Ignorance was Bliss (Random U...

By Lauail

25.3K 1.8K 226

Truth or Dare was meant to be a bit of fun, going round to Theo's was meant to be relaxing and a time for all... More

One more
This moment right here
Just my luck
As if
Mitchell Foster
Stick skills
Dinner for one
Purple gummy worm
Does my bum look big in this?
What harm could it do?
Truth or Dare
Walk down memory lane
Tickle war
Feed the hangover monster
Leap of faith
Eskimo kisses
Players, ice creams and starlight
Cake and eat it too
Year to remember
Comfort Zone
You are my hero
Thursday Night
Shots anyone?
Open minded
My brain is going to explode.
I'm actually doing this?
Monday Morning
Girls Dinner
Shirtless Noah
Please tell me you're not naked!
What just happened there?
Home Truths
My Mitch Bubble
Together forever as one
Who's the boss?
Time with Kayden
Trust in what we have
Kisses make it better

New beginnings

422 36 5
By Lauail

Wiping tears from my eyes from the cuteness overload I shove them to get off me. "Okay, okay! I need to breath" I say and they sit back away from me. We all seem to not know what to do next so I wait for one of them to make the next move.

"Holly?" Mitch asks making me look up. "Can I ask you something?" I nod when I see his worried expression "didyoukissmiloonsaturdaynight?"He rushes out.

"What" I ask raising an eyebrow.

Huffing he blows out a breath and runs his hand through his hair. "Did you kiss Milo on Saturday Night?"

"No" I say straight away but blush knowing that I did kiss someone that night. When I look around the guys I notice Kayden looking at his hands with a red face and a smile tugging at his lips and know he's thinking of the same things as me.

"Why are you blushing Holly?" Noah asks using his serious face.

"No I'm not" I state

"Yes you are Hols, what happened on Saturday?" Mitch asks.

Looking at Kayden he nods letting me know that I should tell them chicken. Looking at all of them I take a deep breath and steady myself as I don't know how they're going to react.

"I-I, well, I had my first kiss on Saturday" I say smiling.

"You what?" Finn asks in disbelief. "Who!" He demands.

"It was with Kayden" I say smiling looking at him.

"What?" "When?" "Where?" They all ask.

"I've also kissed Finn as well before he gets all high and mighty" I laugh sticking my tongue out at him looking at his shocked face. If I'm going down then he's coming too and it feels better having it all out there. No secrets that's what they said.

Laughing to myself I realise that the room is silent and look to see them all watching me. "What?" I ask quirking my eyebrow up. "You said no secrets now we have no secrets and if I was getting the third degree then they two should get it too" I say laughing.

"So you've kissed two of us?" Noah asks in a monotone voice staring at Finn and Kayden. "And your only telling us now?"

"What? It only happened last night and today when was I meant to tell you?"

"Today?" Mitch asks.

"Yea" I ask confused. Why is this a big deal? We are going to all kiss aren't we? "You guys feeling left out" I laugh nudging their feet but realise that none of them are laughing with me.

I look at them and see Finn and Kayden smiling at me but Mitch and Noah look bemused. "You want me to kiss you?" I ask looking at Kayden and Mitch.

"Would you?" Mitch asks and Noah stares on.

Hell yes!! I'm sitting with four of the most gorgeous guys I have ever seen and they want to kiss me! Not only that but they're now my boyfriends. Boyfriends! Should I test them and see how okay they are with all of us being with each other? Could I do that?

"Now?" I say smiling at him with a wink who am I and what have I done with Holly Mackay?

"N-now?" Noah asks looking over at Mitch asking if he's does.

"Okay" I say taking my hair down and pleating it to give my shaking hands something to do.

"You guys are gonna kiss...now?" Finn questions.

Kneeling up on the bed I knee walk over to Mitch so I'm right in front of him staring into his big brown eyes. I can see that he's nervous and isn't sure what I'm going to do so I try and not think too much about it.

My heart is pounding so fast in my chest I feel like it's going to come out my mouth but I've came this far now I can't back down I want them to think they have a girl who needs them as much as they do her.

Moving in closer I can feel his warm breath coming out in fast puffs. "Hols" he whispers closing his eyes and I can hear that he doesn't want me to pull away which gives me some extra courage and I press my lips to his. He wraps his hands around my waist and pulls me towards him and I place my hands on his strong chest.

Mitch's kiss is more tentative and slow as if he's savouring every second. His warm minty lips mould to mine and draw me in. The heat from our kiss causing me to feel flushed.

A throat clearing causes us to remember that we weren't alone.

Pulling back I smile when I see Mitch looking flustered and he rests his forehead to mine trying to calm our breathing. He pulls me to him and gives me a hug "thank you" he whispers into my ear and gives me a kiss on the cheek. Pulling back I let out a slight giggle and look around.

"Holy shitballs!" Finn says.

Turning around I look at him and Kayden who are laughing and both appear to be smiling at me but I couldn't see Noah.

Getting up from the bed I look around to find him but he's not in the room. "Where did Noah go?" I ask the guys.

"I think he went outside" Kayden says with a sad smile.

Deciding to go and look for him I tell the guys a'll be back in a minute. I walk out the door and turn to head down the stairs. As I turn I spot Noah walking back up the stairs and I head over to him. "Hey" I say softly making him look up at me.

Before I know it Noah grabs my face and his lips crash to mine. He puts his hands under my bum pulling me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. He lifts me up and my back is against the wall while he kisses me with every breath he has. My hands are tangled in his hair and I find myself pulling at it enjoying the groans coming from him.

His kiss is urgent and full of need and to be honest I wouldn't expect anything else from Noah he's very passionate and emotional and this kiss means something to him. I feel him nip at my bottom lip and gasp at the sensation is lights up in my body and I'm glad he's holding me up against this wall as there is no way my legs would still be holding me with the overpowering sensations flowing through me.

Gasping is all the welcome he need and tangles his tongue with mine causing us both to moan and I feel myself wanting to be even closer to him and grab at his shirt angling my head so we can kiss even deeper!

Pulling away Noah and I are left panting trying to catch our breath and I will my heart to slow down and the sensation in the bottom of my stomach to calm. "I've wanted to do that since the moment I seen you in that hallway at school. God Holly I'm so glad you want to try with us I couldn't live not being able to kiss you and touch you" he says stroking my cheek placing loose hair behind my ear. "You're so sexy when you look all hot and bothered" he whispers in my ear causing me to let out a small moan at the huskiness of his voice.

"Holly shit! That was hot!" Finn shouts. Noah reluctantly lets me down and keeps his arm around my waist. "Ow! What was that for you ass?" Finn moans rubbing his chest where Kayden hit him.

"You can't say it's hot watching your best friend kiss your girlfriend. Can you?" He asks more like a question at the end making me laugh.

"Turned you on didn't it?" Finn laughs shoving his shoulder while Mitch still looks frozen at the door.

"This is going to be interesting isn't it" Noah breaths into my ear squeezing me closer to him.

It's really is!

There is no going back now. The line has well and truly been crossed between us all and right now looking at my guys they don't seem any different than normal and they have literally watched me kiss two of their best friends in front of them. Does this mean I can hope things will work out ok?

"Are we all ok? Like really ok?" I ask stepping away from Noah to get a bit of space and so I could see them all.

"Yes" "yea" "hell yea" "of course" they all say at once. I raise my eyebrow looking at them.

"Honestly Holly we are fine. I was worried about what would happen when we seen each other with you and to be honest I feel fine about" Mitch says "I think I can speak for us all when I say that we are fine, look at Finn's goofy grin if you don't believe me" he laughs out and sure enough Finn is smiling at me wiggling his eyebrows.

"Okay. Well I'm shattered and we've al got school tomorrow so I'm gonna head home now and see you guys tomorrow." I say heading into Kayden's room to get my shoes and phone. "I'll speak to Poppy and Libby tomorrow night so tomorrow let's try and keep things under wraps if that okay? I don't want any questions from them before I need to you know what they're like". They all nod and I head off for the front door.

Turning round at the front door I realise the guys have all followed me down. When I open the door they each come up and hug me good bye with a small kiss to the lips and I walk out into the cool night air and head for home.

I'm now no longer single! I now have not one but four boyfriends! How did this happen?

As I walk I feel like my insides are a washing machine as doubt begins to creep into my head. How on earth is this going to work? This isn't fair on them all.

Walking into the house I see a note on the fridge from Mum saying she's staying at Sams tonight and Poppy won't be home until later as she's out with Max.

Heading up stairs I decide to get ready for bed. I stare at my ceiling for a long time wondering if sleep will ever come to me. I've heard Poppy come in and go to her room obviously thinking I'm asleep already and left me to it but I can't stop worrying about loosing he guys because of what we've decided to do.

I toss and turn until I check my phone to see the time realising it's out of battery how long has it been dead?

Getting up I plug it in and get back into bed and try to remind myself that the guys are hopeful for what can happen between us.

Holding on to their hope I close my eye and finally sleep greets me.

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