How I Ended Up In Middle Eart...

By MsElijahWood

72.9K 1.2K 293

18 year old Alice Graham is an avid Lord of The Rings fan. She saw every midnight showing, ripped every artic... More

How I Ended Up In Middle Earth. (LOTR Fan Fic)
Chapter 2 HIEUIME (How I ended up in Middle Earth)
Chapter 4 HIEUIME
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 The Two Towers!
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
The Return of the King (Chapter 35)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49 (The Final Chapter
A Memoir

Chapter 3 HIUEIME

3.2K 73 14
By MsElijahWood

"Alice, Someone would like to meet you." Gandalf said cheerily. I walked away from the mess of poles and sheets. Poor Sam. Imagine how horrible he must feel with me here.

"What? Someone wants to meet me?" I thought through the whole movie and could not come up with a reasonable answer. The only one was Frodo, but I knew that he would not be coming out of the room any time soon. So as I walked over to where Gandalf was standing.

"Yes. Some one does. I think you would be pleased to meet him." He said. So I stood in wait. I heard a door open and feet come down the steps.  

"My, My my. Frodo was telling me that you had been here. Oh, I've already heard so much about you. Frodo will adore you." An older Hobbit came up to me. I recognized him. We was Bilbo Baggins. Frodo's Uncle, but was a like a father to him.

"Why...thank you? I'm glad you think that." I smiled as politely as I could. I was in the presence of the person who first found the ring and brought it upon himself and Frodo to bring to Mordor.

"I do hope that you will be attending our party. We have not had a visitor this....grand in over a century!" Bilbo exclaimed. I smiled. Just talking to him made me smile. He was such a very nice person.

"Yes. Of course I will. Although, I hope that you do not mind my outfit." I looked down at the yellow dress.

"Oh that will be fine! It fits you very well. I hope that you will be staying with us a long time. Gandalf seems to be very fond of you." As Bilbo was said that, I realized that tonight was the night Bilbo was supposed to give up the Ring and pass it onto Frodo. He was also supposed to leave Bag End. This is why he didn't me to leave. Gandalf will be too involved trying to figure out who I am.

"I will stay as long as I can. Bag End is a very quaint place."

"Well, that's good to know. I hope you enjoy it here. I cannot wait to see you at the party." Bilbo said, as he hopped up the stairs. I smiled. This place was so nice. 

"It looks like you enjoyed the company of Bilbo Baggins. Would you like to go back to your Hobbit Hole?" He asked. I was confused.

"I do not have a Hobbit Hole."

"The place you waked your Hobbit hole. I do hope you remember the way." He said. Luckily, that was the only place I remembered. 

"Okay. I will see you tonight. Have a good afternoon." I called after him. He had already left. 

I walked on my way. I thought to myself: "I have my own Hobbit Hole! How exciting is that!" I smiled at that thought. When I reached the cute place, I opened the door. Before the place had almost been bare. Now there was a full cupboard of clothes and food. Cute Potted plants and empty vases. I sat on the quilted bed and waited for the arrival of the party. 

Ten minutes til the big moment, Merry and Pippin walk in. 

"We are here to escort you to your destination. Gandalf wants you to arrive early with the other close patrons like ourselves." Merry said with grace.

"Well then, let's not hold back. I'm very excited to meet Frodo. He seems like a nice person." I said.

"Don't get your hopes up. He could be worse." Pippin said. I shot a look at him. "Just kidding. Come on. Like you said, let's not be late." We exited the door and walked to Frodo and Bilbo's house, where in the back, the party was going to be held. 

"How do you know the way Alice?" Merry asked me.

"In my world, this land is the main point of a move plot. So I do know some of my way around. See! Here we are!" As we came to the gate, Pippin ran to open it. "Thank you." I said. The back looked magnificent! The party decorations looked wonderful and the tables were set to a tee. As we entered, I saw Sam already sitting at the table. He turned to see who it was and stood up. He rushed his little self over to us as fast as he could.

"You brought her! Why? I thought that she was to stay until tomorrow!" He looked so angered for a nice little gardener.

"Gandalf said to. So don't get your knickers in a bunch!" Merry raised his voice. 

"Everyone calm down. Sam, I ordered Merry and Pippin to bring Alice here." Gandalf walked over to us. "Now seat yourself. Everyone else will be arriving soon." We found a table near the Hill and sat ourselves down. Soon people started to arrive and the sun began to set. Soon, everyone began to hush. Bilbo and Frodo entered. They talked a while and then let the festivities begin. I caught a glimpse of  Frodo, sitting there on the hill. Bilbo had gotten him up and ushered him to the dance floor. I sat in awe and watched everyone dance. I sighed.

"Whatcha sighing at Alice?" Merry asked.

"Oh! I was just watching everyone dance and...." I trailed off.

"Well go on out there! Frodo's out there. He's been wanting to meet you. Go!" As he said this, he pushed me out to the dance floor. I was inserted into a wave of people. Not knowing where I was going, I spun into someone. With the grace of whoever that was, they turned my horrible spin into a dance. I turned to see who it was. I stared into the face of Frodo Baggins. He took my breath away. His perfect brown hair framed his rosy face. His blue eyes glittered like the Ocean. He was beautiful. "You must be Alice. The newcomer. I have heard much about you. It is all very true, as I can see now." He smiled. I blushed and looked away.

"You must be Frodo Baggins." Was all that I could get out of my mouth.

"Yes. How has your stay been here in Bag End?" He asked.

"Very well thank you. Most of the people I have met, seem to like me."

"I know. Merry and Pippin told me about the stories you told the children." He smiled and his eyes got brighter.

"Uh-huh. They were so adorable and nice. Might I say! You are a wonderful dancer." I told him.

"Thank you. As yourself. Would you like to sit down for a while?" He asked politely.

"Yes! I would love to." He walked me over to a table near the edge of the party.

"Even though that dress is the only thing we had, it looks quite ravishing on you." He smiled and blushed himself.

"Thank you! i've been getting that all day from Merry and Pippin. They are quite a handle." I said. As we were talking, a small girl walked over. She had a flower crown in her hand.

"This is for you. I made it myself." She shyly handed me the flower crown. I place it on my head. "You look pretty, miss."

"Thank you. You are very talented girl." I told her. She laughed and ran off. I wore the crown and Frodo perked up a bit.

"Quite adorable. She is one of the quietest kids here on Bag End. But as you were saying, Merry and Pippin. You should see them when they are drunk and high." I laughed. I was surprised to hear myself laugh. I hadn't since I arrived. This was a new start.


As the party drew near, I could not stand to stay in my room any longer.

"Bilbo, may I go out in the backyard? I am getting quite bored." I said.

"Actually the party has just begun. Come out with me." We walked out the back of the door. There was a wave of people. I stood near Bilbo. He began a speech and everyone cheered. I smiled and watched on. Every so often, I would look into the waves of people. I didn't see anyone that was out of place.

"Don't worry son. You'll get your chance to see her after the speech. I'm almost done." Bilbo whispered into my ear. I nodded my head. Hopefully, Bilbo would be done soon.

"Now!!!! Let the festivities begin!!!!!!" Everyone cheered and I headed down to where most of the Hobbits were dancing. I began to dance by myself, hoping that Alice would come down and dance. As I was dancing, something bumped into me. I turned around and saw a girl. I felt sorry for her and began to turn her clumsy spin into a dance. As she turned towards me, I saw who she was. She had beautiful brown hair with yellow highlights. Her eyes were as green as the sea foam. The yellow dress she wore complimented her eyes and flowed around her effortlessly. She looked embarrassed.  

"You must be Alice. The newcomer. I have heard much about you. It is all very true, as I can see now." I said as I smiled. She blushed

"You must be Frodo Baggins." When I heard her speak, her voice lit up the floor.

"Yes. How has your stay been here in Bag End?" I inquired about her stay in our small little town.

"Very well thank you. Most of the people I have met, seem to like me."

"I know. Merry and Pippin told me about the stories you told the children." I smiled. Merry and Pippin had informed me that she was wonderful with the small children. That was always a good sign. 

"Uh-huh. They were so adorable and nice. Might I say! You are a wonderful dancer." She told me. I was flattered.

"Thank you. As yourself. Would you like to sit down for a while?" I asked her kindly.

"Yes! I would love to." We walked over to the edge of the party, where we could get a good view.

"Even though that dress is the only thing we had, it looks quite ravishing on you." I told her. Then I felt, my face get hot. 

"Thank you! i've been getting that all day from Merry and Pippin. They are quite a handle." She said. As we were talking, a small girl walked over. She had a flower crown in her hand.

"This is for you. I made it myself." She shyly handed Alice the flower crown. She placed it on her head. "You look pretty, miss."

"Thank you. You are very talented girl." Alice told her. She laughed and ran off. As she put the floral crown on her, it was like she was illuminated with a light. Everything about her seemed much more pure sand natural.

"Quite adorable. She is one of the quietest kids here on Bag End. But as you were saying, Merry and Pippin. You should see them when they are drunk and high." I told her. She laughed and I perked up. Her laugh was like....nothing I had ever heard before. I knew that she was here for a reason....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ALICE GRAHAM

As Frodo and I talked as the night went on, we learned much more about ourselves. He likes adventures, but has never gone on any. I wanted to say something about that. Like, "Trust me,you will get an adventure, but it won't be as fun as you think. people will try to kill you." But I didn't say that. I also noticed that Bilbo had not yet disappeared. As for Gandalf, he was watching Frodo and I talk. 

"Listen, know that you come from another world and are planning to go back someday, but tonight, I learned is. I feel like you were placed her for a reason would be nice if you stayed." He said. Now this was a dilemma. Back home, my parents would be worried about me. But naturally during this season, the mini-plague would come to wipe out some of the people far out east like me and my family. Deserting them would be mean, but sparing a life would be necessary. I was conflicted. This was a escape from everyday life. This was also a dream. I could save lives...and Frodo Baggins loves me!!!!

"Yes. Frodo. I will stay. But I hope you know my years are limited. I do not grow old like you. So I can only stay here 67 more years." I could see the look on his face. It went from a smile to a worried frown. 

"I must think about what to do. I have never met anyone like you in my whole entire life. I will find a way for you to age like we do." He said. Just then, Merry and Pippin came over.

"Frodo, we were wonderin' if we could take Alice away for a second?" They asked.  

"Oh....uh. Yes. Go ahead. Alice, we will figure this out. Don't worry." Frodo said as Merry and Pippin dragged me away from my one true love.

~~~~~~~~~~~FRODO BAGGINS

We sat down and began to talk. I learned more and more about Alice and I fell in love with her. I had read fairy tales and Bilbo had told me some. They were about experiencing love at first sight. I was feeling that. So i got up the courage to ask her a big question.

"Listen, know that you come from another world and are planning to go back someday, but tonight, I learned is. I feel like you were placed her for a reason would be nice if you stayed." I told her. She looked at me with complete awe. She was silent for a second and then began to speak.

"Yes. Frodo. I will stay. But I hope you know my years are limited. I do not grow old like you. So I can only stay here 67 more years." That was a comforting answer. But then she told me that she did not stay alive as long as us Hobbits do. 

"I must think about what to do. I have never met anyone like you in my whole entire life. I will find a way for you to age like we do." She smiled. Then Merry and Pippin came over. They were stumbling about. 

"We were wondering of we could take Alice away from you for a couple?" They asked. I needed to think about how to keep here youthful here, so I said yes. As the took her away, I could see that she did not want to leave. I smiled and shrugged. She smiled at me and turned back to the guys. As I sat, pondering how to keep her young, Gandalf walked over. Maybe he would know how to keep her.

"Gandalf, I have come up with a conflict." I told him.

"Do not worry. As for, I saw that in the mirror water also. The only only way for her to to stay is to get married. Then the eternal bind will last forever. Therefore she has to stay and that will grant her the aging process. But if she doesn't want to get married then we have a problem on our hands. But I highly doubt that. I was watching you two make conversation. It seems fine." He got up and simply walked away. I thought, "I must marry her." Than so it shall be.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ALICE GRAHAM

"Where are we going?" I asked Merry and Pippin. At the moment, I did not want to leave Frodo by himself. I was in love with him and I wanted to spend every moment with him. I already made my choice to stay on Middle Earth.

"We are taking you to the River Bank near Bag End. It is quite pretty at night. Don't ya think Merry?" Pippin asked. I was worried. They both sounded drunk.

"Are you sure you two are in the right condition to do this?" I asked. We ventured farther and farther into the woods and I couldn't hear the party noise anymore.

When we reached the River, there was nothing exciting there. I wanted to go back. Merry and Pippin had wandered off and I was lost. So I back tracked. Nothing looked familiar. I tried to remember the way back my movie route. I wandered around helpless for minutes, until I heard a branch snap. I shot up, looking all around for what had made that noise. 

"Hello. Can anyone help me?" I called out.

"Alice? Are you okay? Where are Merry and Pippin?" Frodo called out. I found him and ran to him.

"They left me."

"Oh..well, would you like to go up to the hill and watch some fireworks?" He asked. I remembered this part.

"Of course, I would love to." So I followed him back to a hill that overlooked the whole party. As we sat down on the grass, the fireworks began to start up. Soon, Merry and Pippin were to find the giant dragon and light it up. "Watch the sky. I think the next one is supposed to be really big!" I told Frodo. As I said this, A orange flame lit up in the sky. First there were oohs and ahhs. Then it turned to a dragon and everyone was frightened. Frodo tensed up near me. 

"It's okay, it's not real." I told him. "Merry and Pippin set it off."

"Oh. That seems like something they would do." He chuckled and I laughed. We looked at each other with love in our eyes.

"I have never met someone so magnificent as you. I want to be with you forever." I told him.

"I have never laid eyes on someone as beautiful and caring as yourself." He said. He leaned in and kissed me on the lips. It was there, under the stars of his and Bilbo's party, that our love was born.

"Frodo, son. The party is ending and- Oops! I should...I'll be in the.. never mind!" Bilbo had come up to get Frodo but had seen us and backed away. We both pulled back.

"I should be getting home. I'll see you in the morning Alice." Frodo rose and I also got up. 

I found my way to my hole and entered through the door. The bed was made and it looked so inviting. I would be spending the rest of my days here with Frodo and his friends. But then, we would have to go get the Ring and bring it to Mordor. That day, I was dreading. I knew everything that happened and everyone that died. My dear Frodo ends up losing a finger. But I was going to stop that. I pulled back the sheets and slipped into bed. The lights dimmed and everyone in Bag End was falling asleep. So was I.....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FRODO BAGGINS

After I had gotten Alice from Merry and Pippin (after they lost her) we headed up to the hill to watch fireworks. After spending as afternoon with this girl, this mortal, I knew that I wanted to marry her, so she could stay with me forever. She also seemed quit fond of me and everyone here. After the fireworks had finished we began to talk, but our love was so blinding that the next thing I know, we are kissing each other. I was in love and never wanted this moment to end. Bilbo had interrupted us and I knew that we had to part. We said our goodbyes and I went with Bilbo to our cozy little home.

"Bilbo, I think I want to marry that girl. Alice is a wonderful person and she seems like the kind of person that I could spend the rest of my days with." I told him. He stopped.

"Marriage you say? Why that sounds like a splendid idea. She is quite nice. Here have this. I found it on one of my adventures." Bilbo shuffled through his wooden desk and pulled out something small and shiny. He put it in my hand. It was a silver ring with a small star/snowflake looking shape on it. It still had a shine and sparkle on it. 

"Bilbo, thank you! She will love it." I tucked the ring away under my pillow and went to sleep. Hoping the that the next day would bring good forutne.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ALICE GRAHAM

Sleep came easily to me. I woke up early and the sun was shining through the window. I sat up and tried to remember where I was. As I looked around, I saw that I was in my Hobbit Hole. yesterday, upon my arrival here, I was greeted by Merry, Sam and Pippin. Last night, I fell in love with Frodo Baggins. I got up and went into the kitchen to get something to eat. Unlike my modern day, there was healthy food in the kitchen. So I made a sandwich out of the things there. I sat by the window and looked out at the beautiful scenery. I noticed the the vases were still empty, so after I was done, I got up and put some flowers into the pots outside.

"Hello Alice!" I turned to see a hobbit who I did not know.

"Hello!" I said in return. It seems like everyone knows who I am. Then a little girl ran over to me. I recognized her from last night she had given me the flower crown.

"Alice, do you still have the crown?" She asked.

"Why yes I do. See." I had set the crown in the window. The flowers were still healthy.

"Can you tell me another story?" She asked.

"Maybe Later. I need to get ready for today." I told her. She waved goobye and I went inside to go change. I chose a blue dress. It looked the same as the one from yesterday.

"Hello? Is anyone in here?" I heard Frodo call out.  I rushed out of the bathroom.

"I'm right here! Hello Frodo." He ran over to me and gave me a hug. I hugged him tightly and took a deep breath of his scent.

"I know a way to keep you form aging." He told me.

"You do! What is it?" I asked him. He got down on one knee.

"Alice Graham will you marry me?" He held out a small silver ring with a snowflake shap on the top. I was breathless. Could this get any better! 

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