Enticing (Harry Styles AU) #W...

By NatalyCanez

440K 13.9K 4.6K

They were like Romeo and Juliet; fated to fall in love or maybe...just fated to fall. Cover made by: @JonasKr... More

Introduction/ Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
*The Fanfiction Awards 2016*
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Important Questions!
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Playlist and Song Suggestions
Thoughts and Important Info
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
I Need To Say This
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69.
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
The End
The Fanfiction Awards 2018

Chapter 50

3.6K 120 33
By NatalyCanez

Ryder's POV

These last few weeks have been really busy for me after I turned in my article of all the pictures I took for project what's your magic? I also posted a few pictures on my Instagram while hash tagging the project name in it's description, and I was very surprised to see so many positive feed back. As a result, the Lancome company took notice and asked if I could partner with them to spread more positivity through a commercial for their new collection coming this season. When I got the news I was ecstatic and I cried in front of my dad like I never have before.

"Ryder, can you come in here please!" Hannah calls out from my father's kitchen.

Harry and I were in the living room, looking back on a few of my pictures from when I was in high school.

"Coming!" I reply shutting the photo album before standing up from the couch. Grabbing Harry's hand I lead us over to the kitchen where my whole family was gathered around by the counter and kitchen island.

"What's going on?" I ask, slightly nervous at them all looking at me.

"Well as you know our little brunch together was not just a causal hangout." Hannah says stepping around the counter and my eyes flicker over to a folded white card in her hands.

"What do you mean?" I mutter, confused.

"It's a celebration." She smiles, giving me a very less detailed answer than what I wanted.

"A celebration for what?" I press.

"Well the project we just made has sparked a lot of attention but also the attention of an amazing brand. They liked the positive vibe you were sending out and they were wondering if you would like to be the new face for one of their adverts for their upcoming collection."

"What? W-what brand?" I mutter, blinking at her.

Really? Me?

"Lancome." She replies in a sweet tone, her eyes shining softly at me.

"You're joking." I gape at her. She giggles.

"No. I'm not." She says handing me over the piece of paper she was holding in her hands. I release Harry's hand and take it from her, quickly unfolding it, to look at it's contents.

"If you agree, they want to set up a little shooting and in a few weeks when it is done you will be asked to attend the event in Paris." She says briefing me on what the letter says in my hands. I am glad because my mind is whirling, not allowing me to focus on a single word on the page.

"Congratulations, Ry." Hannah says giving me a wide smile as I glance up at her and she steps forward wrapping her arms around me.

Am I dreaming? This surely can not be real.

Tears well in my eyes as every one gives me a brief hug and once Martha, my step mom, releases me Harry pulls me to his side.

"Congratulations baby." He says pressing a kiss into my hair as I wrap my arm around his torso. When my eyes flicker up they fall on my dad, who is standing a few feet away dressed in blue jeans and a grey shirt while leaning against the counter. His arms were crossed over his chest, as he looks at me with a proud smile and teary eyes. My heart melts at the sight of him and I immediately release Harry and rush my way over to my dad, wrapping my arms around him tightly.

My dad stays still for a few seconds, shocked at my sudden warmth to him knowing that I have not been this way with him before, especially in front of so many people.

"I love you daddy." I whimper, as tears run down my face.

"I love you and I am very very proud to have you as my daughter."

"You better message me," I say to Harry as we wait by the gate for my flight and Hannah's to be called. Shawn is coming with us but unfortunately my man couldn't come due to his work.

"I will." Harry smiles, placing his hands on my upper arms and pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"All passenger for flight to Paris, France please proceed to your gate." A women announces through out the speakers.

"Have a safe flight baby." Harry mutters grasping my face to brush his thumbs over my cheeks before pressing his lips to mine.

Harry's POV

"I'm sorry you couldn't go with her." James apologizes as we step into the meeting room.

"It's okay." I reply. "So what did you want to show me?"

"Well it's not something I can show you really, it's more of something to tell you." He replies shutting the door before walking over to join me at the table.

"What is it?" I frown as I sit down.

"I was thinking about the man who followed you and my daughter a while back and I couldn't help but wonder how the hell he even knew were the two of you were." He says, his brows slightly furrowed over his eyes.

"Well he was one of The Sinister's men wasn't he? I mean you and I both know he has been on my tail for a very long time."

"Yeah but I don't know..." He trails, unsurely, his elbow resting on the table with his cheek in his balm while his eyes look down at the table.

"Speaking of The Sinister, his activities have been quite scarce lately. Do you think he has stopped?"

I let out a laugh. "Yeah right, that man doesn't know what scarper is even if he looked it up in a dictionary."

"Which has me thinking that we are missing a great deal." James says putting his arm down and leaning back in his chair."He is clearly planning things out and the fact that one of his men were following you isn't a good sign."

"I just wish I knew what he was after and why he has to kill so many people to get it." He adds.

"Yeah me too." I agree. "I bet all of the signs are there we just aren't looking at them properly. We need to refresh over all of the victims files and try to look at any small possibility for connections." James sighs, running a hand though his hair.

"I'm just glad that Ryder is far away from here and safe." I mutter.

"Yeah." He nods.

"So...when are you going to tell her the truth?" He mutters, looking up from a random spot on the table to me.

His question catches me off guard, unbalancing my thoughts for a little.

"Soon." I nod. "I just hope nothing happens before it's too late."

Ryder's POV

After a long day off meetings and a bit of sight seeing, I was finally allowed to just sit back and relax. I was sitting on a lounge chair by the pool of the four star hotel we were staying at. Hannah had left about ten minutes ago because she had to go make a call about tomorrow.

It's so beautiful here and I wish Harry was here to share this experience with me but I am very proud to see him working so hard.
To distract myself, once my mind was far too consumed in my emotions of missing Harry, I took out my phone to take a picture.

Long day of meetings. Relaxing for a long but very exciting day tomorrow.

I post the picture and decide its best to go up to my room and have a shower.

Harry's POV

I turn on the lamp on my beside table, the light slowly enlightening the empty room. The house seems so vacant without Ryder here but it doesn't make me too sad because I know she is out there in the world doing what she loves.

Once I was changed, I climb into bed and decided to watch a bit of television before going to sleep. Niall had asked me earlier if I wanted to go and join him for a few drinks but I refused.

As my mind was finally distracted from the absence of my princess, I hear my phone ping. Reaching over, I grab it off the table and unlock the screen seeing a new notification that Ryder has posted a new photo. Smiling, I click on it and the screen displays a beautiful picture of Ryder laying by the pool, her faint freckles on full display by the absence of makeup. Exiting out of the picture, I move over to my messages and begin to type.

To: Ryder

Looking beautiful as ever darling. Our bed is lonely without you. I have been submitted to watching television because I know if I read our very much adored novel, of R and J, my thoughts will be filled by memories of you. I miss you. Xx

From: Ryder
Aww:) :) I miss you too! I love you!!!! Xoxo

To: Ryder
I love thee more xx

Ryder's POV

"Ah, I am so nervous!" I say as I knit my fingers together. Hannah and I were in the dressing room waiting for the event to start, while Shawn was out and about somewhere else.

"Awe babe don't be. This should be fun for you." Hannah says, as the hair stylist finishes applying hairspray to my hair.

"Hey is Ryder done yet?" I hear Shawn ask. I glance over my shoulder still sitting in the chair in front of the vanity mirror.

"Yeah, why?" I ask, standing up from my seat, my bracelets jingling together on my wrist.

"Because there is someone here who really wants to see you." He says standing by the entry way of the door, his grey suit perfectly ironed and tailored to his tall body.

"Really?" I smile glancing over at Hannah. "One of my fans are here?"

It's strange to call them fans because they are more like my friends. They are the reason that all of this is possible and I love them dearly.

"You're biggest fan." Shawn corrects.

"Now, come on." He adds waving me over to him. I follow Shawn out of the room to the hallway, with Hannah right behind me.

"In here." Shawn says gesturing into a room a few doors down from where we were. I give him a nod and step past him.

"Hi." I smile as I turn to walk into the room. "It's nice to-" I stop when I glance up, my eyes widening, seeing Harry sitting on one of the small grey couches.

"Oh my God!" I say quickly exiting back out of the room, my hands covering my shocked expression as the few people around us laughed at my reaction.

"Hey, where are you going?" Harry asks while letting out a laugh as I look at Hannah with wide eyes.

"H-how? When did he-"

"Go hug your man!" She exclaims, with a wide smile as she turns me around before giving me a gentle push back into the room.

I move my attention back onto Harry, who was briefly talking to Shawn who had joined him as soon as I left the room. Walking over, I cover my stupid smile with my hand as Harry turns his head and looks at me before a smile spreads across his face as he steps forward and wraps his arms around me.

"I can't believe you're here." I say in his ear as he pressed me to him, picking me up off the floor.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world." He replies setting me down and I smile, brushing a tear off my cheek that managed to escape.

"Don't cry my love." He says shaking his head before grasping my face, leaning down pressing a kiss on my lips. Right after Harry releases me I wrap both of my arms around his torso, nuzzling I to his chest before looking over at Hannah and Shawn.

"Who's idea was this?"

"Mine." Shawn says with a pleased smile, briefly holding his hand up as his other arm wraps around Hannah's waist.

"I love you." I emphasize as a reply with a wide grin. Turning my head, I look up and Harry is already looking at me, a smile still pulled on his lips while his eyes looked soft and loving down at me. I bite my bottom lip before I move and stand on my toes pressing my lips to his.

This night is going to be perfect.

Author's Note:

Hey loves! Sorry if this update was not all that great. Today was not such a good day, I've been feeling very bad with my anxiety and a few personal things but I didn't want to let you all down so I wrote this. I might double update so keep your eyes open. I love you all so much and thank you for all of the support you all have given me. I love you all, truly. Xoxoxox

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