
By Sly2Turnt

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46 (last chapter)


2.1K 84 20
By Sly2Turnt


"Hello," I said groggily holding my phone to my ear. I didn't mind that Ray was calling me because I know I'm not getting with her.

"Can you come over?" It sounded like she was crying and I hate when people cry.

I really shouldn't go.

"I'll be there in a minute." I sighed deeply before getting out of bed.

Kiara won't be mad if you tell her. Umm yea she will.

I put my clothes on and grabbed my duffel bag. I had fun last night but I still don't like how Kiara hasn't eaten my pussy after I ate hers.

"Sis your on tv," Chelsea said grabbing my hand and sat me on the couch.

My ass is really big. Woah.

"Awe look at my bubu." I smiled as pictures of us were shown.

I don't even watch TMZ but apparently, I'm on it. Kiara was looking cute but I was beautiful, no shade of course.  Other pictures of us were shown and I didn't mind but I look like a hot mess sometimes.

I really need to go

"Can you tell Kiara I'll see her later." I smiled as she nodded her head and I picked up my bag.

I'm not cheating, I'm not cheating, I'm not cheating.

I looked at my phone as Ray sent multiple texts to me. Ray has a couple of screws that came undone and we've always worked on that. Sometimes ray has breakdowns that last a while and she's never had medication for it.

That poor girl.

I turned my location off on my phone before coming inside Ray's house. I took my shoes off and went up to the stairs.

I stood in the middle of the hallway only to be tackled onto the wooden floor. My wrist were pinned down as tears fell on my face. I wasn't scared because I've been through this situation multiple times.

This used to be chulo.

"It's okay, I'm here." I allowed her to lay down on me even though she's twice my size.

"I'm sorry." She sobbed and I tried to get up.

"Chulo, what's wrong? You haven't cried like this in forever." I got in bed with her and she cried cuddling me.

I felt guilty for being in bed with another girl.

"I have no one to hold me!"

I kissed her head softly so she'll stop crying and it worked. Ray tries to make people happy but it comes off in a bad way.

"You're- your so happy with Kiara and I just wanted to be happy with you." She whispered and I started to feel bad.

This used to be my bubu and when we broke up I treated her poorly.

"You do make me happy, every time when you flirt with me I smile but you can't do that anymore. We can be friends and sleepover but we can't flirt cause those days are over."

Ray nodded her head while holding my waist. I kissed her forehead softly, she leaned in trying to kiss me.

This isn't supposed to happen.

"You- you can't do that," I said putting my hand in her face.

Out of pocket


She just wanna be a fast little girl.

"Stop tryna fuck." I chuckled as she grabbed my ass using both hands.

"I don't gotta try." Ray smiled in my face while pulling my pants down.

I have a girlfriend!!

"I used to fuck you just like this." Ray pinned me to the bed and got in between my legs.

"You are so annoying," I said laughing.

Kiara is my girlfriend and I love her so I will not cheat.

Ray pulled my sweatpants down and I let her. I didn't like the teasing but I had to deal with it or else I'll be naked in her bed.

BabyK😌: Can you come back, I miss you

"I have to go," I said cheerfully putting my sweatpants back on and got off her bed.

God is good

"I'll see you tomorrow." Ray kissed my cheek softly and smiled weakly.

I hope Kiara will stop doing whatever and fuck me.


"I missed you." Kiara kissed my cheek and touched my thigh.

When I came back to her house I took a shower and changed into shorts. Taking a shower really did help cause I feel less guilty now and I'm gonna tell Kiara what happened. I feel like Ray invited me over so she can fuck but I don't think she'd have a breakdown on purpose.

Is that even possible? To force a breakdown on yourself.

"Bubu, I did something bad and I promised myself that I'll always be flat out with you," I said while holding her hands.

"What happened?"

"I went to Ray's house because she was having a tough time. She tried to fuck but I told her I have a girlfriend and we can only be friends. After that you texted me and I left her house, I didn't have sex with her nothing like that."

Please don't hit me, please don't hit me.

"As long as you didn't do anything then it's whatever." Kiara shrugged while kissing my shoulders.

Wait... what?

"You're not mad?"

"You didn't cheat so why would I be mad?" Kiara picked me up bridal style and brought me to her room.

I... don't know.

"But if you do cheat I won't hesitate to shave you bald." She said looking me in the eyes.

"Jeez relax." I chuckled as she stood between my legs opening them.


Kiara took my shorts off and put them aside.


I bit my lip as she stroked my clit through my underwear using her thumb.


"Kiara, can I talk to you real quick?" Chelsea said on the other side of the door.

This bitch always fucking shit up for me.

"Maybe later?" Kiara mumbled as I shook my head.

There won't be a later because I'll be dead by then.


"You could've done this yourself," I uttered while moving Chelsea's bed to the other side of the wall.

"I know I didn't feel like it." Chelsea gave me a sincere smile and I rolled my eyes.

"Anything else?" I stood by the door waiting for an answer.

"Actually I was wondering if you could organize my closet." She opened her closet as my jaw dropped.

I want my mamas.

"I can do it tomorrow." I sighed while rubbing my neck.

"We're you busy with ya little girlfriend?" Chelsea looked me up and down as I made a stank face.

Chelsea is the reason why I can never do anything with Trinity. She's so used to having all my attention.

"All of sudden you don't like Trinity," I said crossing my arms.

"She just wants you for your money! C'mon now I can see right through her." She threw her hands in the air before sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Prove it."

Trinity does love me and not because I have money.

"Ask for her phone." She sighed heavily as I left her room.

I got back in my bed with Trinity and softly kissed her. Trinity knows when I try to soften her up but sometimes she lets it slide.

"What's up with you?" Trinity smiled as I kissed her face.

"Can I see your phone for a second?" I asked while touching her hair.

"Go ahead." She gave it to me without hesitation and I went back to Chelsea's room.

Really hope Chelsea isn't right.

"You know what to do." Chelsea hovered over my shoulder while I put my fingerprint in.

We went through notes then her social media then her messages. Trinity can text all day and talk about nothing, one time she texted me something about eating grapes through your nose... I don't know man.

"There's not a damn thing in here," I mumbled while scrolling through her messages.

Might finger myself while looking at her pictures.

"Just get out," Chelsea said pushing me out of her room.

My girlfriend isn't a scammer.


"I'm sorry." I started off while laying on her stomach touching her underwear.

"We fucked only two times and I ate you out yesterday night, why aren't I receiving anything?" Trinity blew her hair out her face.

All these interruptions making my mamas sad.

"I don't know what you want me to do,"  I said sitting up.

"It's from Chelsea! She doesn't want you with me haven't you noticed? Every time we're about to do something who calls for you? Chelsea, at the party, when I brought you upstairs and I had your attention for 2 seconds, why? Maybe cause Chelsea made us leave!" Trinity sat behind me and laid her head on my back.

"Tomorrow I'll make it up to you."

That'll never happen.

"Your manager is in love with you." She laid down on her side of the bed. "No, she's not." I chuckled lightly before laying in between her legs.

"Whatever you say."

I kissed Trinity softly while moving to her jawline. I left hickeys down her chest and slipped her nipple in my mouth. I didn't touch her where she wants me to cause she might be right about Chelsea. Then I realized Chelsea isn't gonna call for me cause I'm not trying.

"I'm sorry," I whispered while ripping her lace panties off and pulled my pants down.

I slipped my strap inside her and she gasped immediately. Before I could even thrust into her, Chelsea texted my phone. "I'm going home cause this is ridiculous." Trinity pulled herself away and got out of bed.

This can't be happening.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I tried kissing her cheek but she moved away and packed her bag. "I understand it's not your fault but you gotta think of something."

I don't know what's wrong with Chelsea but I need to figure it out and fix it. Maybe she's homesick or something.

That's the chapter folks!!

I need to do my homework

Anyway... what y'all think

I'm not proofreading of course

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