Finding Kate

By Bullet-ProofLove

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Leaving was one of the hardest things she had to do but it was nothing compared to coming back. CSI Miami Fa... More

Chapter One: Golden Parachute
Chapter Two: To Make A House A Home
Chapter Three: Losing Face
Chapter Four: What Comes Of Coffee
Chapter Six: Broken
Chapter Seven: Breathless
Chapter Eight: Reminiscing
Chapter Nine: Dispo Day
Chapter Ten: Grave Young Men
Chapter Eleven: Getting To Know You Again
Chapter Twelve: Tinderbox
Chapter Thirteen: Freaks & Tweaks
Chapter Fourteen: What Might Have Been
Chapter Fifteen: Body Count
Chapter Sixteen: What Happens In Vegas
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen: Faith, Hope & Charity
Chapter Nineteen: A Not So Happy New Year
Chapter Twenty: Nothing Else Matters
Chapter Twenty Two: Rehab
Chapter Twenty Two: Too Much, Too Soon
Chapter Twenty Three: Hurricane Anthony
Chapter Twenty Four: Life Changes
Chapter Twenty Five: World On Fire
Chapter Twenty Six: Truth Be Told
Chapter Twenty Seven: Fearless
Chapter Twenty Eight: Creeping Up On You
Chapter Twenty Nine: The Quest
Chapter Thirty: Taken
Chapter Thirty One: Decisions of the Heart
Chapter Thirty Two: Tales of the Crypt
Chapter Thirty Three: Means To An End
Chapter Thirty Four: Bitter Sweet
Chapter Thirty Five: Save Me
Chapter Thirty Six: The End Is Near
Chapter Thirty Seven: Family

Chapter Five: Just One Kiss

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By Bullet-ProofLove

Seems like yesterday but years have passed us by

Precious memories are clear before my eyes

I can hear your voice calling out my name

But I don't know you now, nothing stays the same

Blessed Union of Souls – All Along

The Trace Lab was silent as I fiddled with the knobs on the microscope, trying to get an accurate view of what made up the mixture of the tiny blob under the slide. It was early, I wasn't even on shift yet but I couldn't sleep. I'd spent most of the night restless and staring at the patterns on the ceiling, which as interesting as that was, did nothing for my looks this morning. I'd spent thirty minutes in the bathroom trying to figure out how to fix the bags under my eyes.

On top of that I was not looking forward to seeing Eric this morning. I knew he was probably feeling the same. So as usual I decided to throw myself into work. If I worked I didn't have to think about the thoughts that were running through my head, I just had to focus on the task at hand and I liked that. Not thinking about how complicated life was steadily becoming, was one of the thing I did best, apparently next to leaving and wrecking other people's lives.

I glanced up hearing the door to the Trace Lab open. Tim stood in the door way frowning at the sight of me as he slipped on his lab coat. I narrowed my eyes and rotated my head back to gaze into the microscope.

"Well you're looking relatively scary today." Tim stated. "What's up? Didn't get enough sleep last night?"

I kept my eyes on the microscope, wiling myself not to roar at him.

"Go away I'm busy." I muttered.

"Someone's not being very nice today." Tim remarked, his footsteps coming closer.

I tore myself away from the microscope to glare at him as he pulled up a stool up next to me and sat himself down on it. His hands gripping the front between his legs as he faced me, rocking back and forth.

"How'd your date go?" he asked as I returned my attention back to the microscope.

"It wasn't a date." I murmured, still trying to get the focus right.

" did your none date go?"

I rose my eyes with a small smile, watching him sway on his seat, like an over excited kid. His gorgeous brown eyes were on me wide and interested.

"Do you need me to give you a time out?" I teased, nodding at his over zealous shifting.

Tim tilted his head, his sarcastic smile matching mine.

"Do you need me to put you over my knee and spank you?" he returned, sending a shiver up my spine.

I hesitated for a second before answering.

"No..." I said begrudged.

"I'm guessing it didn't go well considering you're in here an hour before your shift." Tim commented checking his watch.

"Maybe I'm just a very dedicated employee." I retorted.

Tim rolled his eyes before darting a glance towards reception.

"So..." he prompted.

I sighed before returning to the microscope.

"Let's say, I don't think he's talking to me." I spoke quietly, finally getting the focus at the right level.

I drew away from the microscope growling at the substance on the slide. My gaze slide to Tim who was frowning, and looking troubled, arms crossed over his chest.

"Which means he didn't get any play huh?" Tim remarked.

My gaze was on the computer as it scanned through some samples that resembled my mystery substance.

"I'm sure he'll tell you all about it over coffee, or whatever it is that men bond over." I told him scrolling down on the computer mouse.

"It's beer, guys bond over beer." Tim corrected before getting off his stool and standing over me to look into the microscope.

His hand as on my shoulder clasping it tightly as he leaned on it to get his balance. It felt warm and reassuring over the silk blouse I was wearing. I felt my body relax, liking the familiar touch of his hand on my body, and craving more.

"You ok?"

I twisted my head to find Tim's dark eyes on me, his expression one of utmost concern. I found myself staring at him wondering how I could actually respond.

Could I really be honest with him? Say no, I'm sorry, I miss you, six years ago I made a terrible, stupid mistake and I'm still paying for it.

Tim's eyes were still on me deep and urging. His hand squeezing my shoulder, felt somewhat soothing against all the chaos raging inside me. I breathed deeply, looking down at my hands before nodding.

"Yea I'm fine, just a little tired. I didn't sleep too great last night." I admitted.

"I kinda got that..." Tim informed me before taking his hand away from my shoulder and settling back down on his stool.

He looked down, biting his lip and clasping his hands together.

"Look Kate..." he began.

I let out a deep breath, this didn't sound good.

"I want you to feel like you can tell me if something's bothering you. If you need to talk..." Tim paused, before looking up at me. "You can talk to me ok?"

I pursed my lips together and closed my eyes for a second, feeling stunned and confused. Tim was still studying me watching my expression for any clue to what was going on in my head.

"Thanks." I uttered with a small smile.

We were both staring at each other now.

Tim opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by the sudden eruption of sound emitting from his cell phone. Seconds later mine followed suit. I snatched mine up off the work station, as Tim slipped his out of his back pocket. I flicked my phone open reading the text location from dispatch, before speaking.

"Looks like we got ourselves crime scene."

The sun was reflecting at the beautiful turquoise sea as e strode across the glorious white sand. The yellow crime scene tape could be seen from miles away as we strode towards it, sunglasses on, kits clasped tightly in our hands.

"This is going to do wonders for tourism." Detective Fenwick called out as he saw us coming.

"Miami's over rated as it is." I shot back, as Tim and I drew to a halt next to Horatio and Megan.

Fenwick chuckled before flipping open his note pad and running through the details with us.

"Two victims on the beach, the female was assaulted and left for dead in the water, she's on her way to Saint Anthony's right now. The male DB is all yours." Fenwick ended with a small smile in my direction.

"Eric and Calleigh are on their way they're stuck in traffic." Tim informed Horatio, his eyes already surveying the scene.

"It's risky to do something like this in public." Megan stated, glancing around the beach.

"Unless they didn't think they'd be seen." Horatio commented his eyes on the life guard station a little way from us.

His cell phone sprung to life as Megan and Tim made their way towards the wooden structure. I hung back waiting for Horatio as he finished his phone call.

"Jane Ridshaw just woke up. You think you can handle it?" Horatio asked, his eyes on me intent through his sun glasses.

"I'll keep you posted." I told him, nodding my ascent.

Sweat dripped down Eric's forehead as he sieved the sand before getting another trowel full and repeating the process, still getting nothing. Next to him Speed was going the same thing, only he was one up on the evidence collecting, he'd found a sharp shard of green glass.

There was an awkwardness between them, something unspoken. They weren't laughing or joking like they usually did and neither man seemed entirely sure what to say to the other.

It was Eric that decided to break the silence, hiding behind the distraction in the task at hand he didn't look at Speedle as he spoke.

"You were right."

Speed glanced up at him, looking puzzled. Eric pretended not to notice and kept his eyes on the sieve in front of him.

"You know I always love hearing that, but I'm gonna have to ask, what the hell are you talking about?" Speed questioned, tilting his head.

"Kate... you were right about Kate." Eric replied.

Tim let out a deep sigh and rose his eyes skyward.

"You are gonna have to explain this one too me, because I can't read minds today." Speed informed Eric.

Eric stuck his trowel in the sand and turned his face to meet Speed's eyes.

"Look I know you hate Kate and I understand why, that girl is a whole ball of crazy." Eric told Speed, raising his eyebrows.

Speed frowned, irritated by the other man's words.

"I don't hate Kate. Look me and Kate have issues, very big...enormous issues that we should probably work out at some point. That doesn't make her a bag of crazy because she doesn't want to sleep with you; it makes her different from all the other women you hook up with." Tim hesitated before continuing tentatively. "She's going through a rough time coming out of U.C, she's finding it hard to deal with a normal life at the moment and I'm sure she doesn't need you trying to work your way into her pants, or acting like she's done you some major wrong in the world."

Eric pursed his lips together studying the other man as Speedle started dumping sand onto his sieve again, his lips set in a firm grim line.

"I'm sorry ok? I'm just not used to being turned down like that; Kate made me feel like I was doing something wrong." Eric admitted.

"That's probably because you were." Speed stated, shaking his sieve. "And it's not me you should be saying sorry to. She looks pretty down this morning, so whatever happened last night between you two I recommend you fix it."

"You know your pretty protective over her considering she screwed you over so badly." Eric pointed out picking up the tiny piece of plastic he found in his sieve and bagging it.

"That is because I'm trying to embrace the future and let go of the past," Speed responded sardonically.

"Nothing to do with Horatio taking you into his office this morning to have quiet chat?" Eric inquired.

"That is none of your business." Speed shot back.

"Uh huh, so sharing time is over now?" Eric asked with a wide grin.

"Especially if that's what we're calling it." Speed smirked, shaking his sieve and bagging more of the green glass.

Jane Ritshaw was a mess. Her face was bloodied and bruised and she wore the same shell shocked expression as many victims of sexual assault. Just looking at her made my heart almost break into a million pieces.

"Hey Jane." I said softly, as not to alarm her.

Jane's head turned to me, her eyes on me curious and startled.

"I'm Kate Callahan, a Crime Scene Investigator. I'm here to collect all the evidence I can to put away the person who attacked you."

The girl pursed her mouth shut tightly as I set my kit on the table next to the bed.

"Would you let me complete the exam?" I asked in low tones with a sympathetic smile.

Jane sniffed before taking a deep breath and nodding. I took a swab from my kit.

"Can you open a little bit for me?" I asked. Jane sniffed again, rising her eyes to the ceiling before parting her lips.

I peered inside her mouth before inserting the swab as gently as I could, and taking it out quickly and bagging it.

"Do you wear a retainer?" I asked quietly.

Jane blinked, forcing away tears as she nodded slowly again. I felt awful as it was, but asking this question while looking into her scared features killed me.

"May I take it? It may help." I said quietly.

I heard Jane's deep intake of breath as she slipped a finger into her mouth and tugged out the retainer and handed it to me.

"Thanks Jane, for being brave." I whispered, patting her arm soothingly before bagging the retainer and leaving.

I had a lot of work to do if I was gonna help catch this guy.

After discovering a piece of skin attached to the screw in Jane's retainer, I turned the evidence over to Megan, trusting the fact it was her specialisation. Horatio had grabbed me soon after to take a trip to the Hamilton's, along with Eric in a bid to scope out the Hamilton's involvement. So far I'd discovered they were arrogant bastards, and I could tell that just by looking at the outside of what appeared to be a beach side mansion.

"Lifestyles of the rich and the famous." Eric remarked nodding at the two shiny new cars in the drive way of the Hamilton home as Horatio pressed the button for the intercom.

"More money than freaking sense." I muttered, narrowing my eyes at the patriotic flag that was over clouding the drive way.

"Eric, stay off the property but look around." Horatio said n a low tone before gesturing for me to follow him.

We were received in the hallway not by the butler as had been my initial guess but by the Lord of the Manor himself Drake Hamilton. I also knew that Horatio and Drake had a history. As Horatio stepped inside Drake's gaze slid to me, holding my crime scene kit in both hands in front of me. A wide grin spread across his face as he took in the sight of me standing there, in pinstripe trousers, white silk blouse, dark chocolate coloured hair falling in waves around my face.

"Aren't you the embodiment of what law enforcement has become. I wish we were meeting under better circumstances." Drake told me smoothly, his eyes taking in my assets.

"If I had my way, we wouldn't be meeting at all. You be locked in an eight by eight with a big butch guy called Bubba." I returned with a bright smile.

Drake's eyes widened, clearly startled.

"I don't think she's impressed." Horatio informed Drake, a small smirk pulling at his lips.

"She has no right to speak to me like that in my own home." Drake snapped, his steely gaze on me.

"I guess that Hamilton charm I've been hearing so much about must fade away with age." I added stepping around Drake and a long side Horatio.

Drake's jaw practically dropped open at my words; Horatio was struggling to hide his snigger.

"Now if you don't mind we'd like to ask you some questions." Horatio said before Drake could kick me out.

Drake shook his head distracted before turning his oh so charming smile onto Horatio.

"Of course not, I'd do anything to help law enforcement, you know that Horatio." Drake said slickly.

I snorted, turning it into a cough when Drake twisted his head to glare at me.

"I'm sorry; I can't help but cough when I get a bad taste in my mouth." I grimaced patting my chest to empathise.

Horatio shot me a warning look over Drake's shoulder, telling me to tone it down. I pursed my lips together into a tight smile.

"Horatio I will not be disgraced in my own home." Drake growled, turning his eyes to Horatio.

Horatio's head tilted towards me.

"Kate will you step out side please?" Horatio's one was pleasant but underneath I could hear the order loud and clear.

"Of course." I said, bowing my head and slipping of the front door graciously.

"Did you guys find something?" Eric asked excitedly as I strode through the gate as it opened.

"Only that the Hamilton's really do not like being insulted in their own home." I replied, rolling my eyes as the gate shut closed behind me.

Eric smiled at me good natured, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Did someone get sent out for being naughty?" he asked pointedly.

Heat rose in my cheeks at his words as I pulled a face.

"Maybe... a little." I mumbled, looking down at the ground as I kicked at some of the gravel.

There was an awkward silence between the two of us before Eric broke it.

"Look Kate, I'm sorry about last night I was out of order for saying those things. I was just shocked at the way everything happened." Eric said quietly.

I stared at my hands pursing my lips together before glancing up at him.

"I probably could have handled it a lot better than I did." I admitted as his eyes met mine, a small smile creeping across my face.

"Friends?" Delko offered, his hand to me.

"You promise your not gonna try and jump me?" I returned playfully taking his hand.

Eric shrugged with a humorous grin on his face.

"Why make a promise we both know I'm not gonna keep." He teased.

I found myself laughing as we shook hands. The day was beginning to look up.

"What is that?" Speed asked as he pulled back for the microscope, resisting the urge to brush Megan's chestnut coloured curls away from her face.

"That is skin from a penis, we're talking torn off." Megan informed him fatly.

Speed cringed, shivering at the image in his head.

"Ouch." He remarked.

"You better get a grip of yourself." Megan's gaze slipped to his groin with a small smile. "I've gotta chop it up."

Speed pulled a face, crossing his arms over his chest defensively.

"You are taking way too much pleasure in telling me that." Speed remarked dryly.

"Well getting you in an uncomfortable position is always fun." Megan responded, before tipping her gaze back towards the microscope.

Speed found himself smiling as he watched her push her hair away from her face. He remembered the first time he dared to reach out and touch her like that. He'd never thought about Megan intimately until the night everything changed. It had been four months after Shawn had died when he'd been over at her place helping her pack up some of Shawn's stuff in boxes, each box was filled with memories of a man he used to admire, someone he could see as a father figure almost.

It was no surprise that Megan had broken down, her face pressed against one of Shawn's old shirts. The sight of tears leaking down hr cheeks had startled him. It was strange for him seeing someone like her look vulnerable, he never expected the tidal wave of emotion that erupted in his chest as he reached out for her. Wrapping his arms around her shoulders, and cradling to her to his body.

It had been Megan who had pulled away first, his finger tips were on her cheek, brushing the tears away. Before he knew it they were kissing, his hands were running through her hair as she pushed him onto his back, her legs straddling his hips. Her lips had been ferocious and he hadn't felt a passion like that since before Kate had left.

There had been instances since where he'd turned up at her place and they fell back into bed all over again, but nothing relived the first time her lips had touched his. He found himself wanting more from her, she deserved more. He wanted to feel loved, and wanted. He had to admit the last time Megan had kicked him out he'd felt dirty and used, it was starting to become old.

"Do you have plans tonight? I mean do you wanna do something?" Speed asked, watching her as she drew away from the microscope, gnawing at her bottom lip.

"Tim we're working. I keep my work time and my private time separate." Megan stated, her eyes on the paper in front of her, writing down her findings.

Speed frowned, his head tilting in her direction as he spoke.

"That's not really true is it?" He responded. "This doesn't have to be some big secret."

Megan twisted ion the stool to face him, the same stern expression on her face as always.

"You're a lot younger than I am, what would people say? Besides I'd hardly call what we're doing a relationship." Megan told him.

Speed felt a pang in his chest as his jaw clenched and he took a deep breath trying to fight the sudden build up feelings within him. His eyes were on her furious and intent, Megan didn't falter under his gaze. Then again he didn't expect her to. She'd always been the colder of the two.

"So basically I'm just a fuck?"

Megan bowed her head, rubbing her hands together between her knees.

"Look Tim we never said this was going to be anything more than what it was." Megan reminded him.

Speed hung his head, nodding at her words, arms crossed over his chest.

"So I'm just someone you can screw to make you feel better about yourself?" Speed demanded.

"We are not talking about this." Megan snapped at him.

"Why am I not surprised? That's your response to everything these days. I, at least thought you would have had more respect for me than this" Speed found himself raising his voice and staring at her incredulously. "Don't bother calling, I won't come running again."

The glass in the door shook as he slammed it behind him as he left the room in flurry of rejection, wondering why people kept leaving him.

There was something wrong I could tell. Tim's whole body was rigid as he perched on the stool next to me. His face was scrunched up in extreme concentration; his eyebrows knotted together, part of the sadness on his face. I snuck another glance at him, discreetly through my hair, trying to get a better look at his expression.

"That is getting really annoying." Tim told me in a dull voice without looking up.

I nearly fell over the stool next to me startled.

"Sorry, I just...what's wrong Tim?" I blurted out abruptly.

Tim's shoulders visibly tensed as he stopped what he was doing and bowed his head.

"I'm fine." He muttered, taking a deep breath.

"No your not." I reached out and put my hand on his arm, rubbing it gently.

Tim's gaze diverted to my hand, watching the movement of my hand before letting out a deep sigh and meeting my gaze. I saw the pain in those dark eyes and it tore me up inside, knowing he was trying to hide it all away from the world.

"Megan left me or I left her, I'm not entirely clear on the specifics."

He spoke the words monotone, projecting no feeling as he tore his gaze away from mine and focused on something in the distance, his mind still whirring.

"I'm sorry." The words slipped out, sounding hollow even to my ears.

"Yea well... So am I." he swallowed hard before straightening up to his full height, his eyes on the burnt zipper in front of him. "I thought you'd be in interrogation with Horatio."

"Actually I am not allowed to go with in a two foot radius of the Hamilton's, Horatio's words not mine. I kinda got a little mouthy with Drake this morning and he kicked me out of his house. In my defence he was being a sleazy bastard." I told him pulling a face.

Tim shook his head, looking slightly amused at my antics before returning to different pieces of evidence spread across the table before us.

"How'd one kiss turn into such a mess?" he sighed, beginning to slide the crime scene photos we'd laid out previously into a neat pile.

"When someone decides to sell their girlfriend for a watch." I returned, shaking my head indignant.

"That's thirteen thousand dollars worth of gold there." Tim pointed out.

I turned to face him as he slipped the crime scene pictures into a decimated order; one hand was on my hip as I frowned.

"Are you saying you'd trade your girlfriend for cash, or a cash equivalent?" I asked incredulously.

Tim bit his bottom lip before putting his hands behind his head and tilting it towards the ceiling. He closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh.

"A long time ago, Joey Giovanni offered me five grand to let him take you out." He said finally, opening the file in front of him and putting the pictures inside.

I stared at him, lips parted stunned.

That sneaky little bastard...

Joey Giovanni had been a friend of ours from Columbia. He'd made a move on me quite a few times whilst I was with Tim and I'd always turned him down.

I closed my eyes, one hand supporting me as I leaned against the desk, remembering the last time I'd seen Joey's face. Bitterness broke through the shock of Tim's words filling me with guilt and the familiar sick feeling that settled in my stomach whenever I thought of Joey.

"He always did have more money than sense." I muttered, turning my attention to the papers in front of me in attempt to distract myself.

"You know that Joey had connections to the Mob?" Tim asked almost conversationally.

I clenched my jaw, knowing that he was fishing.

"Look if you want to ask something then ask it." I sighed as I bent over my paperwork closely so he couldn't see my face through my hair.

"Did Joey get you undercover in the Mob?" Tim's directness didn't surprise me as much as the actual question.

I took a deep breath trying to consider how I was going to reply. The story was a complicated one. Joey was a part of it, one of the parts I tried to block out. I still saw his face in my dreams as he stood over me, eyes blazing with adrenaline and fear.

"Kate?" Tim prompted.

I let out a deep sigh deciding it would be best to face him.

"The short answer is no." I said carefully.

Tim raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest.

"There's a long answer?" he inquired.

"It is a long and complicated story."

"You ever plan on telling it to me?"

It was a good question, one I didn't have an answer to. I don't think I ever planned on telling anyone everything that had happened during my six years with The Family. My relationships within it were complex at its best, I'm not sure I could describe my thoughts and feelings towards the whole mess.

On top of that there things I could never bring myself to tell Tim, things I was ashamed of, things I was forced to do to protect myself and my identity.

"Maybe." I murmured. "One day."

I looked away, brushing my hair back behind my ear.

"I wonder what ever happened to Joey..." Tim said thoughtfully.

I felt my heart pounding against my rib cage, as my chest tightened.

His face was there above me. His icy blond hair was plastered to his forehead as he met my gaze. His pale blue eyes wild determined and yet frightened. His hand was shaking so hard he almost dropped the gun.

"He's dead." The words slipped out and were in the air before I could snatch them back.

Tim's head snapped up towards me, as I pulled off the thin latex gloves feeling nausea beginning to take hold of me, I was finding it hard to breath, my skin growing hot and clammy.

"Kate?" he questioned as I bolted out of the door.

The locker room was empty as I sat there on the bench, head between my knees trying to get my breathing under control. The cool air felt refreshing on my skin as I forced back the sickness clawing that the pit of my stomach, I was frightened to blink, because I knew as soon as I closed my eyes Joey's face would be there, that gun still trembling in his hand. He never looked as young as he did at that moment.

I felt a warm reassuring hand soothingly rubbing on my back, telling me to breathe. It took a few minutes for the panic attack to subside. I closed my eyes before raising my head to face Tim, hands rubbing my face.

Tim reached out pulling my hands gently away from my face and clasping them tightly in his warm ones. His doe brown yes were studying my features. I hated him seeing this side of me, the vulnerable side, the weak one.

I swallowed hard before turning my face away ashamed.

"I killed him." I whispered, blinking back the tears.

"He was going kill me, so I killed him first." I managed to get the words out before choking down the emotion that was making my chest ache so badly.

I was beginning to crumble and I couldn't, not here, not in front of him. Tim released my hand from his grasp. I'd expected this. I'd expected him to with draw from me. To back away in horror. I'd killed one of our friends; the circumstances didn't matter because the facts were still the same. Joey's blood was on my hands.

I was surprised when Tim's arm wrapped around my shoulder's pulling me against his firm body. I let out a deep sigh as my head came to rest on his chest; his lips brushed my forehead, stirring up everything I was struggling to hide.

"Tell me." He uttered, his face buried in my hair.

I could feel the rise and fall of his chest against my body, reassuring and secure. The faint scent of his aftershave invaded my nostrils, making the tension ebb out of my body. He felt like home. He's always made me feel safe and now I craved that. I needed it.

The words were tumbling out before I could stop them. His free hand clasped mine as he listened to me talk about the safe house.

"There was a leak..." I heard myself saying, feeling abstract from the events that had transpired, like they were someone else's memories.

"I woke up in the night and I couldn't breath, it was dark and something was clogging up my lungs. I turned on the lamp and the room was full of smoke. I could feel the heat from the flames through the floorboards when I got out the bed. The stairs were already on fire, and I don't know what happened. I started running on automatic. I went for the phone but the line was dead. My cell was downstairs in my jacket..."

"There was only one way out and it was through the window. I was coughing by then; the smoke was getting to me. I threw my blankets outside through the window but I could feel myself getting weaker and weaker. So I grabbed my gun off the nightstand...And then I jumped." I paused trying to make sense of the confusion that followed.

"I remember hearing my ankle snap when I hit the ground before the rush of pain hit me. My gun was still in my hand, I remember being surprised I hadn't managed to shoot myself with the damn thing on the way down...There were sirens in the background, that were in the distance getting closer." I was feeling numb now trying to piece everything together, trying to make sense.

"I managed to roll onto my back; I remember trying to get my breath back, trying to breathe through the pain. I thought I was safe...The sirens were close by then. The house was a fucking inferno, but I was alive. I was stuck on my back lying in the yard behind the house but hell I was alive...and that's when I saw him. Joey was coming towards me." I frowned, shaking my head, my hand over my mouth.

"I thought he was coming to help me. He was standing over me and he had something in his hand, and it took me a minute to realize he was pointing a gun at my head. He said..." I choked a little before continuing.

"He said 'Don't worry Kate I'll make it quick.' His hand was shaking Tim, and I tried to talk him down, I really did but he said Capo was going to kill him if he failed. I remember watching him flick the safety off and thinking this is it. I didn't even realize I still had the gun in my hand until I heard the two gun shots and my arm was aching. He looked so surprised and then he fell. He went straight down and he didn't get back up again. I remember the gun slipping out of my hand. Suddenly there were lights and EMS were there. I didn't want to kill him, I really didn't. I tried Tim, I really did."

"You did what you had to Kate, there's no shame in that." Tim spoke quietly, as he wrapped both arms around me pulling me tightly against him.

His hand was running through my hair as my arms wrapped around his waist, my face buried in his neck, enjoying the comfort he gave me as my body relaxed in the essence of him.

"Let me take you home." He murmured into my ear.

His hot breath sent tingles up my spine. I gripped his shirt in my hands trying to resist arching against him. His hands traced down the curve of my back, making me bite my lip to keep from moaning out loud as I tilted my head back. Heat rushing through me. His lips were next to my ear as my fingernails dug into the soft skin of his back through his shirt.

"Kate..." he called out my name in a hoarse tone.

I opened my eyes and pulled back away from him, lips parted, memorising every inch of his face, before drawing back completely.

"This is a really bad idea." I said, watching as he hung his head and nodded his agreement.

"Yea, it is." He clasping his hands together and pressing them against his head as if praying.

This was hurting us both, but we couldn't take that step forward. If I went home with him now, it would be for the wrong reasons. He was in pain; Megan's rejection had cut him deeply. He needed to know it wasn't him, he needed to feel loved and wanted, but I couldn't give that to him. Not for one night, not after this.

So I did what was best for us both. I stood up and tugged at his arm gently.

"What are you doing?" he asked wearily, allowing me to pull him to his feet.

"You are going to walk me to my car, and then you're going to say 'good night Kate' and I'm going to say 'good night Tim' and then we'll both go home." I enforced, propelling him towards the door.

Tim's hand caught mine, fingers entwining as he yanked me back. His hands settled on my arms, a small smile crossing over his face as he looked me right in the eye.

"I have to get some stuff out of my locker so good night Kate." He said pointedly.

I found myself grinning as I pulled away with a playful wink, drifting towards the door as I called over my shoulder.

"Good night Tim."

I wasn't actually going home yet; I had one more thing left to do.

I picked up Jane's bag from the bed in the hotel room as she grabbed a few bits and pieces to put in her handbag.

"You got everything?" I asked her as her gaze darted around the room, taking in the remnants of her trip to Miami.

"I think so." She nodded a she spoke, before here gaze shifted up to me.

"Thank you for being here and doing this." She said, fiddling with her bracelet.

I patted her back gently.

"It's not a problem." I told her as we moved towards the door.

Jane froze next to me as we both heard the sound of a key twisting in the lock. Paul glanced up seeing us both standing there.

"Jane." He implored stepping towards the young girl he'd sold.

I handed Jane her bag as she bowed her head, clearly becoming unnerved.

"Go ahead I'll meet you in the lobby." I murmured kindly.

Jane sniffed a little as she squeezed past Paul trying not to touch him, closing the door behind her. Paul's eyes followed her before he turned back to me.

"I love her." He began.

I held up a hand to silence him.

"Frankly I don't care." I informed him. "If you loved her you wouldn't have sold her for a watch."

Paul opened his mouth to say something...Probably trying to explain.

"I seriously don't want to hear any more of your excuses Paul. I hope that watch was worth it." I stated coldly before moving towards the door to the room and shutting it firmly behind me.

As soon as I saw Jane into a taxi, I was dialling Calleigh and we were going to hit a bar.

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