happening?" I slurred. Aragorn stopped. He ran over and came by my side. He did not talk to me, but simply looked over me. Then he swiped up some mud with his hand. Instantly, he dropped it.

"Orc Mud." He whispered. Frodo had wandered over.

"What's Orc Mud?" He asked. I too had never heard of Orc Mud. 

"It's a kind of powder. When mixed with water, it forms into a mud looking substance. But when you touch it or come in with full body contact, it will take the energy and possibly life out of you." He said somberly. Oh great! I'm dying. I wanted to come on an adventure that I would remember and live to tell. Maybe I would end up like...I barely had the brain power to think about who had died. 

"What are we to do?" Frodo asked. Much more careful about where he stepped.

"I think we might have to leave her here. She is too much for us to carry." He looked down at me. My eyes were closed, but I heard every damn word that came out of his goddamned mouth. I heard a sloshing and splashing.

"NO! We cannot! Sure, she talked bad about Middle Earth, but that leaves us no reason to leave her." Pippin said.

"That's exactly the reason we need to leave her!" Sam protested.

"She is the only one who knows what will become of us. Please....we can tie her to Bill..." Pippin pleaded. After that, i think I fell asleep. Or died. Who knows....

"I swear....if I- (sucks in air) am back in Scotland. I....will be so....pissed." I couldn't talk properly. Something was air..way. I heard the slapping of bare feet on pavement and then a thud on my chest. I bounced, and sat up. I cloud of black/brown dust came out of my airways. Suddenly, I was attacked by a monstrous hug. I was squeezed tightly.

"I knew it. I Knew you didn't hate Middle Earth." Pippin said over my shoulder. Once I realized that it was Pippin, I immeaditly hugged back. Pippin felt so warm in my arms. When we were done hugging he told me that we had made it to the tower and it was nighttime. They were going to make a fire.

"So Aragorn decided to keep me. Huh?" I asked.

"I guess so. He didn't really like the idea of a...girl helping him out. Knowing more than him. My my, your face is really dirty. Here, I got this cloth that you can wipe it off with." Pippin handed me a wet cloth. As I put it up to my head. My hand cramped up. I dropped the cloth and it landed on the small fire that someone had made in the small cove.

"Here, let me do it. You seem to still be in shock. So what did you dream of?" He asked me. He lifted the cloth up to my head and wiped my face. I struggled to remember what I dreamed about. Then It came to me like a vivid memory. 

"I had the same dream that I was getting married and I was swept off to Scotland. I was really sad, and everyone from my world was gone and no one was there but me. All alone in the universe." I recollected.

"Oh! That's horrible. Can you come closer. Since the fire went out, i can't see that well. Of course, you glow." He laughed. I moved closer to him. He took one hand and held my head still. The other hand wiped my face. I tried to avoid eye contact. He noticed.

"What's wrong? Is it something that I said. I am terribly sorry. I have a horrible case of not knowing when to talk. Merry says that's what gets me in so much trouble." He went on and on.

"No. Pippin. It's just that, I think that us be in love might lead to marriage and then when we do, i will leave and go to Scotland again." I told him.

"But-But-But.....To be honest I'm..I like you a lot. Do you not like me?" He asked innocently. His voice changed from a strong Hobbit's voice to a small child's.

"No! I am very much in love with you. I don't want to risk heartbreak." I told him. He looked up. His hands were still on my face.

"But, I don't care. I would do anything to stay together." Then he pulled me in with his hands and kissed me. This was the first  time that Pippin had ever kissed me before. For a second I was lost in the moment and then I got myself together. Then my mind was crazy. 'What should I do? Should I kiss him back? what will he think?' Soon, my body did the thinking for me. I kissed him back and put my arms around his neck. Love. As this was going on, my Shawl was glowing. I pulled away and looked at it.

"....Pippin...the shawl..."

"it's glowin' wow"

"I think that I know what it is now. It lights up whenever love is shown compassionately towards two people." I slowly smiled and realized I had a life to spend and spend it with some one. That person was Pippin. Even though, not spotlighted as much in the movies, he was spotlighted in my mind.

"Pippin, can you get more firewood?!" Merry called out.

"yes! Coming." Pippin crouched in the small cove. 

"Strider gave us these. You have one too." He handed me a sword as he took his. But before he left he kissed me on the cheek. I blushed.

Soon was all alone. A huge smile lit my face. My heart was giddy and nothing could bother me.

"Alice. Could I speak with you for a second? Is that okay?"  Merry popped in. I nodded.

"Mhmm. What is it?" A broad smiled filled my face.

"Pippin is...acting kind of weird. I notice you and him have been spending a lot of time together." He told me.

"Is that bad? I'll leave him alone, I swear!" i told him.

"No! IT's actually very good. You know, he's been kind of down lately, but when you dropped out of the sky....he changed. He is in love with you."

"How do you know?" I asked.

"He talks in his sleep. He talks about you. He says how beautiful and radiant you are. He says that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. He wants to un age you. Whatever that means." When Merry said that, I could explode with happiness.

"Then I want to ask your permission on something?"


"I know that you and Pippin are very close and I wanted to know that if he ever proposed to me, that you would let me get married to him?" I wanted to ask the closest person to Pippin that was here. Merry was so happy. His crooked grin spread.

"Yes! Of course! That would be awesome!" He clapped his hands and rised to get up, but hit his head. I followed him out and brought my sword. I was still wearing my blue dress. Oh my, I need new clothes.

I headed up to the tallest tower where everyone else was. Aragorn was sitting down and the Hobbits were huddled around a fire cooking something. Bacon.!! This can't be the time yet. I ran over to Sam and Pippin who were sitting around the fire with Merry.

"Sam, Pippin. The time is now! The Ring wraiths are going to come!" I yelled at them. Both of them shot up and looked at me.

"Oh my god....O-o-okay." Sam stuttered.Then Frodo got up and looked over at us.

"What are you doing?! Put out that fire! Stupid, stupid!" Frodo ran over and stomped out the fire. I ran over and looked over the edge. Several dark figures walked near the tower.

"T-t-the Ring Wraiths. Are. Here." I stopped and pulled out my sword. I had never held a sword before. it was heavy in my hands and un-balanced. Sam and Pippin ran beside me.

"You know what to do right?" I asked them.

"Yes!" They both said. I stood by and Sam ran to Frodo. They were already on their way up to the higher tower where the battled would take place. Pippin followed.

"Aragorn!" I yelled out. My voice echoed and there was no response. "Aragorn!" I yelled even louder. He came out of no where.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"We are being attacked by Ring Wraiths." I told him. He pulled out his sword and ran up the steps. That left me. All alone. That changed in the blink of an eye. Before me stood a single Ring Wraith. It's long sword shined with blood against the moon. All I could see the outline of the hood and cloak. I pulled my sword out and gave a great cry. I ran toward the Ring Wraith with full power. It raised it's sword and brought it down upon on my sword. I ducked and slid between it's legs and stabbed it in the back. Thank god for new action movies. I ran up the steps just in time. All four of them were standing back to back. I hid behind a giant slab of stone. Aragorn was lurking around. Sam attacked, then Merry. That left Pippin and Frodo were left. Pippin lunged forward and tried to hit it. Missed and fell. That left Frodo. He walked backwards and stumbled. Soon he would disappear. 

"Pippin, he is going to be in the corner. Attack the Ring Wraith without them knowing okay?"  I whispered. He nodded and got up. The Ring Wraiths were closing in. If Pippin didn't hurry, then all would be lost. The Ring Wraith raised it's sword and went downward. That caught Pippin's attention, so he threw himself over the invisible Frodo. The Morgul blade stabbed Pippin. He yelled in pain. I was shocked and angry. I gave a battle cry and came out from the slab. I went crazy on them. I used all the movie moves and stunts I learned from the movies I had watched. Soon, Aragorn, Sam and Merry joined in. We were on the last ring wraith when Frodo came up from behind and stabbed it. The Ring Wraith turned to dust. As soon as I knew we were good, I dropped the sword and ran over to Pippin. He was shaking and sweating. His eyes were cloudy and faded. I dropped to the ground and set his head on my lap.

"Pippin..what were you thinking?" I asked over newly formed tears.

"I-I I was g-g-going to be a h-hero. F-for you." He stuttered.

"You don't need to do anything for me. I know you love me." I leaned in and kissed him. His lips were cold and smooth. He shook slightly. By his side, something glowed. I pulled it out. "The...the" I stared at it.

"The Shawl of Lightness. I brought it with me." He sucked in a breath of air and began to close his eyes.

"No! Don't you leave me!" I told him. He shook his head and began to shake. Aragorn rushed over and picked him up. I stood up.

"Is he going to be okay?" I cried more and more. Tears began to flow and I could barely see.

"I don't know. Sam do you know where to get a weed that will help this cut?" He asked.

"yes! Yes sir!" And Sam ran off. I followed Aragorn down the stairs. Merry and Frodo came behind me. When we reached a safe place, Aragorn set Pippin's fragile body down. I sat next to him. Crying non-stop. Between tears, I took Pippin's hand and held it.

"He did a good thing. He saved me. If he dies, he will die with honor." Frodo said. That made me terribly mad.

"HE IS NOT GOING TO DIE!!!!!!! HE WILL LIVE!" I yelled out. Frodo was shaken and stepped back. Merry stepped forward and put a hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay. He loves you." Merry said softly.

"But I will never love another person like that." I cried and squeezed Pippin's lifeless hand. Then out of the darkness, a lady on a horse came out of the woods. Aragorn was with her. She walked over to Pippin and began to speak, what sounded like Elvish. Arwen!!! She looked down at Pippin.

"He needs to be brought with me to my father. He knows how to heal him."

"Okay. I'll take him and you stay with the Hobbits and.....that girl." he pointed to me. Aragorn made me so pissy sometimes.

"I am the better and faster rider. Let me go." Arwen argued. Then they proceeded to talk in elvish before Arwen took Pippin and hoisted him up on the horse. 

"No! Ler me come!" I cried out as I stood up.

"I am sorry young.....girl. You cannot come." She said calmly.

"I want to come! He needs me." I held up the Shawl of Lightness.

"No. I am sorry." She apologized. Then she got up on the horse. I ran toward the horse, but Aragorn, Sam, Merry and Frodo all held me back. I forced me way so hard...

"NOOOOOOO PIPPIN!" I Screamed. I scratched and clawed and watched as my one love went away... 

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