You're everything I never wan...

By nightxxoo

15.3K 311 25

After running away from home and being kidnapped, Avalon finds herself being sold to Aiden, Prince of the Wer... More

You're everything I never wanted
Honey I always win
Video games and bestfriends
Taking out the trash
She's no one's whore
Avalon lays it down
Stupid is as stupid does
She always gets her man
Here goes nothing
King Darius
Broken hearts and fathers
Avalon stands up for herself
I'm sorry
the end

Avalon shares a secret

891 19 2
By nightxxoo

Chapter 8

Avalon shares a secret

Secrets-One Republic

*Avalon’s POV*

“Rico! Put me down!” I scream, giggling when he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder, spinning in a fast circle.

“Not until you say it!” He yells, spinning faster.

“Never!” I yell stubbornly, my eyes crossing.

He puts me down and starts to tickle me.

“Ok, ok vampire rule, elementals drool!” I gasp, holding my stomach.

Grinning triumphantly, he stops tickling me and flips his short blond hair out of his crystal blue eyes. I study him as I lay on the floor; he is quite attractive with blond hair and blue eyes. Muscular and pale, he looks like a Norse god. However, I still think Aiden is more attractive, not that I would tell him that. Rico reaches down to help me up and I take his hand, pulling him down to the ground. Straddling his waist, I pump my fists in the air.

He puts his hands on my waist, “I think I like his position,” He says jokingly, wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

I laugh and freeze when Aiden opens the door and scowls at us.

“What the hell is going on here?” Aiden growls angrily, stalking toward us and grabbing my upper arm, pulling me off Rico.

Rico scrambles off the floor and crosses his arms over his chest, “We were just playing around.”

I try to tug my arm out of Aiden’s grip but he just tightens his hold and refuses to look at me.

“Well don’t do it again.” He pins Rico with a fierce glare.

Rico narrows his eyes, “I’m not one of your little wolves, Aiden. You have no control over me and I can hang out with anyone I want.”

“Not with my slave,” Aiden spats at him.

Rico scowls at him, “She is you’re maid, not you’re slave and it’s not my fault you ignore her.”

Aiden growls and pushes me into the bed, taking a step toward Rico. Scrambling off the bed, I quickly place myself between the boys. Rico hisses and tries to get around me.

“Boys, please, this is pointless! You guys are friends, please just calm down.” I place my hands on their chests, trying to keep them away from each other.

Aiden slaps my hand away, “Don’t touch me, you worthless whore,” he spits before walking out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Stifling a sob, I turn and run into the bathroom.

*Rico’s POV*

I watch Avalon run into the bathroom. Following her, I stop the door from closing and force it open. She moves away from the door and sits in the bathtub. I take a seat next to the tub and take her hands in mine, “He didn’t mean it, Ava.”

She shakes her head, tears streak down her cheeks. Picking her up, I climb into the tub too, and hold her in my lap. She sobs into my shirt, her shoulders jerking violently.

“Can I tell you something?” She whispers into my neck.

I stroke her hair, “Sure anything.”

“You promise you won’t tell anyone, no matter what.” She pulls back to look me in the eyes.

I nod, “I promise.”

She takes a deep breath and leans in, putting her lips right next to my ear, “I’m Avalon Aurora Storm, eldest daughter of King Darius ruler of elementals,” she breaths in my ear and my eyes widen.

I pull back and make her look me in the eye, “You’re one they are all looking for?” I whisper.

She nods, tears sparkling in her light brown eyes, “I refuse to go back.”

“Why did you run away from home?” I ask softly, trying to get over my shock.

She hesitates, “Please tell me?” I beg giving her my best puppy dog face.

And tell me she did.

*Aiden’s POV*

Growling, I pace back and forth, as I try to calm myself down. I don’t know what came over me, I mean when I walked up to the door I could hear her laughing and playing around with him. She is never like that with me, and when I opened the door and saw her on top of him, jealousy burned in my stomach.  

One word echoed in my head when I laid eyes on them: mine. No matter how much I try to deny it, I know she is my mate. Somehow I knew from the moment I saw her in that dirty cell and because she was a mess when we got her, it was easy to pretend that I could feel nothing for her. But then she stepped into my father’s office, clean and looking gorgeous, it got harder to ignore. I thought that if I ignored her, it would go away but it hasn’t. I thought that if I slept with Cameron, I’d get over her. But I can’t, she is stuck on my mind and it’s killing me.

Scowling deeply, I run my hands over my face and plop down on my bed. She is just a worthless slave, I say to myself over and over again in my head, hoping that maybe I’ll start to believe it. The problem is I don’t believe, I don’t believe it for a second. Self disgust wells up in me for even thinking that about her.

Pushing myself up off the bed, I decide to go for a run. Making my way out of the mansion and toward the forest, that keeps us hidden from the outside world, I take off my clothes and lift my face to the sky. My body starts to shimmer, and tingle as my nails get long and my nose and mouth elongate and turn to a snout. When I finish changing, I shake my fur out and stretch my tight muscles. Letting out a sad howl, I bolt into the forest, ready to get lost in its enchanting depts. 

*Avalon’s POV*

Rico gets called home and although he is reluctant to leave, I convince him not to keep his father, who is the King of Vampires, waiting. Lying back on my bed, I stare at the white ceiling, suddenly home sick. I don’t miss my father, he hasn’t been the same since my mother died, he use to be loving and caring but now he hates me because I look so much like my mother. Because my sister Amora and my twin brothers Tristan and Quinn are hazel eyed and black haired like my father, he doesn’t resent them.

 I miss my siblings a lot, we are very close. Leaving them was so hard but I couldn’t take it anymore. Because I loved my siblings and my people, I took his ignoring me and coldness in silence but I could not and would not marry Jax, I guess you could say that was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Sighing deeply, I pop open my silver locket and stare at the picture of Amora, Tristan, and Quinn, smiling up at me. One more tear slides down my cheek and I wipe it away, furious at myself for being so weak.

I handled my father’s temper for 5 years, I made it through the bullying I received at school when I was younger even though I’m the Princess, and I practically raised my siblings when my mother died. I know I am strong enough to handle anything that pretty boy throws at me. But the thing that confuses me is that no matter how badly he treats me or ignores me, I keep getting more and more attracted to him.

Heaving a sigh of disgust, I push myself off of the bed and walk over to the mirror. Although all traces of tears are gone from my face, my usually light brown eyes are almost black. My eye liner is completely gone and my eye lids are puffy.

Sniffing pathetically, I roll my eyes at reflection and go into the bathroom, ready for a nice hot shower.

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