Ignorance was Bliss (Random U...

By Lauail

25.3K 1.8K 226

Truth or Dare was meant to be a bit of fun, going round to Theo's was meant to be relaxing and a time for all... More

One more
This moment right here
Just my luck
As if
Mitchell Foster
Stick skills
Dinner for one
Purple gummy worm
Does my bum look big in this?
What harm could it do?
Truth or Dare
Walk down memory lane
Feed the hangover monster
Leap of faith
Eskimo kisses
Players, ice creams and starlight
Cake and eat it too
Year to remember
Comfort Zone
You are my hero
Thursday Night
Shots anyone?
Open minded
My brain is going to explode.
I'm actually doing this?
New beginnings
Monday Morning
Girls Dinner
Shirtless Noah
Please tell me you're not naked!
What just happened there?
Home Truths
My Mitch Bubble
Together forever as one
Who's the boss?
Time with Kayden
Trust in what we have
Kisses make it better

Tickle war

553 45 4
By Lauail

"HOLLY! Where are you?" I hear someone shouting my name in a singsong voice but I can't will my eyes to open or my voice to raise any louder than a croak. "Where are you hiding holly?"

Sitting up, rubbing my eyes, I realise I'm in a bed and it's not mine. Searching around I find my phone in amongst the covers and check the time, two am? I must of fallen asleep? Looking around I slowly start to remember I'm at Theo's. I'm in one of his spare rooms, looking over the bed I find I'm by myself, with a breath of relief I start to stand up out the bed just to fall back down, woah, I must still be drunk. My eyes feel gritty and slightly swollen and I have a niggling feeling that I'm forgetting something? Have I been crying? My eyesight feels fuzzy and my throat is so dry but luckily I don't feel sick which is a bonus.

Listening to see if I can hear everyone I notice the house is a lot quieter that what it was when I came looking for the toilet. The door creaks open and I look over to see Finn poking his head in. "There you are, how you feeling?" He says walking over to the bed getting in and handing me a glass of water. I take it and quickly gulp it down, wiping my mouth and smiling at him when I notice him laughing at me, I place the glass on the bedside table. "Noah said you had came up and fell asleep so he left you and told us to let you nap but I was missing you" he tells me with his puppy dog face.

Noah was here? I nudge his shoulder and smile " thanks, I was shattered. I came up for the toilet and remember coming in here and seen the bed and thought it looked like lying on clouds so decided to lie down and must of fallen asleep" I stretch my arms up and yawn but it's cut short when I let out a squeal when Finn starts to tickle my armpits.

"No going back to sleep missy! Everyone is sleeping and I'm bored and you've slept most of the time so you have to stay awake with me!" He says continuing to tickle me. "F-Finn stop! You know how tickly I am" I start to wiggle to try and get away from him but that just causes him to hold on to me tighter.

I manage to slip one arm out of my sleeve and try to twist to get out of it to try and escape him, I get out of my shirt but it was pointless because as soon as my arms are free and I try to scoot away from him he straddles me and captures both my wrists in one hand putting them above my head and tickles my side with the other

"Finn stop! I can't breath" I say between squeals and laughs " you're going to make me start snorting stop it" but he just keeps going. "Say you'll stay with me and a'll let you go"

"A'll. stay .with. you" I say with each breath, he lets go of my wrists and I take the opportunity to retaliate but I don't have enough strength to make any impact and he starts to tickle me again "now you've done it" he laughs out. I try to tickle his armpits as I know he's can't stand that but I can't get close, I'm laughing so hard now tears are in my eyes and I feel like I'm going to pee myself, I have to try and take back control, thinking of what I can do I go for the most effective. I slide my hands down his chest and grab him by the balls.

Finn stops instantly and looks at my me " you wouldn't dare" he says breathlessly. I cock an eyebrow at him and apply the smallest amount of pressure making him squirm. "Holly, don't even think about it" he warns staring at me with his striking green eyes that catch the moonlight.

"What you going to do about it?" I ask out of breath trying to get my breathing back to normal taking deep breaths. Finn continues to stare at me and every now and then looking down at my hand. I give another tiny squeeze.

"Holly! Don't you dare! You'll make me infertile! You can't deprive the world of my amazing offspring" he shouts at me.

Laughing at him I bring my other hand to my chin and rub my chin as if deep in thought "hmmm, I wonder if I would be doing the world a favour?" I send him a flirty smile and gently squeeze,

"Holly" Finn says breathlessly. I look up laughing expecting to see his panicked face but realise that he's just staring at me and I can't seem to look away. I can't figure out the emotion in his eyes but the way he's looking at me seems to make the air in the room become warm and heavy and my whole body zings.

Finn's breathing becomes louder and I can feel my chest becoming tight and my heart starts to beat faster. Finn closes his eyes and rests his forehead on mine. I can't seem to find any words to break the tension surrounding us and just listen to his breathing hoping it will calm my own but it doesn't, it seems to make me worse. "You don't understand what that look does to me Holly" Finn whispers into the room so quietly I question whether I heard him properly.

Finn moves and sucks in a large breath which seems to break the spell I'm under. Thats when I realise I'm still cupping him and I instantly take my hand back and place it on his chest. I don't know where to look or what to say. Finn still has his forehead against mine with his eyes closed but when I place my hand on his chest I feel him shudder lightly. Is he ok? What's going on with him? Oh god I was touching... Why am I reacting this way to him?

"Finn?" I whisper and watch him open his eyes. "Are you ok?" He opens his eyes and looks at me with his kind, soft smile. Just as he's about to answer me the bedroom door swings open and Mitch runs in,

"Libby and Theo! Libby and Theo!" He chants but stops in his tracks when he notices Finn and I jump apart. Finn scoots up against the headboard and brings his knees to his chest and rests his head on them, while I scramble to sit up.

"Everything ok guys? Mitch asks raising his eyebrows at us, staring at Finn.

"Yea, we were just chatting" I say, proud that I didn't stutter. "What about Libby and Theo?"

He doesn't answer straight away and continues to look between Finn and I. His gaze shifts to me and he comes to sit on the bed. As if remembering he had something to say he claps his hands together in excitement, "oh yea! I just seen them kissing in the living room!"

"No way?!" I say slapping his arm. "I didn't know she liked him? They would be good together. She would give him a run for his money!"

"A no right! That's why I came up here to give them some space to talk and to try and find the rest of you guys. Noah is asleep next door and Kayden is passed out in the other room, I was going to share with him cause Noah always take up all the bed but Kayd keeps mumbling something about black lace panties and I'm not sharing a bed with him when he's having thoughts like that" he says making a disgusted face at us.

Finn and Mitch bursts out laughing at this. Thankful for him coming in and breaking the tension in here I laugh along with them. I wonder if he's thinking of that girl? "Well you're welcome to have this bed I'm gonna head home, it's so late and I'm amazed my mum hasn't texted or called me when she realised I didn't tell her where I am"

"She does know, Noah called her and told her we were all having a big sleepover, she was fine about it and said to tell you she will see you for dinner tomorrow cause she has a lunch meeting in the city during the day, so you're all set. Now budge over and let me in"

"I need to pee first" I say and get up for the bathroom. Surprisingly I was a lot more steady on my feet when I stood up and headed out to the toilet.

One I had finished I washed my hands and put my hair up and headed back to the room.

"What were you two doing" Mitch whispered

"Nothing I was tickling her cause she was trying to go to sleep, that's all then you walked in" Finn answered sounding exasperated.

"Sure didn't look like nothing" Mitch says accusingly

"Well it was now drop it" Finn says sounding tired.

I walk in and they both look over to the door when I walk in, "hey" I say. They have stripped off to their boxers and are sitting on top of the covers. Realising I would be roasting in all my clothes I go over to the drawers to see if I could find anything to wear to bed but they don't have anything in them. Huffing I turn around and pick up Finn's green polo shirt, he has the broadest shoulders and was taller than Mitch so I thought it would fit me better out the two of them. Pointing to the tshirt "do you mind if I wear this? If we're all sharing the bed I will be too hot with all my clothes on." He just stares at me and I can see his adam's apple move up and down when he gulps.

"S-sure" Finn says with a tight smile. I look to Mitch to see if he's ok with it and he just nods with wide eyes. "Thanks" I smile.

I take off my vest top and slip the green top on, it comes to just above my knee which should be long enough if I don't wriggle around too much. I slip off my jeans and socks and head over to the bed. Both boys seem to be frozen, a girl could get a complex with how they're acting! I need to nudge Mitch to get him to realise that I want to get it in. He steps out and ushers me into the middle and follows in behind me. Lying on my back in stare at the ceiling. Grabbing each boys hand I give them a squeeze.

"Night guys" I say

"Night Christmas" Mitch says bringing my hand up to his mouth giving it a kiss.

"Night Hols" Finn says giving my hand a tight squeeze and begins to trace pattern on my hand. this is how I fall asleep, nestled in between two of my friends feeling cozy and content.


Hey everyone!

Thanks for continuing to read!

What has Holly gotten herself in to? I can't wait to see how things play out.

Let me know what you think and what your theories are :)

Thanks for reading xx

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