
By Brentinator

18.4K 511 114

All of The Elite Force went to a party, and two members did "it" and don't remember. One was Skylar Storm, an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15


1.9K 44 11
By Brentinator

Skylar's POV.
I quickly emptied my stomach in the toilet again, groaning. This had been the fifth time this week, but I didn't seem sick at all with the exception of all of this- 'uh oh' I thought to myself, puking again. The rest of the team must've heard me, cause Bree came up to me, with a serious face as she sat down beside me.
"Sky? You ok?"
"Yeah. I've just been puking all week." I explained, finally done as I wiped my mouth off and flushed the toilet before sitting on the bed, rubbing my eyes before returning my gaze to her, and she had a pretty worried face when she said seriously.
"Sky? This might sound crazy, but maybe you should take a pregnancy test." She told me.
"Bree, I pretty much can't get pregnant. At least I don't think so. The population of my planet is genetically engineered."
"True, but at the same time, you are the only Calderian to be on earth for this long. Maybe your genetics alternated and you can get pregnant." Bree suggested.
"Fine. I'll take one test." I gave in.
"Well, you wanna take at least two, to make sure you don't get a default product." Bree explained.
"Let's just get this over with." I sighed as Bree sped out the door, coming back with a shopping bag and pulling out the packages.
"Kay, just go in there, and follow the instructions." Bree told me as I went into the bathroom and read the instructions before doing so.
"Bree, you can come in, it may take up to five minutes." I told her, unlocking the door after washing my hands. "Bree, remember the party we all went to a few weeks ago?"
Bree nodded as I continued.
"I don't really remember it, and-" I was cut off by Bree pointing at the tests as I looked at them both, gasping.
"They are both positive. Bree, I can't remember if I did "it" with either Chase or Oliver. I-I remember partying with both...who's baby is it?"

So hope you guys like this, I have another Teen pregnancy story on fanfiction which I will post on here soon, but until then, I hope you guys like this one.
So, who's baby do you think it is?
Also, if I have offended you with this book, all I wanna say is, it's fanfiction and I can write whatever I want, but that doesn't mean you have to read it, kay?
Over and out.

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