Whilst the boyfriends away

By kaylsxo

11.6M 127K 8.1K

Here, there and everywhere with work my boyfriend Charlie is rather quick to make me his last priority, and a... More

Whilst the boyfriends away


114K 1.2K 247
By kaylsxo

After a week you would have thought there would be some sort of change even if it's not an improvement, but no with the atmosphere still thick enough to cut with a knife neither Aston or Charlie are making an effort.

Early Sunday morning I made a start on clearing up last nights mess, spending the evening in front of a movie Charlie thought he'd liven things up a bit with some alcohol, obviously our company and good food wasn't enough. Picking up the tenth can from the coffee table I threw it into a bin bag and repeated with another.

"Charlie hasn't lost his love for beer in Dubai then?" Aston frowned stepping over a pizza box on the floor and sitting down on the couch.

"It was a Saturday night, besides half of these are yours."

"I had four, there's one, two, three.."

"Alright," I sighed cutting him off.

"I wouldn't have thought he was allowed to drink on medication for his heart."

"The doctor said he can."

"He is seeing a doctor then?"

"Of course he is, I've been with him."

"Oh well if you've seen the doctor he must be."

"Yeah," I mumbled.

Whatever Aston is doing is working, I'm starting to doubt why I've never been invited in to see the doctor, I'm always in the waiting room.

"Did you pick up his prescription?" he asked.

"No, he told you he was going to do that."

"Oh yeah, of course he did."

"What is this all about?" I snapped.

"Nothing, I'm just taking an interest."

"Yeah, right."

"It's a bit strange though isn't it? you've never seen his doctor or his medication, in fact I think you're just taking his word for it right?"

"Grow up Aston, it's getting boring now!" I growled pushing past him to pick up the last of the rubbish.

Chuckling to himself he swung his head around as Charlie shuffled through from the bedroom.

"Morning," he yawned.

"Morning," I smiled.

"Have you got any paracetamol babe? my heads killing me."

"Can you take painkillers with your tablets?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's fine. Are they still in the top cupboard?"

"Bottom one."

I dodged Aston's eye at this point.

"Can someone take this outside please?" I asked leaving the full bin bag by the front door.

"I'm going out in a minute, I will," Aston said.


I continued to tidy the rest of the house whilst Charlie ate his breakfast and Aston got ready to go out for the day, it's early but it takes me twice as long now there's two men in the house, clutter quickly gathers!

Now alone with Charlie in the living room I made us both a cup of coffee and sat down beside him on the couch, taking his attention away from the TV screen only for a split second.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Yeah, fine babes."

"Have you had your results come through yet?"

"Not yet, I'll give them another couple of days before I chase them up."

"I suppose they have other patients to deal with."

"Exactly," he smiled. "Nice cup of coffee by the way, have we got any biscuits?"

"Yeah," I said fetching up the barrel recently topped up with a nice assortment.

"Cheers babe, I've missed this."

"It's only a custard cream," I chuckled.

"I meant us chilling out together, I'd forgotten how nice it is to do this."

"It's like when we first got together."

"It is yeah, those first few months."

"The first few dates."

"I'd certainly plan the first one differently now," he frowned.

"I knew you would say that."

"Babe it was terrible, I could only just cook beans on toast so why I attempted something from Jamie Oliver's cook book I'll never know."

"It was the thought that counted."

"I doubt that's what persuaded you to see me again."

"Well no it weren't, but I've tried telling you no end of times that I don't need or want to be wined and dined."

"I know you have and like I said, I've realised that after being away so long. I've really missed you," he smiled again.

"I thought I was the last person on your mind."

"Don't be silly, my heart broke when I found out the trip had been extended."

"So you really didn't know before you left?"

"No, I honestly left expecting to be back on that date I told you."

"Did your manager?"

"He said a new opportunity too good to refuse turned up whilst we we're out there, so no."


"All I can do is apologise. I understand how wrong my actions were now I'm home, I can't change them but we can move on, can't we?"

"Yeah, I guess we can."

"Here, take a biscuit whilst I find us something better to watch," he said getting up from the couch to rummage through the DVDs.

"I think it's about time we updated our collection, we've watched them all twice over."

"Yeah, but they're classics."

"I'd hardly call Keith Lemons uncut bits a classic."

"What about 'friends with benefits,' Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis?" he asked.



"Nothing, that's fine."

"I'm sure we've only watched this once."

Loading it onto the TV he joined me back on the couch spreading his legs out across to the coffee table, the trailers running whilst we got settled.

"Are you sitting there?" he asked as I sat at the opposite end.

"Yeah, why?"

"You look uncomfortable, come here."

"I'm fine."

"I'm not asking to spoon I'm offering you a pillow."

I smiled weakly moving closer. His arm did start at the back of the couch but as the movie plays its now resting on my shoulder.

Continuing to watch the TV I began to think about Aston, you could say this movie started our relationship. Watching it now it seems so tacky, but as Charlie left and me and Aston became close it seemed such a good idea, neither of us wanted a relationship but both of us would miss sex. I still keep thinking about that argument we had in the car too, the atmosphere between us is better now but the way he treats Charlie and the cruel things he says about his illness really grates on me. It was only two months ago that they were best of mates. I'd really like him to understand and be as supportive as me, but he's starting to act like a complete jerk!

*Why don't they ever a make a movie about what happens after they kiss? They do. It's called porn.*

Chuckling to a simple but effective joke I looked up Charlie nodding in amusement.

"It's true," he said.

"No it's not, that is such a typical reply for a man."

"Behind every good relationship is great sex babe."

"Not every relationship."

"Well what about us?"

"We didn't split up because of the lack of sex we had Charlie."

"No, but the best part of our relationship was when our sex life was at its best."

"Am I supposed to take that as a compliment?" I laughed.

"Yeah," he chuckled. "I've started to forget what you look like under these clothes."

"I'm just a little more plump, the diets been thrown out of the window more times than not."

"You don't need to diet, you've always had a beautiful figure."

"I thought you couldn't remember?"

"I was hoping it would lead you to reminding me," he smirked.

I giggled looking back at the TV for a few seconds, the sex scenes have come on at the wrong moments, one alone is seducing me more than Charlie's cheesy line.

His eyes still looking at me I found my lips pressing against his softly.

"I shouldn't be letting you do this to me," I mumbled.

"I've missed you so much," he whispered for yet another time.

Kissing me back firmly he pulled me closer by my waist as I sat up straight, my emotions and actions being taken in by pure lust. Running my fingers through his curls that I've always secretly adored I gasped to and from more kisses.

"Let's go to bed," Charlie said helping me to my feet.

I nodded and followed him closely to our bedroom holding his hand, I don't know quite what I'm doing but nothing in my head seems to be stopping me just yet. Shutting the door tight with his foot Charlie stood in front of me looking scruffy in his baggy tracksuit bottoms but still rather attractive. Raising my arms as he lifted my vest top over my head I helped him loosen my jeans and kick them to the floor, my underwear choice embarrassingly being a set Aston recently brought me I blushed. Red and lacy with plenty of plunge.

"Oh wow," he murmured.

I giggled pulling him back onto the bed watching as he crawled over me on all fours.

Expecting and hoping for a little bit of play Charlie in fact done the opposite and stripped the underwear he just admired from me and threw it to the floor. Laying naked with my arm across my bare chest as his mouth caressed the lower half of my body I couldn't help but compare his actions to Aston's, I feel like if I blinked now it would be over. Moaning and arching my back in un-comfort as much as pleasure I faked a smile as my arms wrapped my around Charlie's neck, his lips now back to mine for more enjoyable kissing.

His grin wider than his face he tugged his underwear down to his ankles and climbed back over me again, my legs bending as he lowered himself in between with a gentle push. I gasped and held him tight listening to him groan into my ear.

"Oh baby," he whispered.


"I love you."

"Yeah," I simply replied in a breath.

It's like I have no control over my actions, lust has taken over my whole body. I don't know if its anger against Aston or if true feelings for Charlie has really returned, but either way I've just had sex with a man who I swore would never hurt me again.

What was I thinking?


Vote for more please..

Sorry it's taken me so long I've been ill :( I hope this makes up for it, its a lot longer than usual.

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