Ignorance was Bliss (Random U...

By Lauail

25.3K 1.8K 226

Truth or Dare was meant to be a bit of fun, going round to Theo's was meant to be relaxing and a time for all... More

One more
This moment right here
Just my luck
As if
Mitchell Foster
Stick skills
Dinner for one
Purple gummy worm
Does my bum look big in this?
What harm could it do?
Truth or Dare
Walk down memory lane
Tickle war
Feed the hangover monster
Leap of faith
Eskimo kisses
Players, ice creams and starlight
Cake and eat it too
Year to remember
Comfort Zone
You are my hero
Thursday Night
Shots anyone?
Open minded
My brain is going to explode.
I'm actually doing this?
New beginnings
Monday Morning
Girls Dinner
Shirtless Noah
Please tell me you're not naked!
Home Truths
My Mitch Bubble
Together forever as one
Who's the boss?
Time with Kayden
Trust in what we have
Kisses make it better

What just happened there?

398 35 5
By Lauail


What just happened there?

Stomping away from everyone I head onto the bus and sit up the back. Holly just disregarded anything I was going to say. Why did she react like that? I didn't kiss Zoe she kissed me on the cheek. Sure I could of moved away from her but I didn't want to be rude and I didn't want her to give Holly anymore of a bad time. What did she means about kissing Zoe at the weekend? I never kissed her!

She didn't even give me a chance to explain. I was too shocked about what Zoe did and I know she did it to wind up Hols because I seen the face she made at her but what else has happened to make Holly act like that?

Watching her kiss the rest of the guys and thank them and not even acknowledge my existence hurt, like hurt a lot!

"What's up with your face" Kayden asks walking up the aisle of the bus. I don't answer him and just stare out the window. "Hey!" He says nudging me when he sits down beside me. "Why did you walk off in a huff?" He asks raising an eyebrow at me.

I watch the rest of the guys move towards us. Noah sits in front of me and Mitch sits in front of Kayden so that we take up the back two rows.

"Why did Holly ask me about kissing Zoe?" I ask no one in particular.

"You did what?" Kayden exclaims turning to face me again.

"I didn't kiss her! She's horrible to Holly I wouldn't do that to her but she just went off on one there and wouldn't even let me talk to her then she completely left me out when she was thanking everyone and it was my bloody idea to get the sticks!" I say exasperated looking at them.

"Well Zoe did just kiss you before walking off and was all cozy with you. Holly was probably upset that you let Zoe be that close to you in the first place before she kissed you cheek" Mitch suggests.

"Let? I didn't let her. I tried to pull away without being completely obvious. I didn't want her hands on me and I didn't want Holly to think I was ok with it but she had a grip on me" I explain annoyed they think I would want Zoe anywhere near me. Sure the flirting was harmless but that was before Holly, now when Zoe comes near me I want to be as far away as possible.

"Zoe was trying to make Holly jealous" Noah states in his bored voice.

"What?" The rest of us ask

"She was watching Holly walk over and then she started to lean into you and put her hands on you all the while watching Holly's reaction then to top it off she kissed your cheek. Holly nearly lunged to gouge her eyeballs out but Libby stopped her" he states.

So she was jealous. That's good right? It means she cares about me still which means if I can talk to her we will be fine. I need her to know that nothing happened!

Me to Holly ❤️: Can we talk tonight? Nothing has ever happened between me and Zoe EVER!! The closest her lips have ever came to me was my cheek today. I would never do that to you. Just talk to me don't shut me out. I only want to kiss you. Now and always! xxx

Putting my phone in my pocket I tune back to the conversation the guys are having.

"Don't worry Finn she wouldn't not talk to you. She'll probably let you sweat it out first though" Mitch laughs and I smile nodding knowing he's right.

"I've got to tell you guys something" Noah says seriously that has all of us turning to him expectantly. "Holly stayed over at mine last night"

"What?" "Why?" "What did you do?" All three of us ask at once.

"She phoned and asked if she could come over and she ended up staying." He says blushing.

What the hell? "What happened?" I ask through clenched teeth.

"I'm not going to tell you everything because that's not right but we said we would be honest with each other. We didn't have sex that's all you need to know and she is still very much innocent but she has more confidence that I thought she would" he says smiling.

"She gets a glint in her eye when she's up to no good" I say remembering the other night in my truck when she decided to let loose for a time.

"What happened with you and Holly?" Kayden asks grumpily.

"We just made out in my truck the other night after her work. She likes to take control" I say laughing wiggling my eyebrows.

"Did you guys ever think we would be in this situation with Holly?" Mitch asks daydreaming.

"What surprises me is how we are dealing with it" I say

"I think because we are so close and have been best friends forever and been around Holly feeling how we do it's helped us be ok with it" Noah states.

"It's because we care so strongly for her and each other that we want all of us to be happy" Kayden says quietly as always.

We all nod and seem preoccupied with our own thoughts.

I take out my phone checking it to see if Holly had texted me back but I had no messages.

"It'll b okay man" Noah says looking at me over the chair "she can't stay mad at you for something that's a lie"

I just nod hoping that he's right. "Room for one more" Theo shouts heading down the aisle of the bus. Kayden scoots over one seat patting the space between us. "Thanks." He says sitting down. "You okay Finn?" He asks nudging my elbow. I just look up and give him a halfhearted smile letting them carry on their conversation about today's game.

My phone buzzes and I pull it back out my pocket seeing Holly's name on screen. Swiping my finger across the screen her message pops up:

Holly ❤️: 😘

That one emoji makes my heart flutter and my cheeks hurt from the shiteating grin on my face. She believes me.

Holly ❤️: ps you owe me muffins 😜 Good Luck 4 ur game xx

Oh man! The images going through my mind right now of that night in my truck had my ears turning red and I have to adjust my trousers. She was gorgeous and carefree sitting on my lap that night.

Me to Holly❤️: you can have as many muffins as you want as long as you share like the other night 😉 good luck too! a'll be expecting my thank you kiss when I next see u 💋 xx

I laugh to myself texting her back.

Holly❤️: a'll think about it after I take Zoe's head of her shoulders 😇 gotta go xx

Oh shit!

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