I'm pregnant - One Direction...

By 1DFamily2010

338K 6.7K 412


I'm pregnant - One Direction fanfiction
I'm pregnant - One Direction fanfiction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - The Wedding
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Authors Note.
Not an update, but i've been thinking
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Authors Note!
Is there a sequel or not?

Chapter 27

5.7K 137 9
By 1DFamily2010

*Harry's P.O.V*

Before we came to the hospital me and Tasha dropped Tommy off at Courtney's mums house. I think everyone forgot about him for a few minutes. 

We were all sat in silence waiting for Courtney to give birth. The nurses decided to try and low down the birth because the baby is a month early but it seems to only have worked a little bit as she is still in labour.

Whether they liked it or not the baby was going to be born tonight. There is no stopping or slowing the labour down now.

"Tash, we will be in one of these rooms soon won't we?" I whispered.

"Yeah but hopefully this little one will  be out as soon as possible"

"It doesn't matter if she's not I will be by your side no matter what" I smiled.

"I'm scared Harry, what if something happens to me or the baby. What if management stops you from being with us?!" she exclaimed.

"I'd rather be with my family then be famous" I spoke.

She smiled then cuddled into my side.


We were sat in the waiting room for about  4 and a half hours until we finally heard a baby cry. 

"Congratulations it's a baby girl" we heard a nurse say. We didn't know if it was for Courtney or not as we were in the hospital. Many other people were giving birth today.

A nurse came into the waiting area to inform us about the baby. Then she asked us to carefully and quietly come into the room. We all got up and walked into the room. 

Louis was sitting on the chair holding his little girl in his arms. Courtney looked exhausted and was lying down in bed. 

I walked over to Louis and his daughter and stood next to him. Tasha was sitting on the end of Courtney's bed talking to her with the rest of the boys. 

The boys had left and took Tasha with them as she was getting tired. Louis went to take some stuff round to Courtney's mum to give to Tommy. He was also going to bring some stuff up for Courtney, himself and the baby. 

They have to stay in for a week or two as the baby is so small and because she was a month early. 


It was just me and Courtney in the room. She had hold of the baby and was staring at me. 

"I didn't think in a million years that I Courtney Reese could have a family with my best friend. The one I am actually in love with. How did this happen?" she asked.

"1 you are Courtney Tomlinson and 2, when a man puts his willy in a woman's vagina and releases his liquid into her. They mix together to create a mini version of them" I laughed.

"Oh shit yeah, I'm married!" I laughed "Oh and I know how a baby is created Harold. I meant in general, how am I friends with One Direction, how am I even here today" 

"Because we are amazing and you can't resist us. No, I don't know how this happened but I am glad it did" I smiled.


Courtney and I had a long talk about the future and our lives. 

"Harry? Can you hold her please? I need to use the toilet" Courtney asked.

"Sure" I said nervously. 

I picked up the baby carefully then started walking across the room to the chair that was facing the window.

She started to cry so I sat down and started rocking back and forth in the chair. I started singing isn't she lovely to her. 

"You're going to be a great father Harry" Louis spoke. 

He was standing in the door way with Courtney by his side.

"Thank You, I'm not going to lie to you I did have doubts about becoming a dad because I'm still young and I am scared to face reality and I just don't want to grow up" I confessed.

"Well, the thing is Harry you don't have to grow up. We are scared as well. Everyday we think something is going to happen, we don't know if we are doing things right but at the end of the day we have created another human being. We still go out clubbing etc. We still get to do some of the stuff we used to do. Does it look like Louis has grown up? Tommy and himself play Lego, they draw and even when Tommy ain't around he plays with Tommy's toys like action man and stuff. He hasn't grown up. It ain't going to be a easy ride but it will be one that you will remember and love. You are going to be a fantastic dad Harry no matter what anyone says" Courtney spoke.

"Thank You Court, that actually means a lot to me" 

 I handed the baby over to Louis then said goodbye before leaving to go home. I am ready to become a dad and I am going to be the best one ever.

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