UtaPri: Disco War

By TheBlackberryKey

4.8K 242 32

You and the boys of Shining Agency have been victims to a crime, getting your most important item stolen. Whe... More

Chapter 1: Stolen Belongings
Chapter 2: But, why?
Chapter 3: Spandex and heels on wheels
Chapter 4: Just follow the plan guys
Chapter 5: Disco Fever - 5.1: Hair and makeup
Chapter 5: Disco Fever - 5.2: Never trust an Otori
Chapter 5: Disco Fever - 5.4: Beware! Drunks and cats on the dancefloor
Chapter 5: Disco Fever - 5.5: The Dance off!
Last chapter: Chapter 6: Disco Panic

Chapter 5: Disco Fever - 5.3: I want a raise

379 23 2
By TheBlackberryKey

Still looking for your lost band between the crazy disco dancing freaks, you decided that they probably weren't out on the dance floor. Since they were looking for your lost things, and the likelihood of it being on the dance floor weren't that big. So you decided it would be smartest of you to seek a wall or one of the open spaces where people weren't dancing, but that was easier said than done. You had become quite good at dodging peoples flying arms and legs, but it was still a task to move normally on the dance floor, and there was no way you were gonna dance disco, no way. Right now the song "Staying alive" was playing, and that was exactly what you were trying to do. People were freaks, it was like they had lived their whole life just for this disco party, charging up their disco powers, just to fire it all off tonight.
While you were standing on the dance floor, thinking about where to go, you spotted something, or rather someone you knew fairly well. Reiji, but he was tall, like really tall, it was almost like he was sitting on somebody's shoulders. That theory soon came to a conclusion, as Reiji spotted you, started waving like a maniac, patted something or somebody on the head to get their attention, and then he fell. The person he had been sitting on had probably thrown him off since they had found you now. To be honest you weren't surprised, Reiji always did things like this, dragging the others and you into it. So you decided to move to where you had seen Reiji. Still avoiding getting hit by an arm or any other bodypart.
As you reached Quartet Night, Reiji was wailing something about Ranmaru being mean for dropping him on the floor like that. Well that was that case solved, poor Ranmaru.
Camus approached you slowly and said: "Weren't you the one who told us to stay together?"
You avoided his piercing cold gaze, knowing that he was right. He just kept staring at you, so you slowly nodded, still avoiding his eyes.
"Then why were you the one getting lost?" He asked slowly.
You knew what the count wanted to hear, he often talked like this to Reiji. You had far to often heard Reiji's pathetic answer, but if you wanted this to be over fast, you just had to swallow your pride and say: "Because I'm an idiot"
Camus, smirked and said: "Good"
You had to restrain yourself from hitting him in his perfect teeth. 
"Ah Manager! We were so scared that we had lost you forever in this maze of disco dancing people and bright light" Reiji said while approaching you cheerfully.
"Don't you mean, you were worried? The rest of us thought that she could take care of herself" Ranmaru said calmly. You stared at him unamused, that ass, they needed you whether he liked it or not.
"You are so mean RanRan, the Manager was probably scared to death because she couldn't find us" Reiji wailed, scolding Ranmaru.
"Actually I wasn't scared, just a little lost, but I'm glad that somebody appreciates my presence" You said, giving a mean look to Ranmaru, Camus and Ai, who all seemed to be pretty calm about losing you in the crowd.
Ranmaru noticed your look, scoffed and said: "It's not like you would die being lost and all, besides neither would we, we can as a matter of fact take care of ourselves"
You let out a quick laugh, looked at Ranmaru disapprovingly and said: "Like hell RanRan, you need me, I mean after all it would be quite a shame if your salary were to fall because of a lack of trust in your Manager" you finished the sentence with a slight smirk. All their eyes grew wide with disbelief as they looked at you, except Ai who seemed to be very calm about it all. They started mumbling different types of apologies. You walked up in front of Ranmaru, pulled the purple eyepatch out and said: "Yeah that's what I thought, you need me" and let go of the eyepatch, causing him to let out a not so manly yelp of pain.
"Well now that we are all together again, should we start looking for our things?" Ai asked calmly.
"Yeah, that sounds about right let's get started" you said. Just as you had finished your sentence, you noticed Reiji dragging Ranmaru and Camus off to what seemed like a little stage. They hadn't heard a word of what you and Ai just said, you sighed loudly.
"Come oooon RanRan Myu-chan, this will be fun" Reiji wailed out, dragging the said two.
"Cut it out Kotobuki" Camus said.
"We are not in the mood for this" Ranmaru followed up.
"But this is the perfect song! It's meant to happen" Reiji said, referring to the song "Raining men" that was currently playing in the background. They both sighed deeply.
"Ok, I jump and you catch me, got it?" Reiji said cheerfully.
"Yeah yeah just get it over with" Ranmaru hurried him.
Reiji ran up on the small stage, that nobody weirdly enough were using, and just as the song hit the "It's raining men, Hallelujah" Reiji ran and then jumped in a majestic way into the colorful lights of the party, from the small stage ready to get caught by his trustworthy friends. Only that they didn't, he fell, face first, right onto the floor.
"Oh was it now that we had to catch him?" Camus asked in a non caring tone.
"Yeah I think so, hmm sucks to be him huh?" Ranmaru answered in the same tone.
"You guys are so mean" Reiji said in a muffled voice due to his face still facing the colorshifting floor.
"You should have given us a better warning before jumping like that" Camus scolded.
Reijis only response was a muffled cry from the floor.
You slowly facepalmed, as you and Ai had watched the scene from afar, it was quite a show. You slowly started sobbing and put your hands over your eyes instead. Ai noticed this, but due to his lack of emotions he didn't know what to do, so he just stood there, awkwardly not caring.
"You are all so stupid" you wailed out, fake crying, Ai just looked at you. "I mean, who in their right mind jumps from a stage expecting those two to catch you?" You said pointing at Ranmaru, Camus and Reiji. Ai just shrugged getting more and more scared of you. "Why do I even put up with this? If I play my cards right I could probably get another job in the agency. Maybe even a raise, I should really ask for a raise for what I have to put up with" You said to yourself rather thoughtful, while Ai just stared at you, not really sure what to do. "But what would you idiots do then? You are like lost puppies without me" You said to Ai, slowly starting to fake cry and sob again. Ai just shrugged again. "It's no use, I'm stuck with you morons" you cried out. Ai continued to stand in front of you awkwardly, thinking about fleeing the place, you were getting crazy. Right as he was about to move away from you, as that would probably be safest, you said: "Come here Ai, come here and give me a hug" making a hand gesture for him to move closer so you could hug him. "Uhm, (Y/n) I don't feel like that's a good idea. I don't really know what to feel actually" Ai stuttered out rather freaked out. "Shh, just come here and give your Manager a hug" you said moving towards him. He took a step back, but just a little too late as you threw yourself on him saying: "It's gonna be alright, everything's gonna be alright, don't worry" while stroking his hair. He just stood there awkwardly again. What could he do?
In the meantime Reiji had got up, and the three were now headed your way, but they stopped dead in their tracks as they saw the scene in front of them.
"What in the world is going on?" Ranmaru asked confused.
"She is having a mental breakdown because of us" Ai answered bluntly.
"Oooooh" They all nodded in understanding.
Before they had a chance to flee though, you said: "Come here and join the hug. Your Manager needs it" They all looked at each other, then at poor Ai, who was trapped in your death hug.
Their hesitation made you annoyed and you said: "Come here and give me a hug, or I will cut your salary"
That made them all jump to you in a big family hug.

After the little scene, you wiped your tears and blew your nose in Ranmaru's sleeve. He made a face of pure disgust, but decided not to mention it, in fear of his salary being cut.
"Now, without further due, let's get back to searching" you said determined.
"Waow Manager, you sound awfully eager to get your phone back" Reiji said a little confused. This was the first time you had sounded so determined to get your stuff back.
You gave him a weird look and said: "Of course I want to get it back. It contains all of your schedules for at least another month. I can't just lose that, are you crazy?"
Camus gave you an unamused look and said: "We know that Manager, but are you sure that is the only reason you want it back?"
You looked confused at Camus, what did he know?
You didn't even get a chance to ask him, as he answered your thoughts soon after: "You see Manager, I suspect that you have some pictures on that precious phone of yours that you plan to use as blackmail" He gave you a piercing look, but you just smirked.
"Oh Camus, dear Camus, do you really think that little of me?" You said. He and the rest gave you a confused look.
To ease their confusion you said: "Those pictures are already on my computer and backup in case something like this should happen. You guys should know that"
At that point their faces dropped, the last hope of those pictures being lost, was gone.
"Then what is it?" Reiji asked curiously.
"What?" You said confused.
"There must be another reason. We knoe you Manager, out appointments are important, but there is something else" Reiji said with determination in his voice.
You looked at them with a slightly embarrassed look. They knew you too well. And you knew that if you didn't tell them, you wouldn't get anywhere soon.
"I just reached level 732 in Candy Crush, and I have no intention of starting over" you said rather embarrassed.
This made Reiji and Ranmaru laugh, their always serious and compromised Manager, played Candy Crush. Camu and Ai remained unamused. "
"Quit laughing you knuckleheads" you said annoyed.
"You are aware that you can connect it with Facebook, right?" Camus asked, lifting an eyebrow at you.
"Of course I am count. I just didn't want people to know, so I didn't do it" you said a little offended. He just scoffed unamused at you.
"Pfft, you aren't even that far" Ai said with a calm voice. You looked confused at him.
"Try 938, now that would have been a shame" He continued with a calm expression.
You laughed a little at the fact that Ai played Candy Crush too, and you couldn't help but say: "Ha neeeerd. 938, now I know what you do in your spare time"
"Why do I even bother?" Ai asked himself while looking at Reiji, Ranmaru and you laughing at him. Camus remained unamused by the whole scenario.

As you finished laughing at your own and Ai's nerdiness, you noticed something. Due to laughing you had been bent over holding your stomach, and you could now see a figure moving along the legs of the disco dancing freaks. It moved elegantly and unnoticed along the floor, and it seemed like it had a destination. You. At this point you couldn't tell what it was, but due to it's size and movements, you would say it was some kind of animal, and not a small one. Through further investigation you concluded that it looked like, a dog.
"Uhm guys" you said in an uncertain tone, while straightening up.
They turned to look at you, waiting for you to continue.
"What is that?" You said a little unsure, and pointed at the likely dog moving towards you.
They all bend over to get a better look at the thing approaching them. And as soon as they did, a dog came jumping out of the disco crowd and tackled you.
You landed on the colorshifting floor with a big thump. And you tried your best to defend your face from the constant licking and dripping saliva, from the dog hovering over you.
You tried your best to tell it stop between your laughs and giggles, but it was no use, the dog seemed overly happy to see you, and you only knew one dog that would be that. Alexander.
"Alexander, down" Camus luckily came to your rescue and called the dog to him.
And as you got up in a sitting position on the floor, you could very well see that it was Alexander, Camus' beloved dog, horse, hybrid something. But something was different about him. He was black. Camus' normally elegant and beautiful white dog, was black as coal.
"What happened to him?" Reiji asked, trying to hold back laughs as he helped you up from the floor.
"I would like to know that as well" Camus said, a vein clearly showing on his forehead in annoyance.
Suddenly a slow whistling could be heard. Upon turning around you found the owner of the whistling, and probably also the culprit of the black Alexander. Ranmaru.
"Kurosaki, what did you do to my dog?!" Camus yelled while approaching Ranmaru. You had no intention of getting between this, everyone knew that that would be like signing your own death sentence.
"Oh take a break Ice Queen. I just wanted to make him cooler, and look, cool dog right there for you" Ranmaru said with a shit eating grin.
"This is what you call cool?! He is black, his fur has been soiled by your hands you disgusting Rocker!" Camus called out in frustration.
"Hey now, relax Ice Queen it'll come off when you wash him. I think" Ranmaru said, adding the last part with a slight smirk. Reiji and you facepalmed, these two just couldn't get along.
"You think?!" Camus yelled out.
"Yeah, now that I think about it, I can't remember if I used the outwash able, or the non-outwash able" Ranmaru said.
"I swear to God Kurosaki, if this doesn't come out, I will soil your beloved bass in rainbow colored paint!" Camus said.
"Is that a threat, Count?" Ranmaru asked with an annoyed voice.
"No it's a fact" Camus answered calmly, knowing that Ranmaru walked right into it.
"Wanna fight about it?" Ranmaru said threateningly.
"Only fools fight over small matters as these" Camus answered calmly.
Before Ranmaru could answer you butted in, hoping you would survive: "Camus why is Alexander even here?"
"That is a magnificent question Manager" Camus started, "But I honestly don't know" he finished.
Poor Alexander, he must have gotten lonely and decided to follow us all the way here. You couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor dog. But he seemed fine and happy enough, now that he was back with his master.
"But now that he is here" Camus started, earning glances from all of you. "He might as well be useful" And as Camus said those words. A white light surrounded Alexander, and what before had been a black dog, was now a black horse.
Your jaws dropped at the sight before you, Camus was too much, and you sometimes feared his magical powers.
He had now mounted the horse and said: "Onward my majestic companion"
Alexander steeped, and continued forwards in a slow walk.
How could a horse even move around in here? Why were you always stuck in these kind of crazy situations?
"We better follow them" Ai said unemotionally.
You all just nodded in agreement, to thrown back about what just happened, and started following the Count and his majestic companion.
Yes, you differently needed a raise.

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