
By illegaljoon

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Zonnique Pullins is Atlanta's new hottest star. She's got the looks, the voice, the fans. The only thing she'... More

Chapter 1: Publicity Stunt?
Chapter 2: Lunch Date
Chapter 3: It's Fun Messing With Nique Nique
Chapter 4: These Guys >>>>>
Chapter 6: I'm A Diva?
Chapter 7: Good Kisser
Chapter 8 - Part 1: BET Awards
Chapter 8 - Part 2: BET Awards
Chapter 9: Friends?
Chapter 10: Guilt
Chapter 11: Surprise
Chapter 12: Twitter Fight
Chapter 13: Promises
Chapter 14: Bad News
Chapter 15: I Need Him
Chapter 16: Great Idea
Chapter 17: Secret Crush
Chapter 18: Oh California
Chapter 19: Oh Hell Naw
Chapter 20: Catching Feelings
Chapter 21: Broken Promises
Chapter 22: Stars
Chapter 23: Prep
Chapter 24: One Week
Chapter 25: Finally

Chapter 5: I Guess It's Official

3.6K 125 16
By illegaljoon

"I think it's time." Kenneth announced.

Claire and mom along with Ray's crew sat in a meeting. I don't know why we're in this stupid office. It screams boring and I'm losing intrest by the minute.

"Zonnique and Ray have been spotted hanging out for over a week now and I think it's time to make it official." He announced. "Let's not forget all the flirting over Twitter." He gave me and and Ray,teasing smiles. "Yep, I saw that too.

"We thought it would be a great opportunity this weekend, at the BET Awards. You can go as a couple and make things official." Claire said.

I glanced over at Ray who merely nodded, looking bored. You'd think after a week of hanging out we might actually become friends... You thought wrong. In fact, I think things got worse. We were almost getting along until that day I went to his house and the rest of the guys were there. Something clicked and made him turn into Lord Douche Bag 24/7 after that day. As if he wasn't already bad enough.

Claire continued talking. "I thought it was perfect since Ray's nominated for Best Male Artist and Zonnique's nominated for Best New Artist and Zonnique will also be performing during the show. The media is gonna love this." The others nodded in agreement and I just tapped my fingers on top of my iphone screen. This meeting is dumb. Claire and Kenneth went on and on but in all honesty, I had stopped listening. My phone buzzed and I had a new text from Bahja.

From: Bahja

You're not gonna be happy about this but Zoey got a girlfriend...

I stared at the text for at least 10 minutes. To say this hurt was an understatement, especially because of what happened just 2 days earlier.

*2 days earlier*

I had just got a text message from Zoey asking if I could hang out. Luckily, I was free so I invited him over.

"Hey." Zoey smiled as I let him in. He walked in looking so cute in that fishers hat.

"Hey." I smiled, getting the warm giddy feeling I always got when I saw him. He sat on the couch and patted the seat beside him. I did as told and sat beside him. He stared at me with a small smile on his lips. "What's new?" He asked. I shrugged.

Sure, there were lot of things new in my life but I was trying to avoid saying anything that would make me sound like a diva. "Anything new with you?" I asked.

He merely shrugged. "Same old boring stuff."

He paused to stare at me almost making me feel nervous. I always wanted to be perfect for Zoey. I wanted him to like me as much as I liked him. "I miss you though."

"You don't have to miss me." I replied turning to look at him directly. "I'm just a phone call away."

"It's not that simple." He licked his lips.

"Why not?" I questioned.

"Because Nique..." He searched for how he was gonna word this. "Things aren't the same. No matter how much I wish they were." I looked away but I could still feel his gaze burning through the side of my face. "You're different, even if you don't see it. You're not just my dorky Nique Nique anymore..." He paused. "You're the Zonnique Pullins. You live here." He motioned at my slightly large house. "You have the #1 album worldwide. You hang out with people like Rayan Lopez!"

I blinked, a little taken back when he brought up Ray but I quickly regained myself. "Okay so? That doesn't change who I am. I'm still me."

Zoey shook his head. "I know. It's just hard for me to understand. Okay?" He admitted. "It not easy seeing the girl you like move on to bigger and better things without you."

"You like me?" I asked, a little stunned.

He stared at me. "Yeah, I thought it was obvious."

I shrugged. "You've just never said it before." It was quiet and I scooted closer to Zoey. "I like you too." He looked down at me and smiled before closing the space between us and connecting our lips. I placed my hand on the side of his face, deepening the kiss. He gripped my waist causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach. Wanting more I managed to get each leg on either side of him so was straddling him. He clearly enjoyed it, gripping my waist tighter and shoving his tounge deeper in my mouth. A small sound came from the back of my throat and that was just the beginning of our heated make out session.

~Flashback over~

I felt a familiar pinch form in the back of my eyes causing me to blink rapidly. I just wish I had never fallen for him. Things would be so much easier if I hadn't. I mean, what's wrong with me that he never asked me to be his girlfriend? Was I not good enough? Cause right now, that's what it feels like.

"And I guess that's it." Kenneth finished, clapping his hands together. "Meetings over. "

I sat frozen in my seat and Claire nudged me. "Did you listen to any of that?" she quietly scolded.

I blinked once before fully coming back to reality. "Yeah." I lied. "I heard every word."

"Good." she sighed in relief. "Next week is gonna be a really busy week for you." I nodded looking around for my mom. She was standing in the corner having an animated conversation with Keisha. Ray was already gone. I'm guessing he came in his own car so he could leave as soon as possible. Smart kid.

"Nique, sweetheart come here." My mom motioned for me to join her conversation with Keisha. I reluctantly put on a fake smile and walked towards them. Yup, they were definitely taking this "dating" thing a bit too seriously.


"Zonnique, the award show is in a week you have to get this right!" Claire yelled at me from where she was sitting.

"I'm sorry." I panted. I could barely breathe from how hard I just pushed myself during that performance and it still wasn't good enough. I ran a hand through my hair, feeling stressed.

"Something's not right? What's going on Zonnique? What aren't you focused? This performance is a big deal!" Claire placed her hands on her hips meaning she meant business.

"Nothing's going on!" I lied. Zoey getting a girlfriend was affecting me more than I wanted it to. I couldn't get this routine right to save my life.

"Alright." Claire sighed, clearly not believing me but letting it go. "Take it from the top." I shot my dancers an apologetic look, for not being able to get the routine down. They were sweating and breathing just as heavily as me.

Once the beat started, a girlish scream was heard. I squinted and noticed Chres running down one of the isles and Jacob running down another one and Craig was just walking following closely behind, obviously chasing him for a reason. Ray appeared shortly after looking annoyed and in no hurry to reach the end of the isle. I wasn't expecting company nor did I want an audience to witness my awful practice performance.

"What are you guys doing here?" I called out.

"Did you forget we had a lunch date babe?" Ray said, going along with the act as long as the clueless dancers were present.

"I did actually." I responded, waiting for him to make a rude remark about me being forgetful and dumb. Surprisingly he didn't.

"No big deal. But I have to bring these two with us." He said motioning to the boys, who were currently wrestling on the floor.

"Guys!" He snapped. "Can you stop for a second?" They broke apart, and stood up muttering their apologies. Ray rolled his eyes.

"Hey Nique." Chres and Jacob  waved in unison while Craig just waved shyly, finally taking the time to greet me.

"Hey." I giggled.

"Alright one more run through and you can go to lunch."Claire announced, rubbing her temples.

I'd rather not have one more run through in front of the guys but what choice do I have? I got in position and the music started.

Tonight I just might blow a couple (if I want to) cause tomorrow I know I can make it back (if I want to)

3 minutes later......

"Woooooo!!" the boys cheered and whistle. "You're so good!" Craig praised. That's the first time I've ever seen him out his shell. I shook my head while breathing heavily. That was the worse run through I've done all day. Usually I'll be so hype but today is just awful. Clearly they were just being nice.

"I'm impressed Nique." Ray added, clapping. Ima let that one slide. I still don't like it when he calls me that. He's not even on my level to call me that at all.

"It's getting there." Claire added her input. "Go to lunch. Practice starts at 6 am tomorrow."

I inwardly groaned. I jumped off the stage and grabbed my bag. "Let's go."

I was silent the entire car ride. Ray decided to bump some YG song called How To Make It In America. Chres said all the nasty parts like, "Okay, my name YG and I came to play. Fuck, then I bust a nut, while I aim her face." Then Jacob finished it off, "See I'm a real nigga I ain't got to play." Craig was just trying to talk to me but I wasn't in the mood. Ray was just nodding his head to the music or laughing at times.

My mind was too busy stressing over my performance. Not to mention Zoey messing with my head too. This nigga basically played me sending mix signals and shit. We pulled up to Chipotle, they basically had the best burritos in the entire world.

"Man, I love this place!" Jacob exclaimed, getting off the car and practically running inside.

Ray shook his head as the rest of us took our time entering.

"Are you okay?" Craig asked.

I smiled weakly. "I'm fine." At least he noticed something was wrong. Ray, Chres and Jacob were oblivious.

I looked down at my feet as we stood in line. I was wearing ripped black leggings, blue pullover and my blue custom timbs. Also sunglasses to try to hide my identity. Ray merely wore some black ray bans, obviously not worried about getting spotted.

"I'm buying." Ray announced, making sure I heard him. I simply nodded in response. He gave me a weird look, as if he suspected something was wrong but he didn't bother to ask any questions. He simply turned back around and ordered his food.

We slid into a Booth and on one side was Jacob and Craig and the other I was between Ray and Chres.

"Zonnique, you are gonna kill your performance this weekend." Jacob stated with a hint of excitement, trying to cheer me up.

I shook my head and tugged at my hair. "No way. I can't get the performance right no matter how hard I try."

"Just relax." Ray turned to me. "If you stress about it, it'll just make things worse."

"Yeah." Chres agreed with his mouth full.

"Plus your performance looked amazing earlier and you sounded great." Craig put his two cents in..

"Claire didn't think so." I muttered.

"Claire doesn't know how hard it is to perform as good as you did earlier." Ray said sincerely. "We may not get along but I can't lie about your talent. That was one of the best performances I've ever seen and you were just practicing!" He stated, stunned. "No matter what, I'll be there. Giving you a standing ovation."

"Aw, look at you being a good boyfriend." Chres teased.

I smiled. "Thank you."

It was reassuring to know that no matter how badly I messed up on Sunday, Ray would still cheer me on. Even if he didn't like me, he understood the pressure I was feeling. It was reassuring to know that I'd have him in Sunday. I heard a familiar laugh and tried so hard to resist turning around but of course I did it anyways. Zoey stood in line with his arm drapped around a thick girl with long purple weave hair. It seems like everybody trying to be like me with the colorful hair. Maybe Zoey was thinking of me when he got with her. I couldn't see her face because her back was facing me.

"Shit." I whispered under my breath but I obviously said it too loud since all the boys looked at me.

"What?" Chres asked.

"Nothing." I answered quickly trying to cover it up.

Ray scoffed. "That's a lie."

I didn't have enough time to tell them the story between me and Zoey, especially since he was walking towards us. His hand linked through the pretty, thick girls hand. My heart ached at what I had to look at.

"Hey Nique Nique" Zoey said casually, stopping at our table. Ray looked at him then at me giving me that 'What the fuck?' look. How could he be so casual after he basically played with my emotions?

"Hey." I smiled politely. "Zoey this is Ray, Chres, Jacob and Craig. Guys this is Zoey." The boys gave mumbled hello's but a look of realization lit up Ray's face. He put his arm around my shoulder and a trace of jealousy hinted on Zoey's facial features.

"Nice to meet you." Ray smiled.

"You too man." He replied. "Um, this is Breaunna." His girlfriend.

"You're so pretty!" She gushed to me. Obviously she had no idea about the history between me and Zoey.

"Thanks. Love the hair. " I replied awkwardly.

"Yeah, you inspired me to color my hair." See I knew something was up.

"You know Daniel and Ian are going to feel like you're replacing them."

"Daniel and Ian are your friends." I emphasized your. Sure I fit along with them really well but at the end of the day they only started talking to me because of Zoey.

"Wow Zonnique. Are you too good for us normal people now?" Zoey asked with some attitude hidden beneath his words. My heart sorta shattered cause I haven't heard him say my full name in forever.

"Shut up Zoey." My eyes turned to slits. How dare he say something like that?

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes. "See you around, I guess." I gave a sarcastic smile and wave. Once him and his girlfriend were gone I let out a frustrated grunt.

"What was that about?" Jacob asked, dumbfounded by the scene that just unraveled before him.

Before I could answer Ray cut in. "We agreed on not sharing anything about our real personal lives with each other." Ray informed them.

"But you guys are technically dating." Chres said, looking confused. "You should at least know a little about each others personal life."

Ray shrugged. "Her rule, not mine."

Craig shook his head. "Good luck with that."

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