
By GreeneyedAngel2014

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**Sequel to Hide and Seek** Sunday and her friends are back again. As their lives are returning to normal, th... More



25 1 0
By GreeneyedAngel2014

Being able to hold my girlfriend again was a reassuring feeling. She was alive!

I kissed her lips again as she slept soundly beside me. I knew I risked waking her up again, because she needed rest, but being able to kiss her showed she was still here with me.

"Chance," she mumbled and hid her face in my chest.

I chuckled and stroked her back soothingly, "sorry love."

Grayson and Bryce came back in with determined faces, "it's time to go searching again now that it's light out."

"Okay." I got up and pulled the blanket up tighter around my girlfriend.

She sat up and blinked wearily as the three of us pulled our jackets on. I went over to her and whispered, "Don’t leave me again okay."

She nodded, kissed me quickly, and watched us leave to follow Jeremy and Colleen out to the car. They had returned from staying back without any trail or hint of recovering anything useful.

"Where will we start first?"

"Back at the house, there's footsteps out there somewhere and we'll have to start from that. Hopefully they found a place to sleep and maybe stayed so we can pick up their trail quicker."

"Did you bring Shadow?" Bryce asked.

"America's dad has him at the scene already. We'll follow him once we find the right set of tracks."

No one mentioned anything about the dead body as we continued towards the vacant lot. There was too much going on anyways for that to be a main priority.

"We don't split up unless it's necessary," Jeremy said to each of us as Colleen went over to go meet with some other officers.

"Got it," Grayson replied and patted Shadow's head.

We all started inspecting the ground for footprints while Shadow started sniffing around the general area that we had started looking around the night before.

"Come on Shadow," I whispered and felt a tug in my stomach as he howled and whined in anticipation.

"Let's go!" An officer ordered and we all took off in the direction of where Shadow smelled Mary.

Bryce and I started calling out the girls names frantically, "Solara! Mary!"

"Sonya!" Grayson yelled as we started hopping over rocks and stopped short at a river.

Shadow whined and started sniffing along the bank while we all looked at one another.

"I think they crossed over. Solara would've done anything to conceal their scent and tracks from Baldy."

“We checked that last night,” Jeremy sighed, “let’s go back towards the amusement park area. Maybe they hid inside a tent or something. I’m sure they were here at some point, but Shadow might not have the most recent trail.”

Shadow whined at his name and began sniffing up and down frantically before looking at us with a frustrated sigh. He wasn’t even sure where to begin.

“Do you have something for him to sniff?” Colleen asked our dad.

“Mary’s mom gave me this,” he held out the hairbrush from last time as Shadow sniffed it again and barked before wagging his tail. At least he recognized the scent of his owner.

“Shadow, find Mary,” Colleen ordered as he whined and began back tracking towards the house originally.


“America!” we all began calling out again as we continued walking towards the entrance of the amusement park. They couldn’t have left the park could they? Surely they knew we were coming for them?

“Wait,” Jeremy paused as we all stopped and heard the sound of eerie music playing from a carousel. “Do you hear that?”

“If the sound is there, the ride is working,” Grayson said.

“Let’s go,” Jeremy said as we grabbed Shadow and put him on his leash. We needed him to be silent and not go running off in case we needed him.

We approached the carousel that had missing animals on the poles. The ones that still held horses or lions and tigers were chipped and nearly broken off. Why was this place so creepy!

“What’s that?” I pointed at a figure that was in a stoic position on one of the seats.

“Another dead body,” my dad whispered as we crept closer and waited for it to come back around.

The woman’s face was in a shocked expression as her green eyes were wide with terror. Her wrists and ankles had red marks around them, but from what?

The carousel began to slow down and a voice sounded over the speaker as the music died. “I know who you’re looking for but you won’t be able to find them in time. The demon is already being crucified as we speak.”

“What demon?” I whispered as Jeremy and Colleen looked around from where the voice could be coming from. Who was this guy?

“You may be able to save the girl… but her mother is a different story,” the voice cackled as it shut off and the carousel continued to go around and around. The motonous music started playing once more as Bryce stood stock still. What had happened to Solara?

“Who’s the demon?” I asked again.

“He must’ve realized America was deaf…” Grayson gasped.

“America!” we all cried out.

**Plot twist! Haha, I'm doing my best to keep this story going as best as I can! Sorry guys, until the next chapter!**

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