Adopted By Sleeping With Sire...

By music_is_life129

93.2K 2.6K 970

Riot is a selectively mute, 13 year old girl. She has lived in an orphanage since she was 8. Going through ad... More

Riots description
what the hell!?!?!
Ain't no friend of mine!
Not my family!
Old battle wounds
Hey kiddo!
Maybe I'm famous?
Let's Party Hard!
Party Time!
She's Back? Hell No!
Telling Andy My Problems!
Daddy Ronnie and Mommy Andy?
My Talk With Mr. Quinn
Movies and Couch Piles?
Andy Threatens Me!
The Story of My Life Gives Me Hope
Jacobs Back?
I Love All Of You!!!!
Late night cuddles!
My nightmares
Fake or Break
Read!!!!! This!!!! Please!!!!
Birthday Party Fuck Ups
When it Rains it Fucking Pours
Don't fall asleep before I do
Don't Be Afraid Of the Dark
This is Fucking Important People!

Maybe I Should Go Back!

2K 84 14
By music_is_life129

Jacob and I layed on the bench for a while longer.

"You should go back and talk to everyone. It would help and we all know that." Jacob said as he gently pushed me up and sat up him self. I nodded my head and we both stood up. He grabbed my hand and gently pulled me along side him so we could walk together to the bus. We walked out of the park and down the street to the bus. It took us 15 minutes to walk back to the bus, this time gave me  some time to think about everything that has happened to me in the passed few weeks. A sudden jolt stopped me from my thoughts and memories. I looked over to Jacob. He gave me a soft smile and a small nudge in the shoulder.

"We're here." He said softly as he pulled me in for a hug. I never realized how tall he was compared to me, he was probably 5'11". I clung to his shirt as he rocked us gently back and forth. "I love you, you know that right?" He asked me quietly. I nodded my head.

"I love you too." I mumbled into his chest.I gently pulled away from his hug and looked into his eyes. "Thank you for finding me, and being here right now." I said quietly to him. He just smiled back at me and held my hand tighter.

"Do you want me to stay for a little bit with you?" He asked me as I nodded in response. Gently I pulled him to the front door of the bus. I took a deep sigh and I gently grabbed the door handle.

"I'm scared. " I said in a whisper. The grip on my hand tightened slightly as he reassured me. I loved this feeling, being loved and wanted no matter what. Slowly I opened the door and took a deep breath as I silently stepped on to the bus. Jacob stepped on directly after me.

"You fucking said we wished we didn't stop her from committing suicide!" I heard Ronnie yell. I took a small step back and ran into Jacob. He wrapped his arms around me as tears welled up in my eyes.

"I know and I know I fucked up big time." I heard Andy say as I slowly I turned around so I was pressing my face into Jacobs shirt and chest. My breathing sped up and I tried to walk past Jacob.

"I want to leave." I whispered to him. He only hugged me tighter and pulled me closer to him.

"What if she does something irrational?" Ashley asked. Jacob slowly rocked us back and forth. "We have to go find her!" I heard him yell and multiple footsteps running towards us. Suddenly the footsteps stopped and it was quiet for a few seconds.

"Well, clearly it was nothing irrational." Stated Nick, everyone looked at him and glared. "Just saying." He said as he put his hands up in surrender. Andy took a step up and I stepped back and closer to Jacob.

"I'm so so so sorry. Please, please Riot? Will you forgive me? I didn't mean a word I said to you. I love you so much and if I would have let you jump I would have had the biggest regret in my life ever. My life would be shit with out you." He said as a few tears leaked from his eyes and traveled down his face. "I love e you so so so so so so so so so so much." He said quieter this time. His words came out barely above a whisper as he looked at me with pleading eyes. His eyes looked clouded over and the colour was dull. He was truly sorry and I knew that. I took a step forwards and slowly made my way over to him. He opened his arms and I jumped into them. I clung onto his neck as he held me up by my legs and butt.

"I forgive you momma Andy." I said as he lightly tapped my butt. I looked up at him and he gave me a warning glance before breaking into a huge smile.

"I love you do much." He said as he kissed my head and swung us side to side slightly. I heard a cough in the background. I looked to were the nose came from and saw Kellin standing beside Jacob and staring at the both of us.

"Who is this?" Kellin asked me as Andy sat me down on the floor. I straightened out my shirt and looked over to Jacob and smiled.

"This is my b-" I started but only to be cut off by Jacob. 

"Her boyfriend. I'm Jacob, her boyfriend. I moved away a few months ago and we didn't talk much because of all the shit that has been happening." Jacob said as he took as few steps towards me and grabbed me by my waist softly. He pecked my cheek and a smiled as a blush rose up my face.

"No! My little girl can not date any boys! She is way to young!" Kellin said over dramatically. Everyone either groaned or rolled there eyes at him.

"Little girl my ass. She's gone through more shit than most people do in a life time." Ronnie muttered, just loud enough for us to hear him. I looked over to him and gave him a small smile.

"Not fucking helping, Ronnie!" Kellin snapped. I covered my mouth to stifle the light laughs that tried to escape my mouth. A smile broke out across my face. Jacob still held me to his chest and gently started to swing us back and forth as we watched the two grown men glare at each other. 

"Girls, girls, you're both ugly! Now build a bridge and get over it!" Ashley called out. Everyone burst out laughing at the comment except for Ronnie and Kellin who were now glaring at Ashley. If looks could kill, he would be more than dead in the middle of a tour bus. Slowly, I regained my breath and calmed down enough to breath properly again. Justin and Andy rolled there eyes at the 3 childish men standing in the bus all glaring at each other. I sighed silently and looked add Jacob then to Kellin.

Oh my gosh! Can you three stop eye raping each other!" I said as I looked at Ronnie, Kellin,  and Ashley who were now staring at each other. Andy's laughed was the first to fill the room. Kellin's eyes widened as he heard the comment from my mouth.

"You know what Ronnie? I take it back, maybe she isn't my little girl anymore." Kellin stated. Roonie jumped around and cheered in victory.

"Welcome to my crazy fucked up family." I muttered to Jacob. A smile broke out across his face as he leaned down to peck my lips softly.

"I love it." He said to me.

Comment and vote please. I know I have been a little slow to update but I try to get them down as fast as possible!

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