Getting Noticed

By a_dolanlove

953 8 3


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
The End

Chapter 6

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By a_dolanlove

OMG meeting the boys? yes please :o that would be totally amazing :D

Chapter 6 – Harry’s P.O.V

“Niall sit still will you, now look, you’ve made me spill my tea” I know he was excited, so was I but shit, calm down. I sighed,

“I’m sorry Haz, I’m just…I wish Zayn would hurry up” he said with a pout,

Our flight was in 2 hours and we were waiting for Zayn to get back so we could leave for the airport.

“I know mate, so do I, but jumping around like that isn’t going to make him show up any faster” I told him, he grunted and made a face that I couldn’t help but laugh at.

I heard the door click and in strolled Zayn looking very happy, Niall whipped his head around and shouted “Zayn! You’re back”

“Sure am mate” he smiled “Right lads, are we ready to do this? I know Niall is” he laughed. Niall was already standing by the door with his suitcase bouncing up and down ready to go.

Louis and Liam walked in smiling with their luggage as I was grabbing mine, “So ready for this!” beamed Louis.

We headed out the door and into the van that had been waiting for us, we all piled in with Niall, Louis and I in the back and Zayn and Liam up the front. Niall started bouncing in his seat again, this guy had way too much energy.

“Niall, stop” we all said at the same time,

“Sorry guys I’m just really excited” he said and turned to Louis “Thanks again for setting this up Lou” he smiled,

“No problem Ni, anything for my boys” he said proudly and gave us all a cheeky grin.

The rest of the trip to the airport was silent apart from the occasional ‘are we there yets’ from Niall. We finally arrived, putting the poor guy out of his misery. We hopped out of the van, grabbed our luggage and headed towards the terminal. We made it just I time as the flight attendant was saying “Last call for flight 1079 to New Zealand” we gave her our boarding passes and hurried onto the plane to take our seats. I decided to get comfortable, as did the other boys, since it was a long flight. Thankfully we had no stop overs so it would be strait to New Zealand, we should be there by tomorrow night or early hours of the morning. I shoved my earphones in my ears and closed my eyes before I knew it I was asleep.

30 Hours later…

I had been in and out of sleep right throughout the entire flight, waking up to eat, drink and go to the bathroom, I chatted to the lads as well when I had the chance but they were just as groggy as I was.

“Please turn off all electronic devices and fasten your seatbelts, the plane is now making its descent. Welcome to New Zealand” voiced the flight attendant

I was so excited. I looked around at the other boys, they all looked excited with big smiles, and then there was Niall, he could barely contain himself, I couldn’t help but laugh.

After feeling the familiar bump I knew the plane had landed. It was just after 3am and I couldn’t wait to get to the hotel, I was shattered. We grabbed our bags and headed through the terminal towards the exit where the van was waiting for us to take us to the hotel. Thankfully no fans had caught wind of us arriving so the airport was clear, we all put our hoods up and quickly made our way outside and jumped into the van sitting were we all did before.

It was a surprisingly quiet ride to the hotel, Liam and Zayn were whispering to each other about Zayn’s trip with Perrie, Louis had his head resting on my shoulder fast asleep with his mouth wide open and Niall was leant against the window on his phone, stalking Steph most likely, I chuckled quietly.

We arrived at the hotel just before 4am, we all slowly piled out of the van and into the lobby and Louis quickly went to check us in and grab our room keys. We all headed up to the top floor, I said goodnight to the boys and unlocked my room. I dropped my bags and headed straight for the bed, not bothering to check out the room because I’ve stayed here before. I pulled the covers up to my face and closed my eyes, tomorrow I was finally going to meet the girl I can’t get out of my head, Chase. I smiled and drifted off in to a peaceful sleep.

Stephanie’s P.O.V

I had woken up early this morning because I was so excited and I couldn’t sleep, so much has happened this past week it’s almost overwhelming. I looked over at my beautiful bestie fast asleep, her leg hanging off the side of the bed, her arm covering her face, her mouth wide open letting out the loudest snores ever, yeah what a charmer, I laughed. That girl loved her sleep. She could sleep all day if I let her.

I grabbed my Mac and logged on to Twitter because every now and then I would get a DM from Niall. Always short messages but still, you would fangirl to if you had a DM from The Niall Horan. Still shocked the hell out of me and every time I cried. I was slowly, sort of, well not really, getting over the shock that he would send them to me. I had a new message so I opened up my inbox to find that Niall had sent yet another, my heart skipped a beat, I opened up the message;

@NiallOfficial: @StephHoran I can’t wait to meet you tomorrow =) x

What the hell, Niall can’t wait to see me. I need to hold on to something so I don’t float away. I’m in this dream that I don’t want to wake up from. I wanted to wake up Chase and scream at her but I didn’t have the heart, she looked so peaceful, I guess I’ll just fangirl on my own for now.

I gently got out of bed, careful not to wake Chase, to go and pack an overnight back. Once Chase wakes up we’re supposed to go back to her house because that’s where the limo is picking us up from. Oh my gosh a limo for fuck sake, I’m literally buzzing.

I started sifting through my clothes I needed to find something to wear for tomorrow. I wanted to look good but not over dressed like some girls would. I decided on my favourite pair of tights which had a tiger face on the front of the left leg and on the back of the right leg, my ‘KISS ME IM IRISH’ shirt that I had made for the concert we went to a month ago and my black Supra Skytops.

Feeling happy about my outfit choice, I couldn’t help it any more. I jumped on my bed to wake up Chase and yelled “WE’RE MEETING THE BOYS TOMORROW OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!”

She rolled over and groaned looking up at me, her face soften and she gave me her famous sleepy smile,

“Naww, cupcake” I smiled back at her

She sat up and rubbed her eyes looking around my room with a puzzled look “What happened in here, Did a tornado hit or something?” she croaked,

I took a quick look around, oops, I trashed my room a bit trying to find something to wear. I giggled and shrugged “Just, you know, finding something to wear for tomorrow”

She just shook her head and laughed “You’re a crazy one you know that right?” she said as she hopped out of bed

“That’s what they tell me” I grinned.

“I’m just going to jump in the shower real quick then we can head back to my place, I’m so freaking excited” she said as she skipped out of my room.

I couldn’t help but smile, she was so cute. While she was in the shower I got dressed and finished packing my bag, chucking random things in that I knew I wouldn’t need but hey you never know.

About fifteen minutes later in bounces a freshly showered Chase who was all smiles.

“Ready babe?” she asked me,

“Fucking ae I am” I said. I jumped up and grabbed my things and headed out with her to her car

I’m so ready for this!

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