Ignorance was Bliss (Random U...

Від Lauail

25.2K 1.8K 226

Truth or Dare was meant to be a bit of fun, going round to Theo's was meant to be relaxing and a time for all... Більше

One more
This moment right here
Just my luck
As if
Mitchell Foster
Stick skills
Dinner for one
Purple gummy worm
Does my bum look big in this?
What harm could it do?
Truth or Dare
Walk down memory lane
Tickle war
Feed the hangover monster
Leap of faith
Eskimo kisses
Players, ice creams and starlight
Cake and eat it too
Year to remember
Comfort Zone
You are my hero
Thursday Night
Shots anyone?
Open minded
My brain is going to explode.
I'm actually doing this?
New beginnings
Monday Morning
Shirtless Noah
Please tell me you're not naked!
What just happened there?
Home Truths
My Mitch Bubble
Together forever as one
Who's the boss?
Time with Kayden
Trust in what we have
Kisses make it better

Girls Dinner

396 34 3
Від Lauail

Sitting down at a booth at the window after placing our order I listen to Poppy and Libby talking wondering how to start talking about everything.

"What is it you need to talk about Hols" Libby asks raising her eyebrow at me.

I look at Poppy thinking she told her but she just shrugged looking at Libby too.

"Don't look at her. It's always the same when you have something you need to get off your chest. You go quiet, you zone out and you offer to buy food so spill it" she laughs looking at my shocked expression.

Looking at both of them I take a gulp of my Diet Coke to stall trying to think how to start.

"Have both of you had sex?" Poppy asks out of the blue causing me to choke on my juice and Libby to squeak!

"What? Why are you asking that? Are you?" I ask flustered.

"Well it's something that is going to happen at some point and I hope it's with Max. We haven't done anything but I just wanted to ask you guys. I trust you both even though Ruby is one of my best friends she wouldn't be serious about talking about it" she states cool as a cucumber. Nothing seems to faze her.

"Well I have" Libby says blushing.

I swivel my head to look at her wondering when this happened!

"What?" I ask looking at her with wide eyes.

"I was going to tell you today but when you asked to go for dinner I thought I would do it then so Pops has eased us into the conversation" she says laughing patting Poppy on the back.

"Right both of you tell me what's going on now" I demand

"Well Max and I have been getting closer and I love him. I think I always have" she says looking wistfully at us "and I'm scared about having sex with him not because I think he will leave me but I'm scared incase I do it wrong." She sighs.

"Has Max had sex before" I ask.

"No. I thought he had but he's told me he hasn't" she says looking unsure.

"Poppy! If Max has told you he hasn't then he defiantly hasn't. He wouldn't lie to you about something as important as that. The fact that you both haven't means you can explore it together without any pressure. Don't build it up too much just let it be and go with what you both feel happy with" I say hugging her across the table. "Just promise me you will be careful" I laugh.

"No glove no love" Libby says causing me and Poppy to hit her arm. "Hey! It's true!" She defends herself causing us all to break into a fit of laughter. When the waiter came over he gave us a weird look and placed the pizzas down. I love pizza!

"What's your story then?" I ask Libby round a mouthful of barbecue chicken pizza.

"Well, with Theo's parents being away I just stayed at his after the party and for the rest of the weekend. We weren't planning on it happening or anything but we had been snuggled up on his bed watching a movie and we were making out and then one thing lead to another. We both wanted it to happen so we let it." She smiles blushing.

"What was it like?" Poppy whispers.

"Amazing! He was so caring and gentle and made sure I was ok the entire time. He waited for me to be absolutely sure I was happy to go on. I felt like he worshipped me and my body! He made me feel like a goddess! It's hard to explain really. When people talk about it being sore, well it was but only slightly not anything like the horror stories you hear so don't listen to them. I was nervous because I knew that he had done it before but he made me feel special, like it was his first, like I was the only girl." She says wistfully. I didn't think Libby was still a virgin?

"You are both so good together. I'm so glad your first time was with Theo and he made you feel like that" I say smiling at Libby genuinely happy for her.

Looking at Poppy I notice she is staring at her hands with a thoughtful expression on her face. I place my hand on hers  giving it a squeeze and she looked up and smiles. I'm going to be hearing her story soon.

"Thanks" Libby says smiling. "Plus after the first time it only gets better!" She laughs out trying to wiggle her eyebrows but failing. "Right we've told you our news now it's yours" she says pointing a slice of pizza at me.

Oh God!

Taking a deep breath I finish my slice and take another drink stalling again and look at both of them and see them watching me back.

"Okay... well... today at lunch Milo nearly kissed me but didn't but then he kind of asked me out on a date." I rush out thinking I should start with this.

"Wow!" "Eeekk" Libby and Poppy say at the same time.

"Why do you look so sad about it?" Poppy asks raising her eyebrows.

"Milo is a lovely guy, he would treat you so well!" Libby says excitedly.

"That's what he said" I mumble.

"Is this not a good thing?" Libby asks.

"It would of been a great thing if he had said something before the party but since the party things have changed." I say playing with my pizza slice.

"Changed? Changed how? With who?" Poppy asks.

Time to tell them everything.

"With the guys" I say looking up at them watching their confused faces.

Slowly I begin to see Poppy gain recognition about what I'm talking about but Libby still hasn't got a clue.

"No way!" Poppy says "which one?"

"What? What are you both talking about? What guys?" Libby asks looking between both of us.

I need to tell them everything, I just hope they can understand. Especially Libby considering her brother is involved. another deep breath in and out.

"Poppy knows most of the story and it's really long but I am going to try and cut it down but you both have to promise me that you will keep an open mind." I say looking at them "promise?"

They both nod. "Just tell me Hols your kinda worrying me you look really scared." Libby states holding my hand.

"After you and Noah came back the boys decided it would be a good time to tell me that they all have feelings for me-" I start.

"No way! I knew he was in love with you! Oh my god! Wait- All the guys?" She questions.

"I'm getting to that but I can't if you keep interrupting me" I poke her on the nose. she makes a zipping motion to her mouth and Poppy laughs.

"ALL the boys told me that hey have feelings for me that are more than friendship and wanted me to give them a chance. When they all spoke to each other they found that they all felt the same way and didn't want to keep those feelings to themselves anymore so wanted to see if I felt the same for them...which I do." Staring at them I see they are both engrossed in what I am saying. Poppy waves her hand at me to continue showing I have their full attention.

"When I told each of them when they told me that I did have feelings I thought it would be the end of it because we didn't want to ruin our friendship but I was wrong. I ended up falling out with them because I thought they told me because they were jealous of attention I got from Theo who at the time was new and single that they just wanted to keep me but do what they wanted. so that's why I didn't talk to them for a while but on Sunday we met up to talk after what happened at the party."

"What happened at the party? In fact don't tell me now keep going sorry for interrupting" Libby says zipping her lips again causing me to laugh.

"On Sunday after we spoke basically I ended up leaving Kayden's house with a boyfriend... well not just one boyfriend... four boyfriends" I say looking at my hands worried about what they were going to say. I ate some pizza to fill the silence but I couldn't take anymore and looked up seeing two shocked faces looking back at me.

"Here's me thinking I was telling you some juicy information but now you've blown mine right out the water! What do you mean you have four boyfriends?" Libby asks wide eyed.

"Are you going out with them all?" Poppy asks.

"Basically yes. They want us to all be in it together. They want to all be with me and they feel that our friendship is strong enough to survive it because I do everything with them anyway. I love them all and I've had feelings for them for as long as I can remember but never thought that they would return them so I have quashed them down and carried on but now everything is out in the open l basically don't have to hide my feelings anymore and I can act on things that I want to do without worrying I will hurt anyone" I state.

"Wow!" Libby says "wow, wow, wow!"
"To be honest it is not that weird for you guys. You have all been through so much and looking at the guys now I can see that they probably have had feelings for you for a long time and you are always with each other so I guess you are just adding a bit more sexual tension to the mix!"

"Good luck with that!" Poppy sniggers.

Blushing I laugh looking at them. " so you don't think I'm a slut?" I ask seriously.

"No way! We know you Holly and there is no way you would of done this if you didn't think you guys would survive it or manage it" poppy says hugging me.

"So...has anything happened between any of you?" Libby asks.

I sit and tell them everything that had happened not missing out any of the details no matter how embarrassing so that I can get their honest opinions on things. When I'm finished Libby is blushing and Poppy has her face covered. Shit I forgot Noah was her twin for a minute!

"I take it back, you are a slut!" Libby says cackling. "Ow! Don't hurt your bestie!" She says rubbing her arm where I hit her.

"I'm happy for you Holly. I think because we know you and the guys it's normal for us but I don't know what outsiders looking in would say." Poppy says honestly.

"We are not planning on putting it out there in people's faces we are just going to carry on as normal and see what happens but not act too openly around school" I say sadly

" I think that's the best thing to do" Libby says and Poppy nods "but don't be sad about that because you aren't exactly an in your face kind of girl although from your stories I reckon the guys are in for a treat!" She says laughing again.

"Sex has warped your mind" I laugh out.

"What are you going to do about Milo?" Poppy asks.

"Oh I never told you everything with that one. I tried to let him down gently because i don't want to loose the friendship we just started and I started by saying 'I really like you' and then he cut me off telling me he liked me too, kissed my cheek and walked off telling me to tell him my answer when I was ready" I then go on to explain everything he said to me before I came back to the cafeteria.

"No way! You are a slut in disguise" Poppy laughs out this time in humour and I glare at her causing her to put her hands up in surrender.

"You need to speak to Milo, don't tell him about the guys but just tell him you want to be friends and take it from there. Make sure you let him know that you do value you him as a friend." Libby suggests.

"Yea your right" I sigh

"Well this has been an eye opener tonight." Poppy laughs "are you telling Max and Theo?" She asks "I don't mind keeping it from them as it's not our business but do you not want to be comfortable around all of us?" Poppy states. God she really gets me!

""They are all at Noah's just now. I'm gonna text them when I get home to say I've spoke to you and they will tell the guys so please tell me their honest opinion and if they aren't happy let's sort it out." I says

"Holly, they know you, even Theo who doesn't know us all that well knows how much you guys love each other they will understand and wouldn't tell anyone so please don't worry" Libby says standing giving me a hug gathering her things.

"Okay. I love you guys so much I knew I could count on you to understand" I gush.

"We love you too! I can't wait to see how this all goes" Libby says winking.

Waving bye to Libby. Poppy and I get in the car and head for home.

"I'm happy for you Holly. It's not the traditional way but you and the guys have always done your own thing and they adore you like Max does me I believe it will all be ok" Libby says squeezing my  hand on the gearstick.

I have an amazing sister!

"Thanks Pops. I really do love you so much, and when you are ready don't over think it, Max will always be there for you and loves you more than anything in this world" I say squeezing her hand back.

"Love you too"

Everyone knows that matters now. Now it's time to enjoy my boys.

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