The Guide to the Protector (A...

By AJDiesInside

35K 1.8K 1.5K

[DISCONTINUED] --- "уσυя σηє αη∂ σηℓу נσв ιѕ тσ вє тнєιя gυι∂є αη∂ ησтнιηg єℓѕє." "уєѕ, мαѕтєя." --- All my l... More

{Part 1} |ChApTeR oNe| Bravery
|ChApTeR tWo| Japan
|ChApTeR fOuR| Wonder
|ChApTeR FiVe| Option
|ChApTeR SiX| Chance
|ChApTeR sEvEN| Prussia
|ChApTeR EiGhT| Insanity
|ChApTeR NiNe| Insanity (Part Two)
|ChApTeR tEN| Accept
|ChApTeR EleVeN| Help
|ChApTeR tWeLvE| Another Color (2K Reads!)
|ChApTeR ThiRtEEN| Savior
|ChApTeR fOuRtEeN| Newcomers
|ChApTeR FiFtEeN| Meeting
A/N+Polls (Please read!)
|ChApTeR SiXtEeN| Memories (3K Reads!)
|ChApTeR sEvEnTeEN| Piano Room
|ChApTeR EiGhTeEn| Piano Room (Part Two) (4K Reads!)
|ChApTeR niNeTeEn| Lie
|ChApTeR TwEnTy| Past
|ChApTeR TwEnTy oNe| Reunited
|ChApTeR TwEnTy tWo| Want Versus Need
A/N+Polls 2
|ChApTeR TwEnTy tHREE| Present
|ChApTeR TwEnTy fOuR| Answer
|ChApTeR TwEnTy FiVe| Faith
|ChApTeR TwEnTy SiX| Refuge
|ChApTeR TwEnTy sEvEN| Italy's Plan (5K Reads)
|ChApTeR TwEnTy EiGhT| Regret
|ChApTeR TwEnTy NiNe| Regret (Part Two)
|ChApTeR tHiRtY| Italy's Condition
|ChApTeR tHiRtY oNe| Stubborn Albino
|ChApTeR tHiRtY tWo| Trust
A/N+Polls 3
6K Special-Little Red Riding Hood AU [Pt 1]
6K Special-Little Red Riding Hood AU [Pt 2]
6K Special-Police/Assassin AU [Oneshot]
6K Special-Fantasy/Medieval AU [Pt 1]
6K Special-Fantasy/Medieval AU [Pt 2]
6K Special-Fantasy/Medieval AU [Pt 3]
7K Special-Wizard of Oz AU [Pt 1]
7K Special-Wizard of Oz AU [Pt 2]
7K Special-Wizard of Oz AU [Pt 3]
7K Special-Wonderland AU [Pt 1]
7K Special-Wonderland AU [Pt 2]
7K Special-Wonderland AU [Pt 3]
|ChApTeR tHiRtY tHREE| Fearing Love (8K Reads)
A/N+Polls 4
|ChApTeR tHiRtY fOuR| Missing Her
|ChApTeR tHiRtY FiVe| Finding Her
A/N+Polls 5
|ChApTeR tHiRtY SiX| Saving Her (9K Reads)
A/N+Polls 6
|ChApTeR tHiRtY sEvEn| Saving Her (Part Two) (9K Reads)
|ChApTeR tHiRtY EiGhT| Saving Her (Part Three) (9K Reads)
10K+11K Reads Special-Shoutouts+Q/A
|ChApTeR tHiRtY NiNe| Saving Her (Part Four) (9K Reads)
A/N 7
To My Dear Readers ||UPDATED||
|ChApTeR FoRtY| Belong
|ChApTeR FoRtY oNe| Love-Hate
|ChApTeR FoRtY tWo| Selfless
A/N 8
|ChApTeR FoRtY tHREE| Look Around
|ChApTeR FoRtY fOuR| All Un-Alone
A/N 9 (Please read!)
|ChApTeR FoRtY FiVe| Haunted (Part One)
|ChApTeR FoRtY SiX| Haunted (Part Two)
|ChApTeR FoRtY sEvEn| Haunted (Part Three)
A/N 11-Tag+Update
I'm Back
|ChApTeR FoRtY EiGhT| Just A Guide
|ChApTeR FoRtY NiNe| Forever A Protector
|ChApTeR FiFtY| The End
-Book 2 Preview/Trailer-
{Part 2} |ChApTeR FiFtY oNe| The Beginning

|ChApTeR tHREE| Mystery

1K 43 38
By AJDiesInside

(A/N: Only chapter three and I already have more than 100 reads?! Whoa! Thanks, grazie, merci, danke, arigato, gracias and whatever else kinda thank yous there are in other languages XD So I know everything seems really weird and confusing, but I like cliffhangers and sometimes accidentally making the plot really mind twisting and angsty because I'm just that kind of author >o< So enjoy Chapter Three because I'll be focusing on this fanfic a lot~!)


"It is the dim haze of mystery that adds enchantment to pursuit."

-Antoine Rivarol

|Reader's POV|

As we continued looking through the halls, all we unfortunately came across was a bunch of locked doors.

"Maybe we should split up and look some more?" I suggested, looking to Japan. He shook his head.

"Perhaps it would be wiser and safer if we stayed together. In case that thing comes again. Do you have some sort of weapon by the way, (Name)?"

"Uh, no...Wait have you seen some sort of sword around?"

"Other than mine? No...I don't think so."

I frowned in confusion. Was that sword real? Well it had to be if I was able to damage that monster and protect that guy from before.

I tried another door, which ended up open. "Over here!" I called to Japan, who followed me into the room. It reminded me of the room I woke up in before, hosting a similar bed with green sheets. I looked through some wooden drawers and saw Japan approach a curtain that hung off a wall, thinking maybe there was a window or something.

"So Japan did you find anything?" I asked, my eyes still glued onto the drawers.


I closed a drawer and turned to see him with a surprised expression on his face, a hand clutched on the grip of his katana. He backed up, but stopped.

An extremely tall man with blonde hair slicked back, sharp blue eyes and a green military uniform appeared from behind the curtain.

"G... Germany!" Japan exclaimed, his hand relaxing and his expression going back to its original calmness. Now that I thought about it, his description of one of the friends he was looking for did describe him perfectly.




Such a familiar name.

Germany did not answer.


I examined him more carefully, and saw him shaking furiously, his expression filled with horror.

"... Germany, where are the others?"


"You look... shaken."

I rolled my eyes. This guy. Like seriously, no duh Sherlock! What are you, a deaf detective?!

"We'll go get you something to drink." Japan said and walked out the room. I reluctantly followed him out the door.

" where do you think we're going to find water in a place like this?"

Japan eyed me carefully and pursed his lips. "There's a place I stopped by before..."



We stood looking down at a toilet.

"Well...This IS water too."

"Are you trying to poison Germany or something?"

"It's just an observation!" Japan protested and I laughed.

I followed him to the sink. "Maybe I can get water here? Ah, thank God. It doesn't seem to be broken."

>Obtained Water?<

That floating sign again. Now I know I am definitely going insane. I looked to Japan, tempted to tell him, but I didn't want to tell a stranger about my problems so I just brushed it off.

We walked in silence back towards the room Germany was in until Japan decided to break it.

"(Name) really don't remember anything other than your name?"

"Yeah...I know it sounds weird but it's like..." I waved my hands wildly in attempt to show what I meant. "Weird things are happening. I feel like I'm supposed to remember something, like memory but when I try to it just...disappears. Like no matter how hard I try I can't remember my memories." I frowned, letting my arms drape along my sides as I realized that my situation actually sounds pretty pitiful.

"Oh, (Name)..." Japan looked at me sadly. "That's okay. I'm sure you'll get your memories back somehow. I'm sorry for pushing you."

"Ehh, it's fine, it's fine." I waved my hand and forced myself to muster a smile. "I hope I will." I laced my fingers nervously, then decided it would be best to change the subject. "So! Who's Germany?"

"My ally. Well, also my friend, I suppose."

"And the rest of the people you're looking for?"

"The one with white hair and red eyes is Germany's brother, his name is Prussia. And my friend is Italy, the one with auburn hair and amber eyes."

"Italy." I repeat his name, which felt so natural coming out of my mouth.

"Hai. The one you claimed you saw before?"


"Can you tell me how you got here?"

I scratched the back of my head. "Haha...funny story. I woke up, kinda like from a dream, in this kitchen and I didn't remember anything about me at all so I panicked and broke a plate. Then I ran behind a bookcase when I heard someone coming...and that someone ended up to be you, Japan. I approached you and tried to talk to you, but for some reason you couldn't hear me. Like I was invisible. So I heard sounds in the hall and I obviously went to investigate and saw that monster about to...well, kill Italy I guess. And uh..." I thought of ways to change up the story a bit, since I was still hesitant on telling Japan, this guy I just met, everything. "I told Italy to run and as I was going to follow him, that alien monster thing threw me against a wall."

"And then I found you." Japan concluded, a thoughtful expression on his face. He frowned in confusion and asked the question I prayed he wouldn't ask. "Why was your hand burned?"

I gulped and spouted out the best realistic lie I randomly thought of. "Um, I accidentally touched the monster and it turns out whatever he's made of can burn you."

"Oh...I see. I guess you'd want to know about my story." He said and glanced at me. I mentally sighed in relief, glad he bought my lie. Then I realized that he didn't tell me how he got here.

"Yes, how did you end up here in the first place?"

"'s a long story before that, but Germany, Italy, Prussia and I decided to meet up at this mansion with another group of our...friends. We arrived first and decided to look around for a little until we heard a crashing noise."

"The plate."

"Correct. So I went to investigate and when I came back, they were all gone and you were lying near the wall. I fortunately defeated the monster and I brought you to the first room I found that wasn't locked."

"Oh." I looked down at the floor, then back at him with a sheepish smile. "Thanks, Japan. Sorry for the trouble."

"You're very welcome, (Name)." He returned my smile with a small, but reserved and soft one.

I followed him into the room where Germany was. The tall man stood in front of the curtain.

"Germany, I brought you some water. Drink it, and try to calm down a little. Here. It's not filtered water though..."

"...Is that...really water?"

"Judging by its color...probably..."

"I see... Anyway, sorry for falling apart like that. I feel much better now thanks to you..." He paused and looked at me with a small frown. "Oh, I didn't notice you over there."

"H-Hello." I awkwardly said, just a little intimidated from how hella tall he was. I mean, though he seemed much calmer now, there was a sharpness in his blue eyes that felt uncomfortably when pinned onto me.

He walked over to me, making me flinch slightly. He then bent his knees a bit so he was at my eye level.

"Hallo there. W-What's your name?" He said very quietly, actually looking a bit nervous just talking to me. He spoke so softly, like he was afraid he was going to scare me off just by talking too loud.

I composed myself and waved happily, smiling at him. "Hi, I'm (Name)! And you must be Germany?"


I raised an eyebrow. "You seem nervous."

"Ah..." Germany scratched the back of his neck and huffed. "Ja...I'm not good at talking to a frau...or any frau in general."


"It means woman in German."

"Ohh!" I exclaimed in realization, then pursed my lips, thinking. I smiled. "Can you talk to children then?"

"Well...ja, I find it easier."

"Then think of me as one!"


I giggled and spread my arms. "Just think of me as a kid! I'm shorter than you anyway. Then it'll be easier to talk to me, right?"

"That's true." Germany smiled ever so slightly and straightened up. I actually wasn't too intimidated because he wasn't scary looking at all with that barely visible smile.

"So, you're a friend of Japan's?" I asked, glancing at Japan, who was busy looking around the room.

"Ja, you can say that. Allies, really."

"Oh good. So there's these two people Japan's looking for...hmm, how did he describe them again...uh, one had auburn hair and amber eyes, and the other had white hair and red eyes."

"Of course. One of them's my f...friend and the other is my brother."

"Your brother? That's nice."

"There's nothing useful in this room." Japan reported, walking toward us, then nodding to Germany. "So where are the others?"

"I'm... not sure. At any rate, we ran for our lives... And those two went in different directions... I think. Sorry, just... give me a moment to pull myself together."

"All right. I'll go look for those two. Try to get some rest."

"Sorry...Oh, by the way, I found this when I was running. Maybe it can be of some use to you?" He said and retrieved a key from his pocket, handing it to Japan.

>Obtained Key from Germany<

'Okay since I know I'm crazy, I'm genuinely curious...what really is that sign that always pops up?'


When I snapped out of my thoughts, Germany was gone behind the curtain and Japan was looking at me.

"Is something wrong? You keep spacing out like that."

"It's...nothing. So more exploring?" I changed the subject. "We need to find out which door that key opens."

"Hai. Shall we go?"

"I'm ready when you are~!" I declared joyfully and trailed behind him as he walked out the door. I turned my head, glancing over my shoulder and looking curiously at the curtain.

'What's Germany doing there? He seemed perfectly fine before...'

I lightly smacked my head. "All this thinking is gonna drive me nuts..."

"What was that (Name)?"

"Nothing, nothing. And hey, slow down!"

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