My First Blog

By Katherin3Coitier

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Just thoughts that I think... More

My First Blog Introduction
October 11th, 2011
October 12th, 2011
October 12th, 2011 (Part Two)
October 15th, 2011
October 18th, 2011
October 19th, 2011
October 25th, 2011
October 28th, 2011
November 2nd, 2011
November 3rd, 2011
November 14th, 2011
November 15th, 2011
December 1st, 2011
February 21st, 2012
April 17th, 2012
April 18th, 2012
May 3rd, 2012
August 15th, 2012
September 13th, 2012
January 3rd, 2013
December 1st, 2013
December 4th 2013
July 9th, 2014
August 18th 2014
October 20th, 2014
Just read "A Demon's Wrath"

January 17th, 2012

516 6 5
By Katherin3Coitier

Alright people... It's been a long time since I've had any coherent thought in my head to post even a blog. And here it is...

On my writing side...

Firstly, I have been working on both "Starr Academy: Year Three" and "No Longer Hidden" for those fans. I just haven't completed either yet as I had to do a bit of research for both. Starr for a bit on someone who is there during Thanksgiving. For NLH, I needed names for the other Alphas so I'm not vague on hom she is fighting like I was in the last chapter. I'm doing all this for you all.

Secondly, I may have a self-published book out soon. One you haven't read at all and that I just finished editting myself. I may get a fellow writer friend to check it out and give me some feed back on it. It's not novel size, but still toeing just over 40,000 words. I needed to get my butt in gear and at least have one story out on Amazon to be taken seriously as a writter and maybe make some money. As I don't have a job, that would help leaps and bounds for getting something done around my house.

Now for my real life...

I've had two interviews with Starbucks in a way to get a job. Out of twenty applications I filed out (both in person and online) they were the first to ask me for an interview. I never think I did good on an interview and I think I was okay. Whether okay is good enough, only time will tell. Just pray I get a job. There is a ton I need to get done aound my house, especially my sewing room.

Just thinking about my sewing room... I had gone through several boxes yesterday and found several bags and purses I made long ago. Anyone want to buy them off of me sight unseen? Thirty bucks? I'm just kidding, but that does give me an idea of things to do on my actual website.

Yes, I now have an actually website where I will have teasers for works that are being written as well as where you'll be able to buy actually books once I start getting published. Twitter feed. All sorts of things. My husband had given me the website as a X-mas gift with business cards and other things.

I'm getting off track with my real life. Back to that...

Well really, there's nothing else that is different. Hubby is thinking about changing companies if everything pans out. He'll even be making 40,000 more than his current pay. The only down side is that he'll be working on the same things he has been which he says he's bored of. We get to stay where we are and I wouldn't have to work even more (but for my sanity, I need a job).

My mother... oh my heavens, where do I begin. Over the holiday, as a gift to us, my mother watched our house while we went down south to my hubby's family. I had stupidly asked my mother to maybe go through some boxes I've been trying to get at for a time. She went through them alright. Spreading out the contents all over my room with no real ryhme or reason. It took my two days to fix what she did and get some organization going on. (That so didn't help in getting writting done.)

There's more, but I'm not going there just yet...

Oh, on a fun note...

You know how this isn't my real name, Katherine Coitier. Well, my hubby is having fun now that we have a website for me. He's made up his own pen name too. Luc Coitier! I love the name Luc. I find it sexy and he never knew when he choose it. He just intuned it and laughed when I told him. (hehehe) Just thought it was fun to tell you all.

Guess that's it for now.

Blessed be your day and your life, Kat.

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