Story of Rin

By Dranonson

550 31 107

Btw, I'm a terrible title maker. (Actual description) What happened to Rin? (Pronounced like Ren but with a... More

The Terrible Start I'm Somehow Happy About
Settling Into my Terrible "New" Home
Questions Questions Questions!
Hope-san (soon to be chan)
The Beat Up
Way too many Rants
Into the Woods to Save a Knucklehead
Cover Picture
Staying Over
Art Contest.

Damn These Persistent Leaf Ninja!

47 2 17
By Dranonson

Please tell me if there are any grammar mistakes.

Picture of what Rin looks like. Imagine her with grayish silver eyes.

Chapter 3:

I was sitting in a clearing. It's been seven years since I was captured by  him. One year since I escaped. The day I did was the best day of my life.

During that year I saved an injured ferret from death.

Anyway, you probably don't wanna hear about that kinda stuff. So let's get back to the story, shall we?

I turned just in time to see a silver flash through the leaves, which means Fairy the ferret saw it too.

Although Fairy is a guy, I named him Fairy because at the time I found him, I was pretty lonely and wanted a companion. So it was kinda like a fairy granted my wish. That, and I though he was a girl at first.

Anyway, back to the story.

The silver flash caught Fairy's eyes, drawing his attention.

"I know what you want to do, but don't."

I was too late on that, seeing as how he jumps off my shoulder, landing on the ground, before bolting towards the silver flash.

You see, Fairy likes sparkling things. Whenever I save up enough money to rent an inn for the night, he'd take my weapons pouch or anything sparkly and hide it somewhere in the room. He's a bandit, I tell you. But those hands of his can come in handy in a fight from time to time. Or just in general.

I should really stop going off topic.

I sigh, running after Fairy. I swear, sometimes he knows exactly what he's doing and just does it to get on my nerves.

Running through the trees, I can see him jumping on something. As I quickly approach the object, I soon see a group of three to four people setting up camp. Or, at least they were.

When I come to a full stop by the group of people I see Fairy on one's face. I couldn't help but sigh.

I could see that there were indeed four people, two of which were laughing while the third just watched on, an irritated look on the parts of his face that you could see. Which wasn't much.

"Fairy, get off his face! It's rude to jump on people!" I yell, allowing  the laughing men the knowledge of the fact that I'm standing next to them.

The men stop laughing, looking at me in curiosity.

"Fairy, down!" I commanded the animal, holding out my arm in the process.

Fairy obliged with no hesitance, jumping onto my arm and running up my shoulder.

"I take it that this animal is yours." The man with most of his face covered stated.

The man had silver gravity defying hair. He has a mask covering half of his face and a hidden leaf headband covering his left eye. His visible eye was black. Overall, he was quite handsome.

"Yes, he is. I apologize on his behalf. He must have seen something sparkling."

Fairy turned his head to the side, as if to say that he didn't do anything wrong. My vein popped at this.

"And all I wanted to do was smoke." The man who was 'attacked' by Fairy mumbled.

This man had black hair and somewhat of a beard. He has brown(?) eyes.

"Right now wouldn't be the time to smoke anyway, Asuma. This is a stealth mission, we don't want to encounter any enemies" a third man said, eyeing me carefully. I glared in return. But I can't exactly blame him, a child alone on the middle of the woods with a giant sword on their back does seem a bit suspicious. Especially when their ferret just attacked one of their team members.

This man has brown hair and these really weird black eyes.

"Youthful Yamato is right!" A man in a green jumpsuit said. The person who I now assume to be Yamato sweat drops at the exclamation.

He had a black bowl cut and bushy eyebrows highlighting his eyes.

"Guy, a stealth mission means being quiet." The silver haired man sighed.

During this I stood there, completely forgotten. I sigh before begging to walk away, shoving my hands into my pockets.

"Halt, my youthful friend!" The man I assume to be Guy commanded.

I turn around, facing the group once more.

"Are you telling me what to do?" I question.

"In some sense, yes." The silver haired man answered.

At this I kinda snapped. I don't take well to being ordered around.


The silver haired man narrowed his eyes at me.

"I'm sorry if this insults you, but, you seem suspicious and we need to question you a bit for reassurance."

"And?" I snap, still angry at the fact that one of his teammates tried to order me around. That's a big no no.

"Where are you from?" He asks, ignoring my question.

"None of your concern." I growl, becoming annoyed with these leaf ninja. Fairy, sensing my displeasure, showed his teeth in attempt to frighten these leaf ninja.

"If you do not answer these questions with straight answers I will be forced to result to violence." The silver haired man threatens.

How dare he threaten me? I will hurt him for this.

I don't respond, waiting for his next move.

"Now, I will ask you one more time. Where are you from?"

I continue to growl, not caring if it results in a fight. If it does, however, I will run.

"Fine" the man states, getting into a fighting position.

I too, get into a fighting position.

Right as the man is about to leap at me I turn around and run, not wanting to get into a fight with four hidden leaf jonin. I have heard that they have excellent shinobi.

I bolt through the trees, knowing that they are not far behind me.

"Wait! We just want to ask a few questions!" One of them yell after me.

"I like this one! He is full of youth!" The one I can only assume to be that Guy dude says, making me sweat drop a bit. Like seriously, what's up with him and youth? Maybe he's just really old and is trying to convince himself that he's not.

Fairy snickers at his words.

"That's not funny, Fairy!" I exclaim, turning my head to yell at him.

Now, I kinda regret yelling at him, but at the same time I don't. Here, I'll explain.

I kinda don't regret this because if none of this had happened I wouldn't have met my two best friends.


I kinda regret this because right as I turn my head to look forwards again, my face collides with a really thick low hanging branch.

I fall backwards and smack the back of my head really hard against a rock.

"Ow" I murmur, staring into the now graying sky. Right as black dots started to cloud my vision, snow started to fall. I couldn't help but smile knowingly.

It snowed when he took me, it snowed when I first escaped him, and now it's snowing right as these leaf min are about to capture me. I guess you could say a new adventure just so happens to start for me whenever it snows.

I really love the snow.


Hey guys! We're getting close to the actual Naruto plot! FYI, I will not be able to update everyday, you guys just got lucky so far. Writing these chapters take a really long time, especially since I wrote these on my phone. So if I take a bit to update, don't think that it's because I forgot about you guys, but it's probably because I'm working on a pretty long chapter. I'm currently working on an updating schedule, and so far I'm thinking on publishing a chapter every Saturday and Wednesday.

So, what did you guys think on Rins complete
One eighty?

What do you guys think is gonna happen next?

Hoe so you think Rin is gonna react to being brought to the leaf village?

What do you think of Fairy?

Who do you think Rins two best friends will be? SkytauriElric and hopezuschlag , please don't answer this question cause I'm pretty sure you guys know who they will be.

Please check out SkytauriElric and hopezuschlag 's books. They are really good.

This chapter is 1434 words long.

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